bad eating with decent results?



  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I'm on a low residue diet because of a medical condition which means that I have to eat very low fiber, cannot have most fresh fruits and veggies, and nothing whole grain. I have to count my calories VERY carefully and I work my *kitten* off at least five days a week, but I've lost 18 pounds so far.
    Thanks for sharing :smile:
  • A_Shannigans
    A_Shannigans Posts: 170 Member

    thankyou! 2nd person who hasnt insulted me! I will try something new every week :happy:

    Really? I'm pretty sure there were several people who didn't insult you. I know I didn't but I'd sure be interested in what you imagined as an insult.

    No one has any way of knowing what you've read and what you haven't until you tell them.
    Most if not all of us were just trying to be helpful. I'm sorry you find concern for your health insulting. You must've had it pretty rough to have such a large chip on your shoulder.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    So your on a weight loss forum, with the majority of people on here trying to either cut down on or give up processed junk food, and you want to find people who will support your mission to loose weight whilst still eating crap? You may struggle there...I'm not entirely sure I understand what you are looking for, or what your goals are either? Either way I wish you look with your endeavors x
    My goal is to find people who struggle to consume good food.
    I am not living on a junk food diet, i am eating normal food, which is limited because i dont like alot. I am not going to have fast food every week, people keep making out that i do now, i USE to and not anymore.
    I want to get down to 65 kilos, I want to tone, i want to have friends that are supportive of me without judging me on the choices i have to make.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    BEFORE YOU START!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:explode:
    I use to be a big *kitten* fat slobby pig, who ate nothing but fatty food and more fatty food....for example:
    MT: Chips and coke
    LT: hotdog and coke
    AT:chips and coke
    LAT: Chips and coke
    T: two sausages and either chips, bake potatos or mashed......followed by bread.....
    I am a fussy eater so I am a creature of habbit, no veg, no fruit, no salad, no real meats.......NOTHING lol and yes ill have severe health issues and blah blah, it is my body and i try new foods, i dont like it i wont eat it, simple....if i had a wish it would to have tastse buds that eat anything.........anyways

    I want to lose 10 kilos by December anyone want to prove 100,000 people wrong that people like me can lose weight?

    I cut out all that food and had a sandwich and some milk instead of all the meals except tea, tea remained the same. I then began walking 30 minutes a day x 5 a week. I lost about 9 kilos, i then portioned my food, halved it all, within six months i lost 21 kilos all up. I started at 95 kilos. I got down to 74 kilos.
    I then lost tafe my go to place , so stopped walking and went back up to 85 kilos, i have been struggling for the last 2.5 years to get back to what i was, i began gyming, no results, running, no results, i cant stick to a program if i cant see results...i feel i waste my time. I stuck to a program for 5 weeks michelle bridges crunch time book and i stopped, i felt fitter but it wasnt changing my body....Going back to portioning is my first goal, however.....
    My question is is there a sole on this program that doesnt eat great and works hard for results?
    Since i started my new job, i havnt been to the gym or done a dvd, I own turbo fire, p90x, 30 day shred, slim in 30, i get to 4 days in anything then i get bored, i want to stick to something and accountability groups dont work...I aqua aerobics every monday night........i work full time so finding time is hard atm.
    I am hoping for friends in similar situations?
    and please dont hate me nutritional lovers, i try, i try and i dont like......i never not try....

    Wow, I'm glad I'm not you!

    I'm not a strict nutritional person and don't "eat clean" all the time. I eat unhealthy stuff sometimes. But I strive for a healthy balance.

    Eventually your body is going to crash and burn if you keep treating it like crap.
    PEOPLE just ARNT READIN the part where i said I USE TO EAT THIS
  • beccag28
    beccag28 Posts: 43 Member
    I think it sounds really good that you are so motivated with your exercise. All you can do about the food is make the best choices with what you do like - plus trying some new fruit and veges. Also sometimes you have to try them a lot before you will like them. I hated carrots for 15 years when one day I had them roasted with onions and realised I liked them! Another thing is try and choose the best option out of what you like eg a grainy bread, or maybe porridge instead of cornflakes.. those kind of things.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I am surprised how nasty people are being. Must have a good view from that high horse.

    OP: It certainly is possible. It sounds like you are already eating better than you were (coke and chips to sandwiches and milk yay!) And you WILL be more healthy if you get down in the healthy weight range. So i think you are doing good! Better than you would have if you just didn't bother right?

    I don't eat clean all the time (but I do love whole foods), didn't do cardio when I was losing (though i do now), and I am in great shape and very healthy. Its a progress. You are already making steps toward it. Maybe things will just improve!

    So yes you will be able to lose if you are consistent. You will become more healthy in the progress. Everyone has room for improvement.

    If you are interested I do have a ton of simple recipes that are delicious if you are looking to try new whole foods :)

    Good luck!

    ETA: I pretty much am living off ramen, some junk, and what whole foods I can afford at the moment. Works just fine for me.
    Thankyou so much! FOR READING MY POST lol I would like the recipes, i am open to trying new foods :) Thankyou for being supportive :)
  • ZoeyRobinson
    Honey, you're young. In a few years the pounds will pack on and you will not only feel miserable you will look it too. But being young is great because you can change these habits now and have a bright healthy future ahead of you.

    Eating junk will never benefit you. And it seems like you are talking yourself into eating crap because "it's ok. I workout" and the only person you are hurting with that mindset is yourself.

    So please, to avoid diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and avoid stroke, heart attacks and other horrible life changing diseases...get your act together!!!
    ***I say these things because I don't want you to regret your life. I learned the hard way and you don't have to.

    Something that worked for me was not allowing myself any yummy stuff until I ate the healthy stuff. Slowly transition and learn to love veggies. If you eat and finish a salad then you can reward yourself with the chips. This will train yourself to eat your vegetables and you may even start to enjoy them when you start to feel amazing. Then you can slowly ditch the unhealthy stuff.

    Now go on and be the best self you can be. I know you can do it!
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Yes you can lose weight. You can be perfectly healthy eating crap food. You will get exactly the body you want eating the way you do.

    The above three are not true, but you don't seem to want truth. You want to continue what you're doing, despite it not working and want the best result possible. Sadly, that isn't going to happen.

    Sweet heart...i dont say that so yes sarcasim....I know the truth and i have had alot of people telling me what i dont want to hear, because i have heard it all for the last 24 years I have heard it, my uncle who i live with says it, he seen i lost 21 kilos, he seen my pic and said whos that fat ugly heffer.....I said me and he said bull.....I am infront of him he doesnt see the progress.
    I have tried upping calories, lowering calories, portion control and excessive fitness. Portion was the only thing that has worked, i am lookng for support without being ridiculed for not eating salad and fruit and veg, I do try foods, for example, tea i had mash with califlower and a spoon ful of carrot with a sausage. Tell me do you want me to fall on my face, have all my food changed and i starve cos im just not going to make myself sick eating it? Do you want me to not have enough energy to burn at the gym? Do you want me to live by myself in a hole and not have anyone talk to me?
    I am asking for normal people who binge once in a while...LIKE MYSELF to friend me, i do not live on junk anymore, i cut out most of the food i use to eat frequently, i am trying new foods, i am exercising.
    Sadly changing you opinion isnt going to happen, but hey you wont listen to me you didnt read my post properly like half the other negative ships on here.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Honey, you're young. In a few years the pounds will pack on and you will not only feel miserable you will look it too. But being young is great because you can change these habits now and have a bright healthy future ahead of you.

    Eating junk will never benefit you. And it seems like you are talking yourself into eating crap because "it's ok. I workout" and the only person you are hurting with that mindset is yourself.

    So please, to avoid diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and avoid stroke, heart attacks and other horrible life changing diseases...get your act together!!!
    ***I say these things because I don't want you to regret your life. I learned the hard way and you don't have to.

    Something that worked for me was not allowing myself any yummy stuff until I ate the healthy stuff. Slowly transition and learn to love veggies. If you eat and finish a salad then you can reward yourself with the chips. This will train yourself to eat your vegetables and you may even start to enjoy them when you start to feel amazing. Then you can slowly ditch the unhealthy stuff.

    Now go on and be the best self you can be. I know you can do it!

    I dont gym and then go WOOOOOHOOOOO MACCAS RUN!
    I have change alot of the things in my life and I want people who dont eat grass and rabbit food to be supportive of the changes i do make.
    That strategy will work for me, however, i wont sit there and have a whole healthy meal, because i will vomit, i had calliflower in my mash tonight and a spoon of carrot, i couldnt eat all the mash, my mind knows it was in there and i made myself sick thinking it, i couldnt taste it and i know....its my mind, small steps. Thankyou
  • tourettte
    tourettte Posts: 142 Member
    try not eating after 6 or 7 pm or have at lest 3 hours between your last meal and bedtime. Few years ago I was anti everything. Sandwiches all the way, then (like a pregnant woman) I started craving vegetables, different sorts of meat and stuff.
    Maybe you will too someday, Try switching from soda to mineral water and water to control your sugar intake (maybe that would help).

    I was anti exercise too, till one day something broke inside me and i just started.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member

    Really? I'm pretty sure there were several people who didn't insult you. I know I didn't but I'd sure be interested in what you imagined as an insult.

    No one has any way of knowing what you've read and what you haven't until you tell them.
    Most if not all of us were just trying to be helpful. I'm sorry you find concern for your health insulting. You must've had it pretty rough to have such a large chip on your shoulder.

    It wasnt as were quite forward, but still the questions you asked showed me you didnt physically read my post, I was asking for new friends, that was the point i was putting across, i then seen the support you were giving those who had decent points as well, Hey i took your advice and the other 10 people who said try new foods, and disguise foods, so dont think im not taking advice, i opened my mouth and i am listening to the advice, Your probably one of the few that i didnt get absolutely peeved with.

    and i dont have a chip on my shoulder, i ate it:laugh: a few years ago.
    People are reading what i use to eat and not considering the stuff i eat now and thats irritating. Yes sandwiches and potato arnt the best but hey, im not going to cut them out, because what else will i eat when i spew up the newly tried food?
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Some years ago, in a place and mindset that seems dim and distant I lost a shedload of weight on the whiskey, nicotine and junk diet.

    I walked plenty too. I had to.

    I looked great, I got great complements, but I was deeply unhappy (as evidenced by my abusive lifestyle) and as the years rolled on I continued to live this way and all the weight gradually came back ... and then some. Because I had learnt nothing about good nutrition, only semi-starvation.

    I had, in short, screwed my metabolism and as I hit 40 my body just wasn't going to take it any more, increased exercise was not working and I was addicted to rubbish pseudo-food.

    I agree with the previous poster, as the years roll on then a price will be paid at some point. Whether that is excess weight, increased risk of disease, diabetes or whatever.

    I find it faintly ridiculous that people have to argue a case for eating natural, wholesome, nutrient-dense food and avoiding the processed junk but thems the times we live in.

    Hey, everyone is free to live their life as they wish, you can smoke crack as long as it doesn't affect me. I've heard people lose weight on that too. Junkie chic ... It's the way forward. ;)
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I chose cornflakes as it is high in protein.

    Really? :huh:
    I don't think so.
    All carbs/sugar
  • A_Shannigans
    A_Shannigans Posts: 170 Member

    Really? I'm pretty sure there were several people who didn't insult you. I know I didn't but I'd sure be interested in what you imagined as an insult.

    No one has any way of knowing what you've read and what you haven't until you tell them.
    Most if not all of us were just trying to be helpful. I'm sorry you find concern for your health insulting. You must've had it pretty rough to have such a large chip on your shoulder.

    It wasnt as were quite forward, but still the questions you asked showed me you didnt physically read my post, I was asking for new friends, that was the point i was putting across, i then seen the support you were giving those who had decent points as well, Hey i took your advice and the other 10 people who said try new foods, and disguise foods, so dont think im not taking advice, i opened my mouth and i am listening to the advice, Your probably one of the few that i didnt get absolutely peeved with.

    and i dont have a chip on my shoulder, i ate it:laugh: a few years ago.
    People are reading what i use to eat and not considering the stuff i eat now and thats irritating. Yes sandwiches and potato arnt the best but hey, im not going to cut them out, because what else will i eat when i spew up the newly tried food?

    The chip comment was pretty witty.

    I get your frustration at people missing part of what you're saying. I am very glad you haven't given up on trying to be able to eat healthy foods. It sounds like you are on the right track just keep with it and it will come. :smile:
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    try not eating after 6 or 7 pm or have at lest 3 hours between your last meal and bedtime. Few years ago I was anti everything. Sandwiches all the way, then (like a pregnant woman) I started craving vegetables, different sorts of meat and stuff.
    Maybe you will too someday, Try switching from soda to mineral water and water to control your sugar intake (maybe that would help).

    I was anti exercise too, till one day something broke inside me and i just started.

    I never eat after 7, i usually get home from work at 630 and i have tea and thats it, i go to be fairly early too so im not snackish.
    I have heard stories of this haha I hope it gets me too. I have been craving orange juice and i never use to like it, i found a pulp free one, however my main drink choice is water. I enjoy exercise and i push myself beyond my limitations, however if i get bored with the repetitive 30 day shred thats why i never get past day 4.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I chose cornflakes as it is high in protein.

    Really? :huh:
    I don't think so.
    All carbs/sugar
    well mfp lies then, and so does the box. I didnt say it was awesome i just said it had more then any other food i eat. Sugar.....i went without a few weeks...i can tell you once artificial sugar was out of my system i could taste it, until then it was putrid. I will eat carbs, i am not anti carb, so dont act like its crack
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member

    Really? I'm pretty sure there were several people who didn't insult you. I know I didn't but I'd sure be interested in what you imagined as an insult.

    No one has any way of knowing what you've read and what you haven't until you tell them.
    Most if not all of us were just trying to be helpful. I'm sorry you find concern for your health insulting. You must've had it pretty rough to have such a large chip on your shoulder.

    It wasnt as were quite forward, but still the questions you asked showed me you didnt physically read my post, I was asking for new friends, that was the point i was putting across, i then seen the support you were giving those who had decent points as well, Hey i took your advice and the other 10 people who said try new foods, and disguise foods, so dont think im not taking advice, i opened my mouth and i am listening to the advice, Your probably one of the few that i didnt get absolutely peeved with.

    and i dont have a chip on my shoulder, i ate it:laugh: a few years ago.
    People are reading what i use to eat and not considering the stuff i eat now and thats irritating. Yes sandwiches and potato arnt the best but hey, im not going to cut them out, because what else will i eat when i spew up the newly tried food?

    The chip comment was pretty witty.

    I get your frustration at people missing part of what you're saying. I am very glad you haven't given up on trying to be able to eat healthy foods. It sounds like you are on the right track just keep with it and it will come. :smile:

    Thankyou :laugh:
    I am getting things out of it, I am slowly going to increase the food i hate into my diet and i feel i am on the right track and dispite all the crap people have dissed me with, i have actually found people I have been after, that struggle to eat the great food and put effort into bettering their lives, now i have that support :)
    "not permission to eat junk" because i havnt been and i wont be consuming it like everyone appears to be making it sound like i am.
  • tourettte
    tourettte Posts: 142 Member
    try not eating after 6 or 7 pm or have at lest 3 hours between your last meal and bedtime. Few years ago I was anti everything. Sandwiches all the way, then (like a pregnant woman) I started craving vegetables, different sorts of meat and stuff.
    Maybe you will too someday, Try switching from soda to mineral water and water to control your sugar intake (maybe that would help).

    I was anti exercise too, till one day something broke inside me and i just started.

    I never eat after 7, i usually get home from work at 630 and i have tea and thats it, i go to be fairly early too so im not snackish.
    I have heard stories of this haha I hope it gets me too. I have been craving orange juice and i never use to like it, i found a pulp free one, however my main drink choice is water. I enjoy exercise and i push myself beyond my limitations, however if i get bored with the repetitive 30 day shred thats why i never get past day 4.

    well it looks to me you're on a good way to changing things. Maybe all it takes is time and patience to see the results (like my friend nutritionist says - plateau is a ***** but don't give up and you'll be thankful later).
    I agree exercise can be dull, I mix it up a bit. (Since I found out how much calories can be burned while cleaning my apartment sparkles :)) )
  • Avistew
    Avistew Posts: 32 Member
    In some recent posts it seems your question is now "how can I eat healthier despite not liking it?" so I'm going to see if I can help with that.
    While I personally like veggies, sometimes I don't have the time or energy to cook them, so what I do is I cook my rice, lentils, pasta... (anything that's cooked in water and absorbs the water) in vegetable broth. In my case I just make the broth from peels of other veggies, but of course you can buy it in cubes or something.
    Then the food will have vitamins from the broth it cooked in, but it will still be pasta, or rice, or whatever, and that might make it easier for you to eat it.
    Another option is things that "hide" it more. Like if you make mashed potatoes, but put a few other veggies as you mash the potatoes, it will still pretty much taste like mashed potatoes, but it will have some other stuff in it. Same thing for an omelet, if you put some veggies in it, it will still taste like omelet but there will be some veggie in there and you won't even taste them if there aren't too many.

    So that's for the veggies. For stuff like meat, you can take the previous recipes you love and change the meat you use for a healthier version, and you might not notice the difference (most people don't) while it will be way healthier. Or in the way you cook things, instead of frying your fries, you can bake them for instance. And you can try other types of fries, like sweet potato fries, for instance.

    That's pretty much all I can think of, right now. When I read your OP, I thought your question was whether it was possible to lose weight just by reducing the amount of unhealthy food you eat, and whether exercising a lot would help. As I read your response to other posts though, it seems that wasn't what you were asking, so here is my new answer to reflect your new question.
  • somedaysoon84
    6 months ago i would have told you i don't eat zuchinni. a year ago i would have told you i don't eat sushi, and i'm not much of a fish eater. i ate JUNK. i loved junk.

    still on occassion eat junk. i had a Wendy's JR hamburger and salad yesterday for lunch. did i LOVE eating it? OH YEAH. it also made me feel like a lump the rest of the day.

    in the beginning, i ate crap, lots of processed "power bars", white breads, etc, but in small portions because well, i didn't like the other stuff. MY HAIR STARTED FALLING OUT. and standing up too fast made me dizzy like i was gonna puke.

    SO, after a few weeks of that, i started here, and started LEARNING how nutrition works, and how it effects your body.

    your palate can and will change, if you keep at it. sushi is currently my FAVORTIE food on the whole planet. i love zuchinni, we eat it about 4 nights a week. i love bread, cheese, pasta, chocolate, cakes, cookies.... etc etc etc... but i balance them with fruits and veggies. its all about moderation and balance.

    good luck.