Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    @Nikion901 no I have never heard of Coach Tulin. She is inspirational. I have worked out hard with trainers before. I am strong. But for me it is about my weight ... a number on the scale. No matter how much I exercise, the number on the scale will never justify my hard work. As my friends in another group say, "cant out run your fork". Thank you for shareing Coach Tulin with me. I will see what shes got. But for now, it is just about finding low cal foods I like as much as fatty foods and learning to eat differently on a daily basis, no matter my mood or environment.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited September 2016
    @Nikion901 no I have never heard of Coach Tulin. She is inspirational. I have worked out hard with trainers before. I am strong. But for me it is about my weight ... a number on the scale. No matter how much I exercise, the number on the scale will never justify my hard work. As my friends in another group say, "cant out run your fork". Thank you for shareing Coach Tulin with me. I will see what shes got. But for now, it is just about finding low cal foods I like as much as fatty foods and learning to eat differently on a daily basis, no matter my mood or environment.
    Rach ... when I started to lose weight, I didn't exercise at all. All I did was teach myself about food ... I logged everything I ate to get a record of what kind of food and how much I was eating, and I made notes right in the food log note area of emotions that triggered binges (when they did) or just how I felt ... sick, angry, sad, happy, loney, etc. ... That helped a lot. Then after I had 3-4 weeks of logging I noticed that just because I was logging I eas starting to make better choices and was pleased about that. I also made a decision to cut 250 calories from what I was eating and see how that went ... Long story short, ... one thing led to another. Now it's several year later and
    I am maintaining over 40 pounds lost, my health has improved, I feel better about myself, I'be become interested in tackling how my body feels so that is why I have started to exercise ... that and to keep my blood suger more stable and lower.

    You may not like how much thought goes into changing lifestyle and eating habits to make the scale go down, but if it is really important to you, and if you go slow at it so a not to overburden yourself, you will make those changes.

    Good luck.
  • elaineously
    elaineously Posts: 40 Member
    Hello my name is Elaine, I have read some of the posts in this forum and I like how you guys take the time to really talk about stuff. I have been finding many of the comments and posts in my feed to be a little shallow and not really helping me overcome my issues. I appreciate this forum being so open and honest. Thank you all for sharing your journeys. I struggle everyday with making healthy food choices and not binge eating when I can't deal with my life. I am partly disabled so most of the standard exercise activities are not possible for me. I am in pain nearly every second of every day and I use food to deal with my chronic pain. My disability has no cure or treatment and is getting worse and more painful every year. I've been dealing with this reality since I was 12 and I try to stay positive when I can. I love how resilient and upbeat every is on MFP.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @elaine & isabel lara-- welcome to the thread!

    @rach-- "You can't outrun your fork" is one of my favorite truths when it comes to weight loss. I am a prime example as I spent the summer trying to do just that only to see no downward progress on the scale. However, the reality is that I'm healthier due to the exercise. Weight loss is mostly about food while your fitness is related to exercise. It sounds like you are taking the right steps by trying to find more nutritious substitutes that will still keep you satisfied, and learning to do that on a daily basis. I am by no means skinny at 194 lbs, but I'm so much healthier and happier than I was at 247. One reason I took so long to try calorie counting was my perception that it would lead to that number obsession you mentioned. I thought, "Is it really healthy to worry about what I'm putting in my mouth every second of every day? Won't this lead to an eating disorder?" I realize now that those fears, along with a lot of the fears you mention in your post, were very tied up with my lack of confidence when I was at my highest weight. The reality is that I don't obsess about numbers. I'm mindful of what I put in my mouth most of the time, but I still live my life b/c having that hot fudge sundae with my niece today was more important than whether the number on the scale tomorrow reads 194 or 196. Yes, I still want to lose more weight, but I also want to be happy and enjoy myself. I believe you will find a balance that allows you to succeed in your weight loss goals, but also live your life. It may take some of the self-examination niki mentioned, and it will definitely take some time (I'm 5 years into this and still working to find it), but you will get there as long as you continue to try. :smile:

    @kaye-- awesome job completing your 10k!! Congrats!

    @campfirequeen-- hooray for adding in some running!! Those 20 steps will soon be 50 and before you know it, you will be running your first 5k!! My one piece of advice is to avoid trying to run too fast. I struggled from that error, but slowing down--so slow that I could walk faster than I was running--made all the difference. It allowed me to build endurance to run longer and build my running muscles so that I could eventually speed up. I'm still a turtle. LOL

    @birgit-- I also hate anything related to cooking. My DH does most of that for our dinners, but I am responsible for my own breakfast and lunch, so I try to force myself to boil some eggs and cook some fish or chicken on Sunday nights to take to work throughout the week. When all else fails, Lean Cuisines and Lean Pockets are my best friends. Haha.

    @liz-- good to see you check in. I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. I will have my fingers and toes crossed that your biopsy comes back negative.

    AFM--Had a hiccup in my plans for today when my sister called to ask if I could babysit my niece today. My BIL found out yesterday that he had to have emergency surgery today for a detached retina. My parents (who are the go-to babysitters) are out of the country on vacation, so I watched Violet so my sister could be there for the surgery. We had a lot of fun--watched some videos, did some artwork, walked to a nearby restaurant for lunch, and then played in the park until one of my sister's friends could come take the 2nd shift. The only downside was that I didn't have time to go to the gym or mow the lawn and only got a little bit of grading done. Tomorrow is my MIL's wedding so I won't have time to do either until Monday.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 8/40 AP essays
    3. 82/82 F451 tests DONE

    Fitness Goals for the month of September:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 1x/week: Week 1 = 11:34; Week 2 = 11:10; Week 3 = 11:30; Week 3 = 11:00
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 1x/week: Week 1 = 24:12; Week 2 = 24:08; Week 3 = 24:00; Week 3 = 23:00
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes by month's end:

    You vs Year Challenge:
    275 k done/ 725 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- rest day
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE (meeting)
    Wed-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE or run outside
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner DONE + gym or run outside or maybe mow lawn NOT DONE
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym or run outside or maybe mow lawn NOT DONE
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    @Nikion901 and @skinnyjeanzbound thank you for your wise words of wisdom. I will keep trying. If something doesnt work like I want it to, then I can try something else. There is a magic balance to health and happiness. I just need to keep searching for the rainbow that leads me to my pot of gold. :relaxed:

    Sunday Introduction -
    My name is Rachael. You can call me Rach or Mermaid. I am happily married 13yrs, no kids by choice, age 35, in West Central Florida. My highest weight was 312 on November 3, 2015. Sad as it is to say, I have been trying to lose weight since 2003 when my wedding dress had to be let out 6 inches before I could walk down the aisle. :worried: My DH is 5yrs older than me. We are equally overweight (according to BMI) but unlike me, he was not an overweight child. He is now on BP meds, but thankfully I am not on any meds. My current weight is 304 and my ultimate goal is 150. I am a Pisces, I like to be in the water (swimming/water aerobics), and I am a Disney fan. Mermaid Princess Rach :smile:
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Sunday share. Bought a new used Jeep yesterday. It's mine, not really, my 17 year old now has replacement wheels. Totaled the last one in a 20 mph slo-mo freak accident. It's almost as old as him. I hate buying cars, especially used ones so I was "burdened" yesterday and my wife was merciless in picking on me about it. I love that woman.
    I have had a hard time excercising this week, part life, part rain and part pain because of the rain. 13 miles. Dog still loves me though, but he's been following me expectantly a lot. I need to add something that isn't walking. I would like to try yoga, although when I close my eyes and think yoga it's not 290lb men I see (unapologetically male). I would also like to try a weight workout but gyms are expensive . Any suggestions for either?

    Welcome newer than me members.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    @pneschich have you ever tried planks? Very masculin yoga :) there are lots of exercises you can do outside or at home with just your own body weight. Cycleing pedals have also been recommended to me. Not as expensive as the whole stationary bike but still easy on the joints. Easy to store too. Just my 10 cents worth. :smile: Rach
  • sullivad7
    sullivad7 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone... looking to loose 100 lbs... Had gastric bypass... really stuck
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach cycling and elliptical really hurt my knee. Arthritis from reconstruction in 85. Makes a popcorn popping noise, swells and hurts. Planks, hmmm, I would have to do them secretly until I could outlast the boys, competitive but honest. I'm really looking for upper body and core. Flexibility too. I'm way beyond yoga infringing on my masculinity, when I think yoga I don't think of old fat guys moving their bellies out of the way to strike a pose. I think limber and young.

    Welcome @sullivad7 this is a great place. What ya stuck on? You had the bypass, you having trouble following the plan or the plan making you stuck? I'm getting the sleeve (there I said it) and am worried about the forever part. These nice folks are all in different phases of the same thing, positive, uncritical and full of support. So if you want help or just an ear to bend you're in the right spot.
  • jlolsen516
    jlolsen516 Posts: 18 Member
    @pneschich I understand about your knee with the arthritis. I have rheumatoid arthritis and I have problems with exercises that hurt the joints too. I mainly stick to walking, or chasing my kids around. Sorry I don't have any good suggestions, but I wanted to tell you I am there too!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    @pneschich you can use pedals for your arms too. Sorry about your knees. If you do yoga you will become limber too. My 72yo mom is my role model. She is 5'5" and not skinny at 185 lbs but she walks every day, swims miles almost every day, runs stairs, lifts weights, and stretches. She can touch her nose to her knee. If you have ever tried that you know how impressive that is, especially for her age! I often forget how old she is because she acts so young. :blush:
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sunday Share ... In answer to @pneschich about strength training that doesn't hurt the knees ...
    I don't know if the exercises I do (remember, my son is your age so I'm just a wee-bit older) but I have found many on youtube that I have saved to look at and follow along with. Maybe I've shared before, I don't recall, but I am riddled with all sorts of arthritic joints, ruptured discs, pinched nerves and have been reduced, at times, to using a wheeled walker or cane, especially when I have flare-ups in the arthritis that jumps from one joint to another. And, while I have lost over 40 pounds, I still have more than 70 to go to be out of the obese category, so there is a lot of 'me' to move around. ... still, I am doing strength and cardio exercises right in my own home and am finally starting to feel my weight-bearing muscles kick in ... which makes me very happy and motivated to do more because I can feel my strength returning. .... I am sharing some of the links below for you to look at and see if they can fit into your routine. Many of my exercise routines stem from ones I was prescribed in the different physical therapy sessions I have been prescribed to attend starting with my first ones back in 1974. I have realized that all physical therapy movements are actually based on stretch and strengthen ... as is yoga or pilates (old fashioned calisthenics with a new name). The only exception would be weight lifting ... which is designed to tear your muscles so they bulk up as they repair themselves, which is not something one can do while eating at a deficit. And cardio, which is to strengthen your heart and lungs ... and many people use it to burn up calories.

    By the way, if you wanted to add more resistance to any movements you do, you can always hold milk jugs full of water, soup cans, etc. Oh, and regarding planks ... I do them every day, but I cannot get down onto a floor and back up again without assistance, so I do them standing up. I started with doing them against a wall and now I do them against the kitchen counter, as well as push-ups.

    Here are the links to those I use on a regular basis. ... Except for my physical therapy movements, I change the other exercises I do frequently. ... Body weight exercise - "You are your own Gym Novice Circuit Training" - shows 4 exercises and explains how to do them ... Mindful Chair Yoga: A Complete beginners practice, 40 minutes , , ... James Abney video 1-2-3 on chair exercises for seniors or the mobility impaired individual ... 5 core strengthening exercises demonstrated and explained ...The Best Leg Exercises for Knee Strength and Stability ... 15 minute strong knees workout by Jessicasmithtv ... How to Modify Squats & Lunges ... Wall Sit demonstration ... Squats for Bad Knees ... Do these 5 Exercises Every Morning - 5 minute mobility & Stretch routine by TappBrothers

    Take a look ...just copy the link into the YouTube search box on your browser ... there are just so many out there!

    PS ... I took the https// out of the links because otherwise they load right here and that makes this post a whole page long! I don't think many would appreciate having to page through 12 videos :)
  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    I'm getting a lot of great tips on exercising from this group - now I just have to work up the energy and make the time to do some.....

    Sunday share: I fell off the wagon and bought a pack of cigarettes on Thursday and smoked about 5 of them, then threw the pack away. Yesterday was the end of week 2 of being a non-smoker (except for that hiccup). Not sure about weight loss; my scale has been acting up and giving very different readings. I bought a new one but am waiting for my personal "official" weekly weigh in tomorrow to see what's up (or down)!!!
  • kayfhoward1
    kayfhoward1 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi all! Just came back to MFP a few weeks back. I am working towards a major lifestyle overhaul (spiritually, mentally and physically) and this is but part of the process. I have about 100# to lose give or take. I came back to MFP after I began walking for exercise again. That began after I weighed in at the biggest I've ever been, 249.8 on a 5'4" frame. I've always been what I call a TRULY emotional eater, eating not only when I'm sad or upset but when I'm happy, mad or just generally stressed out. Some people are addicted to chemical substances or alcohol; me, I'm addicted to food. That being said I am down 4# and learning to have a healthier relationship with food and exercise. Apologies for the length, it just sort of flowed that way. Thanks for having me!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Hubby, dog and I went for a hike in the woods today. It's about a 3.5 mi loop over hill and dale, and last time we did it I thought I was gonna die before getting back to the parking lot. That was about two mos ago. Today we ran around that loop and I barely felt exercised. Packed the dog back into the car and drove to another nearby nature preserve and did that loop as well. Amazing, what a difference a couple of months and weightloss can make. Also, it appears that I have collar bones. Who knew? Haven't seen evidence of those in many years. Oh, and I found out that I am only 15 lbs away from no longer being "obese." I can live with being merely overweight. 15 lbs feels doable. So life here is good.

    @Mermaid, your mother sounds amazing! I have an equally amazing mom, and sometimes being her daughter seems extra challenging. But she's an incredible role model, and I have arrived my entire adult life to be half the woman she is.

    @320sycamore - congrats on throwing the rest of the cigs away. Stopp ok ng smoking is incredibly hard, but worth it. Sending you much good luck and best wishes.

    @sullivad7 , welcome! I'm new to this thread too but immediately felt like I've found a "home."

    @pneschich - yoga, eh? I admire you for even thinking it. For some reason the very word intimidates me. I wish you much luck finding the right path for you.

    Good night, Everyone
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @kayfhoward1, welcome. You've come to the right thread.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Sunday share: Just got back from my night time walk. Still working on increasing my jogging steps, now I do four sets of 20-45 steps! I'm not trying to run the same distance faster just to build my endurance as @skinnyjeanzbound suggested so that I can do it faster when those muscles get stronger and better. And trust me, girl, NO ONE would call what I do running! haha but it's moving faster than this old body wants to! I'm a turtle too! haha. I needed to run, because we had Homecoming at church today complete with a huge dinner and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I will get back to it this week and do some extra steps each day to get the scale back to normal. I decided when I started out back in May that I would not be a relentless task master this time, because I have no mercy at my worst and it ends up discouraging me because I'm not perfect no matter how much I try. I want to feel like the winner I know that I am, so I'll have my special occasions, and off days and then move on. I'm good with that, because I didn't gain this weight in a hurry and I won't lose it in a hurry either! Y'all take care and I'll see you tomorrow.
    Welcome new ladies, this is truly a great place to spend some time!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,962 Member
    I decided today is a good day to re-establish some good habits.
    - coffee stroll each morning. I carry my mug of coffee and take a SLOW walk around the block. I like to see the outside cats. :smile:
    - a vegetable with each meal (or a fruit with breakfast, instead of a vegetable) My goal is at least five 1/2 cup servings of V/F each day.
    - I am just focusing on losing 5 lbs. When I reach 299.4, I will buy myself a new dress. :blush:
    <3 Rach
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good morning and welcome to all the new folks! I hope you've all had a great weekend!

    Monday check-in: I'm feeling really frustrated because I've been on a plateau for an entire week. I think I've had some type of mild stomach flu because I felt nauseated all week, plus everyone I know has been sick lately so it's likely that the bug got passed on to me. :( I think this may have contributed to the plateau, since I've still been eating at or below my calorie budget and would normally be losing. I know the scale will catch up eventually, but being sick + no scale progress has made me a little grumpy.

    I've had some NSVs, however! When I began losing weight I set aside some of my old clothes to try on periodically, and since I haven't seen the scale move lately but have been feeling a bit smaller, I decided to try on my old size 14 jeans and they were snug but actually fit! I was shocked, haha. I also tried on an old size medium t-shirt and it fit as well, but it was also pretty snug and I tend to like my clothes a little more on the baggy side. I think I'll be able to fit into both the jeans and the shirt pretty comfortably once I get to around 200 lbs (so about 17 lbs to go). I know that if I stay on track, I'll definitely be able to wear some of my favourite sweaters this winter, so that is very encouraging! :smiley:

    Oh yes, and I also didn't make it to the gym on Thurs... I had a panic attack while I was heading there. :( I wish my anxiety wasn't so out of control at times, and it's also difficult sometimes to do all these things totally alone (in person)... but I won't give up and I'll try again soon! Watching some of the movitational videos posted here will help a lot I think, so thank you for everyone posting such encouraging things!

    Wishing you all a fantastic & healthy week!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited September 2016
    Monday Check-In ... Well, my 10 or so days of eating at maintenance have ended. Like everyone elses, my weight fluctuates from one day to the next within a couple of pounds and so I was surprised during the week when one of my weigh-ins showed a new low, and I'm pleased with how I maintained my weight overall, ending up just under a pound difference from the first day through this morning. Since today is the start of the next 12-week challenge, my goal is to lose just 5% of my weight -- which is still a hefty 1 pound a week loss goal.

    My goals this week
    1 - intake between 1200 and 1675 calories a day
    2 - rack up over 200 minutes via exercises
    .....James Abney seated full body exercise video #2 and #3 on 3 days
    ....5 core strengthing circuit exercises on 2 days (working up to 3 sets per session)
    3 - walks
    .... I can walk for longer periods of time when I use my wheeled walker, or have something to hang onto, like a grocery cart or a lawn mower, however I have a very difficult time walking unassisted so that is the type of walking I am working on. My best so far has been 7 minutes before I had to stop and do recouperative exercises before I could hobble back to my starting point ... so this week I am working on building up to 10 minutes at a time.

    Have a great week everyone.
    Remember ... doing something is not doing nothing.