TEAM FIT continued - November!



  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    yes kimberly you are always very supportive!
    And thanks karen! I just dont want to be dissapointed again! *keeping my fingers crossed*:ohwell:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    But i was bad last night.... I went to Chili's with my sister and a friend and I got the steak fajitas! :ohwell: :cry: I just saw how fattening it was!! I cant believe I did that! I'm usually really good about not eating stuff like that. So I hope that doesnt deter my weight loss.......

    I have a love/hate relationship with Chili's. Their food is so unbelieveably unhealthy that it should be outlawed, but so dang good! :grumble:
  • DownSizin
    But i was bad last night.... I went to Chili's with my sister and a friend and I got the steak fajitas! :ohwell: :cry: I just saw how fattening it was!! I cant believe I did that! I'm usually really good about not eating stuff like that. So I hope that doesnt deter my weight loss.......

    I have a love/hate relationship with Chili's. Their food is so unbelieveably unhealthy that it should be outlawed, but so dang good! :grumble:

    LOL...I went there for dinner the other night and while my hubby munched on a huge cheeseburger with all the fixins' , I managed to restrain myself and order the guiltless chic platter. It's good, but I sure wanted a cheeseburger and fries!!! :laugh:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    I like the lettuce wraps at Chili's but they closed ours down so I started making my own Pampered Chef recipe. I think I like mine better. And they are excellent the next day for lunch too. I find that the more I experiment with trying to cook what I like when I go out at home the less I like going out because I like mine better - does that make any sense. But of course I can't make pizza better than Grimaldi's - if you have one check it out. When I go home to visit my family of course we eat out constantly because I can't cook fried shrimp better than you can get it in Louisiana but when I am stuck in Vegas I just don't eat the fried food. And sometimes anything is better then having to cook. :happy:

    Down Sizin - glad that you are seeing the inches lost. You have to start somewhere. I love when I tell people my body is shifting and they look at me like I am crazy - obviously they have never had that great feeling.

    You guys are great too. I feel like I am close to my goal but I have to have something to look forward to and TEAM FIT is it. I am just starting to enjoy getting up at 5:00 am and working out - crazy I know. :noway: I can't wait to see my sisters at Christmas and get there reaction when I have lost 15 or (cross fingers) possibly 20 pounds since they last saw me. :happy:

    I hope you each can have a similar experience.:smile:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Friday - 40 minutes of exercise - 6 cups of water.

    Kimberly, I totally agree with you. TEAM FIT has been such a big help and motivation for me. It's unfortunate that we lost Jadelynn in the process, but I'm glad she started this thread and got us all together - I think we've tapped into a great group of ladies. I love it because we are real - we are realistic about the goals we set and how we are going to achieve them - our "core" of water and exercise is the basis for all good things - and I also like that we aren't over-zealous - no crazy requirements to be in the group - just enough accountability to work.

    13 more pounds gets me to my goal. That would put me back at the weight I was at in high school and college - so that's a big deal to me. I could and should lose more than that, but I definitely want to get to that weight before my hubby and I attempt to get pregnant. Not exactly sure when that will happen, but I plan to keep going with this weight loss until we do.

    Thanks so much to all of you for being a part of have really helped me!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :smile:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Thursday total: 4 glasses of water, 45 minutes of exercise
    Friday total: 4 glasses of water, 45 minutes of exercise
    Saturday total: 5 glasses of water, no exercise.

    I have caught a lovely cold... I have no appetite, so I have to make myself eat, and then I can't taste anything... I can't stop blowing my nose and my eyes water every 30 seconds. :sick: The only good thing about not having an appetite/no ability to taste is that I am not tempted to eat things that are bad for me, because I can't taste how yummy they are. It's going to be an off week for me in regard to exercise, until my sinuses clear up and I can stop blowing my nose every 30 seconds. :grumble:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    amm114 - hope you feel better! :flowerforyou:

    Saturday - bad day - went way over on calories and didn't drink my water, but I did run for 30 minutes.

    Sunday - 10 cups of water - 43 minutes of exercise. I went way over my sodium total today...had a total of almost 5,000. :noway:

    Hoping for a good week this week. Work has been very stressful the past couple of weeks, and I think it's starting to get to me. Exercise helps...I need to be really focused and disciplined this week!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team! well i am finally online at home now! thank god! :glasses:

    but i didnt lose any weight again this week.....:sad: :angry: :angry:
    i dont understand why. i exercised an hour everyday last week, i ate good except for chilis......... i cried so hard this morning because if it. i'm thinking maybe i need to change my exercise. do you guys have any ideas you can give me of new exercises to do that will help me lose weight? please please help me!!:sad: :frown: :indifferent:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    aabelein - sorry that you haven't been losing weight, but don't give up! Are you losing inches? My main exercise is generally running/walking...but I also throw in some random yoga, pilates, weights, bicycle, elyptical, push ups. If you haven't done any strength training, you should try that. What is your net calorie goal? Are you eating your exercise calories? Drinking water? I'm just trying to throw out some ideas... :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    aabelein - sorry that you haven't been losing weight, but don't give up! Are you losing inches? My main exercise is generally running/walking...but I also throw in some random yoga, pilates, weights, bicycle, elyptical, push ups. If you haven't done any strength training, you should try that. What is your net calorie goal? Are you eating your exercise calories? Drinking water? I'm just trying to throw out some ideas... :flowerforyou:

    Well from last month I lost 2 inches i my waist and 1 inch around my hips. So I am happy about that. I do strenght training with the Jillian Michales 30 day shred dvd. My net calories for the day is 1200 and I am only eating about 1200 a day so I'm not eating my exercise calories. Should I be? I dont know what else to eat in the day because what I do eat keeps me pretty full. Should I buy snacks to eat during breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner? if so, what should I try? And yes, I make sure I get in at least 8 glasses of water a day. Sometimes more. Right now my work out goes like this... I walk for my 10 min breaks at work (so I walk for 20 mins a day), then when I get home I do the 30 day shred, and then before bed I do this video I got from LA Weight Loss thats called Easy Steps ( its a walking weight loss video that includes a power band to tighten up your arms). So I get in about 65 mins a day. I've been doing that since the begining of last month. I was thinking thought that I might start doing the 30 day shred twice in 1 day. And instead of the easy steps video i could just do the 30 day shred again. My apartment doesnt have a gym, all they have is an elliptical machine. I can use that but last time I hit my plateau I was using that. Do you think I could go back to doing that? All I know is I still need to lose 30 pounds and this isnt going the way it needs to! :sad: :frown:
  • DownSizin
    Good morning, TEAM! :smile:

    I am just now updating the spreadsheet to send out. I wasn't feeling well yesterday and didn't get on the computer. I didn't go to the gym either, so I didn't weigh.

    aabelein - don't give up!!! You're probably losing inches or you may need to change up your routine. lmr9 had some great just need to change it up a little.

    amm114 - hope you're feeling better.

    My goal for this week to to get back to the gym and work, work, work!!! I'm doing alot better on cals and water, so I just need to stay focused on the workouts.

    Everyone have a great day! Stay strong this week! :flowerforyou:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good Monday morning ladies.

    I lost 2 pounds since last weigh in which is great considering I had gained weight the week before. So I am down to 133.5

    Saturday - 8 glasses water, 60 min workout
    Sunday - 8 glasses water, 0 workout

    amm114 - hope you are feeling better. I hate that "cold taste" and nothing taste good. I feel your pain

    lmr9 - Continue the great work. I wish I could get back to my high school weight, but I would have to drop another 40 pounds - so not happening. It is a good idea to lose the weight before getting pregnant. My pregnancy was unexpected and I actually went to the tyroid dr because I was not lossing weight and could not figure out why - duh you are pregnant :laugh: The good news is that when you do get pregnant you will know how to eat properly and you can continue to walk and light exercise so that you can stay healthy during your pregnancy

    aabelein - Don't get upset with the scale not moving. If you are losing inches that is almost better. I would suggest that you eat at least half of your exercise calories. That is what I do. I had also suggested that to down sizin and I believe it worked for her. Also I am not all that familiar with the 30 day shed but if you are lifting weights then you are gaining muscle. How long have you been doing the shed??? If you just started the first 1-2 weeks you may see a slight gain of weight because your muscles are retaining fluid to help heal them. Don't give up and keep up your routine through the end. Most exercise programs you see the majority of your lose in the last phase (20%)

    Down Sizin - Glad that the calories and water and up to speed now lets get back to working out. 3 weeks to Thanksgiving - give it your all for 3 weeks and then you get a 4 day break - deal :happy:

    Ok ladies. Lets have a great week. Everyone refocus - water, proper calories, and proper exercise for this entire week. We can do this.:wink:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    aabelein - sorry that you haven't been losing weight, but don't give up! Are you losing inches? My main exercise is generally running/walking...but I also throw in some random yoga, pilates, weights, bicycle, elyptical, push ups. If you haven't done any strength training, you should try that. What is your net calorie goal? Are you eating your exercise calories? Drinking water? I'm just trying to throw out some ideas... :flowerforyou:

    Well from last month I lost 2 inches i my waist and 1 inch around my hips. So I am happy about that. I do strenght training with the Jillian Michales 30 day shred dvd. My net calories for the day is 1200 and I am only eating about 1200 a day so I'm not eating my exercise calories. Should I be? I dont know what else to eat in the day because what I do eat keeps me pretty full. Should I buy snacks to eat during breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner? if so, what should I try? And yes, I make sure I get in at least 8 glasses of water a day. Sometimes more. Right now my work out goes like this... I walk for my 10 min breaks at work (so I walk for 20 mins a day), then when I get home I do the 30 day shred, and then before bed I do this video I got from LA Weight Loss thats called Easy Steps ( its a walking weight loss video that includes a power band to tighten up your arms). So I get in about 65 mins a day. I've been doing that since the begining of last month. I was thinking thought that I might start doing the 30 day shred twice in 1 day. And instead of the easy steps video i could just do the 30 day shred again. My apartment doesnt have a gym, all they have is an elliptical machine. I can use that but last time I hit my plateau I was using that. Do you think I could go back to doing that? All I know is I still need to lose 30 pounds and this isnt going the way it needs to! :sad: :frown:

    Hmmm...well, the only idea I have is to eat your exercise calories. I know there are many posts on MFP about the need to eat your exercise calories. You should check them out...
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Good Monday morning ladies.

    I lost 2 pounds since last weigh in which is great considering I had gained weight the week before. So I am down to 133.5

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Good Monday morning ladies.

    I lost 2 pounds since last weigh in which is great considering I had gained weight the week before. So I am down to 133.5

    Saturday - 8 glasses water, 60 min workout
    Sunday - 8 glasses water, 0 workout

    amm114 - hope you are feeling better. I hate that "cold taste" and nothing taste good. I feel your pain

    lmr9 - Continue the great work. I wish I could get back to my high school weight, but I would have to drop another 40 pounds - so not happening. It is a good idea to lose the weight before getting pregnant. My pregnancy was unexpected and I actually went to the tyroid dr because I was not lossing weight and could not figure out why - duh you are pregnant :laugh: The good news is that when you do get pregnant you will know how to eat properly and you can continue to walk and light exercise so that you can stay healthy during your pregnancy

    aabelein - Don't get upset with the scale not moving. If you are losing inches that is almost better. I would suggest that you eat at least half of your exercise calories. That is what I do. I had also suggested that to down sizin and I believe it worked for her. Also I am not all that familiar with the 30 day shed but if you are lifting weights then you are gaining muscle. How long have you been doing the shed??? If you just started the first 1-2 weeks you may see a slight gain of weight because your muscles are retaining fluid to help heal them. Don't give up and keep up your routine through the end. Most exercise programs you see the majority of your lose in the last phase (20%)

    Down Sizin - Glad that the calories and water and up to speed now lets get back to working out. 3 weeks to Thanksgiving - give it your all for 3 weeks and then you get a 4 day break - deal :happy:

    Ok ladies. Lets have a great week. Everyone refocus - water, proper calories, and proper exercise for this entire week. We can do this.:wink:
    hmm i didnt realize i had to eat those calories. well i gues ill have to buy some snacks then.... and i started the 30 day shred at the beginning of last month and i did it everyday almost. its circuit training so its strenght, cardio and abs. i was using 3 lb weights but now i'm using 4 because i started the work out over again. maybe eating more calories will help get me off of this. also, do you like turbo jam? i want to lose weight and i dont really want any more muscle. i already have a lot. i played softball my whole life pretty much so my legs are pretty solid..... so anything i can do to lose the lbs is what i am aiming for:tongue:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Well I just got Turbo Jam and I don't officially start until next Monday but I did a workout this weekend and I love it. I am doing ChaLEAN Extreme right now. Chalene is the same "inventor" for both programs. And I really like her personality and the way she motivates you. The workout I did this weekend had me really excited and I can't wait for next week to start.

    I was a cheerleader for 6 years so I have huge leg and arm muscles (fat too) so I was trying to slim that down and tone up. From what I have read the strength training (sounds like ChaLEAN Extreme is similar to 30 day shed but I am using between 5 and 25 pounds of weights) will help get those muscles "tone" but won't necessarily help with all the fat elimination. You are suppose to lose fat then get the toning. So I am hoping the Turbo Jam will get the fat down so that you can actually see how tone my muscles are.

    I bought the DVD off of Beachbody for $60. It comes with 6 workouts, these arm weights that slide on your hands for added toning, a calendar and fitness book, tape measurement, I think that was it. Supposedly you can drop up to 10 pounds in 10 days by doing these workouts. Hopefully we can see in my weighins if that is true.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Well I just got Turbo Jam and I don't officially start until next Monday but I did a workout this weekend and I love it. I am doing ChaLEAN Extreme right now. Chalene is the same "inventor" for both programs. And I really like her personality and the way she motivates you. The workout I did this weekend had me really excited and I can't wait for next week to start.

    I was a cheerleader for 6 years so I have huge leg and arm muscles (fat too) so I was trying to slim that down and tone up. From what I have read the strength training (sounds like ChaLEAN Extreme is similar to 30 day shed but I am using between 5 and 25 pounds of weights) will help get those muscles "tone" but won't necessarily help with all the fat elimination. You are suppose to lose fat then get the toning. So I am hoping the Turbo Jam will get the fat down so that you can actually see how tone my muscles are.

    I bought the DVD off of Beachbody for $60. It comes with 6 workouts, these arm weights that slide on your hands for added toning, a calendar and fitness book, tape measurement, I think that was it. Supposedly you can drop up to 10 pounds in 10 days by doing these workouts. Hopefully we can see in my weighins if that is true.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    that sounds great! i told my sister that i would stick with the 30 day shred for another week or so to see if it will help or not (she's kinda doing it with me). so we will see. let me know how you feel afterwards and how much weight you lose in that first week. i think i want to buy it but i cant spend 60 bucks on that right now.... it will have to wait. unless i can talk my boyfriend into buying it for me :bigsmile: :wink: hehehe. thanks for the info though, Kim!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    I used birthday money. I looked up the cost on ebay and I couldn't find it cheaper. But you could do the bidding maybe - I always lose so I don't. They do have different versions I just got Turbo Jam Maximum Results because I like the weighted gloves to keep up my strength training part. But you could see if they have another version for cheaper. I will definetly let you know how the first week goes.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    so i am feeling really down right now. i was reading about turbo jam and i was reading success stoires and i dont understand!!!! most of those people were saying " i lost 35 pounds and went from an 18 to a 6!" and its like how can that be!? i've lost 40 and i still wear the same exacte size i did before i lost it!!!!!!!:sad: whats with that? i went shopping yesterday because the pants i have felt like they're too big, but when i get to the store and grab some to try on, none of them fit! i am so tired of this!! i work out like crazy and eat good 95% of the time. how come the scale says ive lost so much but i still wear the same size pants?!?!?! i'm totally losing it guys!:frown: :sad:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    so i am feeling really down right now. i was reading about turbo jam and i was reading success stoires and i dont understand!!!! most of those people were saying " i lost 35 pounds and went from an 18 to a 6!" and its like how can that be!? i've lost 40 and i still wear the same exacte size i did before i lost it!!!!!!!:sad: whats with that? i went shopping yesterday because the pants i have felt like they're too big, but when i get to the store and grab some to try on, none of them fit! i am so tired of this!! i work out like crazy and eat good 95% of the time. how come the scale says ive lost so much but i still wear the same size pants?!?!?! i'm totally losing it guys!:frown: :sad:

    Sorry you're feeling sad. :brokenheart: Stay strong. We're not in a race (although it feels that way sometimes), we are making life long habits. You're doing great! 40 pounds is wonderful! Keep a positive attitute and just try to make it though the week. :flowerforyou: