Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Depression Screening Day!
    OCTOBER 8, 2015
    Held annually during Mental Illness Awareness Week in October, National Depression Screening Day (NDSD) is comprised of awareness events that include an optional screening component.
    National Depression Screening Day began as an effort to reach individuals across the nation with important mental health education and connect them with support services. Screening for Mental Health (SMH) pioneered National Depression Screening Day as the first, voluntary, mental health screening initiative in 1990.
    Twenty-five years later, NDSD has expanded to thousands of colleges, community-based organizations, and military installations providing the program to the public each year.

    Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be. ~Thomas à Kempis


  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited October 2015
    @Robin~ This surgery is generally outpatient, the surgeon doesn't foresee a hospital stay unless the procedures become really complicated and I end up being under anesthesia longer than anticipated.

    @Liz~ I tend to type in Word and then copy/paste my posts over to MFP—a little easier.

    @tinkie_04~ Welcome, you found a great place for support. Congrats on the commitment to yourself, good luck with your goals.
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    @Barney - ooh, 2 meals a day - gosh, you were strong, and now you're finding 3 meals a day hard to do? omg I have to have some kind of protein about 5 times a day or a get all floppy....
    people sure are different, but then again, I'm not diabetic....

    Yes, 3 meals & 2 or 3 snacks (with protein) per day has been challenging. For decades, I ate only one meal per day, typically between 2pm and 4pm and that meal was a very large meal that really filled me up so that I wouldn't need to eat later that night (for me, eating late at night made sleeping well more difficult). That one big meal/day thing was very likely the reason I ended up an insulin-dependent diabetic 20 years later (plus it runs in the family). I've never had any appetite in the morning (but now I find I do need my breakfast so I don't feel like I'm "dragging" until lunch but still not hungry in the morning) so my big meal eating was like a 24 hour daily fast with a big "reward" each day. For years, that worked well for me & I lost my excess weight (94 pounds on the "Carbohydrate Addict's Diet" back in the early 90's). However, after years of doing that, that big meal wasn't holding off my hunger, especially for the "wrong" foods (i.e. breads or anything made with flour, & sweets) driving me to binge eat. At the time, my fasting blood sugar #'s were OK but what I didn't know at the time was that my post-meal blood sugar #'s were way too high but I just didn't know it since I wasn't testing that at the time (tried a couple of times with my mom's glucometer & "pegged" it as it couldn't measure blood sugars over 400 mg/dL). I just ignored that at the time figuring everything was OK since my morning blood sugar #'s (fasting) were sort of OK by morning (maybe a little elevated but not by much). I hadn't realized just how much those high post-meal blood sugars were driving up my appetite during much of the day. Back then, the A1C test was rarely done (I don't think I had that tested UNTIL my fasting blood sugar #'s became elevated) but that test would have likely shown a problem was developing and that post-meal blood sugar testing with a glucometer would be necessary to get things under better control. My dietitian also initially moved me to 2 meals/day (from my 1 big meal) to make it easier to get my blood sugars #'s down & use less insulin and eventually wants me to move to 3 meals/day plus 2-3 snacks/day & maybe get off the meal-time insulin (Humalog) entirely.

    Now that I'm an insulin-dependent diabetic, moving to 3 meals/day (whenever I manage to do that) helps a lot with lowering the dosage of insulin (Humalog) needed for that meal since it's smaller (& has less carbs) with my body supplying any remaining insulin needed rather than it just "choking out" with a large meal and not having enough insulin present to keep the post-meal blood sugars within a good range (i.e. < 140 mg/dL).
  • ChrisRendon1128
    ChrisRendon1128 Posts: 103 Member
    tinkie_04 wrote: »
    Hi! I'm Christina. I'm a 29-year-old social media specialist, and I've struggled with my wright since I was diagnosed with PCOS 15 years ago. But enough is enough. I'm 280 lbs, and my wish is to be below 200lb by my 30th birthday in early May. I'm determined to make this happen.

    I started working out (again) two and a half weeks ago (yep, that half is important). I have committed to a 2-mile walk with my fur-baby twice a day and a gym/class workout three times a week. So far, so good. I just seem to be tired during the work day. Not sleepy. Just tired. But I'm "on program," as my boss calls it.

    The best part of my day is hitting the "Complete my entry" on MFP, and it tells me I'm on track to lose 20-30 lbs in the next five weeks. I'd be happy with 15 ;)

    Hi Christina!! My start weight was just about the same as yours (mine was 286.8 lbs) and I just wanted to wish you luck!! I can't wait to be below 200 lbs either :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2015
    Thursday Truth ... I went to the grocery store and the drugstore today ... and I came home with NO of candy or baked goods! That is such a milestone for me ... as just looking at the wrappers makes me have cravings for them.
    I do have some bread in the house ... it's an organic whole rye bread that looks and tastes like it's for sustenance and not for pleasure. LOL .. had half a slice today with sardines on it for part of my meal.

    No, I'm not Low-Carbing, just trying to break the sugar and starch habit. I'm much more satisfied and better off with a baked potato than I am with a piece of any kind of bread that includes wheat flour; and have to stay away as much as possible from any pastas as well for the same reason ... sets off waves of irresistible cravings for more, more, more!

    Speaking of pastas ... here's a TIP I recently read ... when you cook a pasta, then refrigerate it, then use it (heat it back up or eat it cold like in salad), the Glycemic Index is lower than when you eat it hot right after cooking. There was an explaination ... omething in the chemistry of it makes it become a slower to digest carb after it's been cooled and thus does not raise your blood sugar as quickly ... so all my fellow Diabetes suferers out there ... hope this is a helpful tip for you as well.

    Hope everyone is having a great day today, and an even better one tomorrow.

    @Skinnyjeansbound ... seems you have had this cold for much longer than colds normally run ... could it be allergies that are causing it to linger? Hope you shake it off soon ...

    @lizmil79 ... the suggestion that @Kah68 provided about using a document software like Word to write your post is a good one. Having a large screen makes it easy to have both apps open on the same desktop ... I did just this for a long time myself. Now, I just scroll up and down and sometimes open a second browser instead of a document ... look at one and write on the other.

    @RobinsEgg ... Hope you get the piece you will love and cherish from your step-mom's belongings. I have my dad's dresser and my mom's dining room china and buffet consoles. Brings me such pleasure to look at and use those pieces.

    @tinkie_04...that is a very big ambition ... to lose huge amounts every week to get it done by May ... please keep us/me informed as to how you are doing. I tried something similar one time when I was younger ... 'just do it and get it over with'-thinking ... but wasn't able to maintain the effort it took and ended up gaining it all back plus some ... I hope you succeed at this. Good luck.

    @BarneyRubbleMD ... interesting tale ... however I doubt if the A1c might have caught your Diabetes any sooner ... for me, the blood glucometer is a much better measure of where the numbers are after a meal, or anytime. I only say this because my A1c is decent ... never has hit the 8's, usually in the low 6's, and yet my morning fasting numbers are too high, even higher than my bedtime numbers. During the day I can go close to the too-low range: when I am up and about, didn't eat a lot of starchy or sweet carbs. So, the end result is my doctor is happy with my A1c, but I am having increasing problems with my feet and eyes from high sugars. The only way I can keep things in control is to eat light meals and stay away from the sweets and grains that I relish and desire,,, and that means a limit on fruit as well. Just goes to show ... Diabeties is different for everyone ... and it never goes away.

    Oops ... my computer timeclock as rung it's bell. Time to go move about some.
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi everyone! Had an NSV last that made me feel really good! I shop for clothes at Goodwill. (Don't judge me! lol) And I was in there last night looking for a pair of capri's. Now when I started losing weight I was almost in 26's. I found 2 pairs of capri's in a size 20 and thought "Hmmmm I wonder!" so off I went to the dressing room to try them on. Low and behold they FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I was ecstatic! I can't believe it! I am now down 2 full pant sizes! Weeeeeeeee!!!! lol Boy! Makes all this fuss of not losing recently so small!
  • tinkie_04
    tinkie_04 Posts: 19 Member
    @Nikion901 I'm taking it as it comes. Every day I make myself go, and I have my mom committed to the nighttime walks. That helps a lot. I figure I'll get through five weeks at a time. Weigh-ins only at those marks, because I've found that when I weigh in too often I tend to think, "Well, I lost 5lbs, I can eat this cake." :)

    Thursday truth: I hate being fat! I could call it overweight or big boned or thick or BBW, but it all means I can't keep up with my friends, I can't wear what I like, and I can't do a lot of the activities that look oh-so-fun.
  • tinkie_04
    tinkie_04 Posts: 19 Member
    @terri70 yay! Congrats! That's always the best! Being able to find clothes anywhere is part of my motivation. Usually, the pants at Goodwill that I like are in the smaller sizes :(
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @christina-- I love your truth! When I was at my heaviest, I didn't even realize how much my weight was limiting my activity and quality of life. Even though I'm not at my goal weight, losing 60 lbs has made a world of difference in what I can do and also what I'm willing to try to do. I also agree with you that not being able to find clothes that fit was a big motivator. Going from a size 18 to a size 12 has made shopping so much easier and fun. :)

    @terri-- No judgment here. When I first started losing weight, it was coming off so quickly that paying full price for clothes would've been like throwing money out the window. I did all of my shopping at Good Will or in my own closet. ;)

    @niki-- yes, I'm quite certain that allergies are contributing to my congestion. I've been experiencing bouts of itchiness and benadryl seems to work just as well as sudafed.

    @robin-- Yes, I got the reflection done and had my tenure review. All went well. My boss was very impressed with my students ability to grasp a very difficult text. She also praised my ability to make them feel safe sharing their thoughts even if they weren't sure they were right with their interpretations of the text. Made me feel good even though it was mostly the students who did all the work.

    Thursday Truth:
    Still on again off again with making the best food choices, but no really terrible days this week, so that's something. I'm almost completely caught up with grading. Plus, we decided to extend the due date for AP essays to Tuesday (originally they were due tomorrow), so I may actually have a grade-free 3-day weekend!! :smiley:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/10 AP analysis activities
    2. 25/41 AP journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE
    Fri-- rest day
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy World Egg Day!
    2015 World Egg Day Celebrations
    We have some great events to share, from all corners of the globe, on planned celebrations for this special 20th year of World Egg Day -
    A Dozen Reasons to Celebrate World Egg Day
    The International Egg Commission has proclaimed the second Friday in October as World Egg Day. Countries throughout the world will be joining in the celebration of the egg. To what does the egg owe this honour? There are at least a dozen good reasons.

    If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree. ~Jim Rohn


  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well :smiley: My NSV today was eating a small portion (I started slipping off for a bit) at breakfast and feeling satisfied. I'm also noticing inches off of my waist line and I've been getting asked if I've lost weight. Good feeling but I got lucky because I've been bouncing between the 230s and 240.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday Fitness ... well, the regulars know that I don't do exercise for my fitness, being able to just walk without a walker or a cane is doing good for me. ... but that said, I have been very active today, which was a good end to an active week. I've had to work through a haze of discomfort from my knees so I've had to baby them along but I am up and about. Saturday will have to be a rest day as I have plans for Sunday and want to be able to follow thorugh on them. Also, looking forward to Monday as it is forecast as being an unseasonable warm day and I have something in the back yard that needs my attention.

    Yesterday I needed to cook some ground chuck that was a couple of days in the fridge and was running short on time, so I turned it into a soup ... the soup came out more as a sort of stew or chili ... and is surprisingly very good. I only used a few ingredients and let it simmer on the stove for a couple of hours as I attended to some goal chores.

    Niki's beef-barley vegetable soup
    1.25 lb. ground chuck ... browned and drained.
    6 cups stock (had some of my own in the fridge, low salt version)
    1.5 really big fat carrots - grated on large holes of a grater
    3 stalks celery - sliced thinly on the slicer section of a grater
    3 cloves garlic - minced
    1/3 cup barley
    1/2 head steamed cauliflower - cut into small bits (left over from a previous cooking session and added to the soup after some of the broth had evaporated away)
    15-oz can cannellini (white) beans, drained not rinsed
    24-oz can crushed tomato
    12 peppercorns

    I think the cauliflower is what turned it into a chili consistency from a soup, plus added a lot of good crunch.
    This made a pretty large pot ... like a 4.5 quart size pan. I figured it made 7 servings of 3-ladles each when I put it into MFP to get the nutrition ... which works out to 259 calories, 19 g carb, 7 g fat, 30 g protein, 5 g fiber. The salt depends on if you use store bought broth, or water, and how much salt is in the canned tomatoes.

    If anyone tries it, let me know how it tasted to you.

    Have a great weekend everyone ...
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi I finally have a little time to catch up with everyone. The past couple of weeks I have been extremely busy trying to get everything done for the Fall Harvest Festival tomorrow, Zombie Run and a Jingle Bell Hayride. We had to scramble to get everything ready for the Jingle bell hayride so I was working on tickets this weeks and finally got them copied yesterday at school. Today, I was off to set up for the festival and that turned into an all day job. I did not get home until 7 tonight. The good thing there was no time to eat snacks just had lunch.

    Tomorrow will be a long day with the festival but I will keep moving. Sunday, I should be able to rest after a bike ride.

    The Zombie run that I am putting together is coming along nicely. I surpassed 100 people today so that is exciting. I am still hoping to sell this run out. I should be close since I still have a couple of more weeks.

    My weight has been down a couple of pounds since this summer. That is a huge accomplishment for me. I am still working on getting under 190 but it is doable. I am not that far away only a pound or two depending on the day. I have been stuck in the 190's for a couple of years and now I am making an effort to get out of them.

    I wish everyone a wonderful weekend and a great journey. I am looking forward to checking in on a regular basis again. I really miss everyone on this site. Hi- Susan, Karen, Kelley, Robin, Lori, Mel, Tom, and so many of my long term friends.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    @lizmil79 and @mou_254 - Welcome back. "The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time." ~ Thomas Edison. IMHO A very wise man.
    @grandmakaye44 - So glad to know DH is doing well with his PT. I hope this trend continues.
    @susan2396 - I remember that corporate battlefield when I worked in a local hospital. One of the reasons I left. Thanks for the tip about writing a note to the hotel about them picking me up when I got lost on my bike ride. I hope the clerk got at least an "attaboy".
    @RobinsEgg - Yippee on the news for your friend. I hope all goes well with stepmom's house clean.
    @Terri70 - I shop Goodwill regularly and have found some great deals. I need to dress "business casual" for work. Another source for me is Varage Sale. It is an ap that helps you find things for sale in your local area.
    @tinkie_04 - Hello to you as well. Being able to move easier was one of the best things about losing weight. I love my new lifestyle.
    @skinnyjeanz - Woot on the review. I love how they picked up on more subtle victories in your classroom. Congrats to you.
    @Morgori - I had an omlet for dinner tonight before I knew it was egg day. Thanks for the tip on Depression Screening Day. It does run in my family and both me and my oldest son deal with it daily.
    @rachellosesitall85 - I love your screen name, it made me smile just reading it. I love the positive it gives.
    @Nikion901 - Good for you for keeping active with your limitations. The soup you mentioned is very close to one I make but I add mushrooms instead of cauliflower. I think that will be on the menu this weekend.

    AFM: Up, down, forward and back this week. I do struggle this time of year with SAD. So I know that is one factor. Coming back to a huge to do list at work was another. The house was in pretty bad shape also.
    I have been eating well, exercising, drinking my water and still was up a pound this week. I will just keep doing what I have to and see what happens. I refuse to get bent out of shape about it.
    I have a pretty busy weekend planned. Having a reasonable to do list helps me keep a positive attitude. I want to get some cleaning done and paint a couple of window sills. We will be putting the house up for sale in the next few months and there are many jobs that have been on the list that will finally get done.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3

    Be happy and smile! :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Tinkie - hi - welcome - I just a few pounds shy of what you do - and darn it - its my second go around - more on that later. I did enjoy how you like hitting your tally button on your calories for the day. Wait till you get to see a graph after a month or so, they are sooooo cool! So rewarding! :)

    @Barney -that was a well written and personal explanation - I appreciated that - and copied and saved. I understand more of whats going on in me too. But more, whats going on in others.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Laurie - you're so busy it is nice to see you when you have the time. So root toot toot for 188 for Laurie in 2 weeks B) Woohoo! (waving flags)

    @Terri - congrats on the capris - wow thats a BIG DROP in sizes! you must have been happy happy girl!

    @Niki - thanks for that pasta tip - I'll do that - probably won't do the soup until I use the 20 cans in my cupboard before they expire -

    AFM - did about 4 hours work cleaning basement of my stepmom's house and really enjoyed chatting with my step-sister. The more time I spend with her the more I enjoy her as a friend. She is giving me both a secretary and a entry way table and mirror set, as well as several small items that I remember decorating shelves through the years. I will treasure all of these items so much. On Sunday we are celebrating my stepmom's 95th birthday with a meal and 22 of her offspring at the Masonic Home.

    I've made some Plans for Myself for MFP:

    1. I will post to this discussion much earlier. If its after 9 pm, I probably won't be posting - I will be preparing for bed
    2. My main thrust of exercise activity will be to continue with PT - now for an injury to my left shoulder and well as for my low back
    - and a Yoga Posture Exercise I will do at the kitchen sink, starting with 1 a day and moving that count up - we'll just see what I am capable of.
    - I will start daily wrist and finger exercises to increase my grip and hand strength.I
    - I will find a way to log my distance walked as a sum total (in very brief intervals) without spending money on a walking meauring device as I have lost every single blasted one I've purchased before.

  • tinkie_04
    tinkie_04 Posts: 19 Member
    Saturday success: I launched a Pinterest board for my job. For most of you, that probably sounds small. But with my job, it's huge! I work for a governmental entity that is about 20 years behind everyone else and very scared of the big bad Internet. So launching a Pinterest board requires approvals upon approvals. I also managed to launch a new FB event, convince my sisters to do something together today and I'm awake at 7:30am on a Saturday!
  • MrsRucker32
    MrsRucker32 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Janet & new to "my fitness pal". Am currently over 300lbs :'(:'(:( I needed help getting the weight off so I went to the doctor; he has me on a plan that am determine to follow 100%... This is 1 week down with 5 to go in till I see the doctor again and weight in.

    P.s I don't no how to make friends on here lol so if anyone looking for new friends please add me thank you;)
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Happy World Mental Health Day!

    World Mental Health Day (10 October) is a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy.[1] It was first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global mental health organization with members and contacts in more than 150 countries.[2] This day, each October, thousands of supporters come to celebrate this annual awareness program to bring attention to Mental Illness and its major effects on peoples' life worldwide.[3] In some countries this day is part of the larger Mental Illness Awareness Week.[4]

    Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow. ~Fernanda Miramontes-Landeros


  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Thank you all. I really needed to see a change. Now if I can just get past the night time urges and cheats!

    Have a great day!