Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    Hi all. I just joined MFP. My goal is to lose 110 lbs to get to the healthy weight bracket according to a BMI calculator I used.
    I'm going to focus next week on working towards a calorie deficit, and change my breakfast and after dinner/late evening choices (along with trying to work out 45min 6 days, and some extra movement later).
    My shorter term goal is to just get to losing 2 lbs a week consistently.
  • tater7815
    tater7815 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey y'all!!! I just joined this app.... Again. Lol I'm so done with giving myself excuses and tired of being unhealthy. So this is my first accountability post to keep myself motivated.

    SW 280lbs
    GW 160 lbs

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Starting weight: 270 March 2021
    Total loss to date: 57.6

    October Start Weight: 215.8
    October Goal Weight: 210
    Ultimate Goal Weight:TBD

    October 2: 215.8
    October 9: 214.8
    October 16:213.8
    October 23:213.8
    October 30:212.4

    My October goal was to get as close to 210 as possible.
    I didn't do as great with getting back into my strength training routine in. I did it a few days but then fizzled out again. I seriously need to get my butt in gear with that. I am getting my cardio in daily though!

    I did calf raises the other week and oh my goodness the burn. 3 days later when the ache finally dissipated I noticed I was waking up with pain in my right knee. I think I must have been overcompensentating with my calves. That finally feels better. I've been terrible with getting in my water lately.

    My November goals are going to be
    1) Strength training routine
    2) Water comsumption
    3) Cross the zero - get to a number below 210

    Thanks for the kind words on my progress photos.

    You always do such fun things! I enjoy reading about it all.

    I love the elephant medal!

    Welcome back! I have elimated most processed foods, breads and white flour. (White flour seems to spike my glucose, I do better with almond or chickpea flower). It always amazes me how now when I do have something processed I do not enjoy it as much as I used to.

    @distanf @MrsHermit @tater7815
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    edited October 2021
    @JNettie73 Thank you!

    Starting weight: 262.2 lbs
    Goal weight: BMI healthy - 150lbs

    November goals:
    5-6 days/week exercise working on getting from 30 min to 45 minutes each time
    Log every bite/sip, etc.
    Make better, strategic food choices, calorie budget like a bank; can't outrun my fork as the saying goes
    Get close to losing 2 lbs per week with food choices and exercise

    Last Saturday 10-23: 257.2 lbs
    Saturday 10-30: 252.8 lbs
    Lost: 4.4 lbs!

    Exercised 5 days last week, 3 hrs 22 minutes total. Sweat at goal intensity 3xs.

    Goal is to exercise 6 days a week 45 minutes each. It's realistic for me because my current life situation doesn't allow for much general movement.
    I'd been improving bit by bit at my exercise the past couple of months, but no real significant weight loss.
    Last week was the first time I'd ever tracked and changed my food choices. I am learning about food choices and portions.

    Very happy yesterday. Little changes are starting to show!

    footnote: I did go over my calorie goal yesterday, struggled with emotions. But I stuck to my rule to not give up and logged everything (I think that helped me stop in the end). I am not defeated
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome back, Mel, and welcome to the new folks! This is a great place for motivation and support.

    @JNettie73 -- good for you for keeping up with your cardio. I have completely fallen off that wagon.

    AFM--Between the bad weather, and some really busy weeks with lots of after school meetings and appointments, I just haven't gotten out for a walk. I really need to rejoin the gym, but I have another busy week coming up, and we are supposed to have a few warmer, dry days coming up. My hope is to get out and walk for one more week, and then rejoin the gym on the 15th.

    I've also not been doing a great job with nutrition, but I continue to log and try to start fresh everyday. I've been over my calorie goal quite a bit lately, but I've at least managed to stay below maintenance, so the scale hasn't really gone back up. I didn't expect that 191.6 to stick considering I had just donated blood. This past week I got my covid booster, so I spent most of Saturday in bed. Very little activity that day, but I also didn't eat much.

    I love that everyone is posting November goals. Mine are to get back to healthier eating and get back to exercising--whether outside or at the gym.

    52 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    9/3/21 = 194.6
    9/10/21 = 194.2
    9/17/21 = 194.2
    9/24/21 = 193,4
    10/1/21 = 194
    10/8/21 = 192.4
    10/15/21 = 191.6
    10/22/21 = 192.4
    10/29/21 = 192
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Starting weight: 270 March 2021
    Total loss to date: 57.6

    November Start Weight:212.4
    November Goal Weight:208
    Ultimate Goal Weight:TBD

    November 6:212.4
    November 13:
    November 20:
    November 27:

    November goals:
    • Stay on track and log everything
    • Eat healthy snacks
    • Get back into strength training routines
    • Keep my stress levels to a minimum - not let people or things get to me
    • Get as close to 15K steps a day

    I still have difficulty with getting back into my strength training routine so it is back as a goal for this month. I didn't do as well weight wise in October as I would have liked. In reflection, I did sneak some of my daughter's snacks and Halloween candy here and there and did not log them. While I am not gaining, I am not losing either. I am just at a stand still. I need to get my tush in gear and do what I have to. I am looking at my numbers and the calendar. I would love to be in Onderland by Christmas but I don't know if that is a feasible goal. 12 lbs in 2 months is a lot to lose. I am going to try my hardest to get as close to Onderland as possible.

    With the holidays coming up means a lot of family gatherings. I always host, which I love doing. However my mother and MIL do not bring the best out in me and are a major source of stress in my life. My goal is to get through the holidays without letting them effect me the way they do.

    I am getting really excited for Christmas. Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. I love decorating for it, love the music, movies, lights, activities and of course SANTA!!!! The other day my daughter turned on Pandora for me and said "Mommy, I turned on Christmas music for you." I love that she gets me. If I had my way I would begin decorating for it now but Brian is not on board with it. I always decorate the day after Thanksgiving. We spend the weekend and I spend the rest of the week decorating. In addition to my other decorations I set up a very large village of ceramic houses with lights. Every year my layout of my village changes. I took a few years off from putting it up because my daughter was just too little and due to her needs from being young I didn't have the time to devote to putting it up. Last year was the first year in 6 years that I set it up. It brought me so much joy. I cannot wait to set it up again!
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    edited November 2021
    So, no stats for this week. Saturday is my weigh day, but my scale decided it couldn't make up its mind and fluctuated a LOT, giving me numbers in a range of 8 lbs; so no weight for this week. That's okay, I took a peek during the week and I think I gained ( :cry: ). Gives me something to think about since I did go calorie red several days (but not terrible) and exercised a lot more than the week before. I noticed that I exercised late in the day last week. So this week, I'll work harder on paying attention to my choices, and getting it DOWN; trying to exercise before I eat. Exercising early in the morning, while ideal, is not possible for me because of the quiet hour restrictions in our building. So I'll do what I can!

    Don't give up!

    P.S. I seriously think my scale has an attitude sometimes. The problem is really a combination of how it weighs using feet and the fact that there isn't a single hard, flat, even surface in our apartment. So I scooch it around to make sure it's really sure of itself. Most of the time it is satisfied with its answer, but some days it can vary a huge amount.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member

    Well, I said I may have to start logging my food,, and it’s come true. I’m trying to log every day. I’ve had some medical problems recently and aren’t exercising right now. Maybe I will in the future. The good news is that even with some dismal news from the doctor, I haven’t given up my healthy eating. I’m still cutting out a lot of the processed foods and feel better for that.

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited November 2021

    hey happy Wednesday everyone! It’s been a while maybe a week or so. It’s getting cold here in Minnesota and its supposed to rain for like three days straight with possible snow yuck! I didn’t start out very good with my November challenge of doing 20 modified push-ups a day. I keep forgetting honestly I’m going to try harder going forward. I’m not a huge candy person however the week of Halloween I ate out a lot and of course I had to have pizza while I watch scary movies. I ended up gaining but every day new day.

    Question for anyone who has health issues. This is the first time that my health has required me to watch something and take medication. I’m struggling with how to lose weight and what macros to keep track of. I have high blood pressure it started last year and they put me on a medication. I used to only look at my calorie count and not really any of the other macros but in doing that I noticed that my sodium is up more than it should be which is probably contributing to mine high blood pressure actually I know it’s contributing. I also still eat out more than I should and as a single person without a lot of storage space as far as freezer or refrigerator go I tend to eat more boxed items at home which I know is also not so good. Any advice or suggestions would be great. I have lost over 20 pounds so that is good I just don’t want a back slip like I have so many other times once I hit 25 pounds .

    @JNettie73- we must be kindred spirits… I absolutely love Christmas! I have already been listening to Christmas music. I watch every Hallmark Christmas movie. I do start decorating after Thanksgiving but I always have to have a real tree so I don’t actually put a tree up until the first weekend in December and then it last till January. My favorite Christmas song is all I want for Christmas is a hippopotamus.

    @MrsHermit - I have the same problem in my house finding a flat surface for my scale. I move it a couple of different places in my bathroom it seems to be working I hope you find a place that works for you. Just remember every day is a new day so don’t get down on yourself to much.

    @Karen - sorry things are so crazy for you and I hope that you are able to get some exercise in. I was just thinking the other day it’s probably time to invest in my gym membership again. However, I found a super cheap treadmill that I was thinking about getting because then Riley can use it too. I also pretty much only use the treadmill in the sit up machine when I go to the gym not really anything else.

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Starting weight: 270 March 2021
    Total loss to date: 57.6

    November Start Weight:212.4
    November Goal Weight:
    Ultimate Goal Weight:TBD

    November 7:212.4
    November 14: 212.4
    November 21:
    November 28:

    Well, here it is weigh in day and I am still at the same weight. This week I made sure to log any Halloween candy that I stole from Bella. I have been more conscious with what and how much I am eating. I have been using my food scale to measure out my portions. I increased my water. I increased the intensity of my workout. The scale just isn't moving. When I complete my diary at the end of the night MFP tells me I will be in Onderland in 5 weeks. 12 lbs in 5 weeks is a bit crazy to me. I think MFP sits on a throne of lies. ( @mnwalkingqueen - that Christmas movie reference was for you. :D )

    But to be Suzie Sunshine... my glucose levels are looking fabulous. :) Next month is my followup with my doctor. I am so curious to see what my A1C will be and if I will need B12 shots.

    I love that you love Christmas like I do. We have an artificial tree, I've never had a real one. :'( I am so excited to start decorating. What is your favortie Christmas movie? I love them all but my go to movie is Home Alone. I never get tired of watching it. We just watched the new one that Disney released the other day. I didn't hate it but it definitely was not as good as the original. I do Elf on the Shelf for my daughter. I am trying to come up with some fun ideas to do that I have not done before. One of my favorites that I did last year was setting up a karaoke stage with the elf and her dolls. She was so excited when she woke and saw it. Later that day I caught her sitting next to the stage singing Christmas songs with her dolls. HAHAHA.

    Sorry to hear of your health issues. Wishing you nothing but the best!

    Sorry to hear your scale isn't cooperating with you either. It's so frustrating.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi everyone. Great news from my doctor , so I feel like I have a new lease on life. I’ve started working out again, and logging my food. I’m determined to be the healthiest I can. I feel like I can’t be stopped from achieving my goal. Now the scale is another thing. It sure is slow moving! You know what? I can deal with that, annoying as it is. I’m in this for the longggest haul. Ladies, we’ll beat that darn scale eventually.
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    edited November 2021
    @JNettie73 Thanks, yes it is frustrating. But I'm trying to focus on how my body is changing and on making

    Highest known weight: 262 lbs
    Goal weight (healthy BMI): 249 lbs

    October 30: 252.8 lbs
    November 8: ??? No firm conclusion, probably gained.
    November 15: 252.4 lbs
    November 22:
    November 29:

    November Goal: 249 lbs (Milestone marker; top lb bracket of 'obese BMI' for me; no longer morbidly obese)
    November Actual:
    November Loss:

    What I've learned so far:
    - exercise in the evening after eating has less impact than exercise in the morning before eating, regardless of same caloric intake
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday Everyone!
    I have finally made it to my pre-Covid weight again. I was off by about a month and a half but rather be late than never. It is getting cold here in Minnesota the wind today was up to 30 miles an hour and the temperature is in the low 20s. I am actually thinking of buying a treadmill just a cheap one maybe even a manual one just to get by for the winter. However, if I buy a cheap electric one Riley could use it too so then two people are using it well a person and a dog.

    @JNettie73 - Favorite Christmas movie… Well current modern movie I would say This Christmas with Chris Brown.. However, I do love the original Home Alone! I am a huge Hallmark Christmas movie watcher that is all I watch the month of December. Balsam Hill commercials really make me think I could get down with an artificial tree. However, my real tree doesn’t even come close to cost in what their artificial trees do.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted recently. Looks like MFP has done an update and now I can't get to the community threads from my phone. I tend to keep up with reading the thread from the app, and then I post from my laptop.

    @mnwalkingqueen -- That's a great plan to get a treadmill--especially if you think you can get Riley to use it. Gunner used to just bark and whine at my treadmill which made it miserable to use. I would have to shut the door and listen to him whine and cry throughout my workout. LOL! I also have found that I tend to work out harder at the gym. Maybe it's the fact that others are around, but I just find I run faster/longer at the gym than at home. I also do enjoy switching up my cardio and using the bike, rowing machine, and elliptical as well. I just saw an ad that Planet Fitness is waiving the signing fee through November 16th, so I'm definitely going to join again. I may actually go tomorrow after work.

    @JNettie73 & @mnwalkingqueen -- I like Christmas, but I'm not a super fan. I do enjoy decorating, especially now that we have room to host the holidays. Last year was the first time I decorated in years. At the old house there just wasn't much room for a tree, and adding decorations just made it feel more cluttered. We also always have a fake tree, so I will probably put it up after Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday movie is It's A Wonderful Life. My dad and I used to watch it together and quote lines--drove my mom and sisters crazy. Now, we still text each other favorite lines when either of us happens to be watching. LOL

    @Melwillbehealthy --glad to hear you got good news from the doctor! You are so motivated--I hope it's catching because I seem to have lost my mojo over the past couple of weeks.

    @MrsHermit --looks like you have some great goals! Is your scale electronic? I've found that mine will start giving me a really broad range of numbers when it needs new batteries.

    AFM--As I mentioned above, I haven't been great about exercise or nutrition lately. Lots of little reasons: bad weather, lots of holiday socializing, busy with meetings and appointments. It's like the trifecta of excuses for just giving up, but I won't. Last week, my weight was back down in the 191 range, but this week it hasn't been below 193, so I think the sporadic logging and lack of exercise is catching up with me. As Holly likes to say, tomorrow is a new day. I will start tracking regularly and join the gym, so I can get right back on track before this spirals into a holiday eating disaster.

    52 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    9/3/21 = 194.6
    9/10/21 = 194.2
    9/17/21 = 194.2
    9/24/21 = 193,4
    10/1/21 = 194
    10/8/21 = 192.4
    10/15/21 = 191.6
    10/22/21 = 192.4
    10/29/21 = 192
    11/5/21 = 191.8
    11/12/21= 191.6
    11/19/21 =
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound I've been having trouble with calorie goals and exercise too, several excuses and routine changes. Today is another day - try again! Yes my scale is electronic. I think I remember portable scales that weren't, but have no idea how to find them nor any idea if they're any more reliable. I do like tracking to partial lbs (tenths).
    @mnwalkingqueen I hope you find a nice treadmill! If we had a house I'd like one for the winter, but since we're in timber-framed apartments it's not an option. (bummer)
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Starting weight: 270 March 2021
    Total loss to date: 58.2

    November Start Weight:212.4
    November Goal Weight:
    Ultimate Goal Weight:TBD

    November 7:212.4
    November 14: 212.4
    November 21: 211.8
    November 28:

    I've been getting my strength training done every day after cardio. It is a good feeling. I saw a larger loss earlier in the week which wasn't there when I weighed in this morning. It's still a loss and I know I am headed in the right direction. I am going to keep doing what I am doing. What happens will happen over time.

    Congrats on getting to your precovid weight!
    It just started to get cold here but we are no where near where you are temperature wise. I have to say being close to 60 lbs down I am having a hard time with the cold. I am always putting on layers in the house.
    I don't think I've seen This Christmas. I am going to have to put that on my watch list.

    Sorry to hear you have had a super busy time lately.
    I hear you about the holiday diaster eating. I have concerns myself about it. I hope I am able to keep myself in check and not over indulge.

    Congratulations on the good news from your doctor.

    I do the same of focusing on how my body is changing. It's extremely motivating when I reflect on where I was when I first started my journey to where I am now.

    I don't know if I will get back on before Thursday. I have a busy week ahead between work, parent teacher conferences, cleaning and prepping for Thanksgiving. I wanted to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    Saturdays are the official weigh day for me. Below are stats in case anyone is interested:

    Highest Weight: 262
    Starting weight with MFP: 260 lbs (morbidly obese) Oct 22, 2021

    Current weight: 251.4 lbs (-5.6 lbs)
    Weekly weight loss/gain: -1 lbs
    Total weight lost from highest: -10.6 lbs

    What I've learned so far:
    - exercise in the evening after eating has less impact than exercise in the morning before eating, regardless of same caloric intake


    @JNettie73 Yeah I think the Non Scale Victories are important things to note along one's journey. I need to take the time to notice how I'm changing and remind myself of the new muscle and toning I'm achieving.

    This week I'm cooking for others but am only dropping off the food. I think my challenge will be that I'm going to be worn out, so have sensible meals prepped for myself.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Make good choices and good memories!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @MrsHermit --I just meant you might try changing the batteries to see if that helps. :)

    AFM- I had a little tick back up on the scale which was expected given the overindulging the past couple of weeks. This coming Wednesday, I have my very first colonoscopy (yuck), so I haven't been eating much and have been sticking to soft foods like soup this weekend in anticipation of the "prep" on Tuesday. As a result I've been under my calorie goal both days. Tomorrow my friend's son, who is like a nephew to me, and his wife, who is a former student of mine, will be coming to dinner. They are visiting from Denver where they now live. They've requested deep dish pizza, so I will probably have a little bit of that; otherwise, I'm sticking with soup again for lunch along with some yogurt.

    I didn't yet join the gym, but I checked and the sign up special waiving the joining fee is good until November 24th, and I can sign up online, so I will probably do that tomorrow or Tuesday.

    I doubt I will get back on to post until late in the week. I hope all of those in the US have a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)

    52 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    10/1/21 = 194
    10/8/21 = 192.4
    10/15/21 = 191.6
    10/22/21 = 192.4
    10/29/21 = 192
    11/5/21 = 191.8
    11/12/21= 191.6
    11/19/21 = 192.8
    11/26/21 =
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    hey just checking in everyone. I and Riley in our dog walking friends did 6.8 miles today. I was supposed to do a 10K so it was a little bit over. It was cold as F outside it was 30° with 27 mile an hour winds. But I needed to get it done before the cold really sets in. I added the map of our route.
    I think if I had an artificial tree I will put it up already the problem is I’ve tried them before and they never look as nice the second year as I did the first. I think that’s why I continue to buy a real tree for now. Plus if I bought artificial trees I’d have one in every room of my house hence I do have enough decorations to do that. I tend to buy a lot of crap after Christmas clearance so I have like bins upon bins that I only paid like lesson $50 for.
    Karen you wonder if Riley will use a treadmill. Here is a picture of him actually walking on one he is wearing what is called a calming Because anytime I’m out of his eyesight he tends to cry that way he hast to use his other senses versus his eyes.
    In case I don’t check in again before the holiday I hope everybody has a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving.qr4rl42f11dk.jpeg
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Just testing new platform seems to constantly spin like I’m not connecting