Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @RobinsEgg I am soo glad you are staying!!! I know what slim feels like....and I so wish to feel that again. I was 179 waaaay back in 2010, then my husband started getting sick. So I forgot about me, and tended to him, and my teenager. It is tough to be normal, when everthing you are feeling is so not normal. Nothing like caring for your mate, when his body has decided to go into a amonia-induced coma, and you are trying to be all carefree for your sons sake. I jumped from 265 to 179 BACK to 250 presently. But, hey life is always going to be enflux, always changing. Isn't it understandable that your body would follow suit? So just by being present, and not putting your journey on the back burner mentally, YOU ARE SUCCEEDING girlie. I get on myself, then realize that I am a sane, powerful, positive woman. That has been my reward in these last couple years of caregiver madness. I am not on drugs to shut away the pain. I am not a regular at a bar down the street. (my favorite one.. lol) So Miss RobinsEgg, chin up....we love ya. You can't leave, we love your imput, and I know when I read the many posts I realize one other thing. We all have our lives and we are doing the best we can. It's a reality check and it puts me in a certain mental order. And all is right in the world. :smile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @karina--congrats on getting back to Twoderville!! Woohoo!

    @barb (mountmary)--good to see you pop in. I've also been lacking follow-through. Working on that--today was better than yesterday, so that's something.

    @MKknits --ugh on the stomach bug--feel better!

    @holly--that's great that your son is interested in going to college. What a wonderful example you've been for him. :smile:

    A big "hello" to everyone else.

    Wednesday Wish:
    That my movement in the right direction with my food choices continues. Not sure I will make my protein goal, but only a bit of snacking today.

    April Challenge:

    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 5/7 days a week
    Week 1: At/over 90g of protein 6/7
    Week 2: At/over 90g of protein 5/7
    Week 3: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 4: At/over 90g of protein x/7

    Exercise = run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 runs
    Week 2: 2/3 runs
    Week 3: 1/3 runs
    Week 4: x/3 runs

    Next 8k is May 9th (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 8/60 Junior research papers
    2. 7/64 Yeats journals
    3. x/64 Lit theory papers
    4. x/60 Hemingway annotations

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm so tired today, I am waffling about working out but I WILL make myself get out of my chair, away from my desk, and go work out at lunch. I WILL feel much better after I have done so. I WILL lift myself out of the funk. MY WILL is stronger than the temptation to sluff off.

    MY WILL is the only will that matters, when it comes to taking care of myself.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    oh yeah, that's way better.... she says as she gasps for breath after her workout!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I was scared to come back today and fearful of what I might read - such a fraidy cat - so thanks everyone for being nice to me and telling me "yes stay" I feel so good now hearing all your voices! @Ushkii - awww, thank you! @Niki, you should come visit! @Barb you should come too - I really missed seeing your posts...@Kah -well you too , why doesn't everyone come to Omaha sometime - its a great place!

    @Walking queen - you just sorta slipped that in about your son wanting to go to college - I want to do a Victory Dance with you - that is exciting news - now we'll on be on tinderhooks for 4 years! And you too - gosh your classes are winding down and another interview ahead at the place that sounds just right for you! Your gift sounds perfect since you don't know age or sex....and I like the poem in the front.

    @Skinny - I'm so glad your negotiations went well and seem to be approved too - is that right?

    AFM - I did some tallying up regarding my groceries - and it turns out that I chew 45 sticks of gum (artificially sweetened berry flavored) a day. Isn't that nuts? I have to compare my tongue with the gum, to a dog with a ball. Its content once it gets the gum and can play with it in a pocket in the corner of my mouth. But once the gum gets old and dry, the "dog" starts barking for a new "ball". And I can't manage to go without gum for more that 3 to 4 minutes, unless I have water to drink in my hand.
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    It has been a while since I have posted, but nice to see this thread still going. I am back again, on the weight loss wagon. I have a good ways to go, but my wake up call came today. I went to the doctors, only to find out that at 35 I am diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes, not to mention my highest weight that I am simply to ashamed to say. I keep wondering where I was and when did it happen. However, I will keep chugging along and do what I log and move.

    I am in my first year if graduate school, and I work from home. My issue...eexercise. ..iI hate it...wwell we have a love hate relationship.

    So nice to see everyone, and I will do my best to post at least weekly through the insanity. Did I mention that I have a one year old. My oldest is 17 and let me tell you, the energy I have is almost non existent.

    I do know that I can make anew immediate change with water. But am I ready for the bathroom runs....

    I am trying to set up a treat item every ten pounds...any ideas?

    Have a fabulous night, well morning:)
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thursday Share ... results for this week on my April Challenge of more veggies/less fruit ...
    last week ... 20 fruit and 24 veggies
    this week ... 15 fruit and 24 veggies
    this week goal was less fruit by 1 a day. All the fruit I ate was fresh, the veggies were mostly fresh or blanched.

    Goal for this week ... 2 fruits/4 veggies a day with a potato or yam as one of the veggies at least 2 times this week.
    Follow through

    PS ... welcome to everyone new to this thread. I hope you stop by again often. This is a great place to share your efforts/issues/successes/hopes and dreams.

    @Mountmary/Barb ... you are welcome. We are in this together, all of us.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    My stomach is still bothering me. I haven't had more then about 700-900 calories a day for this entire week. Part of the issue now is my stomach physically hurts when I eat.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Thursday :)
    I'm behind again so I don't know the whole situation yet but Robinsegg I am glad you chose to stay. Also MN is very close for a visit. Being Thursday truth here it goes this no job journey has me doing bad weight wise due to my poor choices. I am eating horrible, not exercising or drinking water as much. It is time to kick myself in the @ss and get on track. I have had an exciting day and somewhat depressing but I am starting the journal after this post so it will be uphill. I want to share the poem I created. I don't do that rhyming stuff when I right just from the heart. Also for my son he truly was hard headed in high school so he graduated with a 1.7 GPA and now he is reaping what he sowed. He is looking at a technical college for auto mechanics or drafting. He doesn't want to apply because of his GPA but I told him it is better to apply and not get in than not to apply at all. Anyways the poem is below

    Everyday is a new day with emotions that can change like a roller coaster ride at an amusement park but no matter what emotion your ride is giving you everyone knows that your determined. Just as the roller coaster slows down to stop, so does your current day unwind. As you unwind many things run through your mind touching on every emotion all at one time. In the morning your new roller coaster ride begins and everyone knows your the strongest person in the world.
    Your strength has changed so many people's lives for the positive each and every day. You may not know the people you help but your determination can't be ignored. Always remember how great you are, that your laugh and smile brighten up the room and that your carefree spirit can't help but be adored.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited April 2015
    @annasgyal - welcome back - so you need to figure out a treat item every 10 lbs. Well, how often will that be? About every 3 months? I think an item of clothing should do. And no exercise? Heck you've got a 1 year old to chase after - that counts as exercise you can't sit for very long with that babe! If you want to pop up and down MORE often than that, well you have my blessings, darling!

    @Niki - I see you're doing great cutting down on those fruits and adding the veggies. I've noticed how sweet veggies are, do you notice that?

    @MKknits - oh girl, I feel so sorry for you, you and your whole family is really suffering from this stomach bug. Has anyone been to the doctor? Your calorie drop is really concerning. Do you ever use real butter? its quite soothing I find, when spread on a cracker and dipped into soup, or on a bun or piece of bread, and that greatly adds to your calorie intake. Keep washing all your interior handles down with bleach or whatever you're comfy using....

    @Queen - hey you're right, MN isn't all that far, maybe we could meet half-way? a little vacay? I'll look and see what's on the map. It would have to happen before you get your new job or later when you get time off!
    Auto mechanics OR drafting are both good careers as far as I know, I think its exciting he's making plans now, and of course he's nervous and aptitude plays a big part in his acceptance, I think, not just GPA.
    Your poem is lovely - very encouraging - and I'm all for poems not being all sing-song and rhyming.

    AFM - I could be crabby and miserable today except I'm still on a high re-reading all the nice things said to me on here. I copied and saved them to my desktop so I can re-read them when I get blue. One of you PM'd me with a good website I can use too. So, I'm here to stay. Guess its out in the open. I am living with a continuing mental health problem (see how I danced around that? - I could have said I have a mental illness but that has a stigma to it) ta da!
    And I have a multitude of health problems. Thus I have regained the weight I lost. But, I am back to losing the weight. Even tho the end of April is near, my personal challenge for April is to spend more time outdoors recreating. I did go to a State Park on Tuesday - and walked around with a friend. I'm saving my old bread and going back as there are at least 35 geese families - oh such cute tiny goslings - to feed as well as koi ponds.

    PLUS EXCITING NEWS!!!! After 2 weeks of grueling searching (I'm sure many of you have been thru this) I have bought a new-ish car - a 2011 Chevy Malibu LT. Its dark red (not maroon) with black interior and tinted windows. Its only got 43,000 miles and for my 1999 Buick which had hail damage and a salvage title, they gave me a hefty trade in, and great financing. The Malibu, I have given her a Name but only the girls here can know the name, so Close your Ears Tom and Ushkii: Her name is........
    Cherry Cherry (now, doesn't that make you want to break out in song?)
    I won't tell the name to GUYS cuz they might make insulting remarks and I won't put up with that......heeeheeehheee...........I can still have fun even at my old age.....
  • teknotwo
    teknotwo Posts: 15 Member
    I am new to this discussion. Well since it's Truth, Thursday, I keep wanting to eat only half of whatever I put on my plate. I have been on my journey to lose weight and eat more healthy for almost two years now. I am a little less than twenty pounds until I get to my goal weight. But as it gets closer I find myself worrying if I will be able to maintain my weight. I haven't been able to before so it does worry me. I have been heavy most all my life. I have lost 97 pounds so far and have about a little way to go. It does make me nervous.
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Thursday Truth- My boyfriend is a horrible eater. I realize that he is a bad influence on the way that I eat. He supports me emotionally, but I am not sure how to bring up the conversation to him about his seriously horrible eating. I think it will cause more harm than good.

    My first day back, and I am actually not doing so bad. I need to drink more water, but all in all, I am well on my way. Looking forward to my progress in three months from now.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I just stumbled upon this quote, so without giving it much thought, I'm going to share it:
    "Trickle Down Happiness, LLC
    "Helping oneself and helping others are inextricably intertwined; the more we help ourselves, the happier we become; and the happier we become, the more inclined we are to help others" - Tal Ben-Shahar

    Helping yourself is not a selfish's the act of a person that cares so much about the world and the other people in it, that they are willing to become the best they can be for the benefit of all of us."

    @teknotwo welcome! Thanks for being brave and sharing your Truth. Yep, it is scary when you are that close to your final goal. 97 lbs is a great deal of weight to lose, and only 20 lbs to go to your goal weight.
    It is right at this point where a person seems to slow down on their weight loss as well. The pounds are really hard to lose. You struggle because you also have to learn what is your maintenance diet going to become - how many calories can you eat to maintain your weight. I suggest you begin that part of the process now. Start thinking that you are at your optimum weight now - just give or take 20 lbs! Then you start slowly dropping a pound or two. Let your body guide yourself down very very slowly. In fact this is a great discussion for maintenance as we have several people here who are on maintenance now. So, I hope you keep coming back and let them guide you.
    Also, don't take MY advice as Gospel. Others opinions are just as valuable so listen to them as well.
  • tdillabo
    tdillabo Posts: 40 Member
    Hello people...I'm Tracey and I have 175lbs to lose in total....I have a 3yr plan so I am taking it slow and steady....just finished my first week using this alongside fitbit....I'm feeling confident when I have my weigh in tomorrow.... I've never moved as much as I have this poor doggy is worn out :) I have bookmarked this conversation (now I know how thanks to the message by robinsegg) and I will check back regularly :)
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Thursday Truth: I've been battling a cold all week, so my food and exercise diary is pathetic. I don't think I've made a single meal myself this week. :frowning: Finally threw in the towel today and got some Dayquil to help defog my brain so I can work on some writing assignments. I promise not to breathe on anyone. :mask:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    annasgyal wrote: »
    Thursday Truth- My boyfriend is a horrible eater. I realize that he is a bad influence on the way that I eat. He supports me emotionally, but I am not sure how to bring up the conversation to him about his seriously horrible eating. I think it will cause more harm than good.

    My first day back, and I am actually not doing so bad. I need to drink more water, but all in all, I am well on my way. Looking forward to my progress in three months from now.

    Please find away to say something. I lived with my ex that ate horrid and picked up his habits and when we split I hated myself for the way I looked. By not saying anything you are doing more harm to yourself. That's just my 2 cents.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thursday Truth: I am hesitant on attending a weight loss seminar our TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) group is going to. I will be fun because we have rented a house for the 4 days. I was suppose to be riding with a certain lady, (5+ hours drive), and she "offered me up" to another lady that has no one to ride with her. I am friendly with most people in the world, and polite but, this lady has a filthy car. She has a small dog and hair and dander is everywhere. The pee smell is terrible. She has some person hygiene health problems, and has had some accidents at the church where we have our TOPS meetings. What can I do, without hurting her feelings. Im kind of mad at the other lady that had offered first. I was organizing some art projects we were doing at the meeting that she offered to let me ride with her. Suggestions people?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday goal report: water 7/7; exercise 6/7; logging 3/7
    As you can see, my logging was terrible this week. I am paying the price. My weight is 2# up from what it has been for a long time.
    @teknotwo I am very close to your situation. I have lost 95#, and am 15-20# short of my goal. I have been stuck for over a year, just wavering within a 5# range.
    @robinsegg You are the backbone of this group. It has become so much more than a weight-loss group. It has made all difference between success and failure for many of us. I'm sure I would have given up during this last year without the support of my online friends.
    Today was a good day. I managed to log all day, instead of quitting after breakfast. I am well under my calories, too.
    Here's to a good finish to the month.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Thursday Truth: I am hesitant on attending a weight loss seminar our TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) group is going to. I will be fun because we have rented a house for the 4 days. I was suppose to be riding with a certain lady, (5+ hours drive), and she "offered me up" to another lady that has no one to ride with her. I am friendly with most people in the world, and polite but, this lady has a filthy car. She has a small dog and hair and dander is everywhere. The pee smell is terrible. She has some person hygiene health problems, and has had some accidents at the church where we have our TOPS meetings. What can I do, without hurting her feelings. Im kind of mad at the other lady that had offered first. I was organizing some art projects we were doing at the meeting that she offered to let me ride with her. Suggestions people?

    Is there anyway you could use the dog as an excuse. Like maybe say you have allergies that act up if you are in an enclosed place with lots of fur and dander? Even if you've been in her car before (sounds like you have), it was likely for shorter rides. Could you say you've noticed a reaction on those shorter trips and don't think you would be comfortable for 5 hours in the car?
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @Annr - That is a really difficult situation. Maybe you can tell the 2nd lady that you are severely allergic to pet dander, would love to ride with her, but cannot unless she can get her car cleaned and de-furred. Then ask the first lady again if you can ride with her and tell her the same thing. No need to mention the personal hygeine issue, it would just hurt the 2nd lady's feelings and she most likely can't help what is happening. If the first ride still falls through, you may need to drive yourself or find someone else. I would NOT skip the seminar though, unless you have no other choice. It also sounds like your projects will be needed for the seminar so others are depending on you.
    @tdillabo - welcome, I'm glad you figured out how to find us again! We look forward to getting to know you. I'm a Tracy (no e) too, I live in the Austin TX area.
    @Robinsegg - great quote. I always say it's your decision to be happy or sad, others can influence you but what you do with the circumstances is entirely in your court. You can decide to deal with it and be happy despite those circumstances, or you can curl up in a ball and let it get the best of you. I know it's not as easy as it sounds, but making that decision to be positive each day, sometimes each hour, or just for the next 10 minutes, is the first step to long-term happiness.
    Tracy (TX)