Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,911 Member
    I swam laps last night with my new swim gloves. They are silicon and put webbing between my fingers. Helped me swim faster and gave me a good arm workout. I love to watch the bubbles under water while I swim freestyle with them!
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Hi All, happy Monday!

    I don't know what got into me this weekend ... I looked like I was possessed! I ate between Saturday and Sunday 5,000 calories ... double of what I normally eat and not even of good food .. it was mostly crap! Saturday I think I ate 5 weight watchers ice cream bars and on Sunday I might have wolfed down a whole bag of veggie stix ....

    I am sure I gained a couple pounds easily, but not much I cant do about the mess I did this weekend ... just look forward and move on to eating healthy again and exercising .... I have not done anything since Thursday!!

    The movers are right now working on packing all my stuff; I hope to be able to go to the gym tonight to burn some of those additional calories of the weekend :#
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday Check-in ... trying to focus on the positive and not vocalize the negatives because this thought came into my head this morning that "we are what we think" ... and I don't want to think behavior, attitude, or action that is unfavorable to achieving my goals. And YUCK ... today my goals are, again, big time kitchen KP. Time to move the refrigerator out from it's spot and clean under/behind, all around. So while I'm doing that it's a good time to give the fridge itself a good scrub down, especially in the sealing strips that go around the doors.

    @happygirlxxx - Are you moving somewhere local to where you are now or changing countries again? It's got to be exciting to be facing all that 'newness' of setting up a new household ... fresh starts with no old messes hanging around and all that.

    @MermaidPrincessRach - Good for you with the swimming. I love to swim ... just hate getting in and out of the water so I don't do it.

    @sand86802 - Hu-Ray ... feels good, doesn't it, to finally quit a job you have grown to hate. Good luck in your next one, hope you enjoy the vacation you have planned with family.

    @jam5660 - with you on the eating mindlessly this weekend. It's sometimes the best of foods that can trigger binges. Stone fruit is a trigger for me. Berries are not. I bought 3 kinds of stone fruit last week ... 4 pieces of each and 2 pounds of berries.

    @campfirequeen1 - How you doing? Are you still at St Simons? Enjoy!!!

    @karenleona - Enjoy your time in the wilderness of BC ... lovely, lovely, lovely. And doing a good deed at the same time. See you in August ...

    @cellosmiles - Good to be on your own sometimes, right?. I took one of those Facebook quizes that are a nonsense type of fun activity about what you favorite type of vacation would be and mine came up a cruise around the world. LOL ... I love the water and being on a ship, but have an inherent fear of deep water ever since I nearly drowned back when I was 16. Never will see me out on the deep I think.

  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member

    Posting photos on MFP is a frustrating process, at least for me. Don't know if this worked - I'm trying to post a "before" and "now" photo. Seems like a good time to do this since I recently reached goal. You may need to click on the gobbledygook link, above, to see the photos.

    Thanks for all your support, my friends. I could NOT have done it without all of you!
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    @birgitkwood i am so happy you reached your goal. That is absolutely fabulous.

    Unfortunately the link doesnt work :(
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member

    Posting photos on MFP is a frustrating process, at least for me. Don't know if this worked - I'm trying to post a "before" and "now" photo. Seems like a good time to do this since I recently reached goal. You may need to click on the gobbledygook link, above, to see the photos.

    Thanks for all your support, my friends. I could NOT have done it without all of you!

    Nope ... your pictures didn't come through for me ...
    Did you first click on the icon on the tool bar that allows you to format your post font? It looks like a document with the upper right corner folded over ... you click on that and then you can add an image by selecting from your browser or dropping the photo from your desktop to the document.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @birgit-- or you can use the icon to the right of the one niki mentioned. It says "attach image" when you hover over it.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    I did absolutely horrible this week ... i think this is the 1st time I have this amount of gain weight since I started this journey ... all from poor eating choices and not exercising... but I guess you need to see the number and your efforts going to waste to wake up and restart!


    Name: Ana
    Age: 41 (for about another 4 weeks!)
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (July 5): 166.3
    Goal Weight (September 15): 150

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 162.6
    2. July 19: 165.0
    3. July 26:
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: +2.4
    Weight -/+ challenge total: - 1.3
    Weight loss so far: - 64.6

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals to achieve:
    1. Drink 8+ glasses of water
    2. Remain at the calorie level 5+days a week and keep carbohydrates max 20%
    3. Workout 4+ times a week and 10K step daily
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited July 2017
    Summer Heat Challenge

    Name : Niki
    Age: 72
    Height: 62.5 inches

    Start Weight (July 5):236
    Goal Weight (September 15):231

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 236.0
    2. July 19: 239.0
    3. July 26:
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: +3
    Weight -/+ challenge total: +3

    Weight loss so far: -39
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member

    Name: Barb
    Age: 69
    Height: 5” 3”

    Start Weight (July 5): 215.6
    Goal Weight (September 15): 199.6

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 212.6
    2. July 19: 211.2
    3. July 26:
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.4
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -4.4
    Weight loss so far: 46.8

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals would like to achieve this summer:
    1. Exercise 5/7 days - 6/7
    2. Drink a minimum of 64 oz/day - 7/7 Yes!

    I am very proud that I got all my water/fluids in this week. Knowing that I was going to have to own up/report has helped keep me on track. I'm a little bummed that earlier in the week my weight was down another 1.2 pounds, but I got lax and snacked in the evenings after I logged my food for the day - like that wouldn't count because I had already logged! LOL I think that's going to be another goal for myself, no night snacking unless I've saved calories.

    Good luck everyone on this wonderful journey toward a healthy lifestyle!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,911 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge

    Rach, 36, 66"

    Start Weight (Wed. July 5): 296.3
    Goal Weight (Sat. Sept 16): 285

    Weigh-in Wednesdays
    1. July 12: 293.0 (-3.3)
    2. July 19: 293.0 (-0.0)
    3. July 26:
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final wt: Sat. Sept 16:

    Total lost: -3.3
    Total lost since 12/28/2016: -11.7
  • yogini2013
    yogini2013 Posts: 19 Member
    Summer Heat!! Challenge

    Name: Margaret
    Age: 46
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start Weight (July 5): 221.6
    Goal Weight (September 15): 210.0

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: ~ 218.2 with in calories 7/7 days ~ exercise dvd 6/5 days :)
    2. July 19: ~ 217.2 with in calories 6/7 days ~ exercise dvd 3/5 days :/
    3. July 26:
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week:~ -1
    Weight -/+ challenge total: ~ 4.4

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals I would like to achieve this summer:
    1. stay within calories 7xwk
    2. exercise dvd 5xwk
  • asjarrett85
    asjarrett85 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been listening to a podcast called lose 100 pounds with Phit n Phat and she has given me such great advice and motivation! I highly recommend this free activity!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Trying this photo thing again ;-)

    Well, partial success (I hope). This is a current photo. The "before" is being problematic. So you all will simply have to imagine me with 120#s more on my frame. Lol

    My technical problem here is that I do nearly all of my MFP stuff on my phone, using the mobile app. The mobile app doesn't allow for easy photo posting. On the rate occasions when I use a laptop, it's my work computer and I don't want to load personal photos I'd me onto it. So with THIS posting I'm trying to use the MFP website, rather than mobile app, to try to circumvent the photo problem, but I'm only partially successful. Sorry folks, I tried...
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge

    Name: Birgit
    Age: 62
    Height: 6'0"

    Start Weight (July 5): 185.8
    Goal Weight (September 15): Stay within 182-185lbs, MAINTENANCE

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: Can't weigh - camping/hiking in the woods
    2. July 19: 183.2
    3. July 26:
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.6
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -2.6
    Weight loss so far: 120+ lbs lost since 4/4/16
  • MeMe1121
    MeMe1121 Posts: 13 Member
    Is it too late to join the summer challenge? Newbie here :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I've been listening to a podcast called lose 100 pounds with Phit n Phat and she has given me such great advice and motivation! I highly recommend this free activity!

    She has a weight loss support system that costs $249 innitially and then $30 or $35 a month afterwards with a private FaceBook group and such. I'll listen to her free podcasts for a while and see if things she has to say are helping me or not.

    Thanks for sharing.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member

    Name: Robin
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'3”

    Start Weight (July 5): 250.8
    Goal Weight (September 15): 239.9

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: -- 249.6 -- steps 1/7; -- active 1/7
    2. July 19: -- 250.8 -- steps 5/7; -- active 4/7

    3. July 26:** -- steps x/7; -- active x/7
    4. August 2:** -- steps x/7; -- active x/7
    5. August 9: -- steps x/7; -- active x/7
    6. August 16: -- steps x/7; -- active x/7
    7. August 23: -- steps x/7; -- active x/7
    8. August 30: -- steps x/7; -- active x/7
    9. September 6: -- steps x/7; -- active x/7
    10. September 13: -- steps x/7; -- active x/7
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16: -- steps x/7; -- active x/7

    Weight -/+ this week: +1.2
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -0
    Weight loss so far: -35
    ** vacation weeks

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals would like to achieve this summer:
    1. Meet step goal 6/7 days
    2. Meet activity goal 6/7 days

    Well, I can't say I am surprised with my gain this past week. My food choices were virtually non-existent! :angry:
    No one to blame but myself. I didn't choose anything, I just ate what I wanted. I know better, for sure. Today starts a new week, and definitely a new challenge.

    Vacation starts Saturday and I fully expect the scale to go up a few pounds more. Not that I am throwing caution to the wind, but... yeah, it's vacation and I may throw caution to the wind.
    My saving grace~ going to my brother's house for 8 of the 14 days. My SIL eats/cooks Paleo so my choices at their house may not be terrible, but there will be daily mimosas! B)

    It's doubtful that I will be checking in before August 9th with a weigh-in unless I check in on the weekend of August 5th/6th with my return-from-vacay weight.

    Until next time; wishing everyone Peace B) , Love <3 and Weight Loss :smiley: !!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    MeMe1121 wrote: »
    Is it too late to join the summer challenge? Newbie here :)

    @MeMe1121 ..In the past, we always let people join in at any point that they wanted to, and I haven't read anything to contradict that. This is our third challenge on this thread this year, and we've had different volunteer moderators for each session

    If you are going to joing, follow the reporting format. If you want, you can select a few optional goals that you want to work on/achieve during the challenge and you can report on them also. With the current challenge, we weigh in by Wednesday of each week for our results numbers to be included in the group totals.

    Should you start today, if you wish, and have the data, you can post your starting weight as it was on July 5 ... otherwise just do it with today's weight and skip the entries for week 1 - July 12. Our last weigh-in for Wednesday's reports is on September 13 ... but anyone who wants to, can also report their final weight as of Sept 16 ... which is the end of this challenge.

    @happygirlxxx is the leader for the current challenge and has posted already today, so I don't know if she'll see you question later ... that's why I'm answering it for you. And remember, this is the 'Need to Lose 100 Lbs - Robins Thread' discussion. RobinsEgg, a former member started this thread a number of years ago.