Over 200 Club Losing it for the Holidays!!!(Open Group)



  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Calories: Yes
    Water: Almost
    Exercise: Yes - aerobic & weights
    Proud: got myself into the gym even though it was raining out
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    calories: yes
    exercise: no
    water: yes
    proud of: Not coming home and scarfing down anything I could get my hands on, waiting for my family to get home.

    I have brain overload... So much to remember. Last weekend momma2four wondered what C.E.R.T. is. CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team. It is a national program under FEMA and each state has programs administered in respective counties. I live in a county where there is a upper and lower valley and I live in the upper valley and in an emergency the most emergency personnel on shift is 6 unless they are called down below and we could only have 3, for the whole valley. When I am done I will be certified that I know something:laugh: that is a very scary thought because I am not a nurse for a reason... I do know basic first aid. There is a lot of research that has gone into this program from disasters happening in Mexico years ago to as resent as hurricane Katrina. Today I was on a fire crew and I put out a fire. (I am woman hear me roar! hee hee hee) In the snow. brrr

    Did you know that the Red Cross is now teaching CPR with no mouth to mouth. I need to go learn the new way. Are any of you certified in CERT or CPR? If yes, have you had a reson to use your training?

    It is important to me to be prepared before an emergency hits. So many pepole were found with no water or food to be able to take care of their own family. I like the saying "It wasn't raining when Noah build the ark." So that is how I have been spending the last couple of Saturdays. There will be a mock disaster in December with Boy Scouts and others to act as victims. Should be interesting.

    Take Care:happy:
  • So:
    Calories: I am over almost 1000...but boy was that burger yummy
    Exercise: From the parking lot to the stadium was a 10-15 min walk and we walked fast...so back and forth..about 20-30 min
    Drink my 64 oz: not quite only 8oz off
    Proud thing: that I drank 3 glasses of water during my meal....i normally get so consumed in eating my meal I leave out my drink...and I forced myself to drink water instead of soda and I drank it every couple bites... :)

    I def. will not eat a Red Robin burger again...over 1,100 cal for one burger is not worth it. A lesson well learned....too bad I didn't see the cal. before I ingested it. :ohwell:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    did not have time to post last night so this is for yesterday (Sat)

    Calories - 1233 (stayed within and had a few to spare)
    Exercise - Cleaned the kitchen, I mean CLEANED the kitchen. took everything out of the cupboards, wiped them out, washed walls, doors, Pot Rack, curtains, cleaned stove and fridge inside and out and boy am I feeling it today (we have a vaulted celing so it was up and down the ladder all night) Feels good to have it done though! :happy:

    H20/herbal Tea - drank my normal gallon
    Proud - Proud that I have managed to stick to my lifestyle change and have influenced my kids enough to follow along. Last night for dinner they wanted to make salad and might I say they made a wonderful HUGE one for us to eat! YUM :smooched:

    So, the snow is falling here. roads are icy this morning and the dogs are looking at me like.. MOM you want me to go and in that??? Looks like we will be having some inside family time today and the Broncos are playing! Will try and check in later as the day progresses! So far I have 32oz water down and I am going to have to do some serious stretching as I am sore from last night!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,267
    Exercise: 60 minutes on stationary bike -- 774 cal burned (probably more - I didn't wear my HRM so I just logged my effort as "moderate" to be conservative)
    Water: I think I made it to 64oz after my exercise. I didn't drink much during the first part of the day though.
    Proud: I'm glad I was able to work my calories around (too much) beer. :embarassed: My bf was sick so bailed on me when it came time to see our friends' band play at the bar. I didn't feel up to going to a super crowded bar by myself so I went bowling with some other friends instead. We had so much fun! And I guess bowling is exercise, right? :wink:

    And, wow! All of you talking about snow! I forget where I live sometimes. It's forecasted to be 78 and sunny here today. :laugh: Here I was thinking "Man, it's going to be a bit too warm to take the dogs for a long walk today." :tongue:
    I like snow (probably because it's like a special treat when we get it here) but I have a really hard time imagining what it's like to have to deal with snow for so many months out of the year like you all.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member

    Great day today!
    Calories: yes!
    Exercise: yes!
    Water: yes!
    Proud: my body is getting stronger
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good afternoon girls,

    I have been bad this weekend. :grumble: I tend to give in on the weekends. My calories-toomuch water-not enough exercise-nope

    jlb123, I live in CA and I only see snow if I drive to it.:laugh: :laugh: We have been in the 60's which is what we average this time of year. One thing is we have fog. The snowy places do not seem to have that much fog, that I am jealous about. I hate fog and it is almost that time of year. I am born and raised California girl and I am not fond of the cold either.

    Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend.
  • calories: Did good but might have a late night Ice Cream snack
    Exercise: Yes, 30 min on elliptical
    Water: not really measuring but I think I am good because I will drink a pint and 1/2 before the end of the night
    Proud: I didn't give in to my cravings and eat unhealthy chinese food

    ~ This whole diet/lifestyle change is rough :cry:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    calories: yes 1339
    exercise: no (always take Sunday off)
    water: yes
    proud of: we had a family dinner with the in-laws and I did great with my portions.
  • I did my weekly weigh in and I am soo upset. I was down 3 lbs..ok sounds good but none of my measurements changed....in fact my waist grew 2 in....I have been drinking my amount of water so my hydration should be good but it was only at 38% I am so discouraged right now. :brokenheart:
    I tried soooo hard last week
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Macurry -- Just remember that eating well and exercising CAN'T be bad for you. :wink: Keep doing well and it will happen. A 3# loss is fantastic! It takes a while for the inches to come off. I tend to only measure myself once a month or so because otherwise it's hard to notice the difference.

    Calories: 1,854 :grumble: I did fine. Then I had 2 beers. Then I stayed up too late with my best friend and my bf and we ended up eating again at 3am because we were all hungry again since we ate dinner early around 6pm. It could've been much worse, though!
    Exercise: I scoured my house. I probably cleaned for 4 hours -- washing walls, dusting moldings and ceiling fans, etc) logged 90 minutes of "light moderate cleaning" and came up with 415 burned. I'm sure it was much more.
    Water: I didn't keep up with it. I'm pretty sure I got 64 ounces though
    Proud: My (thin) best friend ordered a fast food combo for dinner. I ordered a burger and fries from the dollar menu (much smaller portions). Then, she ordered another fast food combo. I ordered a sandwich with no mayo from the dollar menu. Her total calories: about 2500. My total calories: 1025. I think that's a win in that situation. :ohwell:

    Really, the day wasn't a bust. According to MFP, my BMR is around 1800 calories, so even with all the horrible choices I made (which weren't as bad as they could've been), I still should've been at a pretty big calorie deficit for the day.

    I'm not worried about it. I'm right back on track today. I just got back from a coworker's birthday party. Cake, cheese grits (yes, this is the South :laugh: ), sausage balls, and cheese biscuits. I had none of it. Even with all the food pushing -- "Why aren't you eating anything? C'mon, have a piece of cake!" Truth be told, I didn't even want any of it. It kind of grossed me out. And my stomach is a little off due to the fast food yesterday.

    Here's to a great week! :drinker:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Monday Morning,

    Hope everyone has a great week. I am back on track today. I feel like a broken record every Monday I am back on track.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am starting my day off well. It is 8 a.m. and I have eaten breakfast, sent kids off to school. Now it is time to clean clean clean. Then I will get on my exercise bike. My husband bought it for me a long time ago and I had him dig it out of the garage. The handle bars are like an elliptical, they move as I move my legs. So it can't me bad. My arms were hurting last week when I was doing so we will see what kind of results I have this week.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies...

    Well my weekend was a bust..Back on track ...yet again .

    I am thinking i am off to a pretty good start today, ate my norms for breakfast and lunch and snack this morning...got my big butt on the elliptical for 20 minutes today (very proud since I haven't been too good about getting on it).

    I like the idea of doing measurements 1x a month, i get frustrated when I do them weekly.

    Excited my hubby is now off on thanksgiving, we thought he would have to work, so that is cool...now only if he can get of christmas too.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking for the weekend:
    calories: good, used some exercise cals but not much
    exercise: great - 90 minutes at the Y
    water: good - 64oz
    proud: worked hard at the Y

    calories: bad, did really well for lunch and somehow got way offtrack for supper and ended up feeling sick because I ate double what I probably should have
    exercise: good- 40 minute walk (skipped out of church to walk instead - I think god will understand)
    water: not good - probably 24 oz

    Now that brings me to today:
    I don't know what came over me at lunch .... I was out shopping and got shaky, and I ended up buying pretzels, peanuts, muffin... AND I ate the lunch I brought to work - quiche ... I added everything up and I'm already at 1600 calories! YIKES! and I think in the end I figured out that I was more thirsty than actually hungry and that's why I was shaky - I hadn't had any water yet today! I usually drink a big diet pepsi in the morning and then switch to water ... it's a habit I've tried many times to break and just can't seem to do it. I think at least I will need to drink a water before I let myself have my diet pepsi and I'll see if that helps at all. Now I HAVE to walk later today, and will have to figure out a very light dinner.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Well so far so good. Today is going quite well! Got up at 5:15am (my normal) got lunches packed, got dinner in the crock pot, the kids off to school, huby off to work, worked out, went to work, ate lunch, went shopping.. I did by a food scale today (the biggest loser digital scale at Bed Bath and Beyond for $20.00) and now am working on some paper work before my next two clients.. Whew.. that was a mouthful! :smile:

    Water still drinking currently at 80oz
    Exercise 1 hr this morning
    Calories.. staying within and unless I go hog wild tonight for dinner (which is in the crockpot cooking as we speak).
    I am proud that the temptations of eating the "crap" food is starting to dissipate!

    How was everyones weekend?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Today I did I have only ate once but it was so bad for me.I was so worried about my little girls dentist appointment today.She was going to have to be sedated to fill her cavities so I was worried.But she didn't have to be sedated because she cooperated and let them do her fillings with just nitrous oxide.Cost me $467 dollars and I have just been a mess (it was $1581 without insurance.)I am hoping to get back on track today because I have gained 4 pounds back and I have no idea how.I am guessing sodium.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Hi there.... I am a member of the over 300 group but have been below that number for a while now. I weigh 260.5 and the scale has been messing with me going up a couple/down a couple but never below the 260 mark. That is my target for this week.

    I have stayed within my calories, drank more than the required water and exercised (half an hour elliptical, half an hour weights and will walk tonight). I am proud that I am keeping to my exercise plans and burning lots of calories with it.

    Ouch on the dental costs awestfall!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey girls,

    I just got done burning 541 calories. Yay!!!!!!

    awestfall, sorry about the dental costs. It is quite expensive. My 2 youngest have appt. on Wed.

    dawnannw, great job!!!!!!!!!!

    lstpaul, you can still make this day a success with some exercise. You have to eat dinner!!! Make it small. You can do it. I am in the same boat. I am already up there with my cals and I still have dinner. So my plan is to cut my meal in half.........We can do this!!!

    havingitall, Wow congrats on being under 300. You are awesome. You are an inspiration!!!!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Istpaul...small set back, get up, dust off, get back on!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Check 11/16/09:

    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes (burned 300 cals)
    Water: 6 cups...I just can't seem to get past 6 cups
    Proud: I'm making smarter choices, weighing and measuring.
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