Over 200 Club Losing it for the Holidays!!!(Open Group)



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hi all,

    I just got the link so here goes:

    Did I stay within a healthy Calorie range? Better today. I have 500 left instead of 1,000 like yesterday!

    Did I exercise? I am going to take my niece and nephew birthday gift shopping tonight. I plan to WALK in the mall - ugh! They are young and will keep me going!

    Did I drink my minimum of 64 oz of water today? On my way - have 32 oz. done and plan to drink the other 32 at the mall.

    Tell us something you are proud of that you did today. I will be proud after I walk the mall. I am not happy with my food choices today - Taco Bell binge. :(

    Congrats, Jenn, on your closet shopping! LOL
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    ooops I mean congrats jlb! Argh! I will figure this all out - be patient with me, please! :embarassed:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi ladies!

    calories: yes 1298
    exercise: no
    water: not quite
    proud of: my hubby said my pants were baggy in the bum. can't wait for the waist to feel loose.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ok.. here goes my first post for this group! :wink:

    1100 calories
    treadmill 60 minutes
    128 oz of water
    Proud that even though I was in the dumps today I did not let it get the best of me!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi all,

    My son had a bad time tonight. He goes to a social skills class every tuesday. He was asked to leave tonight because he would not quit jumping off the furniture. He can come back next week. I live about 20 minutes from the class, and I cried the entire way home. Now I have a huge headache. I can't understand it. He will listen to me and I can control him. But a room full of women who are counsellors can not. I know it is not their fault, I just feel overwhelmed. Anyways, I am Thankful that I have a faith in God or I would probably fall apart (more than I have)

    Here is my post for today

    Calories 1600
    exercise Yes burned 600 calories
    Water Pretty sure I made it. I have not kept count but I just had a 32 ounce and I know I have had a few through out the day

    What I am proud of, I am proud that I am a Mom!! I am proud that even though I had a rough time this evening I did not come home and over eat to compensate for that.

    By the way you all did so good today. Reading your posts and what you have done what you are proud of really makes me smile. I know I said that before but I just wanted to say it again.:flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi all,

    I just got the link so here goes:

    Did I stay within a healthy Calorie range? Better today. I have 500 left instead of 1,000 like yesterday!

    Did I exercise? I am going to take my niece and nephew birthday gift shopping tonight. I plan to WALK in the mall - ugh! They are young and will keep me going!

    Did I drink my minimum of 64 oz of water today? On my way - have 32 oz. done and plan to drink the other 32 at the mall.

    Tell us something you are proud of that you did today. I will be proud after I walk the mall. I am not happy with my food choices today - Taco Bell binge. :(

    Congrats, Jenn, on your closet shopping! LOL

    Glad you found us. Have fun walking at the Mall.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    ok.. here goes my first post for this group! :wink:

    1100 calories
    treadmill 60 minutes
    128 oz of water
    Proud that even though I was in the dumps today I did not let it get the best of me!

    You are going to love it in this group. You did great today.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I walked for thirty freaking minutes in that darn mall. The weird part is that I didn't feel bad when I was actually walking - it was only painful when I stopped! Every bone in my body aches! :sad:

    I cannot believe this is just my third day and I blew it so badly with overeating today. I did OK, even with the Taco Bell binge, but then after the mall I was suddenly starving (yeah right) and went to Panera bread and had a sandwich. Ugh!!! WHY did I do that? I am miserable. I am way over in my fats and protein.

    I am going to pray for strength tonight when I go to bed. I guess there is always tomorrow. :ohwell:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1524 in which is high for me, but I'm starting to attempt to be a good girl and eat some of my exercise calories which is something I haven't been doing. The last thing I want to do is royally mess up my metabolism by undereating.
    Exercise: 785
    Water: I think I will make it to 64 before I go to bed.
    Proud: It's 1.30am and I'm hungry now but instead of eating more so late, I'm just going to drink a glass of water and go to bed.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: stayed under but only because of my exercise calories ... ate too many of them
    exercise: 90 minutes at the Y for 1400 calories, and a 10 minute walk at lunch woo hoo :drinker:
    water: great - 72 oz ... but unfortunately most were after 6:00pm so I was up 6 times to use the bathroom during the night :ohwell:
    proud: exercised hard

    I know that I need to work on healthier food choices again ... my goal for today is to make a meal plan for the next few days, and to follow it.

    momma2four: It's hard when we worry about our children and want what's best for them, can be overwhelming to be a mom sometimes - I think because we know how important it is ... good for you for not letting your rough night cause you to overeat!

    zorahope: good for you for your mall walk! Don't let your binge last night get you down ... just track the calories and just get right back on track today. You can do it! It is impossible to be perfect, just keep trying and you are already healthier than before.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks lstpaul,

    zora, great job on the walk. I agree with lstpaul, we can't be perfect. Today is a new day!!!

    Hope everyone has a nice veterens day. My children are off but husband is NOT. He has been working a ton of over time because he wants to be able to do Christmas for our kids. He is a good husband and father. :love: He has also already lost 3 pounds, He has been working real hard this week.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, I went to bed a bit hungry around 2am. We had a rough night because of tropical storm/depression Ida passing over (really windy & rainy) and we had a huge branch fall on our roof at about 5am. I hate waking up like that. I had no idea what was going on -- I just heard something very loud and there was lots of vibration and then it sounded like the roof was coming in on us. Then came the paranoia that it punched holes in our roof and the listening for leaks and climbing into the attic to check... so yeah, restless night. The good news is that we haven't found any leaks yet. The bad news is that the branch is still half stuck in the tree and half on our roof. :ohwell: The estimates to remove the limb are significantly higher than my insurance deductible so I'm stupidly going to play my odds right now because I can't really afford to pay someone $700-$800 to remove something that may never fall or may not cause much damage if it does.

    So, when I finally drug myself out of bed at 9 I was STARVING. And I really wanted pancakes. I thought there was no way I was going to be able to make healthy pancakes but I tried my best and made AWESOME pancakes with only 70 calories each. I heated up a cup of frozen strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries (60 calories worth) & put 2 packets of splenda (oh well) with fiber on top and made a 60 calorie syrup to put on the pancakes. So I ate 4 awesome pancakes with yummy fruity syrup for 340 calories. Yum, so good! I've learned I can pretty much make anything I'm craving into a healthy meal. :happy:

    Since it's chilly and rainy out today, I'm going to make chicken veggie soup in the crock pot with cheddar garlic drop biscuits for dinner. I figured a large serving of soup and 1 biscuit will be about 300 calories. I love coming up with new healthy recipes.

    After a much needed 5 day break, I have to go back to work tomorrow. :grumble: But at least I only have to work 2 days before I have 2 more days off (except I think I have a photography job Saturday morning). I just have to remember the holidays are rapidly approaching and since I work for the government, I get lots of paid holidays this time of year (to make up for insanely the low salary :laugh: ).
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    check in -

    calories - did well today
    exercise - 1.25 hr walk - 502 calories
    water - yup
    proud -
    We decorated our family Christmas tree today, and how we celebrated the day really made me realize what a change my family and myself have made in the last year.

    Last year - we bought a ton of Christmas candy and munched on it the whole time we decorated.
    This year - we still had a treat, but we just sat down together after decorating ate a doughnut and hot chocolate. It wasn't the main part of the event, just a treat.

    Last year - after decorating the tree we sat and watched a movie and continued to eat Christmas goodies.
    This year - we when went for a 1 hr family walk together.

    Last year - we ordered pizza and pop for dinner.
    This year - we picked up a grocery store rotisserie chicken and made some veggies to go with it.

    It really drove it home to me that we have changed our lifestyle, and that it really is just small choices that make a huge difference in your health and life. I am just so proud of myself and the changes I have made!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK here goes. A new day, and I did much better.

    cals: did very well. I didn't go over like yesterday! :tongue:
    exercise: I walked for fifteen minutes! Almost a true miracle.
    water: 32. I am working on the other 32 as I type.
    proud: That I didn't blow it too badly today. I did go over on my proteins, but overall, MUCH better today than yesterday! I am proud that I didn't give up and just binge today like I used to when I blew it. :happy:

    Jenn - amazing difference between last year and this year! I know you are feeling GREAT about those healthy changes!

    jlb - so sorry to hear about your roof. I am really glad you did not get hurt. I just met you and already think you are awesome!

    Momma - how great that your husband is losing weight alongside you! And thank you for the vote of confidence.

    lstpaul - thank you for believing in me. It makes me feel welcome! I think I am going to try to achieve the same goal as you - I think I need to start PLANNING my meals ahead of time. Eating on the fly is taking me over my limits sometimes. This will be very hard for me, because I live my life "on the fly", but I am going to really try to plan, even for a few days at a time.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,319
    Exercise: 650 burned
    Water: 64oz so far
    Proud: That I made yummy lower calorie pancakes and syrup with no added sugar this morning. I'm also proud that I was able to run a significant amount more tonight than when I first started running on Saturday.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    calories: yes 1220
    exercise: yes
    water: yes
    proud of: I went out for lunch and had squash noodles instead of pasta. Keeping up on push ups, my arms are feeling just a little sore tonight.

    Today I met up with some friends that I haven't seen in awhile, and they both have been loosing weight are looking great. The first has lost 85 pounds in two years, with 29 more to go, the second has lost 42 pounds in one year, with 50 more to go. It is possible, we can do this. Next year at this time I want to be a my goal weight. Were will each of you be next year at this time? Thanks to each of you for your support.

    Hopefully the scales will reward us in the morning.:flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok so I am back down to 30 pounds lost and I am never never going to gain it back again.Those 4 pounds I keep losing and then gaining I am done with its time for me to move on to the next four or five pounds.With that said I am going to go exercise and have a bowl of whole grain cereal.I will post more later on this afternoon.Have a wonderful day!!!:heart::flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello everyone...This week just is not happening for me this week.

    YEsterday I had no water, i think i stayed in my cals, i didn't count them, but i had ceral for breakfast, grahm crackers for snack, lean cusine pizza for lunch, porkchops, potatos and green beans for dinner and my usall snacks (fat free popcorn and weight watcher ice cream) so I am thinking i stayed in my cals.

    I had to get my daughter from school yesterday she had lice OMG...that was fun...I started work yesterday at 5 trying to get stuff done, but then I had to leave and deal with that for 2 hrs, so there wa a wash of my early hours, and i just worked through lunch til 5:30...I am beat...needless to say i didn't get to exercise at lunch.

    Day before vrey very very bad food choices, had pizza and thinking just that went over my cals :(

    I still fee like crud, going to take some meds and see if i feel better....Every day this week I have been 2 -3 lbs more on the scale than last friday. Today i was 295.9 (still over .5 more than i was last friday) so I think this week will be a wash on the weight loss :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Day before vrey very very bad food choices, had pizza and thinking just that went over my cals :(

    Lildebbie, pizza doesn't have to be so bad! I had pizza Monday AND Tuesday but I didn't go over my calories at all either day. :flowerforyou: Next time you're in the mood for pizza, have it loaded up with veggies and/or lean meats (in the pizza world, that's usually chicken or ham) and drink a ton of water that day to help flush out all the extra sodium. Have a slice or 2 and if you're still hungry, fill up on some veggies or something. I actually work part time in a pizza restaurant 2 days/week so pizza is a meal that is going to happen for me occasionally. I don't worry about it and I don't deprive myself if I *really* want some, but I don't over do it. I'd say I've had pizza at least 5 times over the last 9 weeks and as you can see, I've still lost 27 pounds in 9 weeks. :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I usually love pineapple and ham pizza...but we went for the meat lovers, had sausage , bacon, ham, pepperoni...everything basically. ...I could of chosen better :angry: :angry:

    I am not that far off from where i was last Friday, so if I can stay about the same this week i will take that...
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