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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited September 2016
    Thursday Truth ... I was thinking about today's post yesterday and had an idea of what I wanted to share, but it has left my short-term memory, leaving behind a feeling of "I know I wanted to talk about .... ". and those memory lapses trouble me. Being a diabetic, and still struggling to maintain a tight control over my glucose levels, I sometimes (only every time I think about it) feel scared that I will lose my 'mind' ... not like in crazy, cause my family jokes that I am already certifiably nuts :), but my inner self that is contained within my memories and thoughts.

    Today I went to my towns' Senior Center to attend a diabeties workshop. I'm always amazed that with all the reading and classes I have taken over the years that I still always come away with another nugget of information.

    Today I learned that a diabetic (Type 2) man ought to limit his carbs to 60 grams per meal, and that a woman should aim for no more than 45 grams per meal. The last workshop I attended didn't differentiate between men and women and just gave a blanket 45-90 grams per meal suggestion.

    Also, I was told there is no need to worry about the carbs contained in non-starchy vegetables, except for onions and carrots (each is over 15 grams of carb per 1 cup serving). The recommendation was to count the carbs in the starchy vegetables, legumes, beans, pasta, grains, rice and bread, and fruit.

    Over time, with my own tracking, I have found that my readings show better glucose control when I stay around 150 total grams of carb in a day's worth of eating, which comes out roughly to 10 servings of carbohydrate in a day. Now, with this new information, and as long as the readings stay within the targets I have for them, I might be able to worry less when they creap up, knowing that most of my carbs are not coming from the foods on the 'watch list'.

    :wink: Keep your chins up everyone, losing weight is like the cartoon showing Job's predicament: you are pushing a boulder up a steep mountain and sometimes you slide back. Just have faith and start pushing again!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Thurs truth for me: I've been avoiding going to the gym this entire week cuz it's b-o-r-i-n-g! I walk my dog 3 miles every day instead - the weather has been lovely and it's prey where I walk. But I also know I ought to be doing weights and all that crap, and I need too just suck it up and go. But I don't wanna...

    @Niki, I'm not diabetic but I know what you mean about forgetting stuff. I used to pride myself on having a terrific memory. Now, if I don't write it down it won't happen. I have sticky notes everywhere, and I use the now pad on my phone to help me remember... pretty much everything.

    @Rebecky, I too have a bad foot and as a result I gained a ton is weight. The heavier I got the more the foot hurt. But I also have a dear friend who has a whole host of physical ailments, and hurts throughout her entire body, every single moment of every day. And she's out walking, eating well and losing weight, getting healthier. She inspired me, and I thought "all I've got is a hurting foot." So, since my friend basically ignores all her "ouchies," as she calls it, I decided to simply ignore my screaming foot as well. After several months the foot stopped hurting so much and now I barely notice it. Not knowing what happened to your foot, I hope for you that you have a similar experience (But be careful not to injure it further!)

    @FlabtoFab, on a bad day I'd have eaten the ENTIRE pie. Seems that you didn't do that, so congrats. And lesson learned: next time, go to bed. Lol

    @MermaidPrincess, worthless??? Absolutely NOT! I'm new to this thread and don't know you yet, but am looking fwd to getting to know you. You are worth the effort!

    Best wishes to all of you, Birgit
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach it breaks my heart to think anyone feels that way about themselves. You are not! I have no words. I value you noticing my posts, it helps me. It's a smile because I'm not alone in this and it is hard.

    Thursday truth.
    Today I went to the Obesity clinic. I'm down officially for them 38 lbs. My caloric intact should be 1500 so my 1400-1600 target is good. My liver is shrinking like it's supposed to, BP and pulse great.

    I'm having a hard time with deciding on surgery. Yes or no. I've lost weight before and I have gained more back. It's not the operation I'm scared of, I've had plenty of those (7). It's the forever that scares me and I don't know why. I can't seem to get a grasp on it. What is it going to do to my family? Why do I feel like I'm looking for a reason not to do it and grasping at straws? My list: morbidly obese, type2 diabetes, sleep apnea, cholesterol, arthritis, fused spine (ouch! Never ever need one of these), family history of stroke and heart attack, fatty liver. I'm going to die soon if I don't do this. Lose the weight and keep it off . One way or the other I have to lose the weight.. why can't I commit? What am I really afraid of? That's my truth I am afraid of it, my truth. I don't think I have ever said it aloud. It keeps me awake at night. I'm afraid but I don't know why.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @pneschich --You've clearly made a decision to eat healthier and have no intention of going back to your former habits, but getting the surgery will force you not to, or at least make it a lot more difficult. It probably feels like once you get the surgery you will lose some measure of control, but making the decision is within your control, so maybe look at it that way? I get what you mean about the "forever" part though. When I quit smoking, the only way I resisted lighting up was by telling myself I could smoke any time I wanted, I just don't want to "right now." That helped me kick the habit and get past the nicotine withdrawal, and 3 years later, it still works. I occasionally have a cigarette when out with friends who smoke, but I haven't gone back to the everyday habit or the addiction. If someone invented a surgery that would ensure I could never smoke again, I honestly don't know if I would want to take that permanent of a step even though I know how terrible it is for me and sometimes fear going back to smoking all the time. It would be hard for me to give up the freedom to choose.

    @birgit-- At least you have a happy dog! What kind of weight work do you do? I love lifting, but hate the amount of time it takes. It's so much faster to just run a few miles or do some other cardio to burn a bunch of calories. However, I know the strength training will keep my metabolism burning beyond the time I spend at the gym, so it's worth it. :smile:

    @kathleen-- yes, whenever I tell people we are moving to the Caribbean they say, "Won't you miss all of your family and friends?" My response is always, "Will you come visit me?" The answer is always, "Yes!" so I don't fear missing people. I imagine we will have house guests most weekends. :)

    @rach-- You have been such a great addition to our little family here in the thread. It makes me sad that you think you don't matter b/c you absolutely matter to me.

    Welcome to the newlings, and hello to anyone I missed on this round of personals.

    Thursday Truth:
    I've been eating closer to maintenance the past week--still in a deficit, but not always -500. The result is that today I weighed in at 194.4. This is the first time I've seen a reading below 195 since Spring. It's looking like eating closer to maintenance is my path to success, even if it is in the slow lane.

    I made a little more progress on my grading goals, and tomorrow is an institute day, so it's almost like having a 3-day weekend.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 8/40 AP essays
    3. 40/82 F451 tests

    Fitness Goals for the month of September:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week: Week 1 = 11:34; Week 2 = 11:10; Week 3 = 11:30; Week 3 = 11:00
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week: Week 1 = 24:12; Week 2 = 24:08; Week 3 = 24:00; Week 3 = 23:00
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end:

    You vs Year Challenge:
    275 k done/ 725 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- rest day
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE (meeting)
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE or run outside
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym or run outside or maybe mow lawn
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym or run outside or maybe mow lawn
  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    @pneschich, what an insightful post. Are you a candidate for the ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon System procedure? It is designed to be temporary (I think 6 months), and I think there may now be a competitive product/procedure approved by the FDA. It would allow you to evaluate the changes in eating behavior and lifestyle without committing to a permanent surgical procedure. I'm sure the people at the obesity clinic would have more information about it. (And no, I'm not affiliated with the company in any way - was considering it for myself, but I think my BMI is still too high).
  • chavelitalara
    chavelitalara Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, my name is Isabel Lara. I'm from sunny southern California.✌
    I saw this thread and just wanted to join. I've lost and gained weight constantly since I was young and I want to do this. I need to lose about 70 lbs right now and even ten seems like a huge goal that I find myself defeated on right away.

    Let me just explain. When I was younger I was molested by a family member and still haven't told anyone. Ever since then, I have used food as my way to fill a void in me, a void that seems endlessly empty. It's gotten to a point where I eat without intention and often forget that I ate that much.
    Right now, I feel completely lost on my journey to healthiness. I eat out every day, don't drink enough water, eat junk every day, never exercise, and then cry because I gained weight. I see this happening and don't stop. I need to stop now, before I gain more and more weight and it gets harder. That is why I'm really glad I saw this thread.
    I've tried the Fit Girl's Guide and a bunch of different diets and I just want something healthy and sustainable that I can do for the rest of my life.
    Either way, thank you guys for starting this thread. Reading through it, I thought this might be a good thing for me.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @320sycamore I am looking at the gastric sleeve. I have done exhaustive research and it looks the sanest to me. I didn't look at that procedure when I jumped in last spring but I have read about it since and I'm not sure it's for me. Insurance requirements have been met and I'm clear to go after 6 months-October- going to be a strange thanksgiving and Christmas
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @pneschich ... so, it sounds like you have made a decision. Now that you have, don't second-guess yourself. Good luck and good health.

    Just want you to know ... everything you said about yourself and your family could have been me talking about myself and mine. I too made a decision, and I'm glad I'm seeing positive results for myself, slowly and gradually. I'm like the tortoise, slow and steady.

    Welcome @chavelitalara
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    So sorry to be missing in action!

    I have been dealing with a lot of health issues . I go in for a biopsy! My Doctor thinks I have uterine cancer. She kept going your age having menopause and stop bleeding and to come back , type 2 diabetes and being so overweight i am like I get it lady I messed up in my life I get it!
    She try to stay positive that after we know it is a surgery you go on I am like just! But I need to stay positive!
    My eating has not been good ! Also studying out diet and cancer realize I need to eat right it is more important than ever! I hope to pop in daily it is good to read how everyone is doing
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,092 Member
    I really hurt "down there" so last night I had 2 brownies and 2 cups of skim for dinner then went straight to bed. I am rewarded this morning with a lower than normal weight. In fact, this week's average is 2.6lbs less than last week's average.
    And, as happy as I am about weighing less, it only reinforces the notion that I have to be miserable to be skinny. Is it worth it?
    People who have lost a lot say it is deffinately worth it. I should be miserable and hurt physically and emotionally so that I can fit "regular" size clothing and be active? My period will come back. My hair will fall out. I will have bags of skin from stretching it out so much for so long. Is it worth it? I will have to be careful what and how much I eat for fear of regaining and undoing all the hard work I did. I will be obcessed with numbers: on the scale, reps at the gym, running times, cholesterole, etc. And I will live a long life ... long enough to lose everyone I love. Is it worth it?

    On the flip side, I eat a lot. I dont like how I look. I have high cholesterole which puts me at risk for heart disease/heart attack. I avoid doctors because they all just tell me the same thing, "you're morbidly obese". Why should I pay someone to tell me what I already know? I have depression which I think is somewhat affected by my excess weight. I am an emotional eater ( but who isnt?) I eat mostly when I am happy or bored/lonely. I fear my bad eating habits have negatively influnenced my DH and may ultimately kill him (He is already on bp meds). I get this fear from watching his morbidly obese mother start a romantic relationship with a younger man, fatten him up by feeding him too much all the time (food is love) and he had a heart attack within two years of dating her.
    However, the chances of this are slim as I/we have been married 13yrs, he is 5yrs older than me, and we are still both living. We are both fatter and still in love. Plus, my DMIL's boyfriend was a heavy drinker and smoker before they started dating. Who knows how much this contributed to his death. Neither DH nor I smoke or drink. We just eat too much.
    Is it worth it to change my eating and lifestyle to lose weight? It could ruin my marriage. It will cost me my happiness. And it will prolong my time on this messed up planet. Is it worth it?
    But the fact that I am still asking the question ... And I am using mfp ... Must mean there is so much more to the equation than I have time to type (on my phone, no less) right now.
    Gotta go 2 work peeps.
    Stay strong.
    <3 Rach
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Wow is all I can say over all the posts I've read since my last post! This group is just amazing. I love all of you and I'm inspired and touched by your stories. I wish I could comment on all but there have already been some great responses to your post that I just wholeheartedly second. YOU are VALUABLE. YOU MATTER, please don't give up and that goes for me as well and something that this thread really reinforces for me!

    @pneschich it does now sound as if your decision is made to have the surgery and if that is your decision, I'm sure we will support you, but I just wanted to say that you voiced my concerns so well, I couldn't have done it better. I know that this journey is going to be a life long one for me, but the truth is that even with surgery, I would still have a battle for the rest of my life, because I love to cook, I love to eat, and I have demons that reside within me that are serious problems of my past and surgery won't get rid of them. I seriously considered surgery about 10 years ago and decided that it isn't for me, because it wouldn't solve the problems I have that make me want to eat in a way that is bad, and it would not allow me the freedom to enjoy eating in that good way. For me, it would be a further punishment I don't need or deserve to take my joy away. I chose to do my fighting for a healthier, happier me that gives me more freedom and control over what happens to me. Thanks for making that more clear for me and YOU have my vote of confidence that whatever you decide will be what is best for you and you will be a success because you are smart and determined!

    @chavelitalara I'm sending you cyber hugs and I want you to know that you are not in this alone. I too was molested as a child (age 5) and I'm now creeping up on 70. I didn't speak of it for probably 45 years, but I ate that sorrow and sickness in my soul frequently. It's so harmful to your body to keep gaining and losing weight, and it doesn't heal your heart and soul. I congratulate you for the steps you are taking to eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle, but you need to get help for your emotional sickness. I will message you later today about my journey and how I want better than that for you. You deserve a happy and healthy life and you can have it! I'm so glad you are among the wonderful people on this thread that can love you, encourage you and keep you company along the way!

    @Elizabeth2360 I hear you about your possible surgery and I'm proud of you for coming back now and working on it. You've got this and you will be OK!
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Thank you all for your support. I made the decision in April when I started that I would enter the program. The program offers medically supervised weight loss, medication if necessary, it wasn't, and surgery if you want or not don't. The program assumes that at 6 months you will have lost the required weight, 10%, and passed the screening. Medical and psychological. I have. It is time to decide. Prayer and family now. I am leaning towards surgery out of fear of failure and what that will mean. I buried my mother at 19 and father at 25. I have a 17 year old. I know what my parents missed and how much I needed them. I need to do everything possible to be there for my boys, for my wife.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @rach You are right about the sacrifices and struggles of losing weight. What you are missing is the feeling of well-being, energy, and joy that come from feeling really good all the time. It isn't just about looking better. It goes so far beyond that to being able to do things that you haven't done for years, and to enjoying so much of life that is missing now. I am 72 years old. I started this journey (this time) at 68. I have enjoyed better health and increased energy that I wouldn't trade for fast food or a candy bar. When my weight started to creep back up, I noticed that some of those good feelings were going away, so I have jumped back on the wagon. I feel better than I have felt since long before I started this. Hang in there. It becomes easier when you begin to see and feel the results of your effort.
    @pneschich Thank you for your insight. I've never seriously considered surgery, although my dr. did suggest it at one time. I think that the most important thing to remember when we have to make huge life choices, is to make the decision and don't look back. The "what if" game is very destructive.
    @Elizabeth2360 So sorry about your health issues. The only control you have is over your diet and exercise. They can have a huge impact. I hope that all turns out well.
    To all of you that are hurting--you are a valuable person. You are loved by God. You are His child. Please don't let the past, no matter how ugly, take away the joy that you can have today and in the future. Don't let evil people and ugly events have power over your life now.
    AFM: I wish I had my weigh in today. I am down 2# from yesterday. Oh, the frustration of fluctuation.
    I think that the Fit and Fall Proof class is a good choice for my exercise. I am feeling muscles that I have not felt for years. It definitely gets to things that walking misses.
    Tomorrow is the 10K. I am excited about it. It will be my 3rd 10K. Three years ago I walked my first 5K ever. It feels so good to be able to do this.
    Have a great weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited September 2016
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?
    What I'm doing is trying to eat 'clean' ... in my definition of what that is ...
    1 ... home prepared foods vs. restaurant fast food, dining restaurant food, or prepared foods at the grocer.
    2 ... keeping the food stores stocked with the basics of what I need to prepare those foods and also have a variety of snack, eat-out-of-hand items that are full of nutrition and fiber vs. sugar and flour.
    3 ... only eat when I am hungry, and only eat until I am just comfortably full where I feel like I could have a bit more, but won't.
    4 ... Wait, if possible, a full 12 hours before my last food yesterday and my first food today. I feel the best when I can wait up to 16 hours between those 2 feeds.
    5 ... Yes ... I have changed my definition and purpose for eating. It is no longer to give me comfort or pleasure but to fuel my body with the best nutrition I can provide it. And yes, that does include eating something sweet or sour or bitter, or savory or not, or fatty or lean ... but not all at one time or at every meal or even at every day.
    6 ... Move more ... in any way I can manage, but especially in the way that gets me hot and sweaty and reaching for a tall glass of cold water afterward.
    7 ... practice patience and meditation ... just to help me keep myself sane and on an even keel cause it's wen I'm not serene within is the perfect time throwing in the towel through the pizziness of constant attention this still requires.

    What am I doing to prepare for the weekend eating?
    Well ... I picked up 10 pounds of fresh local Cortland apples and will be making applesauce with some, and I will be using my dehydrater to dry some more for winter snacking (along with my store of nuts and seeds and other dried fruits)
    I also have a center cut pork loin in the fridge that's going to be cut into skinny chops and some of them will be pounded thin and used as rollups for a savory stuffing that will be browned in a skillet and then finished in a casserole. Some more of that meat will make some of my favorite Chinese-style Hot and Sour Soup. And the rest will be packed and put in the freezer for more meals in October or November.

    But today, well today I let myself eat pizza and chicken wings instead of an apple on way to the orchard to get the apples. Its the first time in about 6 months that I've had those food items. I think it will be at least 6 months more before I'll be tempted again.
    See you all on check-ibn Monday

    Okay - #6 and #7 are not food but lifestyle related. And my little itty bitty keyboard makes my well developed finger tips misspell all the time! :wink:
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @Niki, that is an impressive and well thought out list. Thank you for sharing it. For my fitness goals the struggle and challenge is always planning and execution of meals. I hate it! Hate thinking about food, hate planning meals, hate grocery shopping, and gawd... I hate cooking! I'm fine eating a family sized bag is Doritos, a jar of Cheez Whiz and calling it dinner. But that's how I got to be 100+ lbs overweight, so no more! Today I went grocery shopping and bought a week's worth of good healthy unprocessed foods that even I can manage, or that don't require cooking. Felt good! And I feel prepared for the upcoming week.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @pneschich ... I am just shy of 4 weeks from the gastric sleeve surgery. It was a hard decision and there certainly isn't the right answer. For me I had thought about weight loss surgery for years but the turning point was watching my Mom struggle with her health issues that can all be traced back to being overweight most of her life. It's certainly not an easy fix, but a tool. Right now I don't feel like eating anything and I have to remind myself to meet my goals. It is up to me to change my habits during this first year when I kind of get a "free pass". Have you gone online and found any support groups? I ask because I am on a Facebook support group for gastric sleeve and there are lots of good helpful ideas, recipes, questions answered, etc. Maybe something you read will help you decide one way or another.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @NewCaddy. Congrats. I went to a support group meeting in August. I am at UTMB south of Houston they have a group. One of their dieticians organizes it. I had a long talk with my wife about it. She supports whichever decision I make. I think I need to do it. I'm always looking for recipes I will look for the group.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited September 2016
    @MermaidPrincessRach .. have you ever seen this woman, Coach Tulin on YouTube or FaceBook?

  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Friday and Saturday Fitness and NSV report: I posted yesterday but didn't include my fitness activity and plan for the weekend, so I'm adding it in with today. I have been walking extra steps each day, above my goal for the day and also walking longer times without stopping to rest, trying to build up for a 5K race. Last night, I kicked it up one more notch but taking my first foray into light jogging. Now this is nothing compared to what I will have to do, but it's a big step to me at age 67 with 268 pounds on a 5'3" body! I jogged 10-20 steps four times on a 2mile hike. I plan to build on that each day. So not only is it my fitness report but my NSV for the week, and I'm really proud of myself. I'm a heavy lower body type and trust me, these big old fat legs don't like walking, much less jogging! I gave them a treat though when I came back by slathering them with some lovely essential oils to help take soreness away and the feet too! This morning they were happy and that sure helps me want to get back out there and do it again this evening!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Completed the 10K. Our time was right at the 20 min mile mark. Not a personal best, but nothing to be ashamed of. The 'depot hill' was a killer this time. It is at about mile 4 of the race and quite long and steep. I really lost time on that. Glad it's done, but looking forward to next year. The weather was perfect.
    @campfirequeen No running for me. Good for you.
    Onward and downward. Kaye