Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @alison--your mentioning of Compeed brought back hilarious memories from when my older sister and I were visiting my younger sis (who was living in London). Older sis is sort of a "fashion plate" and was wearing impossible shoes for all of the walking. I think we spent more time at Boots buying Compeed products for her feet than sightseeing! :laugh: She had all kinds of pads and such stuck all over her feet--younger sis and I were like "why don't you just change your shoes?"

    Sunday Share:
    For the newlings, my name is Karen and I'm a 43 year old HS English teacher in the Chicago suburbs. Love my job, but hate all of the grading. Married to a great guy w/ one fur-baby--my boxer/shepherd rescue, Gunner. He keeps me out and about even when I'm feeling lazy.

    I started on MFP in March 2011 and lost quickly for about 9 months. Since then the weight has come off very slowly--I think I've only lost 5-6 lbs all year. Some of that is due to plateaus, and some is due to me not putting forth full effort--I've had periods of time where I've been content with maintaining. My HW was 247 and I'm currently at 192. Not sure of my ultimate goal weight, but I know I'm not there.

    As far as fitness, I walk daily with gunner and started running in June 2011 using c25k. I now run regularly though it's harder during the school year trying to balance grading time with exercise time. For example, I would love to head to the gym for a nice long workout today, but I have 17 papers to grade by tomorrow, so I have to be content with a quick walk with my dog. :ohwell:

    I joined Robin's group in July of 2011 and am thankful every day for the support I receive here. I'm pretty sure I would have given up long ago without it.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - so smart of you to reschedule your blood donation til you are over your illness. You need to be in top form before you donate blood or you will suffer the consequences!

    Karen - the picture of you and your walker is too funny because I imagine you just racing down the sidewalk like a speed demon :laugh:

    Monarchris - I am appalled at your son Robert's behavior toward's you. Even though he apologized he has a lot of growing up to do! I am so glad to hear your sister Terry is getting better. Its a shame with medication costs getting too expensive - perhaps you can check online there is grant money for people with certain illnesses that will pay for medications - will take lots of searching though! I understand your reaction of overspending do to all your stresses - I'm rather glad you reacted that way than overeating. Perhaps you can return some of the things you purchased and the damage won't be so bad.

    Kah - I love both Chihuly and arboreatums! Am jealous a little of your outing!

    Lin - No squishing - you always make me laugh!

    Spooky - glad to see your continued posting and what a great attitude you have!

    KJeffries - I tend to isolate myself too when I get depressed - glad to see you are making the efforts to keep busy and socialize.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Just doing the BUMP..........
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sunday Share - I am a 61 year old, divorced woman in Omaha NE, living in a tiny condo that I just bought recently after 5 years of apartment living since my divorce. I am so excited about fixing my place up but it will take time patience, and most of all, an influx of money, and that's where the time will come in. I have no kids. I have lots of physical illnesses like asthma, rheumatism, and depression as well. The depression is pretty well controlled with meds, but hounds me from time to time. At this late age in my life, I'm pretty used to dealing with it.

    I started this thread quite some time ago, and am thrilled it has been a success. It has helped me lose 40 pounds and provided me with many friendships and encouragement to continue on the path to a thinner me.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone! (yes, I'm working hard on the positive)

    @skinnyjeans - you're right. Not going further overboard really is a NSV. I let my emotional eating self take hold, but I only ate myself to what would be maintenance numbers - I had comfort foods in the house that I could have gone much further overboard on. So, Yay me :happy:

    Milage goals - hmm... 16.49 miles this week... rather pathetic IMHO. But I've been chained to the desk A LOT this week at work.
    Carb Challenge - over 150 2 days this week - all others, less than 150 :noway: For a carb addict like me, that's freakin' amazing!

    Unfortunately, it seems I've been yo-yoing on the same 2 lbs for about a week and a half - very frustrating. Trying everything I can think of to break the plateau, and nothings working. Bah!:grumble:

    Sunday share -
    I can certainly relate & sympathise with those of you having some family issues of late - it seems that's all I ever have. FYI, I'm 55, and both the son & daughter have flown the coop - but they don't usually like to have a lot to do with the parents. Yesterday, the daughter (who is 30, with unmedicated emotional conditions) decided to scream at me on the phone as to her life was all my fault and I'd completely ruined it (and still am ruining it, apparently, even though she lives in another state). :cry: Needless to say, it sent me a bit off the rails.

    Hugs to everyone!
  • lmackbethl
    @kaye - congrats on the weight loss!
    @alison - great that you had a fun evening and don't have to worry about the effects of that - we all need to let go sometimes! and I am amazed by all your exercise!!
    @christine & katrena - sending positive wishes your way!
    @liz - I hope you find some winter activities you enjoy! I'm struggling with this too.... burning calories is so much easier when I can get outside...
    @spookytune - the disney half-marathon sounds like such a great goal!! Perhaps some 5 and 10ks along the way?

    I don't think I have anything new for Sunday share... still looking for a job, still working on papers and such for school, still trying to make healthy choices, still thankful I've found all of you to keep me motivated...
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning friends, praying you all have a great last day of your 4 day holiday. I am finishing off the holiday sick again. It seems like I just start feeling better and back into my routine when another round hits:sick: I am sure stress has had something to do with it and eating too many pumpkin seeds didn't help the diverticulits, just wish they didn't taste so good on salads! Even for all the highs and lows of the holidays I did lose 4 lbs. which is a miracle! I had been on a plateau again for about 3 weeks so was glad to see it. At least I am still losing thanks to you all for being here in good times and bad. Love you all.

    I am a 62 yo widow with COPD, arthritis, fibromyalgia, sleep apnea, and depression controlled with meds. I have 3 grown sons and 1 grown daughter and 10 grandchildren. My life centers around my family, my church and my friends here. Oh, I forgot to mention a very important part of my life is my little pom, Belle. She rules the roost and gets me out and walking when I am able.

    @lmack, praying you land a job soon and that you do well on your papers for school.
    @allison, sounds like you had a great time, hope you are over your hangover by now.
    @Robin, I am so thankful you started this group and have kept it going!!! It has been a lifeline for me.
    @Vicki, isn't it funny how we get the blame for our children's bad choices? Praying your daughter wakes up and realizes she makes her own life and takes responsibility for it.
    @spookytune, sounds like you have a good plan for achieving your goal.
    @skinnyjeans, I think of you and the other teachers here every time I misspell a word or use bad grammar. You are a great example for us. Thanks.
    @Kaye, great job on the loss.

    To everyone I missed, love you and sending congrats and prayers your way.

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Just realized I am 5 lbs away from my half way point!!! Praying I make that by the end of the year (after all it is the Christmas season so will have some of the treats.)

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    How did it get to be Sunday already?! My mini-vaca is nearly over, but less than a month until a longer vacation! :bigsmile:

    Headed to the gym, will stop by this afternoon for Sunday Share and to catch up!

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I've been lurking but not posting the past week or so. I did NOT handle the holiday well. I ate....a lot..... and today is the first day in about a week that I feel back in control. I think yesterday's shopping trip to Kmart(of all places) jerked a knot in my behind. They had Joe Boxer sleepwear 50% off and I wanted some new sleep pants. The sleep shorts I have are from 80lbs ago and fall off at night when I toss and turn. I picked up size 3X yesterday and when the checkout girl pulled them off the hanger and opened them up I saw how HUGE they were going to be on me. I took them anyway thinking they might shrink when I washed them...they didn't.

    Early this morning I returned them for 1X and they fit perfectly. That reminded me how far I have come(from only being able to buy clothes from online super plus size shops) and how I do NOT want to backslide. I did weigh myself this morning and almost burst into tears. I'm up 6lbs since last week. Then I realized TOM is Friday so....... I'll hold out on spazzing until next Sunday/Monday to see just how bad hurricane Thanksgiving damage actually was.

    @Christine - It makes me FURIOUS that your on would speak to you that way! My middle brother is like that with my mom and it drives me crazy. It's one of the things I'm nervous about over Christmas. It's been 6 years since I've witnessed him acting like that and I KNOW I won't be able to hold my tongue now when he starts in on her.

    @Spooky - Welcome! This is an amazing group of people!

    I'm Kris. I'm 39 and divorced. I have two fuzzy feline furkids who rule my life completely. I had a stroke in March and that was the catalyst for my weight loss. It was caused by uncontrolled hypertension. The first chunk of weight came off so fast and easy that now I'm struggling with what is actually average weight loss. It's time for me to regroup and be happy with how far I've come and learn to be happy with 1 or 1.5 lb loss per week. It's enough because it HAS to be enough.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I love Sunday Share. You are amazing women! Kris, thanks for sharing your weight-loss history. I started this journey at the end of September and am still losing really fast. I know that reality is going to hit one of these days, and I will have to be happy with a slower loss.
    For the newbies, I am 68 years old, married to my companion for over 47 years, mother of 7, grandmother of almost 14. My life pretty much centers around my family. They are a lot of help and support for me. I am less than 6 weeks out from total knee replacement, and am healing quickly. I'm much more mobile than I was before the surgery. I take quite a few meds, but over-all, I'm in pretty good health.
    I found this group almost immediately upon joining MFP, and I'm so glad that I did. It really keeps me going.
    Have a great Sunday. I'm off to church. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    For those of you with colds or are just feeling under the weather, I just found this detoxifying bath on Pinterest. Maybe one of you wants to try it and report back?

    "The last few weeks it seems everyone has been hit with the horrible late-winter cold from hell: wheezing cough, runny nose and an aching body. After giving up on cough drops and sinus meds, I (the author, not Robin) emailed my aunt, who is the director of Healing Hands Wellness Group. She insisted I try this simple DIY detox bath, and man was it effective:

    1. Run a hot bath. It opens pores and prepares body for cleansing.

    2. Add three pints of hydrogen peroxide (3%). This oxygenates the body and helps purge toxins. It’s also antibacterial and antiviral.

    3. Add two ounces of ground ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory that increases blood circulation and helps promote the elimination of toxins through sweat.

    4. Soak for about 30 minutes.

    5. Drink lots of water; You need to replenish what’s being pulled out of your system.

    Within 5 minutes of soaking in the tub, my body (the author of the article, not Robin) felt like it had turned into a faucet. Sweat started pouring down my face and out of every pore. Afterward, I drank two large glasses of water and crawled into bed. I slept like a baby that night, and to my surprise, woke up feeling more energetic and less achy than the day before. Miraculous! I only need that one soak to feel vastly better, but my aunt suggests repeating the bath for up to three days if symptons persist."

    GOOD LUCK! :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @christine--congrats on nearing the halfway point--you will get there before you know it! :flowerforyou:

    @kris--glad you are back in control--don't be too hard on yourself--we all handle holiday eating differently. I know last year I was really nervous and managed to lose 6 or 8 lbs between Thanksgiving and New Year's, by being "good" between the special meals. However, I did allow myself to indulge on the holidays themselves. I'm more worried this year b/c my weight loss has slowed to sloth-like speed. My focus this holiday season is to maintain my current weight--if I post a loss, it will be a bonus for me.

    @kelley--I know! This little break went by way too quickly, mainly b/c I've had so much work to do. I also am counting the days until Winter Break when I should have some true down-time to focus on me.

    @robin--thanks for the bath "recipe"--I'm not really a "bath person," but I'll keep it in mind if I don't shake this cold soon. Yes, donating blood makes me super-tired (it's about the only time I truly nap other than when I'm ill). I think I should be good to go on Thursday which is when I rescheduled for.

    I took gunner for a nice walk and am only 8 papers away from being done with grading for the weekend, so I may have time to take him for another before it gets dark. I will for sure do my core work tonight as well.

    Need to set up my exercise plan for the week--otherwise I just won't do it.

    Mon--walk gunner + gym (weight machines and bike or stairmaster)
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner
    Wed--rest day (have a mtg after work and then dinner plans w/ friends)
    Thurs--walk gunner (giving blood)
    Fri--walk gunner + core work
    Sat--run outside w/ gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (weight machines and bike or stairmaster)

    We'll see how those weekend plans pan out. I have plans both days, so a lot will depend upon my sleep patterns and how much grading I have.Sunday should be fine, but Saturday may not happen due to an obligation right smack dab in the middle of the day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Sunday share---61 y/o divorced female. I live in Central Iowa in a 2-story home in the suburbs. I'm currently without a fur baby but am hoping someday to get a dog once again. I adore dogs and have had one most of my life. I've got a handful of medical issues including fibromyalgia, osteoarthristis, and celiac sprue to name a few. I've been looking after my dad, his financial affairs, his acreage, the family farm, his doctor's appointments, medications, etc., etc. since mid-2008.

    I refused to weigh myself for years but I knew I was truly gigantic as I'd been buying larger and larger clothing. I'd guess I gained 25 - 30 lbs. a year since my dad's stroke.

    I have lots of reasons to try, and I mean try as hard as I can, to succeed. Better health is at the top of the list.

    Lots of folks here have had tremendous success and I admire the work they've done. The posts are inspiring, comforting, sometimes funny and help me to keep on going.


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @skinnyjeans I chuckle each time you talk about how many papers you have to grade. My daughter has an English degree and taught for a few years when she first graduated. Five years ago she had the opportunity to become a librarian at the middle school and snapped it up. She says she has the best of both worlds now. She can guide kids in their reading, help them with research, and not have to grade papers. She directs the AR reading program for the school, teaches an exploratory literature class for 7th graders, a library skills class to 6th graders, has a homeroom, and is advisor for the Jr. National Honor Society. Not much grass grows under her feet, but she loves not grading papers. Good luck. Kaye
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Sunday Share: I'm a 44-year old single mom to an amazing 10 year old son. We just moved 7 months ago from Atlanta to Las Vegas so I could start a new job after 12 years with my old company. So far so good!! I've battled my weight for years. Very athletic in high school, but always a big girl. College was the same, but the weight kept creeping up. Before I knew it, I was over 300 lbs for a very long time. January 2012 I was 325, lost 25 lbs fast with Medifast, made the 2,000 mile move and gained back 16 lbs, stayed at 309 for months and this is where I started with MFP.

    I don't know if it was the move, gentle push from my new doctor or what, but I finally decided to take control. I met with the nutritionist at work and she told me about MFP (I had never heard about it - no joke)!! Well, the very next day I joined MFP and here I am 115 days later. I just got my e-mail for tracking 115 days in a row - Woo Hoo!! I'm down 37 lbs. This long holiday weekend was not good and really showed me where I struggle - at home. When I'm at work and staying busy, I eat and exercise just like I'm supposed too. BUT, give me a little free time and the TV, the eating is out of control. I'm glad tomorrow is Monday and I'm back on my normal schedule.

    I've found such great support and found friends on this site. I look forward to their posts every day. One I met on this thread, Smoky, posted the following 10 daily reminders. I'm going to put this everywhere (work cube, bathroom mirror, fridge, etc. . .) I need to read this every single day.

    1. Star now by recommitting today
    2. Drink water like it's your job
    3. Plan each meal
    4. Eat!!! Don't make up for overeating by not eating
    5. Revisit your food journal and repeat a good week
    6. Remind yourself how far you've come
    7. Move!!! Get your sweat on
    8. Don't let a bad day turn into a bad week turn into a bad month
    9. Vegetables and fruits are your friends
    10. Repeat this tomorrow

    Make it a GREAT week!!!!!!

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am 42 years old single female who has never been married. I started this process in June 2010 but really didn't focus on this journey until 2011. I lost 67 pounds my first year but have maintained for the past year. My highest weight was 268 pounds and now I am under 200. Ideally, I would like to reach 188 pounds which is the lowest weight I can remember and that was from 8th grade. I am still not sure how much I want to lose at this time as it is now about getting healthy and fit.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday- Walk the track
    Monday- Trainer weight trainer
    Tuesday- Rest day
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- Rock climbing
    Saturday- Rest- Jingle Bell hayride will be outside most of the day.

    This week's vacation has been too short and I was extremely busy. Monday is back to teaching, grading science fair projects and other papers. I teach 7/8 grade science.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Whew, its been a whirlwind. When it rains it pours. First, the ice dispenser on my fridge quit dispensing ice - was able to fix this on my own though. Then today the disposal on my sink got all clogged - this I can't fix (tried, but failed) so will call a repairman in the morning. Luckily I can use the other half of the sink to get pots from dinner washed. Had personal training session, trainer rolled out my IT bands (they are super tight) so now I am a walking bruise! Oy! :grumble:

    Sunday Share~For the newbies, I'm Kelley, 44, single with a 17-year old high maintenance furbaby. She is my everything though, so she's worth it. I'm an accountant by day and go to school part-time at night finishing my BS in accounting - four classes left! I started this weight loss journey with Weight Watchers several years ago, where I lost 75#. Eventually it quit working for me, not sure why but the new program just didn't work the same. I had been using both WW and MFP to track my food for awhile and switched over to just using MFP in June - I've lost nearly another 25# since then. I also work out with a personal trainer at my gym twice a week, he really helps to keep me motivated and constantly challenges me - costing me a small fortune, but its worth it.

    I'm sure MFP will yell at me later, with all of today's activities I'm going to have a lot of extra calories left over at the end of the day. Guess I'l l have some almond milk to help some. Had a great day with the Fitbit though - over 11,000 steps and traveled over 5 miles. So a very active day!

    @Susan, thanks for posting that - a great reminder for us all.

    Have a great night all!