Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Checking in. Thursday truth seems to be a good time for me to evaluate everything. I did lose this week. Only .8, but I'll take it. Most of my days were pretty good. I'm afraid that the only thing that I am truly consistent with is the exercise. Yesterday I was even able to walk outside.
    It is a definite disadvantage to only post a couple of times a week, because I forget who I wanted to do a special shout out to. It is definitely good to have @robin back. So sorry for your continuing health problems.
    On an unrelated note, I have heard from the insurance adjuster and they are working on getting the bills collected for payment. That is really good news for me. It means that the guy does have proper insurance. I don't know what his problem was with filing. Why did he put us through all that nonsense and delay?! Filing that insurance surely did relieve a lot of stress that I was feeling.
    Congratulations to all of you for the great goals and the losses, etc. You continue to inspire me. I do check in every day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy New England Clam Chowder Day!
    It’s New England Clam Chowder Day! Chowders originated in fishing villages on the coast of France in the 16th century. Back then any kind of fish chowder was considered a poor man’s dish. Most recipes called for salt pork and biscuits, which were both part of a standard sailor’s ration. Today, we’ve substituted the biscuits (also known as hardtack) for salty crackers!
    There are many different varieties of clam chowder including New England, Manhattan, Rhode Island, Down East, and Outer Banks. New England clam chowder is made with milk or cream, and the use of tomatoes is frowned upon. In fact, in 1939 the state of Maine made it illegal to put tomatoes in clam chowder!
    Celebrate this great culinary tradition and enjoy a bowl of delicious chowder in honor of New England Clam Chowder Day!

    ” There are exactly as many special occasions in life as we choose to celebrate.” ~Robert Brault


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth ... worried today ... not that worry will solve anything ... maybe the correct term is concerned over instead of worry. My son is in surgery this morning and my sister-in-law goes into surgery this afternoon. I hate the anxiety and suspense that builds up in my as I wait for news of the surgery outcomes and DO feel concern about in-surgery complications ... so I will be extremely relieved to get phone calls later on today telling me that everything went as planned and there were no problems and none are expected later. That's my focus for today ... positive thoughts.

    And so I decided to fool around with sourdough cultures again today. Back in December, I got a 1/4 cup measure of the sourdough starter from a priest I know bakes sourdough for his soup kitchen bread; and I've been trying to nurture and grow it. Thus far I have failed at each attempt at baking bread. Yesterday, I pulled the starter out of storage in the fridge where I had neglected it since my last failure on 1/2 ... and started to nurture it back to health. Maybe I'll try some sourdough pancakes with some of it, or maybe some English muffins.
    Follow through with Consistent Focus

    @RobinsEgg ... hope you are getting along all right, friend. Remember, when you go to make those potato pancakes that you also need an onion. Did you know that you can also grate a zucchini ... just squeeze out the moisture from it, and add that to your shredded potatoes to spin a different potato pancake that is so very yummy?
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Thursday Truth - I cannot succeed without support and logging my food. It just will not work for me. And only I can log and obtain the support I need. I must be responsible for my outcomes. Today I am going to focus on get plenty of hydration

    Tom: You're new pic shows your success,. Keep up the good work and thanks for all the research you do to help and inspire all of us

    zcb94 - I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I've been struggling this week. It's my son's birthday week and I lost him in 2007. It gets easier but certain times of the year are difficult

    nikion901 Thanks for sharing that website. It is very interesting. I need to be more persistent with hydration

    Skinnyjeanz - Thanks for the welcome and advice. I love raw oysters.

    Robin: Ear lobes?? go figure. Thanks for bringing a chuckle to me face. I once had a guy tell me I had eyes like cracked marbles. Wasnt sure if he was complimenting me or not.

    celtikgirl - Sharon, welcome back. Marathon sounds like fun

  • eleanorcoonce
    eleanorcoonce Posts: 6 Member
    Truth Thursday...haven't checked in in a couple days and oh how it makes a difference. Haven't stayed very focused and but I haven't let everything go like times in the past. Just found out that my husband's job is not very secure and I'm a little stressed. With seven kids at home this is not what we wanted to hear. Could really use some prayers please. I know this isn't wish day but I wish I would get real and do the many things that I am just some what doing.
    Did some exercises today but not a lot and I am going to focus on hydration and drinking my shrinker tea.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @nikion901 Nina, I hope you have gotten good reports from your son's and sister-in-law's surgeries. Two in one day is a lot to worry about. I hope the snow storm is missing you; you don't need that too.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-

    @eleanor-- Sorry to hear about your husband's precarious job situation. My husband was out of work for 9 months until he started at his current position last July. Sending good vibes your way.

    @katrena-- Yes, I'm right there with you as far as needing to be responsible for my outcomes. Good talk.

    @niki-- I hope you've already received those phone calls to ease your concerns.

    @tom-- I wish I had a big bowl of delicious NE clam chowder to take these chills away. I agree with katrena; you are looking very svelte in your profile pic.

    @kaye-- so glad you got good news from the insurance adjuster!

    @tracy-- sorry you are suffering from allergies. :(

    @laurie-- I hope you are all tucked in at home for this awful storm headed your way. Stay safe!

    Thursday Truth:
    The truth is I'm still struggling to get back on the road to more exercise and actually losing the 10 lbs I gained since August. I keep bouncing around in the low 190s rather than consistently moving the scale down. I know in large part, I'm just not being consistent with healthy food choices. I'll have a few good days in a row, and then I splurge on a meal or go out for drinks. I know better, but I'm not making the right choices. On top of that, I'm sick once again, so no workout or even walk with gunner today. I really need to get it together.

    Sorry for the pity party. On a good note, work is going well. I really like my new group of public speaking students-- they seem motivated and fun. Hoping I can keep them in that frame of mind as the semester progresses. I did collect my first set of homework to grade, but nothing that will ruin my weekend. :)

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/22 speech definitions

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = 1/3 runs, 1/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 5/7
    Week 3 = 5/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    20k done/ 980k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- rest day
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym NOPE
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym NOPE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed-- rest day (meeting)
    Thurs-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Though I was having a bad day, I kept myself occupied and stayed on track. I am going over on fat, but it seems reasonable to me since the plan I am following is essentially hi protein, low carb.
    I also use good fats like olive oil and avocado. After I logged I got a message that if I ate like that I would lose 5 lbs by a certain date. It just seems the fats are too high. Also could not make myself ride the bike, got on but just couldn't make it happen. Will try next time later in day since I feel so crappy in the mornings. Tomorrow I go to water aerobics

    does anyone know how I can add this to my groups so I don't have to save the link to get back here everyday


  • stephc002
    stephc002 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey all! I just stumbled on this thread aND would love to join if you will have me! I was on mfp for 4 months last yr and lost almost 25 lbs, then had one of the worst years of my life starting in May, and it had taken me this long to get my head back in the game. I gained 17 lbs back, and am trying not to kick myself for (again!) Losing it and giving up. But I have been back for 4 days now and am doing my best to stick with it.

    A little about name is Stephanie. I am a 41 yr old married mother of a beautiful 6 yr old girl who works from home. I am 5'5.5" and need to lose about 120 lbs. I have been overweight since about the 4th grade, and have lost and gained so many times I just can't keep count any longer. I suffer from anxiety and depression (some days way worse than others), and am a total emotional eater. I have been going to counseling to deal with my emotional issues and to try and get over my self disgust. I finally decided on Monday to get my head out of my rear end and get back on this train to better health. I skimmed through this thread and see so much support and motivation you all have for each other, and I am in dire need of that right now. Feel free to friend me, and I will check in here daily. Just reading lots of these posts has helped me tremendously wasn't the best day ever. Lol. Have a wonderful night everyone!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good Morning & TGIF!

    @Tracy ~I’m sorry you’re suffering from allergies, Mountain Cedar is terrible right now. I thought some of the rain we had yesterday would wash it away, but no such luck.

    @Katrena ~As long as you’re eating healthy fat, I wouldn’t worry too much about going over. It sounds like you’re making healthy choices and that’s what’s important. Oh, to bookmark—at the top of the thread on the right you should see a star—if you click on it, it will turn yellow. This bookmarks the thread for you. Then next time you bring up community, you can get back to the thread by clicking on the star or bell at the top right of the community page.

    @Niki ~I hope you heard good news regarding the surgery for your son and sister-in-law.

    @Eleanor ~I’m sorry to hear about your DHs job situation, which is hard on anyone—can’t imagine the effect on your large family. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out.

    @Karen ~I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well, hope it’s just a cold and it vanishes quickly! So glad you are enjoying your new speech students so far this semester.

    @stephc002 (Stephanie)~Welcome, of course you can join us! :smiley: Try not to be too hard on yourself--we all have bad days, bad months and bad years—unfortunately its part of life. The important thing is that you recognized that you were falling back into old habits and are ready to start this again—so that’s telling yourself you haven’t given up completely. You found a great thread, I’ve made lots of greats friends here— to receive the most benefit from this thread, it’s important to check in often on both good days and bad. You can do this, just make small changes at a time and take it one day (or one meal) at a time.

    AFM~Saw my surgeon yesterday for follow-up, I went in there convinced he would say I was ready to come out of boot—nope. :cry: Apparently, that will be when I can walk without a limp. It’s so hard to believe I have been in this boot or a cast since last March—almost a year! :astonished: He said I’m permitted to take it off at home but as soon as my ankle/leg starts to feel tired need to get back in it and it needs to be on when going up/down the stairs. He said this is the frustrating part of recovery—where I want to cry, kick, scream and throw things. :lol: Getting that muscle back and to start re-using my Achilles is hard work. He tested my calf muscle yesterday and it just won’t even fire, Achilles is tight which is expected—my Achilles tendon is basically new, so now it’s time to train it and rebuild that calf muscle. :fearful: So PT for the next few months is going to be hard, he hopes by the end of February PT can include some treadmill work. The athlete in me just wants to do some weight training, but it could damage all his handy work—can’t even get proper pedicure yet. :confounded: I knew going into this surgery that recovery would be months, so need to continue to find patience. I’m glad I canceled my February cruise before surgery—the Caribbean sure would have sucked wearing this boot. :frowning: Okay, done feeling sorry for myself. :wink:

    Hope all of those on the East Coast stay warm and safe through the blizzard conditions.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Belated Thursday Truth: I'm so tired lately, I've still been craving the worst-for-you foodstuffs. One night this week, for instance, I ate a PB&J that tasted so amazing, almost like a rich cake.
    This is a good time to talk about Friday Fitness: I've overindulged so much that I'd probably have to dance for the whole day to break even for the week but wouldn't mind a little jam session later today if time permits. I'll report back when I've figured it out.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Good Morning. I upgraded to Premium last evening and that was a mistake. See no major advantages and now I can't find common foods like bacon in the database. I sent an email to get if fixed but had no way to know that there would be a problem. Fighting a sinus infection but going to water aerobics anyway. It's rainy and cold here but we will miss the major storm that is heading up the East Coast. To my MFP in stormy areas, stay safe and warm

    Stephanie - We have all been there. dont beat yourself up about yesterdaym, yhou can't change that, but today is in your hands. And tomorrow can and will be better if you so choose. Go into today with a sense of gratitude for all the blessings you have and everything will become so much easier for you. You are so blessed to be able to work from home and your daughter is a blessing. Even the fact that you are going to counseling is a blessing.
    I bet you can think of at least 10 other blessings if you take a moment to think about it.

    Kah - Thanks so much for the tip. That will make life easier Sorry to hear about your injury. I tore my Achilles years ago and was out of commission for months. PT is your best bet.

    Skinny - I am sending you well wishes for a sucessful day. You have motivated and inspired so many of us and I know you will get back on track. Sorry to hear you are sick and hoping you have a speedy recovery.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Celebration of Life Day!
    According to, it is “A time to honor our children and grandchildren in America. Each child and each life is to be held as a precious gift and should be treated with the highest respect and dignity.”
    Not only is there a “Celebration of Life Day” in January, but the first Week in January is designated as “Celebration of Life Week,” with the entire month being called “Celebration of Life Month.”
    To learn more about the Celebration of Life Week click here and find out more about the significance of this observance in Columbus, Ohio which has a bronze “Celebration of Life” statue erected in Veteran’s Memorial Park in downtown Columbus.
    Celebrating life is enjoying every moment that it offers us with the attitude of 'no tomorrow'. We should keep in mind the possibility that what we have today, is probably how good things would ever get. So live in the moment, do not expect things to be worse and dread the life chosen for you. Remember, there is someone who has to be worse off than you. Everything shall pass. It is our momentary stay and those who see beyond that image, live larger than life.

    “The longer I live the less confidence I have in drugs and the greater is my confidence in the regulation and administration of diet and regimen.” ~John Redman Coxe, 1800


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday ... TGIF ... fitness ... No exercise in my plans for today, just normal moving around the house doing KP ... which will be hard enough today. Yesterday I stood at my kitchen counter for a couple or more hours in my project of working with my sourdough starter. At the 3rd feeding of it I had separated some out to make those sourdough pancakes and when I checked last evening, both the starter for bread and the poolish for the pancakes were ready to go ... so I made bread dough and then proceeded to finish the pancake mixture and baked them up. Then, there was the cleaning up as well. By the time I was done and put everything away I was having cramps all along my legs and torso sides ... and was so extremely happy to crawl into bed.

    Today I put the cooled pancakes between pieces of parchment and away into the freezer (and out of temptation's way) and shaped 2 small loaves of bread for their final rise. I'll be able to bake them sometime later on today ... but with the cool kitchen it might be tonight! Looking forward to this momentous 4th bake and hoping for successful bread this time.

    I've read that sourdough bread is lower on the glycemic scale and is more easily digestible ... and I like the taste and texture of it, here's hoping it's something I master and can enjoy making going forward. Both my dad and my ex-hubby were bakers so I never really had to learn how to in the far past.

    @Thank-you everyone for the positive thoughts and weill wishes for my relatives.
    My DIL messaged me after speeking with the surgeon that all went well and when my son was able to, he called so I could hear his voice. He sounded in a lot of pain so I don't expect to hear from him for a few days while he grapples with the immediate post surgery. My SIL and I talked late last night and she was feeling no pain because they had given her a block ... I am certain she is in pain today. She lives about 25 miles away and knows that I am ready at a moments notice to drive over if she needs me for anything. Her three sons are grown and two live at home so she's not alone, thank God.

    Sorry this is a long post ... but I did want to talk about myself ... and still want to comment to some of the recent posters ...

    @Morgori - your quote today speaks to the heart of my nutritional and physical goals! And what you said, about keeping 'in mind the possibility that what we have today, is probably how good things would ever get' is just such a piece of core truth!

    @KJEFFRIES2 - I too am a Premium member, having bought a year's subscription when I changed my profile name back in September. I don't have any problems finding food in the database, but don't recall what problems I had when I first switched. Hope it settles in for you.

    @zcb94 - yay to dancing! Make tha wheelchair spin!!!

    @kah68 - ditto everything you said to everyone and really great advice to Stephanie in your welcome. That's good advice for all of us! We all deserve a moment of self-pithiness some times ... then we pick ourselves up and make lemonade. Hope you can get to use that treadmill in February, that will be a strong move toward recovery.

    @Stephc002 - welcome to the thread. Just one word of caution from an old-old yo-yo dieter ... you may be feeling anxious to get the weight off as fast as possible and be done with it ... but the slow tortoise pace will win the race over any jack-rabbit sprint when it comes to long-term weight loss success. Find out how much you normally eat by logging your food and then cut back modestly ... like 10-15% of the calories by just trimming back some. Try that for a month or 6 weeks and do an evaluation at that time. IF you go off the deep-end you will have a bigger chance of giving up because it will be too hard to do consistently over the long haul. Good luck.

    @skinnyjeanzbound - You once told me that one 'bad' meal in several meals will not break the bank ... not in those words ... buy you know what I mean. Please allow yourself to have some of the things you love that aren't necessarily the healthies foods ... if you try to abstain from all the stuff you love to eat and drink, they will send out cosmic waves that will haunt you! Better to cave a little than crash a lot!

    @mountmary84 - Thank you Barb. No big snow storm in my neighborhood, we had less than an inch fall yesterday. This has been a mild winter, snow wise, thus far ... I only had to snow throw two times so far and was able to snow shovel the sidewalks twice. Got to get out to do that again today though, as the village has a law about it.

    @eleanorcoonce - Sorry about the job instability, I'm wishing along with you.

    OK ... that's everyone since my last post. Will catch up with more of you next time. The weekend is sometimes slow on here because working people have a lot on their plates over those two days off from work ... so here's a tip from a favorite doctor of mine ... (sr moment here, or brain fog cause I cannot recall his name) ...
    ... when you are about to eat ... first think about how hungry you are on a scale of 1 to 10 and keep that number in mind. Then, when you are filling up, stop when you reach a hungry of about 8 ... and you will not have over eaten.

    Follow through on Consistent Focus
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    @Nikion901, thanks! Sadly, no touching my wheelchair until fully mended (or until it's buried beside me, whichever comes first). Meh. :ohwell:
  • stephc002
    stephc002 Posts: 24 Member
    @kah68 @KJEFFRIES2 @Nikion901 thanks so much for the welcome and advice. Everything you guys have said is very much appreciated, and have definitely been ttying to concentrate on nit beating myself up, and concentrating on all the grear things in my life, rather than the bad. I look forward to being on here and getting to know everyone on this discussion!

    After a pretty exhausting week, I am having a very lazy day today. First day in a long time i have absolutely nothing pressing to do, so taking just one day to just veg out. I am not going to even get all my steps in, but still watching what I eat and tracking. First full weekend home in a while so we are getting ready for family movie night! My hubby has promised our daughter to get out his footy pj's for the occasion. :) hope everyone has a great night!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Blizzard Friday. That's right I am in the path of the blizzard of 2016. My area is expecting 18-24" of snow. Not looking forward to shoveling all the white stuff but it will give me some exercise. I don't expect to work next week because of it. Schools will be closed since they won't get the roads cleared by Tuesday. My county is very long and has many rural areas so the buses won't be able to get through. I just hope to be able to get off my street by Monday.

    I have signed up for a sign language class that starts Monday night weather dependent. I am looking forward to the class but not the time frame of 7-9:45pm. Hopefully we will get out early. Otherwise it will make a very long week of teaching.

    I was able to complete most of my grades today so when we go back I can concentrate on planning for the new quarter.

    Well, I hope to get out one more time tonight to shovel some more. Overnight, we are expecting a lot at least more than 6-12" with high winds. Maybe I will get lucky and the wind will blow it away from my house and car.

    Karen hope you feel better. Enjoy the grading break.

    Thanks for the dating advice about this guy. I am perfectly happy staying at my house this weekend.

    Stay safe this weekend. I am heading back out to shovel snow before it gets to late.

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Stay safe all of you in the path of this big storm. I hope it isn't as bad as the predictions have been.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi everyone!
    @Niki - so happy for you that your son and SIL are doing OK after their respective surgeries .....such a tension filled time..
    BTW.....I must commend for your many sage comments made here recently. I'm not sure what you've done, but you've opened up my eyes certainly on many an occasion with your wisdom and ways of expressing the principles a person needs to live by in this struggle we continuously discuss here. I hope you save them and write a book for your grandchildren.

    Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a book that influenced me as a young girl. It was entitled "You Learn By Living" and I still have my beat up copy. Well, I suppose your book is here on these pages for posterity now! o:)

    Hello @Stephc - I thought I recognized you! Welcome and relax into this thing, OK? you got some good advice from these ladies already, so I'm going to keep quiet!

    @eleanor - I'm glad your sticking with posting here and keeping with this program despite your DH's rough news...I'm pro big family FYI

    @Kaye -* another big family person* so glad your DH's situation is getting resolved. Its a blessing.

    @Laurie - gosh, girl, sounds like you'll be shovelling snow about 4 times the way the evening news makes it sound.

    @re:Snowstorm - anyone else besides Laurie in its path?

    AFM: Food - I have been super good. At my classes they feed us lunch and it is super selected for heart health. Always a salad with either lean meat or egg, orr sandwich that resembles a salad with lean meat.... :)
    My breakfast is basically milk in my coffee, and dinner, well they usually let me bring home a left over salad or sandwich all week long this week so I'm loving it!!! I'm so well fed and grocery shopping free!

    Exercise: Well, I've had a few more falls, and they are sending me to PT starting monday. Did I say I now have 2 braces - one on each ankle/foot.These aren't rigid, they are soft, lace up, and then have velcro straps. A Dominatrix would love them. I hate them because of the stupid laces a mile long. I tried to negotiate my way into any other type of braces but no............. Apparently, my falls are due to the fact that my feet betray me and I need to punish them now forever >:) .
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie-- stay safe!

    @kelley-- sorry you're not healing as quickly as you would like. It's never fast enough, is it? I hope PT goes well for you and you're back on that treadmill soon.

    @steph-- sometimes you just need a day to relax and do nothing. Enjoy!

    @niki-- thanks for the reminder! I really don't ever deprive myself of the foods I really want. However, I'm struggling to have them in moderation or to balance the higher calorie choices with more exercise. When I first started on MFP, I would view my calorie allowance like a bank account and only eat what I had in "savings" (my daily allowance) or what I'd "earned" (through a workout). Lately, I've been living on credit which needs to stop.

    @katrena-- thanks for the kind words and compliment! I hope you get that premium stuff figured out. I hate it when technology misbehaves. Oh, and I agree with what kelley said about the fats.

    @zoe-- I love PB & J! Now when I have it, I use Brownberry sandwich thins (only 100 calories) and sugar-free preserves. I also make sure to use my food scale and weigh out the portions; otherwise, I could easily eat 1000 calories worth of PB in one sitting. LOL

    Friday Fitness:
    Thanks for all the well-wishes for my health. I think they worked b/c today I am feeling much better than yesterday. I'm still a snotty mess, but the fever, chills, and body aches are gone. Needless to say, I didn't want to go to the gym with my nose running down my face, but I sucked it up and took gunner for a very short walk, so that's something.

    As I mentioned to niki above, I'm still struggling to make good food choices although I've been staying under my calorie goal even with the treats. i suppose that means I've probably got my allowance set too high, so I will be lowing it by about 100 calories starting tomorrow. I believe 1700 net is really a maintenance point for me, so if I want to shed this 10 lbs and then some, I need to lower it a bit.

    I got a lot more planning done today and only have a quick set of vocab to grade over the weekend.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/22 speech definitions

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = 1/3 runs, 1/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 5/7
    Week 3 = 6/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    20k done/ 980k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- rest day
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym NOPE
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym NOPE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed-- rest day (meeting)
    Thurs-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE