TEAM FIT continued - November!



  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Yay, I am feeling better! :happy:

    Glad you are feeling better. Great work on the water and now you can get back into the workouts.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    November goals:

    Lose 7lb.
    Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes daily.
    Stay under 1200 calories

    Welcome aboard. Don't forget to make sure you drink your water. That is a huge part of weightloss.

    If you are exercising make sure you eat at least half of your exercise calories. As several members of TEAM FIT can tell you those calories make a difference.

    Thanks for joining our team
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Ok - so I have off today in honor of our Veterans so I slept in.:bigsmile: I am hoping i can get in my exercise when my son goes down for a nap or I will have to workout after he goes to bed tonight.

    Tuesday - 25 min workout, 11 glasses water

    Ariel - Congrats on taking the plunge with the snacks. The almonds are a great choice. I like those chips ahoy 100 calorie packs too. I like that it taste similar to a cracker with the texture but you get that cookie feel too. That recipe sounds great. If you have chicken breast I just like saute onion and bell pepper with strips of fajita seasoned chicken. I sometimes add salsa and cheese to make it taste like a fajita without the tortilla. I also take chicken breast and bake in oven with bbq sauce and then serve with green beans. Those are quick and easy that don't require a lot of ingredients.

    Karen - I am so happy for you. 3 lbs is great. You deserve it.

    jolinemm - don't get discouraged. Keep up your workouts, watch your calorie intake (make sure you eat those exercise calories) and make sure you are getting enough water. Hang in there.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Ok - so I have off today in honor of our Veterans so I slept in.:bigsmile: I am hoping i can get in my exercise when my son goes down for a nap or I will have to workout after he goes to bed tonight.

    Tuesday - 25 min workout, 11 glasses water

    Ariel - Congrats on taking the plunge with the snacks. The almonds are a great choice. I like those chips ahoy 100 calorie packs too. I like that it taste similar to a cracker with the texture but you get that cookie feel too. That recipe sounds great. If you have chicken breast I just like saute onion and bell pepper with strips of fajita seasoned chicken. I sometimes add salsa and cheese to make it taste like a fajita without the tortilla. I also take chicken breast and bake in oven with bbq sauce and then serve with green beans. Those are quick and easy that don't require a lot of ingredients.

    Karen - I am so happy for you. 3 lbs is great. You deserve it.

    jolinemm - don't get discouraged. Keep up your workouts, watch your calorie intake (make sure you eat those exercise calories) and make sure you are getting enough water. Hang in there.
    Thanks Kim! I am taking your advise on the exercise calories so I'm trying to make sure I eat at least half of them. But i'm finding it hard to do. lol. i dont really have much to eat at home besides what i usually eat. but i'll find something. maybe have some toast with some jelly or something.... whatever the case, I will make sure I eat at least half. :drinker:

    half way through the week everyone, lets keep up the excellent work!!:glasses: :tongue:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    4 glasses of water and I was out last night and didnt drink a thing and danced alllllllll night!!!!!!
    I was sweating everywhere but it felt good and was fun!!!! I also went for a walk for 30 minutes.
    ohh I love the spread sheets but if you dont want to do it thats ok
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Yes, my husband is a Marine. He appreciates your thank you. :smile: He was one of the few lucky ones that had today off... most of them did not. And you are right about the Marine Corps birthday! Our Birthday Ball is Friday... we're gonna get all dressed up and celebrate! :drinker:

    Friday total: 3 glasses of water, 45 minutes cardio
    Good morning TEAM! Happy Veteran's Day! :heart:

    Amm - Glad you are feeling better! Tell your hubby THANK YOU for his service! Did you say he was a Marine? Yesterday was the Marines' Birthday! Happy Birthday!! I'm flying my flag today to honor them all! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Wednesday - 9 cups of water - 40 minutes of exercise.

    Tomorrow is weigh in day!!! Have a wonderful Thursday everybody!!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    yesterday: 9 glasses of water and 70 mins of exercise
    today: 8 glasses of water and 70 mins of exercise.

    So I had posted a new thread asking about jillian michaels work out dvd called banish fat, boost metabolism, like how people liked it and how effective it was and someone told me that jillian did an interview and said she designed that work so that you burn between 500-600 calories!!! I was like OMG I have to buy that dvd! So I'm going to Wal-Mart after work to pick it up! I am sooo excited! So if after this week if i didnt lose any weight with the 30 day shred, then I'm going to start the bfbm dvd! I am going to buy a heart rate monitor this weekend too so that way I can be accurate with the calories I've burned! I cant wait! I will let you all know how the work out is!!:wink::drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :tongue:

    Be strong everyone! The week is almost over!! We can do this!!:glasses: :happy:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    amm114 - thank your husband for his service from my family too. my husband and i watched the history channel yesterday with the 360 wwII stories. I thought about my grandfather alot yesterday but it makes you really appreciate all that our troops do for us. they should be told more often how much we appreciate and support them. I don't think they get the respect they deserve these days.

    Ariel - good luck with the new dvd. remember to stick with it and the first week or two you may see a slight gain because of the new routine but don't give up.

    Wednesday - 9 glasses water, 0 workout
    Thursday - 30 min workout so far

    Hope everyone has a quick Thursday so that we get to the weekend faster :tongue:
  • DownSizin
    Good morning, TEAM! :smile:
    Hope everyone is doing well this Thursday morning.

    The votes are in and I will gladly continue the spreadsheet. I really don't mind doing it, so I will continue.

    Kimberly - Sorry you didn't get it. Re-send your email address and I'll make sure I typed it correctly.

    Tues. 6 water, 30 exercise (I'm counting moderate cleaning with stair climbing)
    Wed. 7 water, 45 exercise

    Everyone have a great day and STAY STRONG! Weigh in for some is tomorrow! :smile:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    30 min cardio:grumble: :noway: i should have done more
    7 cups of water (I think the most ive had to date for one day:drinker: but i will beat that today):bigsmile:
    and strength training

    My running partner ignored all my text and when I saw her she didnt say a word. I didnt know what to say! I dont want to anoy her by asking to much if we are gonna do this thing but I would really like to do it. Maybe I will have to face my fear of looking stupid when I run and just do it by myself!!!!!!:frown:
    Ohh and I told you all I gained up to 175 well I lost 1 pound so i'm working my way back down!!!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Thursday - 9 cups of water - 46 minutes of exercise.

    Results from weigh in today: LOST 2 POUNDS!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :noway: :bigsmile:

    Now I just need to lose at least one more pound, and keep it all off through a vacation and through Thanksgiving!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Morning team!! TGIF!!!:tongue::flowerforyou:

    Lmr9- Congrats ont he weight loss!! I bet you feel great!! keep it up!! I hope that I can say the same thing on Sunday!!:laugh:
    Yesterday: 70 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water
    today: 45 mins of exercise (i'm going to try to get in another 25, but I dont know if i will be able to) and 8 glasses of water.

    Hope everyone is glad its Friday (I know I am!!!!) And have a fantastic day! Stay stong!!:drinker: :smile: :happy: :glasses: :bigsmile:
  • DownSizin
    Hey, Hey, TEAM FIT!!! TGIF!!! :laugh:

    lmr - GOOOO GIRL!!! Congratulations on being 1 pound away from your November 20th goal!!! :smile: :heart: :flowerforyou: :happy: :tongue: :glasses: :laugh:

    My weigh in will be tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes for me this week. I am hoping for atleast 1 lb; any more than that would be very cool! :smile:

    Ariel - You are working very hard and I know you are going to see a big pay-off this week!

    I will send out the new weekly sheet by Sunday. If you want the spreadsheet and haven't already sent me your email address, please send it to me at

    Stay strong through the weekend, everyone! :smile:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Thur- 9 glasses of water and 65 minutes of cardio
    Frid-8 glasses of water and 60 minutes of cardio:drinker:

    I bought wrist/ankle weights today. They work great! When I danced my arms actually were getting tired today (unlike normal).:flowerforyou:
    I didn't know if you noticed but i did lose a pound i am back to 174
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Thanks everybody! :flowerforyou: Today my husband noticed my weight loss for the first time - that felt great! :blushing:

    Friday - not a great day - 0 exercise - 6 cups of water. I went way over on calories...not sure how much I went over, but I totally splurged on a margarita, chips and salsa, puffy taco, cheese enchilada, rice, and beans. YIKES! But it tasted oh so good. You know, as I was eating it, I noticed that I really savored it much more than before...I knew I couldn't eat that very often, so I enjoyed every bite. But back to the straight and narrow today! :smile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team! :smile:
    well i only got in 20 mins of exercise yesterday. but i've decided to make fridays and saturdays my rest days. so i'm going to exercise for 45 mins tomorrow and then 70 mins monday through thursday. i weight in tomorrow, so wish me luck!! i've been really good this week so if it says i weight the same still im going to scream!!:sad: we'll see.....:ohwell:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    My last post said "Friday total" but it should be Wednesday's total.

    Thursday: 4 glasses of water, 45 mins cardio
    Friday: 4 glasses of water, no exercise (so I didn't weigh in)
    Saturday: 2 glasses of water, 45 mins cardio, lost 3 pounds!! Probably because I was sick last week, so I don't expect those 3 pounds to stay off. :grumble:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Team!!:flowerforyou:
    I did it!!! I lost 4 pounds!!:laugh: :smile: :glasses: I'm so happy!! I cant even begin to describ it!! Thanks to all of you for your support!!:glasses: :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi Team!!:flowerforyou:
    I did it!!! I lost 4 pounds!!:laugh: :smile: :glasses: I'm so happy!! I cant even begin to describ it!! Thanks to all of you for your support!!:glasses: :flowerforyou:

    YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Congratulations!!! You did it!!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: Way to go girl...way to stick with it and not give up! You should be very proud of yourself!!!