Bikini Babes



  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Blondie925 - You can do it!!!! Sometimes it just takes a LOT of willpower, but you can resist. Just jump right back on the horse! Tomorrow is a brand new day!

    Hailey - Congratulations on hitting healthy weight - you must be thrilled!

    I want to apologize to everyone for not having the results in yet!!! Today I had a VERY busy day house cleaning, trying to get ready to start decorating this week and then I had to go to my parents house for dinner for my father's birthday. I had wanted to get the results in before I went, but ran out of time. So, my plan was to do them now, as soon as I got home. But, I am so sorry, I am so tired :yawn: that I will be heading to bed very soon. I promise that they will be in first thing in the morning!!!

    Sorry for the inconvenience everyone, I know that you were probably looking for them today :cry:

    BTW, my weigh in this weekend was:

    LW: 154.4
    CW: 155

    I do believe that it is water weight, but regardless, I am up 0.6. Have a good evening. Nighty night :drinker:
  • Luke93
    Luke93 Posts: 35
    Oh my gosh Lisa!! You basically just described my weekend. I have never had so many sweets and desserts in my house before. It started for me on Thanksgiving, then a little worse on Friday, then Sat and Sun... I just basically blew it.

    I wish I knew I what to tell you, but I'm basically you right now. I have just cut myself off for the night. I am not eating any more of anything. Tomorrow is new day. I will eat within my cals, make my workout really count.

    I know slacked this week, and my scale showed it. That right there is my motivation for this week.

    Sjmay: Don't ever worry about posting results late. I'm so thankful you for what you do.
  • AmandaB4588
    I've been really, really bad with the sweets too! How can we not when they are EVERYWHERE this time of year? I just found out we're taking family photos in a few weeks, and I swear I am going to sit out of them if I don't lose the weight I gained this week and then some. I REFUSE to feel/look this fat on someone's mantle!
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    Hailey - Congratulations on hitting healthy weight - you must be thrilled!
    Thanks! and ya, I was so happy and excited when I saw that! I love this site :)
    Thanks BikiniBabes
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Here they are, the results for Week 4:

    Blondie925 - 0.24%
    Hailey - 1.32%
    ittybittybadonkadonk - 1.05%
    Luke93 - 0.60%
    nicole_a - 1.11%
    pa_treusch - 1.60%
    porterbaby38 - 1.53%
    savvystephy - 0.56%

    Congratulations pa_treusch for losing the most this week! :smile: I can't wait to hear what you choose for the challenge.

    Great job this week everyone! I know that it can be so hard during the holidays to get your exercise in and watch what you eat, but together, we can support each other through this!

    Link for weight in spreadsheet:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    I have started a new thread for December. I know that it is not until tomorrow, but I figured it would be best to start fresh at the beginning of the month.

    Here is the link to the new thread for you to post in: