TEAM FIT continued - November!



  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    My last post said "Friday total" but it should be Wednesday's total.

    Thursday: 4 glasses of water, 45 mins cardio
    Friday: 4 glasses of water, no exercise (so I didn't weigh in)
    Saturday: 2 glasses of water, 45 mins cardio, lost 3 pounds!! Probably because I was sick last week, so I don't expect those 3 pounds to stay off. :grumble:

    3 pounds is fantastic!!! Way to go!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    thanks lmr9!!! I'm glad i stuck with it too! So I''m only 26 pounds away from my goal of 150!!!! I'm so close!! Maybe I can get there by February?!:happy: :tongue: That would be wonderful to be at my goal before my birthday in April!!! I'll be 25 so what a great way to celebrate my 25th birthday!:flowerforyou: :glasses: Thanks for all your support everyone!!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    happy Monday morning team!!!:flowerforyou:
    I almost feel revived from losing weight last week. My sister was just asking me yesterday how I am doing this. She was saying its so hard for her to eat right and exercise daily and she said she didnt understand how i was able to do it. and I told her its because when I get ont he scale and I see the numbers come down. that seriously is the only way i am able to do this. lol. seeing that what your doing really makes a difference is the best motivation i can get. (not that you all aren't wonderful, because you really are, but i know you all know what i''m talking about).:laugh: So today is a new day and i'm making sure i'm getting at least 1500 calories a day now. i'm almost positive thats why i lost weight this last week. thanks sooo much Kim for making me realize what i was doing wrong. So today I'm going to exercise for 70 mins and drink my 8 glasses of water. Good luck today everyone and keep up the excelent work! i cant believe its Nov. 16th already! We're half way through the month!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :glasses: :happy: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Ariel - congrats on your weight loss.

    lmr9 - way to go on your weightloss

    amm - love your new pic

    sorry I was MIA for a few days. I have some changes going on at work and I have been a little out of sorts. probably why I splurged on Friday with 2 cosmos, held it together on saturday and then made a homeade apple tart on sunday and ate half of it - it was really yummy:smile: So I had a gain of a pound. But I need the release. I think I gained because I did not exercise but no excuses. I started Turbo Jam today so hopefully we will see some results (even though I was totally confused on half of my workout this morning).

    So these are my totals
    Friday 30 min workout, 12 glasses water
    Sat - 0 workout, 10 glasses water
    Sun - 0 workout, 8 glasses water
    Mon - 20 min workout so far

    Hope everyone had a good weekend and keep up the great results.

    Oh Karen my email is
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Sunday - 10 cups of water - 60 minutes of exercise.
  • DownSizin
    Hi TEAM!
    WOW!!! I cannot believe the numbers here!
    amm - Down 3 lbs - that's fantastict!!!
    lmr - Down 2 lbs - great job!!!
    Ariel - DOWN 4 LBS... - HUGE!!!
    You should all be very proud of yourselves for the accomplishments!!! Way to go!

    Kimberly, Sress is so hard to deal with, especially while trying to lose weight. You are doing a great job - keep it up, stay strong! You can do this!

    I did great this weekend with water, exercised 20 minutes each day, but no loss. I gained 1lb, but I'm okay, since my jeans are not as snug. Goals for this week - stay strong, get to the gym EVERY DAY!!! Keep drinking the water.

    Everyone have a GREAT DAY!
    - Karen

    amm - I'm like Kimberly - I love the new pic! You and hubby look great together! :smile:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Sat- day off 8 water
    Sun- 60 min cardio 8 glasses of water
    monday- 6 glasses so far more to come and i am going dancing tonight
    Back to 169 whootwhoot:flowerforyou:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks everyone for the pic comments and congrats on your weight losses as well! Let's keep it off!!

    Sunday: 40 mins cardio, 3 glasses of water
    Monday: 50 mins cardio, 2 glasses of water

    I HAVE to get better at drinking water!! Somehow...
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Monday - 8 cups of water - 50 minutes of exercise.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    morning team!:flowerforyou:
    Why isn't it Saturday yet!? It's going to be the best day ever and I am sooo anxious for it to come! Go ahead a call me a dork but here is what i have planned that day with my sister and our friend Jocelyn (they're my best friends(: )
    1st: wake up at 9 and watch the movie Twilight
    2nd: go to the theaters and watch New Moon
    3rd: go have a late lunch
    4th: go get ready for the evening
    5th: going to see Phantom of the Opera (its our most favorite play ever! I saw it on Broadway in NYC and ever since I've been obsessed!!(: )
    6th: drinks afterwards!!!

    So I'm going to exercise extra hard this week, or at least try to and I'm going to weight in on Saturday morning and not Sunday since I will be drinking that night. I dont drink ever but i have to that night. Oh i just want the week to be over!!:glasses: :laugh: :smile: :bigsmile:

    But on to yesterday..... 60 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water I forgot to go on my first break at work so I didnt get to walk for 20 mins yesterday.
    Today: 70 of exercise and 8 glasses of water. But I'm going to try to get in another 20 mins of exercise somehow. lol.:drinker: :glasses: :tongue:

    have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!! Keep up your fantastic work! You all should be very proud of yourselves!!:flowerforyou: :glasses: :wink:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Monday final total 8 glasses of water and 60+ min of dancing!!!!!!!!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Ariel - I am excited for your Saturday too. That sounds like a blast of great girl time.

    I can't wait for Saturday to get here too. Because my last day at this job in Friday which means Saturday I will be employed by a new department (still on campus). I am pumped.

    amm - the best way I have found to drink water is to always have a glass with you. I have one of those 32 ounce jugs that I keep next to my computer so that throughout the day I have to reach by it and I remember to drink. If I don't have that with me (like on the weekends) I don't drink as much. Just a tip.

    Still so proud of everyone's weightloss. Karen I am hanging in there with yah. We are going to have a great week - right:wink:

    Monday - 15 glasses water, 40 min workout
    Tuesday - 40 min workout so far

    I feel great about today. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    Oh - Ariel - how is your new DVD going?
  • DownSizin
    Good Morning TEAM!
    It's another beautiful day in Hou-TX!!! Sunshine and in the 50's...high in 60's... love it!!! :bigsmile:

    I have been reading all the posts and we have a GREAT GROUP OF PEOPLE on this team!!! Everyone is really doing a fantastic job at staying strong and motivating others along the way. We have all had little bumps in the road, but I really think giving each other tips and keeping each other motivated is really paying off! :happy: :happy: :happy: THANKS, EVERYONE!

    Ariel - are so crazy in a great way! I sense your excitement - you haven't come down out of the clouds from your loss and that's awesome! That will keep you going! The plans this weekend sound great - enjoy girlfriends time! You deserve it! :smile:

    amm - I used to hate water. I was a big soda & tea drinker. I just had to make myself drink it and after about a week of drinking H20 instead of soda or tea, I was hooked. Now I can't go without it. I am like Kimberly, though. If I don't have my water bottle handy on weekends, I forget to drink, so keep your cup/jug handy! :happy:

    Kim - I know you will be relieved to go to the new job! Hang in - you only have a couple more days to go! Yes, we ARE going to have a great week! :smile:

    lmr - you are so steady with your water and exercise! I just know you will make your goal by Friday!!! :flowerforyou:

    jo - Congrats on staying with it! You can do this!!! Keep on dancin and drinking the water! :drinker:

    Mon - 60 min exercise, 8 water
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks guys! I really am excited to have time with my girls!! I mean I see my sister everyday but we dont get to do an all day thing like that so its going to be fantastic!! I just need to be good this week and work extra hard so i can have a good time Saturday night and not feel bad for doing it, the next day! lol:laugh:

    Kim- i haven't bought the new dvd yet.... :cry: I want to get it, but i wanted to see if i had enough money for it. And I do, so now i just need to get there and buy it! But I wont be starting it until after my sister and I do the 30 day shred. And i dont know when that will be because my sister cant stay commited to doing it everyday.....:ohwell: so we will see. but it will def be sometime in dec when i do start it. i dont care if my sister is done with the 30 day shred or not. hehe :laugh:
  • DownSizin
    Thanks guys! I really am excited to have time with my girls!! I mean I see my sister everyday but we dont get to do an all day thing like that so its going to be fantastic!! I just need to be good this week and work extra hard so i can have a good time Saturday night and not feel bad for doing it, the next day! lol:laugh:

    Kim- i haven't bought the new dvd yet.... :cry: I want to get it, but i wanted to see if i had enough money for it. And I do, so now i just need to get there and buy it! But I wont be starting it until after my sister and I do the 30 day shred. And i dont know when that will be because my sister cant stay commited to doing it everyday.....:ohwell: so we will see. but it will def be sometime in dec when i do start it. i dont care if my sister is done with the 30 day shred or not. hehe :laugh:

    Work hard, then have fun. You deserve it! Who knows, maybe you will motivate your sister! :happy:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Thanks guys! I really am excited to have time with my girls!! I mean I see my sister everyday but we dont get to do an all day thing like that so its going to be fantastic!! I just need to be good this week and work extra hard so i can have a good time Saturday night and not feel bad for doing it, the next day! lol:laugh:

    Kim- i haven't bought the new dvd yet.... :cry: I want to get it, but i wanted to see if i had enough money for it. And I do, so now i just need to get there and buy it! But I wont be starting it until after my sister and I do the 30 day shred. And i dont know when that will be because my sister cant stay commited to doing it everyday.....:ohwell: so we will see. but it will def be sometime in dec when i do start it. i dont care if my sister is done with the 30 day shred or not. hehe :laugh:

    Work hard, then have fun. You deserve it! Who knows, maybe you will motivate your sister! :happy:

    Ariel - I agree with Karen. Work hard this week and then enjoy your Saturday with no regrets. Be smart about what you eat and drink and ejoy at the same time.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good Morning TEAM!
    It's another beautiful day in Hou-TX!!! Sunshine and in the 50's...high in 60's... love it!!! :bigsmile:

    I have been reading all the posts and we have a GREAT GROUP OF PEOPLE on this team!!! Everyone is really doing a fantastic job at staying strong and motivating others along the way. We have all had little bumps in the road, but I really think giving each other tips and keeping each other motivated is really paying off! :happy: :happy: :happy: THANKS, EVERYONE!

    Ariel - are so crazy in a great way! I sense your excitement - you haven't come down out of the clouds from your loss and that's awesome! That will keep you going! The plans this weekend sound great - enjoy girlfriends time! You deserve it! :smile:

    amm - I used to hate water. I was a big soda & tea drinker. I just had to make myself drink it and after about a week of drinking H20 instead of soda or tea, I was hooked. Now I can't go without it. I am like Kimberly, though. If I don't have my water bottle handy on weekends, I forget to drink, so keep your cup/jug handy! :happy:

    Kim - I know you will be relieved to go to the new job! Hang in - you only have a couple more days to go! Yes, we ARE going to have a great week! :smile:

    lmr - you are so steady with your water and exercise! I just know you will make your goal by Friday!!! :flowerforyou:

    jo - Congrats on staying with it! You can do this!!! Keep on dancin and drinking the water! :drinker:

    Mon - 60 min exercise, 8 water

    Thanks for the encouragement. I am envious of your weather. I wish I was in Houston. This morning in Las Vegas it was 42 and yesterday it was 38. It is not suppose to be this cold yet.
  • DownSizin
    Good Morning TEAM!
    It's another beautiful day in Hou-TX!!! Sunshine and in the 50's...high in 60's... love it!!! :bigsmile:

    I have been reading all the posts and we have a GREAT GROUP OF PEOPLE on this team!!! Everyone is really doing a fantastic job at staying strong and motivating others along the way. We have all had little bumps in the road, but I really think giving each other tips and keeping each other motivated is really paying off! :happy: :happy: :happy: THANKS, EVERYONE!

    Ariel - are so crazy in a great way! I sense your excitement - you haven't come down out of the clouds from your loss and that's awesome! That will keep you going! The plans this weekend sound great - enjoy girlfriends time! You deserve it! :smile:

    amm - I used to hate water. I was a big soda & tea drinker. I just had to make myself drink it and after about a week of drinking H20 instead of soda or tea, I was hooked. Now I can't go without it. I am like Kimberly, though. If I don't have my water bottle handy on weekends, I forget to drink, so keep your cup/jug handy! :happy:

    Kim - I know you will be relieved to go to the new job! Hang in - you only have a couple more days to go! Yes, we ARE going to have a great week! :smile:

    lmr - you are so steady with your water and exercise! I just know you will make your goal by Friday!!! :flowerforyou:

    jo - Congrats on staying with it! You can do this!!! Keep on dancin and drinking the water! :drinker:

    Mon - 60 min exercise, 8 water

    Thanks for the encouragement. I am envious of your weather. I wish I was in Houston. This morning in Las Vegas it was 42 and yesterday it was 38. It is not suppose to be this cold yet.

    I just got back from lunch and it's just 70 degrees outside! I didn't want to go back inside!!! :laugh:
    Brrrrr...38??? That's a little too cold for me - unless it's Christmas and I can stay inside beside a nice cozy fire. LOL.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Good Morning TEAM!
    It's another beautiful day in Hou-TX!!! Sunshine and in the 50's...high in 60's... love it!!! :bigsmile:

    I have been reading all the posts and we have a GREAT GROUP OF PEOPLE on this team!!! Everyone is really doing a fantastic job at staying strong and motivating others along the way. We have all had little bumps in the road, but I really think giving each other tips and keeping each other motivated is really paying off! :happy: :happy: :happy: THANKS, EVERYONE!

    Ariel - are so crazy in a great way! I sense your excitement - you haven't come down out of the clouds from your loss and that's awesome! That will keep you going! The plans this weekend sound great - enjoy girlfriends time! You deserve it! :smile:

    amm - I used to hate water. I was a big soda & tea drinker. I just had to make myself drink it and after about a week of drinking H20 instead of soda or tea, I was hooked. Now I can't go without it. I am like Kimberly, though. If I don't have my water bottle handy on weekends, I forget to drink, so keep your cup/jug handy! :happy:

    Kim - I know you will be relieved to go to the new job! Hang in - you only have a couple more days to go! Yes, we ARE going to have a great week! :smile:

    lmr - you are so steady with your water and exercise! I just know you will make your goal by Friday!!! :flowerforyou:

    jo - Congrats on staying with it! You can do this!!! Keep on dancin and drinking the water! :drinker:

    Mon - 60 min exercise, 8 water

    Thanks!! I try!! I've been feeling demotivated lately, but I'm trying my best to keep plugging away. Thanks for the encouragement!! :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Tuesday - 10 cups of water - 50 minutes of exercise.