Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    annasgyal wrote: »
    Thursday Truth- My boyfriend is a horrible eater. I realize that he is a bad influence on the way that I eat. He supports me emotionally, but I am not sure how to bring up the conversation to him about his seriously horrible eating. I think it will cause more harm than good.

    My first day back, and I am actually not doing so bad. I need to drink more water, but all in all, I am well on my way. Looking forward to my progress in three months from now.

    Please find away to say something. I lived with my ex that ate horrid and picked up his habits and when we split I hated myself for the way I looked. By not saying anything you are doing more harm to yourself. That's just my 2 cents.

    I know I need to because I told him I was getting serious about weight loss, he says ok.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy Arbor Day!
    Arbor Day (from the Latin arbor, meaning tree) is a holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant and care for trees. Today, many countries observe such a holiday. Though usually observed in the spring, the date varies, depending on climate and suitable planting season.

    Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures. ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.,

  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    This has been a good week for me, no drama, no over indulging, no fun. LOL just kidding. I am again finding that eating a regular portion and enjoying it is ok. I like not being over stuffed after a meal. The hard part for me now is finding a good snack in between meals.
    My knee really has no pain now; it is my thigh that is hurting like a huge bruise. It is really tender and the muscles on the side of my knee ache.

  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @RobinsEgg when my older daughter came down with it first they did testing and it is good old rotavirus. The timing is just long for this particular one. The bright side is I'm pretty sure my house had never been so disinfected. We are using 1:10 bleach spray on all surfaces and all the girls (even the 5yo) know to wash hands correctly after using the bathroom and spray lysol on the toilet, faucet handles and door knob on the way out. Thankfully lysol kills rota but I bleach surfaces a few times a day just to be sure we're killing any trace of the virus. Wad hoping to be feeling better today but I'm not really, maybe this afternoon. I ate more yesterday and my lower GI is not happy with that choice today.

    @Annr I would go with the allergy card if you can as well. That way feelings aren't hurt as much add possible but you are riding with someone you feel more comfortable with.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited April 2015
    @GOINSTD12~I truly believe we are all responsible for our own happiness. Sometimes it’s easier said than done, especially if there are life circumstances creating obstacles to that happiness—life is too short and its debilitating to be negative all of the time. :smile:

    @ushkii~If your surgeon cleaned out very much osteoarthritis I would expect there to be some residual pain around your knee—and you’ve been favoring it a bit I’m sure. It will subside soon. I subscribe to a newsletter from a website and have made several of her recipes (all very good)...this week she sent out a newsletter on healthy snacks, maybe it will give you some ideas. Here is the link:

    ETA: It's been a busy week with ups and downs in the weather, but I got out on my bike both Monday and Wednesday. Rain will deter us from riding today (been raining all morning). :frowning: It’s just as well, I need to get to the store so I have snacks around for tomorrow—my mom and I are painting the guest bedroom. I also need to finish prepping room for painting. So, I guess painting will be my exercise tomorrow. :wink: Not sure about Sunday yet.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions friends. I have asked her for rides back to my complex, (before when I didn't drive), after the meetings, so the "Im alergic won't really work. Today I called the leader of our group and said that a "family issue" has come up, and I wouldn't be able to make it. I told her I will reimburse the group for my spot. She is going to ask another lady that might want to attend the seminar. I have weighed the pros and cons of this situation. I do not wish to have hurt feelings with the lady with the messy car, nor do I wish to have hurt feelings with the lady that chose to "lend me out" to another car that needed a person. Frustrated a bit with myself, but we are down a bit on funds the end of the month, so the monies used for the 4 day seminar ($100) will be used for my family (ie:milk, bread etc) so saying that I have family issues isn't too far from the truth. After the group returns, I will confide in the leader, and let her know why I did what I did. I would rather not attend and keep the good feelings of the group than rock the boat and have hurt feelings. My husband understands my personality, but still says I allow the world to walk over me. I am just not confrontational.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @Annr I am glad you found a solution that works best for you. Sometimes not rocking the boat in a group that you find supportive and helpful is more important then confronting an issue.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    @kah68 wow some of thoes really look good; Shrimp Salad on Cucumber Slices, Zucchini Pizza Bites, Greek Nachos, Guacamole Deviled Eggs...

    ty (the wife is going to be busy this summer)

    @Annr Do not beat yourself up about getting out of a situation that you did not like. I think you handled it well and what other people do can not be helped by you. Forgive and forget, be happy you are out of the situation. Move on and shake it off!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited April 2015
    Annr wrote: »
    Thursday Truth: I am hesitant on attending a weight loss seminar our TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) group is going to. I will be fun because we have rented a house for the 4 days. I was suppose to be riding with a certain lady, (5+ hours drive), and she "offered me up" to another lady that has no one to ride with her. I am friendly with most people in the world, and polite but, this lady has a filthy car. She has a small dog and hair and dander is everywhere. The pee smell is terrible. She has some person hygiene health problems, and has had some accidents at the church where we have our TOPS meetings. What can I do, without hurting her feelings. Im kind of mad at the other lady that had offered first. I was organizing some art projects we were doing at the meeting that she offered to let me ride with her. Suggestions people?

    Is there anyway you could use the dog as an excuse. Like maybe say you have allergies that act up if you are in an enclosed place with lots of fur and dander? Even if you've been in her car before (sounds like you have), it was likely for shorter rides. Could you say you've noticed a reaction on those shorter trips and don't think you would be comfortable for 5 hours in the car?

    My 2-cents ... take your own car and drive yourself. You don't have to offer up any excuses or anything, just say 'you will be driving yourself after all and don't need a ride anymore, thank you very much for the offer.'

    PS ... saw your post that you have made a decision to skip the seminar after I posted this. Sorry you will miss it. Sometimes the hardest thing is to know how to gracefully, tactfully, and kindly stand up for yourself. Backing out of the trip was kind.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Amy picked the restaurant last night and I really liked it. It was the Burger Bar in Mandalay Place.

    “There are burger bars and there is Hubert Keller's Burger Bar Las Vegas. Each of this unique eatery's booths has a small TV featuring sports events. The open kitchen turns out Black Angus beef, Kobe beef, turkey and vegetarian burgers and even game options such as buffalo. Traditional topping choices plus imaginative options range from pesto to cranberry sauce. Special burgers served with skinny fries include the surf 'n' turf Black Angus layered with a grilled half lobster and grilled green asparagus on a plain bun. The Burger Bar's pièce de résistance is the very pricey Rossini burger created with Kobe beef, sautéed foie gras, shaved truffles and Madeira sauce on an onion bun. Worth the calorie splurge are desserts like the burger-shaped chocolate Nutella with a slice of passion fruit gel (stand-in for a tomato slice) on a warm burger bun-shaped donut. Shakes and floats and an extensive selection of bottled and draft beers, and a brief but first-rate wine list, nicely complement the cuisine.”-Gayot.

    I got the “Burger Bar Sliders- Buffalo with caramelized onions, Angus with bacon, and NatureSource (Prime) beef with cheese”. It had skinny fries which were really good ones. I had a Black & Brown (½ Guinness & ½ Newcastle Brown Ale) which are two of my favorites. There was only about a 15 minute wait on Friday night but we were kind of early for Vegas (around 6:00pm). The place is nice, service was very good, and the food was very good. I thought the prices were not that bad for what we got. That being said it is not a cheap burger place so expect to pay for the better meats. Amy got the “Buffalo-raised in Wyoming this buffalo meat is lean, low calorie, low fat, low cholesterol, extremely rewarding with a great taste”. With Grilled onion, Avocado, and Monterey Jack. I got a bite of it and it was very good. Amy got the Caramel Latte Milkshake (even though I’m diabetic I took a sip, wow it was great, I thought about a beer float but was good and did not get it). We were going to take pictures of the food but when it came it looked so good we had to start eating and then remembered we did not take the pictures. This was my big splurge which put me way over on calories but sometimes you just have to be bad lol. The bill was $56. I did get a picture of the beer and milkshake.

    Hubert Keller’s Burger Bar


    Happy DNA Day!
    DNA Day is a holiday celebrated on April 25. It commemorates the day in 1953 when James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin and colleagues published papers in the journal Nature on the structure of DNA. Furthermore, on that day in 2003 it was declared that the Human Genome Project was very close to complete, and "the remaining tiny gaps [we]re considered too costly to fill."
    In the United States, DNA Day was first celebrated on April 25, 2003 by proclamation of both the Senate and the House of Representatives. However, they only declared a one-time celebration, not an annual holiday. Every year from 2003 onward, annual DNA Day celebrations have been organized by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), starting as early as April 23 in 2010, April 15 in 2011 and April 20 in 2012. April 25 has since been declared "International DNA Day" and "World DNA Day" by several groups.
    The Human Genome Project (HGP) is an international scientific research project with the goal of determining the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up human DNA, and of identifying and mapping all of the genes of the human genome from both a physical and functional standpoint. It remains the world's largest collaborative biological project. The project was proposed and funded by the US government; planning started in 1984, the project got underway in 1990, and was declared complete in 2003. A parallel project was conducted outside of government by the Celera Corporation, or Celera Genomics, which was formally launched in 1998. Most of the government-sponsored sequencing was performed in twenty universities and research centers in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Germany, and China.
    The Human Genome Project originally aimed to map the nucleotides contained in a human haploid reference genome (more than three billion). The "genome" of any given individual is unique; mapping "the human genome" involves sequencing multiple variations of each gene.

    If you absolutely can't stay positive, don't go negative, just cruise neutral for a while until you can get back up. ~Terri Guillemets

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    thanks for your kind words friends. I donated one of my sample challis's from when I was a volunteer at a "The Dark Arts' festival (celbrating the dark ales from all the breweries around Oregon and beyond), to a basket we were making for the raffle at the seminar, representing us here on the coast. The leader had visited the same brewery that held the festival and got some great ales, so my glass should compliment that. Also donated a starfish candle that I found. Whoever wins that basket will be thoroughly impressed and want to visit this place!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    thanks for your kind words friends. I donated one of my sample challis's from when I was a volunteer at a "The Dark Arts' festival (celbrating the dark ales from all the breweries around Oregon and beyond), to a basket we were making for the raffle at the seminar, representing us here on the coast. The leader had visited the same brewery that held the festival and got some great ales, so my glass should compliment that. Also donated a starfish candle that I found. Whoever wins that basket will be thoroughly impressed and want to visit this place!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- So happy that you decided to stay. You are a vital part of this group and you bring valuable insights to many of our discussions. Thank you about the kind words about my pictures. Love the new to you car.

    Annr- That is wonderful that you found a solution to your problem, the basket sounds great.

    Tom- the milkshake and beer look fantastic and yes, I would also splurge on calories that way.

    Queen- That is great news about your son, wanting to go to college. I love the gift idea and good luck with the job interview.

    Kelley- I hope the weather cooperates so you go bike riding. I am excited because I just had road tires put on my bike. I hope the weather will be nice here tomorrow, so I can get outside to ride.

    Lori- Your post was very well said, nice job and great timing.

    To everyone who is thinking about giving up, don't. You can and will do this, the lessons you are learning now will help you in the future. Today during swim the coach and I were discussing my progress/ my frustration with butterfly. It came down to the following saying- It not I can't- it's I will, It's not if- it is when, It's not now, it is not yet. The bottom line is I will continue to make improvements when I keep working on the skills that will help me to be successful and while we still we have a ways to go to reach our goals our time will come.

    In addition, everyone is a valuable addition to this thread.

    This past week has been extremely busy for me between work and after work meetings. I am actually happy to be sitting home on a Saturday night, since I have been on the go all week. The problem with so many meeting at night is the eating out even through I try to make good choices, it is still not the best option. Exercise has suffered this week but at least I did swim on Wednesday. I am setting a goal of swimming at least once during the work week so that will be two days per week.

    This week should be a better week with fewer meeting.

    Exercise Goals
    Sunday- bike ride or gym weather dependent
    Tuesday- gym
    Wednesday- swim? or gym
    Thursday- swim or gym
    Friday- climb
    Saturday- swim

    Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    Today I have much to be grateful for. There are many milestones in my life this year.
    Both of my children have their golden birthdays 23 and 28.
    I will have my 55th birthday
    Hubby and I will celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary
    I lost over 100 pounds from my top weight
    I will be celebrating 30 years of sobriety
    There is just so much I do not know how to express the way I feel about it all.
    So, I will just say thank you for being there for me. This thread is a wonderful thing I am so glad to have all of you in my life.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @tom-- love the pics! That milkshake looks delicious!

    @anna-- It took a while for my husband to adjust to my healthier eating, but once he saw I was serious, he got on board. I adjusted by eating smaller portions of some of the higher calorie foods he likes to cook, and he tries to make some healthier versions as well. Just stick to your guns and your boyfriend will get used to your new way of eating. As for treat items--robin's suggestion for clothes is a good one. Some other ideas are a mani/pedi or maybe some jewelry--fun accessories from someplace like Charming Charlie's or Francesca's if you have those stores where you live.

    @kelley-- hope the painting went well. Can't wait to see pics!

    @tracey-- welcome!

    @melissa-- hope your cold is gone. I've felt on the verge of one the past few days, but it could also just be allergies.

    @robin-- congrats on the new car! As far as our teaching contract, our board recommended it, but the members don't vote on it until May 13th.

    @holly-- loved the gift idea and the poem you included in it!

    @tracy (goins)-- glad you made it to the gym!

    Sunday Share:
    I'm still struggling to get back on track. This week was terrible for exercise and I'm feeling overwhelmed with grading. I had 4 meetings this past week which really didn't help in any way, shape, or form. Today was a productive day, but I still feel I've barely made a dent. Tomorrow we are going to my SIL's house for my great niece's b-day I'm excited to see the family, but stressed that I won't have much time to grade. I also would like to go to the gym, but doubt I will have time for that either.

    Part of the reason I'm so swamped is that the AP exam is May 6th so I need to get all of the Yeats journals and Lit Theory papers back to those students who are testing. They will also be writing one more in-class essay this Thursday, so I will need to get those back to them before May 6th as well.

    The silver lining is that once those papers are all back, I will essentially be done with AP for the school year. We do one more unit and some will need to write final exam essays (they are exempt if they get 90% or better for the semester), but really not many assignments between the AP exam and graduation. There's a light--I just need to get through this tunnel.

    April Challenge:

    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 5/7 days a week
    Week 1: At/over 90g of protein 6/7
    Week 2: At/over 90g of protein 5/7
    Week 3: At/over 90g of protein ?/7 didn't keep track
    Week 4: At/over 90g of protein 3/7

    Exercise = run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 runs
    Week 2: 2/3 runs
    Week 3: 1/3 runs
    Week 4: 1/3 runs

    Next 8k is May 9th (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 8/60 Junior research papers
    2. 40/64 Yeats journals
    3. 5/64 Lit theory papers
    4. x/60 Hemingway annotations

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sat--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    Happy Richter Scale Day
    Date When Celebrated : Always April 26
    Richter Scale Day celebrates the birth of the inventor of the Richter Scale. Born on April 26, 1900, American seismologist Charles F. Richter (1900–1985) invented the Richter Scale in 1935.
    The Richter Scale measures the amount of energy released by an earthquake by measuring the magnitude or seismic waves produced by an earthquake. The Richter Scale measures from 0 to 9. On the scale, each increase in number represents an earthquake 10 times more powerful. At 4.5 an earthquake can damage buildings and structures. At 7 on the Richter scale, severe and catastrophic damage can occur.
    Deadliest/ Strongest Earthquakes:
    August 24, 70: Mount Vesuvius, Italy erupts, burying Pompeii and Herculaneum. Thousands killed.
    January 23, 1556: Shaanxi province, China. Deadliest earthquake in history kills 830,000 people.
    April 18, 1906: The famous San Francisco earthquake and fire. 7.8 on the Richter scale.
    December 16, 1920: Gansu province, 200,000 killed. 8.6 on the Richter scale.
    September 1, 1923: Tokyo and Yokahoma, Japan. 8.3 magnitude earthquake destroys 1/3 of Tokyo and most of Yokohama. Over 140,000 killed.
    May 22, 1927: Xining, China: 8.3 magnitude earthquake, approximately 200,000 killed.
    May 22, 1960: Strongest earthquake ever recorded, at 9.5 magnitude, occurs off the coast of Chile.
    In 1964, Alaskan earthquake measured 8.4.
    Feb. 9, 1971 - Sylmar Earthquake measured 6.6 on the Richter scale
    Jan 17, 1994 - Northridge Earthquake 6.7
    Recent Major Earthquakes:
    December 26, 2004: An earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia creates the deadliest Tsunami in history. The waves reach numerous Asian and African countries. More than 225,000 killed, millions homeless.
    October 2, 2005: Kashmir, Pakistan, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake kills more than 80,000 people.

    Those who wish to sing, always find a song. ~Swedish Proverb

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tom-- A very relevant post given what's going on in Asia. Though the death toll hasn't reached the proportions of some of those in your list, Saturday's earthquake in Nepal registered 7.8 on the Richter scale with a 6.7 aftershock Sunday. BBC is reporting 2300 dead though that is sure to go up. Very sad.
  • JeanWolfSpirit
    JeanWolfSpirit Posts: 9 Member
    I have over 100-150 lbs to loose before I can get my hip replaced and have knee surgery. Starting weight of 348 in December 2013....current weight 328. I have a long road that is mostly uphill ....I've changed my eating habits to a healthy portion food lifestyle and exercise as much and as long as I can... Can't do much walking but try, can't do much exercising but have found chair exercises that is easier for me. Just need motivation and support to keep the depression at bay. This is the heaviest I've ever been in my 54 long years after having 6 kids with 5&6 being 8&9lb twins.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning everyone.

    Well, the guest bedroom is all painted--its beautiful, I'm really happy with the color. The walls really soaked up the paint so it took two gallons and many hours to complete. Glad its done. I'm exhausted!

    My only plan for today is to get to the grocery store for a few things, do a load of laundry and then either nap on my couch or by the pool--going to be gorgeous outside, but I'm far too tired for anything beyond that today. :wink:

    @JeanWolfSpirit~Welcome, you found a great place for motivation and support. Check back often.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @morgori That meal sounds fabulous I love when a calorie splurge meal is worth every bite!

    I'm finally feeling better! Yesterday I felt better but still no appetite and eating full meals made my stomach hurt so I took it slow. Today I've been ravenous and ate! It feels so good to have energy. Took the kids to do the Walk for Autism we do every year and because we were out and about all day ate more junk then I normally would (including a klondike bar AND a mini blizzard