Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Wednesday Wishing: I wish I could get over both this respiratory gunk issue and my stupid wound already! I'm getting a little bit tired of it all.
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    Good news...........I lost two pounds!!! YAY! I have to keep doing what I'm doing and make more of an effort to walk. Walking is getting impossible just because of the sheer lack of time I have at work. Most of the time I get so busy that time flies and the day is over before I can even blink. Sometimes I just eat my lunch at my desk so I can continue working because once I get in that zone, I don't want to distract myself.

    Today we were supposed to have a washer and dryer installed, but one of the new hoses was damaged so they couldn't install it. I have to call tomorrow morning to figure out what is going to happen. I wish my roommates didn't sign the paperwork....that's what happens when you leave a bunch of kids in charge while the adults are at work (sarcasm because we are all similar in age). They shouldn't have signed because the installation was incomplete and the hose was damaged. Just more stress on top of everything else. These last two days have been so crappy. Oh well, I wish I was present because I would have caught the damage. So frustrating. HAHA it's times like this when I want to pour myself a nice drink and unwind.

    At least it's Hump day....just two more days until the weekend.


    @skinnyjeanzbound -- I know, it's so hard to track things at places but not impossible. What feels impossible are parties, pot-lucks, local restaurants, and anything that someone home-cooked and won't give out the recipe. :s
    HAHA, those pesky secret recipes.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited January 2016
    @sarah-- that stinks about the installation screw-up. Hope it's not too much of a pain to get fixed.

    @kelley-- See, I knew it had something to do with computers and business. LOL! I agree with barb, as much as it stinks you will be so glad when you're done. I went through the same thing when I was trying to finish my grad credits to get to the highest salary lane at work and spent 2 summers in a row taking the maximum allowable classes. It took a lot of time and money, but I was, and still am, so glad I did it.

    @eleanor-- I am NOT a morning person, so I also hit snooze until I absolutely have to get up.

    AFM--It is still really, really cold here with lots of ice under a thin layer of snow, so not good walking conditions. Gunner is going stir crazy, but I won't take him when it's so treacherous. I also didn't feel like venturing out into the cold once I came home, so I ran on my treadmill at home. I dislike it b/c it doesn't have a flat function but only 3 levels of incline. I alternated running and walking on the lowest incline for 2 miles which took me almost 30 minutes-- ugh, I hate hills!

    Tomorrow is the last day of finals, and I only have one remaining. Got a few more papers graded today and will finish those in the morning. Friday we also get the morning to grade and then have professional development in the afternoon. Fun.

    Wednesday Wish:
    Just had another powerball drawing and my wish is that one of the 2 pools I'm in at work wins the prize. If not, then I hope it's at least someone really deserving-- preferably a group of people b/c, honestly, no 1 person needs that much money.

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week. Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 4/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    15k done/ 985k to go

    Grading Goals:
    1. 26/40 AP essays
    2. 10/41 AP journal reflections
    3. x/10 AP analysis activities

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- rest day
    Sun-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- rest day (meeting)
    Tues-- rest day (meeting)
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym RAN ON TREADMILL
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym
  • kaorinchan
    kaorinchan Posts: 37 Member
    @kah68 I'm new to this thread but thought I'd share- I'm in my last semester of my BS in computer science and I took an SAP/ERP course! It was fun! This semester I'm taking a course on ABAP, the SAP programming language :)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I logged another gain today. But my Thursday Truth is that yesterday was the first day in a long time that I have really stuck to my plan, all of it. Next week will be better. It has to be. I am getting so close to 200# that it scares me. I never want to see that number again! My walking DVDs came and I tried the 2 mile walk yesterday. Since it's at a faster pace than I usually walk, I felt like I had had a good workout. I still prefer being outside for my walks, but it will do when the weather doesn't permit being outside.
    Welcome to all of the new people. It was fun to have someone check in who has been successful with their weight loss. We can all do this.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    kaorinchan wrote: »
    @kah68 I'm new to this thread but thought I'd share- I'm in my last semester of my BS in computer science and I took an SAP/ERP course! It was fun! This semester I'm taking a course on ABAP, the SAP programming language :)

    Ha! Isn't it funny how some people find learning software programs fun?! :lol: I'm the same way with math. I actually took two SAP classes during my undergrad, hopefully it gives me the advantage. :wink: Congrats to you on finishing your BS!

    @Karen ~Thanks, I know it will be worth it in the end--I can sleep after its over in May. :tired_face::wink: I won $4 in the Powerball (so got my money back :wink:), the only number I got was the Powerball number. :lol: I hope a group of people were among the 3 winning tickets, too--crazy amount of money. There were 4 million dollar winners here. I hope you get some warmer weather soon, I know gunner is getting antsy.

    @Sora4ever ~Hooray on the 2# loss this week! :star: Ugh, I hate it when installations don't go like they should. Hope you're able to have the hose fixed/replaced soon.

    AFM~Yesterday I had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day at work! :rage: Left here incredibly angry with my boss, not sure I've ever been that angry before--trying to avoid him at all costs today. Went to bed with terrible tension headache last night. Hopefully today is a better day.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth .... Yay! I went outside today ... first thing this morning! ... to snow throw. First one of the year. Had that old big Ariens overhauled last autumn and the darn thing doesn't turn as easily as it did before they did necessary repairs. I used to be able to stear that monster with one hand and spin it easily on one wheel to turn but now it's like a mack-truck ... so I got an extra workout on my arms and shoulders today. Seriously, I have been out before today ... to snow shovel the sidewalk in front of my house and a path up the drive and to the front porch ... but this was much more action.

    Todays fast start into action reminded me of how good it feels to accomplish something active first thing in the AM ... before such things as showers and breakfast. Now, just to keep up the motion and not settle in to a day in front of a computer monitor and keyboard.

    @skinnyjeanzbound - do you use music on earbuds while you use that treadmill? Too bad it doesn't go all the way flat, I've never been able to use an incline model because going uphill makes me out of breath right away, so it's really a good thing that you can do it ... shows your heart is strong.

    @GOINSTD12 - yesterday I caught a rerun of 'Family Fued' and it was the second show with your family on it. So glad I got to see it in rerun ... now to catch the rerun of their 3rd contest would be great!

    @susan2396 - reading about your dating experiences brings back memories ... maybe it's time, after 4 years, to start dating again myself. It sure does bring an element of excitement and suspense into our days ... and sometimes too much food as well!

    @mountmary84 - hope you have settled on the motto that speaks to you. You should use whatever words work for you. I remember, back in the 1970's when I was trying my hand at changing careers and had my motto written all over the wall behind my kitchen sink! No one but knew what all those number 5's and 50's and 500's meant and thought I was weird, but those symbols were there to remind me of the goals I had daily and weekly ... and it worked!

    I hope everyone is having a good day today. Today is always my favorite day.
    Follow-through on Consistent Focus
  • LC_libra
    LC_libra Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks Susan! And congrats Massey on your loss! I also loved hearing this group has been around for 5 years! Wow! That's nice to know. :)

    Today I was down 8 pounds total and -3 from last week. I'm feeling in control of my appetite and sugars so far. I also had blood work done and already my sugar levels have improved since last I was checked. I was almost in the normal range! I plan to do some low impact aerobics when my daughter goes down for a nap. It's still a struggle to workout. Tomorrow is my girls night art day and I can't wait!

    Wishing all of you a good day!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My daughter's blog is at She posted a blog about the lies we tell ourselves about being overweight. Today it's 10 ways to make exercise more doable. She has lost 70#s and has some good insights.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Wish- that I hear some good news about a friend who had major surgery today. I want to know that he came through it. I have not heard anything yet and the surgery was at 7:30 This morning. He had an experimental procedure to put in a new stent connecting the bladder, kidney and a artery. Please pray for Matt.

    Karen- I already submitted my comments about the new routes and how good they are. I doubt they will consider that and the guy did not want to work with someone who was not willing to do things. This was Nick's choice to leave. I am sure people will complain about the wall when all the new routes come down.

    I must admit I started this post last night but never finished it. I finally heard that my friend Matt made it through surgery and is doing well. He is still in ICU which is a good thing, I am thrilled that he survived. I found out that my wish came true this morning.

    I had plan on doing something everyday but yesterday it did not happen. Sadly, I had a meeting that ran much longer than planned so I did not get home until late. The meeting was productive to a point but manageable with the variety of personalities. By the time I got home, I was extremely worried about Matt that I ended up sitting on the couch and tearing up. I should have done the workout I wanted but I took a break. It was okay but I am bummed that I let myself get away with it. I just have to make sure that it does not become a habit when I start taking classes again. The positive is that I can walk the track at the community college where I will take a sign language class this semester. This will be fun but it will make for a very long day on Mondays, so hopefully I can make it work.

    Today, was a good day was a good day for exercise. I had a half day due to a meeting which finished early so I was able to get a few things done before going to the gym. The gym workout was great with running drills, a run, steps, leg lifts, row and a nice cool down walk. I enjoyed my workout today and my body enjoyed the break yesterday.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Thursday Truth: I read that, when healing a wound, one should aim to eat at maintenance instead of focusing on weight loss. However, since my nutritionist has asked me to eat an amount that I won't mention here due to MFP rules, I don't know what the maintenance level is for that number. Clearly, eating 50 more calories than usual will make me blow up like a doggone blimp. I wish I could have known that before coming down with the issue in the first place, and asked her.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie-- glad to hear the news about your friend. It stinks that the gym won't consider the feedback from those who use the rock wall. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it on the thread, but years ago I worked with children who ranged from hard of hearing to profoundly deaf who also had compounding disabilities of every variety (developmental, behavioral, emotional). I only worked with them for a couple of years, but had to learn some sign language. It's very conceptual, so signs related to thinking are signed around the head, signs related to feelings are signed around the heart, etc. I was barely proficient after 2 years, but it's a very difficult language to learn much less master.

    @niki-- no, I don't use music because I don't like wearing earbuds when I'm sweating. Usually I'm at the gym and they have music playing or I watch TV while I run.

    @kelley-- we were quite a bit warmer, so gunner got his walk today. Unfortunately, it's supposed to get colder again on Sunday.

    @kaorin-- welcome!

    @libra-- congrats on the loss!

    @kaye-- loved your daughter's blog. You had a typo in the blog name, but I inferred the correction and found it anyways. Here is the correct link if others want to view it:

    Thursday Truth:
    Two colleagues were celebrating birthdays today at work, and despite the fact that most of the snacks they brought were healthy, I still managed to go over my allowance. :( I plan to use this slip as extra motivation to go to the gym tomorrow after school.

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week. Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 4/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    15k done/ 985k to go

    Grading Goals:
    1. 39/40 AP essays
    2. 35/41 AP journal reflections
    3. x/10 AP analysis activities

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- rest day
    Sun-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- rest day (meeting)
    Tues-- rest day (meeting)
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym RAN ON TREADMILL
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @Karen thanks for correcting my error and posting the link.
    I have another day on plan. Just have to keep going one day at a time.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Kaye Your daughter's blog is really very good. I bookmarked it so I can go back and read it again. It is somehow more believable because I "know" her mom etc....even if only through here.
  • CT0526
    CT0526 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new to this community and to posting anything in a discussion group. Exercise for the week will be walking on the treadmill or outside and ballet barre work. I grew up dancing and my old ballerina self is dying to come back out! My son has a weekend long swim meet so I'm off to the store this afternoon for healthy snacks and food that will fuel my swimmer.
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    Just wanted to say a quick good morning to everyone where ever you may be! I'm getting ready for work, TGIF!

    I didn't get a chance to go on the conputer last night because I had to buy a new tire. It was flat due to a giant nail in the side of it. So that was fun. My dog Tipsy isn't doing so well either. Age is wearing on her so I'm trying to spend as much time with her as I can.
  • eleanorcoonce
    eleanorcoonce Posts: 6 Member
    Yesterday was fantastic. Watched my food very closely and my water intake was great. Did exercises in the am and walked 1 mile in the afternoon. Today has not been so good. Didn't exercise and food choices were not the best, however, it was still way better than it was before. I am going to make sure that I exercise tomorrow and get back on track with food and water. I was planning on only focusing on water and exercise at first so I think all in all this has not been bad. BUT I am also aware that if I don't get right back to it then I will be starting all over months (or even longer) down the road and that is NOT an option.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Guys! No time for personals tonight, but I did read all the posts. Good job to those who are meeting their goals. :)

    Friday Fitness:
    Last warmer day today, so I had to get the rest of the snow shoveled. It had frozen solid last week, but these last couple of days let it thaw a bit. Couldn't get it all removed, but it's better than it was. Gunner only got a quick walk b/c I was worried about losing the light.

    Food today was pretty good. A colleague brought donuts, but I managed to dodge that bullet. It helped that I was pretty busy all morning finishing grades and making some copies for next semester. I hadn't brought lunch so I grabbed some soup and a salad from Mariano's. Tonight I had more salad with some steak.

    Tomorrow morning I am working a speech tournament in the morning. I'm sure there will be baked goods out for the judges, but I will bring a Kind bar and cross my fingers. In the afternoon I head to Milwaukee for a friends' birthday weekend. I know I will be over due to the drinks, but will still do my best to limit it. My downfall is that when I know I will be over my calories, I sometimes use it as an excuse to eat whatever I want. My strategy should be the opposite: to eat more mindfully to limit the damage. I'm going to keep thinking about that second choice throughout the day tomorrow.

    Friday Fitness:
    This is the second week in a row that I didn't make my goal of running 3 times. At least I burned some calories shoveling today.

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week. Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 5/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    15k done/ 985k to go

    Grading Goals:
    1. 39/40 AP essays
    2. 41/41 AP journal reflections DONE
    3. 5/10 AP analysis activities

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- rest day
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym
    Tues-- walk gunner
    Wed-- rest day (meeting)
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    Saturday Success -- Today was productive! I did all my errands in one go. Lets see, today I did my laundry, cleaned the bird's cage, bought bird food, updated my resume for USAjobs, and went to the public library to check out GRE prep books. I've decided to attempt studying for the GRE in hopes of going to Grad school. Thankfully it's a 3 day weekend so I still have Sunday and Monday to focus on studying. Oh, not to mention I visited my mom today and had dinner with her. I cooked rice and veggies.

    Food-wise, today was okay...actually this whole week was just "okay," I know I can do better so that's what I'll strive for starting tomorrow.
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    @eleanorcoonce -- It sounds like you're doing great to me! Just don't give up, remember you always have support here. :)