Over 200 Club Losing it for the Holidays!!!(Open Group)

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Welcome newcomers!!!!! As for all you already apart of this awesome group here is our new thread.I thought it needed something new to the title so there it is.LOSING IT FOR THE HOLIDAYS>Holidays are always a struggle especially for those of us that are trying to lose.So I am vowing this year not to overindulge but to enjoy safely.For those of you who don't know weigh ins are on Fridays and we check in daily with our water,exercise,and calories for the day.We have challenges weekly and they are picked by our biggest loser for the week.Lets lose lose lose ladies and gents.


  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am having lots of problems with motiviation today...i just want to snack :(

    I will update later on my calories for the day and such...feel like a bum today.

    I went and got the girls flu shots today, got both the regular and n1h1, no tears so that was good.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    awestfall, great title. Thanks for the new link.

    lildebbie, do NOT feel like a bum. Just move forward. That is all we can do. glad the girls got their shots with little to no tears always great. When my oldest daughter was 4 she had to go for immunization. When we got in the car she looked at me and cried so hard and said "Why mommy, why why would you let them do that to me?" My heart broke, but she is fine today so not too much damage:laugh:

    I have stayed within my calories today 1600 cals
    water: Getting there still have some time to get it done
    exercise: YES

    I am proud that Hmm let me see..........I am proud that I stuck with it today.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    hello all I am new here. Thanks for the invite "Momma2four". As of today I still have over 100 lbs to loose and am taking things 1 day at a time! Just looking for a little support and someone to help keep me in check!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: good - 1527 (3 slices of pizza and they were so worth it :laugh: )
    Exercise: great - 1118. 2 hours of DDR and 40 minutes on the treadmill (my HRM said I burned 848 in 40 minutes on the treadmill!)
    Proud: That I pushed so hard on the treadmill tonight. I love it and running really is getting easier already.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome Dawn Ann!

    check in -
    food - umm...I would know that if I logged my calories...but I think I did pretty well
    water - horrible, busy day didn't fill my water bottle enough
    exercise - not really, but I did a bunch of shopping, and cleaning, so I did burn some extra calories.
    proud - not healthy lifestyle related, but I have already got a lot of Christmas presents purchased, and am even making some! here are somethings I made already -

    Button Christmas Tree


    Clipboard and Laminated Weekly Planner

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Welcome Dawn !!

    cals - 1762 (more than I usally eat but not to bad)
    Exercies - 10 min ,just couldn't do anymore felt soo blah...
    WATER - horrible as usual
    proud - not sure what I am proud of , had a kinda crappy day
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Jenn, those are really cute.

    jlb123, you are so awesome with the calories burned. Keep it up

    lildebbie, I am proud that you stayed within a healthy calorie intake, I am proud that you have not quit and I will see you here tomorrow. I am proud that you got everything done today even when you did not feel good:flowerforyou:

    Dawnannw, glad you decided to check us out. Here is our routine, we have some questions we answer every day

    Did I stay within a healthy Calorie range?
    Did I exercise?
    Did I drink my minimum of 64 oz of water today?
    Tell us something you are proud of that you did today

    That is ongoing, the other ongoing challenge is add at least 5 minutes each week to the amount of cardio you did the week before.

    We weigh in on Fridays. The person who has the highest percentage of weight loss chooses our challenge for the week. It begins on Sat. and ends on Friday. Here is the calculator to figure your percentage


    Okay girls did I remember to tell our new members everything???? Some of us are actually putting how many calories we ate for the day. It kind of helps keep us all in check with that. Okay I think that is it. Everyone have a great night.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Jenn: Love the button Christmas tree! (Do you have my name for Christmas?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )
    I started thinking about what gifts I might buy... So envious of all you have done.

    Welcome to all the new gals.

    calories: yes 1304
    exercise: yes
    water: yes
    proud of: I was home all day doing chores and I didn't do any snacking.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    ooo Jenn you are talented
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jenn I love the those they are soo cute. Wish i was creative....I hate that christmas has sneaked upon us. I have to start shopping i just need $$$ for that.

    I am hoping to do better today, i was soo hungry yesterday, don't know why.

    Feeling kinda icky this morning again i am bout to go taking some medicine ...got lots of work to do today it is starting to stress me out uggggggg

    Hubby is starting to go in to work early (6-3), bad he gets up at 4:30 and wakes me up, i go back to sleep a little but not the same...good though he gets home at about 3:30 so he will be here in the evenings can get the girls from day care and such.

    I was soo down last night, this job my hubby has he is the new person and most likely he wil have to work EVERY holiday....i am soo not digging that.
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi everybody. I was not able to check in yesterday. So here is my check in for yesterday:

    Calories: 1,342
    Exercise: No
    Water: What water? :sad: I really can't account for a drop of water.

    I promise I will do better with the water today.

  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Just noticed....

    pointing at ticker...almost hitting the big 25. I'm so excited.

    Jenn, your work is amazing!

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    check in for yesterday:
    calories - bad:angry: .... didn't have time to make supper until late and I was starving, and went on a major binge of cheese and french fries
    exercise - none
    water - 40 oz ... not enough
    proud - I made good food choices until dinner
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning girls, My husband took me on a power walk last night. I am sooo sore. He is really motivated and wanting to really get control of his health. He is going to kill me doing it.:laugh: My legs and even my arms were a bit sore from that walk. I must have really been pumping those arms in order to keep up with him. How do arms get sore walking?:noway:

    YAY mscocoa, How exciting. I am sure you can get there this week.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Great job with the powerwalk, Momma! I know what you mean about the sore arms -- since I've been working out on the treadmill, my abs have been KILLING me! Normally I do lots of crunches every other day but I haven't done any since last Wednesday. Even when I do those my abs aren't as sore as they have been since I started running/walking.

    I'm off work until Thursday because I really needed a break after last month. This morning I got up & decided to go "shopping" in a bin full of clothes I haven't been able to wear in years (or ever). I found all of the awesome skirts I've never been able to wear. I got a couple of them over my hips for the first time ever but I still can't wear any yet (they're all size 14 and 16). I have a lot more clothes go to through and try on, but I've already found 2 pairs of work pants and a pair of jeans I can wear comfortably! I probably ordered them from ON online & then thought "oh, I'll be able to wear them if I lose a few pounds" and kept them instead of returning them. I'm pretty excited about having at least 2 more pairs of pants for work!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    That is great you did great at "shopping" in your own stuff :smile: Great that you can fit into some new clothes.

    I have this one pair of like size 22 jeans i bought when I had lost weight after my last baby and was allllmost to a 22 then i turned and went the other way and now in a 26 :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: They still have tags on them, but I will wear them and then they will be too big one day.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Did I stay within a healthy Calorie range? 1309 which is great for me right now giving the record I have had the past few weeks I am excited.
    Did I exercise? going as soon as I post this for at least an hour
    Did I drink my minimum of 64 oz of water today? still working on it but I will get it in.
    Tell us something you are proud of that you did today.I am proud I didn't overeat or graze eat today just because.I thinnk I am finally getting my lifestyle change back were it was before i gained some back this summer.Its a mental game literally.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am having lots of problems with motiviation today...i just want to snack :(

    I will update later on my calories for the day and such...feel like a bum today.

    I went and got the girls flu shots today, got both the regular and n1h1, no tears so that was good.
    Push yourself and dig deep Lil debbie.Tests your limits and you will be suprised at how much your body can really do.I have been digging deep all week and I am going to continue to dig deep for the will power and fight to lose this weight.You got this because you have support to do it.So lets go!!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks for the push today.....I still feel like crap but I did push and got on the elliptical for 20 minutes day today...not the 25-30 I was doing last week but better than the 10 yesterday. i have snacked today but still in my cals, I was starving this morning and I got an apple then some graham crackers. I am still with breakfast and luch under 1000 calories with all that...leaves me plenty for dinner :)

    I think we are having steak salad tonight...yummy.

    We need to get a new filter or something for the water on the fridge I try to drink that it and it is just nasty...sticking to the bottle water....Just got 16 down going to go get another 16 yay me!@!!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Just checking in early today.

    jlb, it is so nice to go "shopping" in your own closet! I am actually into the smallest pants that I own right now. A little more weight, and I will have to go real shopping! I think I might get myself a pair of 16 jeans for Christmas.

    momma - awesome job on your power walking!

    food - ok, I will finish off within my calories today
    exercise - 1 hr walk/jog 452 calories burned
    water - not that good...
    proud - I am proud of myself for sticking with this lifestyle change. I have been going strong since January with only a few bumps along the way.
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