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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • lillymaid2005
    lillymaid2005 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I am Jessica, I have 100lbs to lose and like the sound of this thread.,I am 35 and I have been obese since I was 20ish. I have been the brunt of every fat joke and know,the risks of being nearly 300lbs. Right now i am 280lbs. I have a poor body image at times and sometimes emotionally eating. I am here for accountability. I welcome friend requests but only from females. I have a hard time talking to men. I shut down. I also have aspergers.
  • COLarryB
    COLarryB Posts: 2 Member
    @lillymaid2005 you’ve got this!!

    Little update from me. Since quitting one of my bad habits I’ve been able to drop from 255 to to 46 in about a month. I am very active (run around 5 miles per week and work as a teacher with the young kiddos so constantly on my feet) - but I’ve been really slacking on the gym. I’m worried about keeping up this pace for the long term though so I’ve added some more calories to my limit and am really trying to figure out my diet. My issue isn’t staying under calories - it’s eating the right stuff so I don’t need to nap or re-visit the coffee shop four times per day 😂 I really enjoy reading the stories in this group and I frequently check in here when I need inspiration

    My September goal wait is 240
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited August 2021
    I can relate was overweight my whole life except for 6 months at 19. Once I became pregnant at 22 I used that for an excuse to eat more thinking I would lose it like other women. Well a C-section changed that than I hated my body and been eating my feelings and emotions since. Depending on the day my body image changes and at one point I went from 265 to 225 almost hitting my goal weight of 200 than my son died and been up/ down weight wise for last 5 years. I topped my highest in 2020 at 283. When I started again in May I was 280. The people in this group don’t judge which is so great.
    Hi I am Jessica, I have 100lbs to lose and like the sound of this thread.,I am 35 and I have been obese since I was 20ish. I have been the brunt of every fat joke and know,the risks of being nearly 300lbs. Right now i am 280lbs. I have a poor body image at times and sometimes emotionally eating. I am here for accountability. I welcome friend requests but only from females. I have a hard time talking to men. I shut down. I also have aspergers.

  • jamiewhiffen216
    jamiewhiffen216 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! New to this thread. Same old song and dance - been overweight all my life, need to lower my cholesterol and my thyroid is becoming under-active sadly. Looking to lose around 120 lbs from 290lb. I have lost 10 so far (baby steps haha)! I am trying to get strong by lifting weights. I am looking for MFP friends that support and inspire. I don't adhere to any specific diet. I practice balance and moderation. This thread is a bit intense as far as amount of content. If someone can give me the lowdown, that would be awesome! Wishing all of you the best vibes! :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wow, I can't believe it's been over a week since I posted. Time really flies now that my students are back in class. So far, it has been pretty good--overall they seem to have a greater appreciation for school. #pandemicsilverlining

    I see a few new folks, so welcome to you! This is a great thread for motivation and support.

    @mnwalkingqueen -- I also dread the cold and snow I know will be here soon, but I'm already committed to rejoining the gym when that happens. Glad you are doing the plank challenge; at least one of us is doing it! LOL

    @COLarryB -- great progress so far! I'm also a teacher (HS English and Media), and it's amazing how many steps I get in a day at work. They also just moved our offices, so mine is on a different level than my classroom which has really increased my stairs/day--at a minimum, I'm up and down 4 times/day. As far as food goes, I find that increasing my protein intake really helps keep my energy levels up throughout the day. Like you, I can stay under my calorie allowance, but if I do it with the wrong foods, I'm sluggish and cranky. Last week there were a lot of "welcome back" treats for our staff which were mostly sugar based. That, combined with after school cocktails, made it a poor week nutrition-wise. This week has been better, though not perfect.

    AFM--As I mentioned to Larry above, nutrition was poor last week, and the scale reflected it. Every day I was 196 on the dot. Working on getting it back down by upping my protein.

    51 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    7/2/21 = 195.2
    7/9/21 = 195.2
    7/16/21 = (vacation)
    7/23/21 = 195.8
    7/31/21 = 195.2
    8/6/21 = 194.8
    8/13/21 = 194
    8/20/21 = 196 :(
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Quick Check In- Went to state fair yesterday only at 3 items and 2 of those I shared than blew it by stopping at MC Donalds on way home for was still hungry- we got rained out at 7pm at fair. Upside walked over 15,000 steps fitbit died at 15,000 still walked another 1 1/2 hours.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen -- wow, that's a lot of walking, Holly! I'm sure it more than made up for the fast food.

    AFM-- The past few days have been up and down. Thursday night, I saw a Noom add, and decided to answer their questionnaire. Based on my stats, they said my ideal weight range is 135-160, and that they could build me a program to get me to 160 by January 26, 2022. I haven't weighed 160 since HS (if even then), and I was tempted to spend the $150 for the plan. Then I realized that I already know what I need to do to reach my goals, and I need to start pushing myself harder. I'm trying to pinpoint my struggles and how I'm going to move forward, and I came up with these two main issues:

    1. Some of my colleagues tend to bring in treats, like cookies and donuts, and I struggle to avoid them. I really just wish they wouldn't bring that stuff, but I also realize that I can't ask them to change their behavior just because I can't always control mine. I'm going to work harder to just say "no," But I also need to hold myself accountable when I indulge, so Friday evening I went for a 3 mile walk to make up for the dunkin' chocolate donut I ate at work. It was 91 degrees and humid, and I really just wanted to sit on my couch in the AC, but I went anyways.

    2. I don't like to cook, so if I don't have healthy foods on hand and ready to eat, I tend to grab whatever is convenient, regardless of its nutritional value. So today I went grocery shopping, and I'm going to start doing some food prep on Sundays for the upcoming week like I used to in the past.

    I'm sure there will be more in the future, but I feel like these are my two main obstacles right now.

    It's still ridiculously hot here in Chicago, but I did some yard work and mowed my lawn this morning to get in some activity. Cold front is supposed to come through tomorrow, so hopefully next week the temps/humidity will be more comfortable.

    51 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    7/2/21 = 195.2
    7/9/21 = 195.2
    7/16/21 = (vacation)
    7/23/21 = 195.8
    7/31/21 = 195.2
    8/6/21 = 194.8
    8/13/21 = 194
    8/20/21 = 196:(
    8/27/21 = 195.4
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @karen- I will probably use the gym in winter but won’t be able to have same routine. Because the gym is 15-20 mins away from my house. I am sure we all already know what we need to do but either we don’t have right motivation, will power or accountability. Thanks for sharing your insight and struggles. Like you my ideal weight for height should be 108-146 probably weighted that in 9th grade the 146.

    Minneapolis MN
    Age 48
    Single mom of deceased child and dog mom.
    I love walking and watching tv🤷🏻‍♀️
    Highest weight ever 283
    Re-starting weight May 2021
    Current goal 260
    Long term goal 200
    Current weight 262.5

    I also am not focused on the right things. I don’t eat real healthy because I also am not a fan or cooking (for just one person). I tend to eat a lot of pre-packaged things.
    I do get on craving kicks but instead of just 1 to settle the craving it turns into many. Example craving chinese instead of having it for dinner 1 night I will have it multiple nights. Then I get mad that I did that.
    I also get excited for things like new work outs but if I don’t see the scale move I get annoyed and revert to old behavior.
    This weekend me and my dog have walked 10 miles just in our daily routine. Not to bad🙂. Plank challenge I forgot what day I am on for I missed a few but still at 40 seconds.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    If anyone has any ideas how to increase protein without increasing sodium that would be great. It seems like all the foods I like have a ton of sodium and I need to watch my sodium. FYI I’m not a fan of chicken. I thought about cottage cheese but that’s high in sodium. Only other thing I can think of is egg whites because I don’t eat the yoke.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    edited August 2021
    Sorry I've been MIA. We went away to Delaware for the week. We had such a great time. The townhouse we rented had a clubhouse with a full gym. The gym had picture windows surrounding it and overlooked the bay. Not only did I have a great selection of machines to choose from I had a wonderful view. I found myself often watching the blue heron who lived there every morning when I was at the gym. We arrived Saturday late afternoon - I was able to get my workout in at home before we left. I went to the gym Sunday -Friday. I skipped going Saturday morning before we left because I promised my daughter I would take her to the clubhouse one more time to play ping pong. While there we went on a dolphin whale watch, to a water park, the beach, walked the towns and did a lot of swimming in the pools. My daughter is asking to go back. She says next year she wants "to go back to Delaware and to Paris to see the Eiffel tower." LOL As far as eating goes... I did my best to make healthy options when we ate at restaurants. I definitely ate things I normally wouldn't eat but ate them in moderation.

    I weighed in this morning and discovered I have officially hit that 50lb loss mark! Wahoo. I am extremely proud of myself.

    Here are my stats for the month.
    Starting weight: 270 March 2021

    August Start Weight: 225.8
    August Goal Weight: 220
    Ultimate Goal Weight: TBD

    I weigh in on Sundays.

    August 1: 225.8
    August 8: 224.2
    August 15: 224.2
    August 22 222.2
    August 29:220.6
    August 31: 218.4

    I somehow managed to pass my August goal weight! However I failed on the plank challenge. I've come to the conclusion that this just is not the right time for me with that. I may try again down the road.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Just because your harship isn't as bad as someone else it doesn't make it any less valid for you! I am glad you got to go to the concert. Congrats on the 20K steps that is amazing! I am glad your first week with your students went well! My cousin and bestie do Noom and love it. They say it hits more of the psychological aspect of it. Personally, for me, I like the free aspect of MFP. Like you, I know what I need to do and just have to stick to it. I find it hard to say no to sugary foods too. Especially since my daughter is always offering me a taste of hers. Though I am finding the longer I am on this journey the more my taste is changing. I find myself no longer enjoying the licks and bites of her icecream and other deserts.

    Look at you go at the plank challenge! You are doing amazing! As far as increasing protein, do you like or can you eat nuts or seeds? I buy large quantities of raw (unsalted) then snack on them. I also keep dried beans in the house and am always making beans in the instant pot. I love putting both on salads. I prefer dried beans over canned because you can control the sodium and seasonings you put on them.

    @Karen and Holly
    EEK!!! If I lived closer I would cook for you ladies. I love to cook!!!
    One of the things I tried on vacation was buffalo cauliflower bites. The bites were served over a bed of rice and quinoa, around the bed was fresh salsa and a scoop of vinegar based coleslaw. Oh my goodness it was so delicious. I am excited because I am going to try to recreate that recipe later on this week. I hope it goes well. I've never tried making it before. LOL

    Welcome! Being the brunt of fat jokes is never fun nor it is okay. I am sorry you have had that experience.

    Welcome! If you don't mind me asking, what bad habit did you quit? There are a few other teachers in this group as well, myself included.

    Welcome. A 10 lb loss is a fantastic loss.
    As far as the thread, post as much or as little as you want. Robin, the original creator of this thread, posted some suggested topics on the first day. You can use those guidelines if you want or post anything you feel like sharing. We are very easy going. As far as your journey, it is your choice on what and how you want to do it. There is no right or wrong answer. What it comes down to is what works best for you!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Starting weight: 270 March 2021
    Total loss to date: 51.6

    September Start Weight: 218.4
    September Goal Weight: 214
    Ultimate Goal Weight: TBD

    September 4:
    September 11:
    September 17:
    September 24:

    I don't have any set goals for the month. My intentions are to continue doing what I am doing.

    I am a few pounds away from my lowest weight on here my last go on here. That is when I became pregant with my daughter. I cannot believe I am almost there already! I may just be a little bit excited about this!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Ugh! This app sucks with my Iphone 7s. I had a long post but it never loaded. Try again.
    My food intake has not been good I assume on Saturday 11th(?) when I weigh in I will have gained. I went to funeral on 9/3/21 and I was the only non family person there, made me wonder if my funeral will have people at it. The person was 46 and I have known the family for 20 years. I stopped the plank challenge for I think I was doing wall planks wrong. I was getting a pinching feeling in my shoulder blade area.
    @JNettie- I like to cook and wish I could cook with you. It is just hard for me to cook for 1 person. Sounds like your vacation was fun and you had some great food.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen -- I tend to eat a lot of pre-packaged foods for my lunches, but I try to buy healthier options. I really like the Lean Cuisine Power Bowls. They are high protein and also have lower carb options--they tend to fill me up. There's an Italian chicken sausage and peppers one that is delicious! I also like Gilbert's Chicken Sausage which come in single servings and different flavors. I will bring that with some cottage cheese. A yogurt and granola bar or fiber one brownie to snack on during my afternoon plan period is usually enough for me (unless someone brings cookies, donuts, etc.).

    @JNettie73 -- How exciting that you are almost to your previous low weight! I've had buffalo cauliflower, and it is soooo good! I used to make a really yummy quinoa salad with asparagus, chick peas, and goat cheese. I need to make that again soon. Quinoa is one of my favorite foods, but I haven't cooked it lately.

    AFM--What a crazy, busy week! Monday I had a hair appointment. Tuesday, Gunner had PT, and then I had to drop him off and head to a wake for a colleague's father who passed away from cancer. Thursday was our Curriculum Night at school. And Friday I had plans with friends for dinner. Wednesday, the weather was gorgeous, and I left work with the intention of doing my 4-mile walk at least one day during the workweek. Alas, Gunner had a really bad "pooptastrophe" all over our kitchen floor. He gets stress induced colitis due to his age and sometimes has accidents, but this was on a whole new level. It took my husband and I over 3 hours to get it all cleaned up. I will spare you the gory details, but let's just say a throw rug met its fate, and there was an air vent involved. On the plus side, he was very good not to track it all over the house or on any soft surfaces that would be hard to clean (except for the aforementioned throw rug).

    The weekend was much better. Saturday, I met a friend out for dinner, and Sunday we went to my husband's sister's because her son was visiting with his wife and kids. I only did a quick 1 mile walk when we got home, but this morning I did almost 4 miles before we went to our friends' house for an early dinner. She made chicken limone, and I brought sausage and peppers, so it was good that I burned some extra calories before the meal.

    Happy to see I'm back in the 194 range, and working to keep the scale going in that direction. Just over 2 weeks until I leave for CA and Ohana Fest. I'm cautiously excited, but still a little worried that something will happen to cancel the festival at the last minute. Even if that happens, we will still go see our friends in Temecula, but it would be a bummer not to get to go to the festival.

    51 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    7/2/21 = 195.2
    7/9/21 = 195.2
    7/16/21 = (vacation)
    7/23/21 = 195.8
    7/31/21 = 195.2
    8/6/21 = 194.8
    8/13/21 = 194
    8/20/21 = 196:(
    8/27/21 = 195.4
    9/3/21 = 194.6
  • neffyworld
    neffyworld Posts: 89 Member
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)
    I want to lose between 5 and 17kg by the end of the year
    I want to quit sugar
    I want to drink more water
    I want to do 10,000 steps per day
    I want to save enough money to celebrate my Birthday
    I want to get a job
    I want to write in my blog everyday
    I want to practice coding everyday
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Hey Hey-
    So Sunday I went back to the state fair and weather was great so that is why I will probably gain this week. Lots of craft beer and cider the food was always shared by my friend and I.

    @karen- Thanks for the ideas with food. Hope Gunner feels better and PT helps him. Music festival so fun.
    @neffyworld-those are some great goals.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I dislike using the app for anything other than logging my food. For the forums I log into the website. It's so much easier for me.

    Yikes! Poor Gunner, sorry you and your husband had to clean up that mess.
    That salad sounds delicious.

    Those are fantastic goals. What would you do to celebrate your birthday?
  • neffyworld
    neffyworld Posts: 89 Member
    JNettie73 wrote: »
    Those are fantastic goals. What would you do to celebrate your birthday?

    This is my list:
    Get hair dyed
    Box of donuts
    Egg Inc Piggy Bank unlocked
    Sleep over with Maria. Food- oven chips, pizza, salsa, guacamole and corn chips, chocolate covered strawberries, grapes, tomato juice
    Go to Christian store
    New dress

    I probably won't do all of it.
  • neffyworld
    neffyworld Posts: 89 Member
    Friday: I am going for walks everyday, and that's about it. I'm not doing anything to prepare for the weekend, I might eat to maintenance in the weekend or go for a longer walk then. I'm not anticipating any goodies. I'm disappointed with my weightloss, only 1.8kg and it's my first week. I think I might be retaining water.
  • neffyworld
    neffyworld Posts: 89 Member
    Saturday- I am 114.6kg, down from 117kg :-)