Over 200 Club Losing it for the Holidays!!!(Open Group)



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Okie dokie schmokies - :bigsmile:

    I did pretty well over the weekend. I only went over one day in protein and stayed within my calorie range. I still haven't set up a consistent exercise plan and that is one of my goals this week.

    Today I am a tiny bit under on cals, getting my 64 oz. in as a type, & did 10 mins of slow walking. I am proud that I am able to stand longer with my students to teach them their Michael Jackson choreography. LOL. Yes, seriously, I am a music teacher and my 4th, 5th and 6th graders are performing a MJ revue in December! :noway: Today I stood for TWO HOURS dancing with them. Um, hey, wait, that is exercise! ROFL I never think of classwork as exercise, but OK, I'll take it! :laugh:

    Stephanie - I am proud of how you are making smarter choices. Weighing and measuring - wow. I need to get a grip on that.

    awestfall - ouch on the teeth. :cry: Thank goodness for insurance, though. And about the sodium issue - you know, I never really thought about how sodium can really throw a weigh in. Glad you're thinking about solutions. :happy:

    havingitall - welcome! I am actually probably supposed to be in that over 300 group, but I really like this one! (please don't throw me to the curb, my new supportive friends!)

    lstpaul - I agree with Mamma. The day ain't over 'til it's over!
  • Cal: Not sure...too lazy to add it up but pretty sure I did ok
    Exercise: no but I did play with my niece
    Water: No but I will down one bottle before I go to bed
    Proud: I didn't panic and flip out....I am stressing soo much over school
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Calories - 1570, maybe getting a little snack still.
    Water - 16 oz
    Exercise - 20 min on elliptical
    Proud of today : That I am doing good getting back on track , work was very stressful, and still got on the elliptical and ate good.

    Very down today, I got email from my sister with pics from her wedding on sept 19th...very depressing seeing myself...Do you ever feel like you are smaller than you are. I know I am large, but seeing a picture just seems like I am bigger than I feel....I look soo huge next to my little sisters...makes me just want to cry :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I don't want to be that big any more...that was about 12 lbs more than I and i know that I am in a better place cause that was over 300 and now I am under 300...just having a little pitty party
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    calories: yes 1330
    exersice: no
    water: yes
    proud of: Really wanted seconds at dinner and didn't. Oh how I love food, yummy warm comfort food.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1259
    Exercise: Not today. And I have so many different excuses. :tongue:
    Water: At least 88oz
    Proud: I had a super stressful day at work and tons of bad food around to eat but I stayed on track well. One of our employees passed away over the weekend (I work in HR). I'm not so great dealing with death and talking to the children of the employee today really got to me especially since they are my age.
    I really don't like my job 90% of the time but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to go back to school to get my master's without going into a ton of student loan debt. :ohwell: I'm sorry to unload here, it's just been a not-so-good couple of months at work. :ohwell:

    On a much lighter note, I can hardly believe how much my pants were falling off of me at work! These are the pair of pants I had stopped wearing because they were so tight and uncomfortable 3 months ago! Yay!
    And I made an awesome low calorie, low sodium dinner. I love curry - yum!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Way to go on the pants falling off you !!!!! Sorry about the job.

    Off to work...or more like back to work...i worked for about an hr at 5 am ...took the girls to school and now back to work...oh yay..fun ...yippeee.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Good morning!

    I have already been to the gym and did 40 minutes on the elliptical. I have my pool fitness class tonight too. I have had a good start with my water and meals are all planned out to be healthy.

    Last night, my teenage daughter was causing all kinds of uproar in the house. Usually that sort of thing sent me for ice cream or a glass of wine. Last night I had a cup of herbal tea and that was my success!

    Hope you all have great days!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mornin' ladies.

    WHEW! The scale moved today. From 243.8 to 241.4. And I went ahead and changed my ticker because I haven't been able to for 2 weeks. I hadn't weighed in a few days because I was getting a little frustrated. It's all a little strange to me, though. I really busted my butt over the last 2 weeks working out & eating well & didn't lose anything. Then, I didn't do any intentional strenuous exercise Sunday or Monday and I ate pretty poorly Friday and Sunday and I dropped 2.4 pounds in 4 days. :huh:

    Maybe my body isn't ready for running & it's been freaking out & retaining all kinds of water when I do it? Maybe my body likes it when I "shock" my metabolism by eating 1900 calories in a day? Or maybe it was just a normal little mini-plateau?

    I guess I'll just keep doing what I've been doing (I mean, not what I've been doing over the last few days :laugh: but what I've been doing overall).
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    way to go on the 2.4 lbs :smile: :smile: :smile:

    I am not going to meet my thanksgiving goal of 292 :sad: :sad: since thanksgiving is in like a week...Hoping maybe possibly I can be back down to 295 (what I was a few weeks ago) and I will be good with that.

    uggg..back to work i go.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lildebbie: I know EXACTLY what you mean about thinking your are smaller than you are ... I think I've been in complete denial for the last 20 years and when I see a photo of myself it is a real shock ... I think it's part of why I struggle with weight loss - a part of me wants to think that I don't need to lose weight because I'm still that thin girl I was in high school (far from it :grumble: ).

    congrats jlb123!

    check in for yesterday:

    calories: considering that I ate all my calories by lunch ... I did ok , I was over by 400 though
    exercise: I did about 20 minutes of cleaning, but no walking when I should have - during my kids activities
    water: ok - 50 oz
    proud: ate a fairly small dinner after blowing it earlier in the day
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Girls,

    zora, we would never throw ya out. We :heart: you and want you here!!!!

    lildebbie, I hate reflective glass on stores because I look:noway: and wonder who's big butt that is following me around:laugh: :sad: :laugh: :sad:

    jlb, congrats on the pants thing. Don't forget your belt we would not want any exposure to occur at work:embarassed:

    lstpaul, I am proud of you for not letting the whole day be shot. You did good at dinner and you are awesome at exercise all the time. I am proud of ya. today is a new day:flowerforyou:

    havingitall, I have a teenage daughter and a pre-teen daughter and I know that they can drive you to eat:laugh: :laugh: So great job on the herbal tea. We tease our daughter, when she was born in 1993 there was a cartoon called the animaniacs. It had several short cartoons and one of them was Katie Kaboom and it was about a teenage girl, that would blow up easily . Anyways I included a link. I think all parents of teenage girls should see this cartoon so they could just laugh.

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Doing well today >>I will check in wih numbers later on.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hey Girls,

    havingitall, I have a teenage daughter and a pre-teen daughter and I know that they can drive you to eat:laugh: :laugh: So great job on the herbal tea. We tease our daughter, when she was born in 1993 there was a cartoon called the animaniacs. It had several short cartoons and one of them was Katie Kaboom and it was about a teenage girl, that would blow up easily . Anyways I included a link. I think all parents of teenage girls should see this cartoon so they could just laugh.


    Oh how I know what you mean.. cute link.. although, I think it applies to all teenagers girls and boys. I have 3 teenagers stepdaughter 16, daughter 14 and son 16 and they all cause STRESS.. I can't wait until I get smart again someday!:ohwell:

    so far today has gone pretty well.. I am going to have to push the water or I am not going to make it slacked this morning :grumble: . Tonight we are going to a Honor Society Ceremony (My 14 year old made it) :happy: But for now I am getting ready to go and hit our exercise room.. check in later

    Hope all is going well for the rest of you!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Wow lildebbie & istpaul, that is how I feel most of the time. You two hit it on the head. Because I buy clothes that fit well, I never feel fat, I just keep buying bigger clothes.

    When I see pictures of myself I'm SHOCKED! However, I have to admit that this is the biggest I've been my whole life, and I can feel a difference about how people look at me now. I can tell they are looking at me like "holy crap, she's gotten so big", I can see it in their eyes.

    The fact that my Mom, who never says anything, was very encouraged that I joined the gym again was telling. She expressed how she doesn't want to see me end up with diabetes & HBP like her. I think that was my slap of reality when she actually said something to me, even though it was in a nice and positive way.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I am so proud of everyone here. It takes a lot of hard work to change your life, and see you all doing each day. Even if it is in small steps (or somedays backwards steps...LOL) was are all making better choices and changing our lives.

    so far today I am on track for calories and exercise, but I am going to hare to push harder on the water today. I will check in later with my numbers.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thank you jennbarrette - I was feeling kind of down and frustrated today because I'm been having so much trouble controlling my eating the last month or so ... but you reminded me that at least I'm still here, and still trying. I AM making positive changes, even if sometimes I slide back into old habits ... and I WILL accomplish my goals - even if it is slow going sometimes.
    Tonight I'm going to the Y to workout for 90 minutes ... and a year ago that would have been a lot harder than it will be tonight. Unfortunately I have already eaten about 1500 calories again today ... but fortunately I will burn about 1500 calories tonight, so that will give me more to have a 'normal' dinner tonight.... but my goal is to make good food choices and not eat all my workout calories (especially since I won't be eating again until about 9:00pm). I'm behind on water too ... working on it.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Girls,

    havingitall, I have a teenage daughter and a pre-teen daughter and I know that they can drive you to eat:laugh: :laugh: So great job on the herbal tea. We tease our daughter, when she was born in 1993 there was a cartoon called the animaniacs. It had several short cartoons and one of them was Katie Kaboom and it was about a teenage girl, that would blow up easily . Anyways I included a link. I think all parents of teenage girls should see this cartoon so they could just laugh.


    Oh how I know what you mean.. cute link.. although, I think it applies to all teenagers girls and boys. I have 3 teenagers stepdaughter 16, daughter 14 and son 16 and they all cause STRESS.. I can't wait until I get smart again someday!:ohwell:

    so far today has gone pretty well.. I am going to have to push the water or I am not going to make it slacked this morning :grumble: . Tonight we are going to a Honor Society Ceremony (My 14 year old made it) :happy: But for now I am getting ready to go and hit our exercise room.. check in later

    Hope all is going well for the rest of you!

    There are more on you tube. If you really want to irritate the teenagers send them links to watch it.:laugh: Congrats on your 14 year old. Job well done. I love it when kids do the right thing.

    My 3 oldest children are girls. My son has 9 years before he is a teenager, I was hoping they were easier and that they just ate more.:grumble: :laugh: i guess not:ohwell:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Today has been one of those days that I am hungry ALL DAY. I have managed the calories but it has been a battle of my will. I have dull headache and I feel very irratable tonight. Hopefully I will be able to go to bed early and my family won't suffer. Have dinner ready then I will be out of the kitchen for the night. Looking for an easier day tomorrow.

    calories: yes 1420
    exersice: yes
    water: yes
    proud of: having an apple in the morning and trail mix in the afternoon to help have healthier snacking.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    calories - over my 6, and I ate all my exercise calories...
    water - over 64 oz
    exercise - 1 hr, mix of Biggest Loser video game, and walking

    I wish I could eat as few calories as you guys do :frown: I was a little over 2000 today.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    calories: yes 1200
    water: yes 8 glasses (finally made it past 6)
    exercise: yes @ the gym
    proud: no wine tonight :tongue:
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