"BLACK or AFRICAN AMERICAN" mainly a question...



  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I once had a friend go on a huge rant in our linguistics class about how she had never even BEEN to Africa and had no desire to go. She took being called African-American as a serious offense, and stood firmly on being called black. Whenever someone did call her African-American she would correct them, usually politely unless the issue had come up several times before like our professor who absolutely refused to call her black even though she had stated it was what she preferred.

    I feel like... to each their own, but don't get all offended when someone doesn't know which term to use. A gentle correction should be all it takes unless someone is being intentionally vicious. I was glad to see so many keeping this topic light and informative, too. It's nice to have a discussion without things getting broken.
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    Ok, I will give my serious opinion........

    Eskimos are people too.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I know someone is about to upset with this one, but y'all hve the right to be upset and i hve the right to ask.
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO why is it offensive for some to be called, "African American, Black, Black American, Afro American People of colour" but umm, the N word is used SOOO loosely?

    That word literally makes me sick to my stomach, it always has. I can't even say it to repeat what someone else said. I'm going to dig out a video of a kid giving a speech, if I can find it. It's pretty f'ing awesome.
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    I always thought "ppl of colour" was more offensive.

    And technically, can you really call a "person of colour" an African-American since Americans don't spell color that way anyway?

    Sorry... just picking on you a bit.

    Funnily enough, even in Canada where we spell it "colour", black people are often referred to as "African Americans" even though they are usually neither African nor American.

    Actually they are Americans. Some do not realize that the term American refers to all people in North and South America. As Euorpean refers to any one from the continent of Europe.
  • pants77
    pants77 Posts: 185 Member
    I prefer "soul challenged"... but I get called "ginger".... to each their own.


    If African-Americans/Blacks are people of color, and I am very fair skinned, then am I colorless?

    Seriosuly, I have always wondered:
    a) aren't we all AMERICANS?!
    b) if you can call me white, than why can't I call you black? Or should I be a Caucasian-American? (Actually a Scottish-Canadian-Irish American, but whatever...)

    Judging from the number of metric progress banners people have on their posts, I would say that no, we are not all Americans....
  • skyblu263
    skyblu263 Posts: 91 Member
    Honestly, I'm not a fan of being called black or african american. I'd much rather be decribed as "The girl wearing the 49ers t-shirt" or something. I'm brown for crying out loud! All this race crap gets on my nerves! When I was in high school and was made to circle my ethnicity, I'd circle "rather not say." I mean, why the heck do you need to know all that for me to take a test?! I have so many friends of so many ethnic backgrounds and I am truly greatful :) And, may I just add, I'm also Native American and Irish. Soooo....what? Do those get tossed aside because someone out there needs to label me? I'm proud of who I am and my ancestry. I think it remains important that as long as we teach our children to love everyone and respect them, this race crap can once again go on the wayside. After all, race hasn't always been an issue in society.

    "It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength." ― Maya Angelou
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    maybe everyone everywhere should call ourselves Africans since that is where we all originated from. :)
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    Since I am the older generation and grew up in the hood in Washington DC, black would be the most appropriate term.

    People are just too Damn sensitive these days!!!

    whats good DC/MD/VA guy? know what I miss most about living back there? GO-GO you ask the black guys out here about some go-go they look at you all crazy
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I am not racist either, i am fair.
    Whew. Glad you said that. It's always best for white people who use the "n word" to follow-up with, "I'm not racist either".
    Referring to the time that I was insulted racially and fought fire w/fire. It really shows that either you have never been close friends with anyone black, or maybe they were raised different and don't use the word. IDK.
    Danilee...I will go out on a limb and defend you for a second...

    I totally get what you mean..There are few ...I mean a few white people who have been around black people soo damn long..it's as iff they are now part of the family...I myself have a white friend who we call the n word too..and he is allowed to use it among me and my family and friends...he is trully a black man in a white man's body...AND get this ...he from Texas.

    Thank you :) I guess that some people just can't understand.

    As a white person no I don't understand. I work with a woman who is like a mother to me and she is black... and if I called her that she would not only be hurt that I called her that (because she is not that) but she would think less of me... so no I don't understand either... but then again, I don't call my friends deragotory names of any kind, whether it's accepted or not.

    Let me explain the difference...You said " I work with a woman who is like a mother to me and she is black"

    You did not say..."I grew up with black people and I was pretty much the ONLY white person in their crew....I am like family to them"

    That's when the N word is allowed to be used...

    and we aren't referring to the N-gger we are referring to N-gga

    Therre is a difference..and if you don't know...it's because you have NOT been around enought black people to know the difference

    But even growing up around Mexicans and Hispanics (yes there is a difference as have been told by many of my Mexican-American friends), I wouldn't call them derogatory names either... So I don't see how that is much different.
  • EyeLikeTacos
    EyeLikeTacos Posts: 324 Member
    How about just "person?"

    What if you were missing and the police asked for a description? What if a person robbed a store and the police asked for a height, would you just say "feet" tall? When the BMV asks what color hair you have for your license do you say "hair"?

    Saying my mother is black or my neighbor is white shouldn't be offensive at all.

    My thoughts exactly...I debated this with a friend of mind...who was trying her hardest not use color...and said that black people are really brown...

    I asked her..."If you were raped and you had to describe to the police who did it...Will you be trying to be politically correct?"

    If he was white will you say pink or olive...if he was black will you say brown?

    Keep it real people!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Really-They called me a cracker *kitten* *****. I don't want to be referred to as someone who ever BEAT A SLAVE W/A WHIP. Thank you. THAT is just as offensive to me. Also, they were about to get ran over and were PISSED at me for DRIVING ON THE ROAD-Funny how that can be twisted. I suppose I could have just hit them?... But by the reaction here, I chose the right thing, by defending myself verbally instead of getting scared and thinking they were packin and gonna shoot me had I said the wrong thing to them.

    But see, instead of just calling them *kitten* or ignoring them, you chose a racial slur. I just don't think like that. Just like I don't throw racial insults at Mexicans, Haitians, Asian people, etc. If they're being a jerk and I'm mad enough, that's what I would have called them. Not brought race into it.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    My sons are biracial and identify as black. I generally say black, because it's what I'm used to saying, but if someone expresses a preference to be referred to as something else, I always respect that preference.
  • CanadianThunder
    I always thought "ppl of colour" was more offensive.

    And technically, can you really call a "person of colour" an African-American since Americans don't spell color that way anyway?

    Sorry... just picking on you a bit.

    Funnily enough, even in Canada where we spell it "colour", black people are often referred to as "African Americans" even though they are usually neither African nor American.

    Actually they are Americans. Some do not realize that the term American refers to all people in North and South America. As Euorpean refers to any one from the continent of Europe.

    We don't refer to ourselves as "Americans", we refer to ourselves as Canadians. Just like Mexicans refer to themselves as Mexicans.
  • pants77
    pants77 Posts: 185 Member
    Ok, I will give my serious opinion........

    Eskimos are people too.

    Careful, you're on the cusp of offending Baby Seal Americans....
  • Tann19
    Tann19 Posts: 94 Member
    i'm not African, and i'm not American...i'm 100% Jamaican....so if you call me Black, i'm fine with that, in fact, you can call me whatever you like, and if I get offended, i'll tell you what your girl called me last night!

    you had me until you started talking about that man's girl.:happy:

    Jamaica to world!
  • luvJOJO
    luvJOJO Posts: 1,881 Member
    My son's father was (passed away) black (in skin color) but was not from Africa. He was Puerton Rican. So just because someone is black you can not assume they are African American.
    I never know what block to check on forms for my son when it asks what race he is. Why do I have to pick one???
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    How about just "person?"

    A point was made to me not too long ago that the entire CONCEPT of race (as separate from Ethnicity - your genetic makeup, or Culture - your social background) was for all intents and purposes INVENTED by white people and more or less around when colonization of the states began.

    It was necessary (or at least useful) at some level to be able to have a concrete reason for committing genocide against the natives and importing other people for use as commandable furniture.

    The solution ended up being along the lines of "we are naturally better/stronger/purer than these other folks," and they based it off of race - at that time there was "people of color" and by implication, us "normal" folks. History is written by the victors, so it's all stuck.

    And unfortunately, it's pretty much handed down parent-to-child.

    So black, white, asian, middle-eastern, hispanic - we're all just goddamned people. Put a bunch of kids together and they'll play together like kids. Any other prejudice is ingrained by our previous generations.


    I would like to refute that timing. If you look into history you will see that discrimination based upon asthetic differences that distinguish lineage goes back much longer than the colonization of the Western world. Slavery was a pretty big thing in Egypt, I here, and Egypt is not filled with with people.

    No, I agree with you. Slavery is not a new concept. However, slaves would historically be taken from another country after wars - or were simply a subclass of the existing society.

    What I'm saying is that the modern concept of "white" as somehow "the norm" - versus "colored" as somehow "inferior" - dates back to about then.

    And I still hold that it should be knocked off.
  • EyeLikeTacos
    EyeLikeTacos Posts: 324 Member
    I am not racist either, i am fair.
    Whew. Glad you said that. It's always best for white people who use the "n word" to follow-up with, "I'm not racist either".
    Referring to the time that I was insulted racially and fought fire w/fire. It really shows that either you have never been close friends with anyone black, or maybe they were raised different and don't use the word. IDK.
    Danilee...I will go out on a limb and defend you for a second...

    I totally get what you mean..There are few ...I mean a few white people who have been around black people soo damn long..it's as iff they are now part of the family...I myself have a white friend who we call the n word too..and he is allowed to use it among me and my family and friends...he is trully a black man in a white man's body...AND get this ...he from Texas.

    Thank you :) I guess that some people just can't understand.

    As a white person no I don't understand. I work with a woman who is like a mother to me and she is black... and if I called her that she would not only be hurt that I called her that (because she is not that) but she would think less of me... so no I don't understand either... but then again, I don't call my friends deragotory names of any kind, whether it's accepted or not.

    Let me explain the difference...You said " I work with a woman who is like a mother to me and she is black"

    You did not say..."I grew up with black people and I was pretty much the ONLY white person in their crew....I am like family to them"

    That's when the N word is allowed to be used...

    and we aren't referring to the N-gger we are referring to N-gga

    Therre is a difference..and if you don't know...it's because you have NOT been around enought black people to know the difference

    But even growing up around Mexicans and Hispanics (yes there is a difference as have been told by many of my Mexican-American friends), I wouldn't call them derogatory names either... So I don't see how that is much different.

    You missed the point...

    N-gger is deragatory

    N-gga is not

    Until you grasp that concept...you will not undestand this debate....
  • PilotX
    PilotX Posts: 233 Member
    if your born in america your an american its 2012 lets knock off this political correctness of trying to fit everyone in a category of color. If your born in Africa then your African color shouldn't dictate your region