Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    thursday truth- my eating is out of control :sad: :sad:

    Thank you for being honest. Now that you've gotten that off your chest GET BACK ON TRACK!!!!! Turn that upside down front right back up. You can do it!!!!!

    yes ma'am....i will do it!! Actually had a better eating day today with no snacks in between meals cause i was not hungry and having frozen strawberries and blueberries for an after dinner snack. And spent waaaaaay too much time in the bathroom today cause of all the water i drank :laugh:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Thursday truth is I have been on I think maintenance since thanksgiving. Eating within my caloric limits but not eating wisely or sd healthy.

    @Lin I too understand fear. Fear of a chair breaking as I am sitting in it. Clothes ripping. Etc I fear now that when Christmas is over I won't be able to get back on track like I was. The lists goes on it.

    @Robin thank you about the update on Christine.

    Sorry this isn't very long but really tired tonight. Work was fun but very busy had a couple of clients today that needed to be lifted. So I am hurting.

    Wishing everyone a good evening.

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    thursday truth- my eating is out of control :sad: :sad:

    Thank you for being honest. Now that you've gotten that off your chest GET BACK ON TRACK!!!!! Turn that upside down front right back up. You can do it!!!!!

    yes ma'am....i will do it!! Actually had a better eating day today with no snacks in between meals cause i was not hungry and having frozen strawberries and blueberries for an after dinner snack. And spent waaaaaay too much time in the bathroom today cause of all the water i drank :laugh:

    Good for you!!!! I'm so proud of you. Do it again tomorrow!!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @KarenLeona -- oh, I think everyone finds this time of the year hard. Just try to take it one day at a time, log stuff and spot where you can save the odd thing, and do a little bit of exercise. And be calm and strong; the holidays will soon be over and the whole world will be focused on weight loss and exercise! At which point those of us here will have a smashing head start.
    @MaraDiaz -- you're right about goal weight only being one part of the picture. I'm not sure it's possible to 'fix' any of our lives -- I am pretty sure that the secret of happiness is 'about wanting what you get, not about getting what you want', as someone wise once said. Can you manage to start appreciating all the things that are already good, as you work on the others?
    @Kelley -- My kids are both useless in the kitchen! But my daughter refused our help with her bedroom and has tidied the entire room herself. It's looking amazing now. So I'm very proud of her.
    @Tom -- really pleased to hear you've got rid of most of that gain. And strength training! So awesome.
    @Kris -- don't beat yourself up about a little gain, especially at this time of year. But well done for planning your meals.
    @Robin -- I'm glad you've heard from Christine, but I'm sad to hear she's not well. Thanks for the kind words about my mum -- she's brilliant really. We had a great chat the other day, and I'm looking forward to seeing her on Christmas Eve.
    @Susan -- Christmas is sort of *special* for mums, and not in a good way! It's better now for me than it was when the kids were littler; little kids (well, medium sized kids) have this natural expectation that everything about Christmas will be awesome and perfect, and you just don't want to let them down. My kids are pretty forgiving nowadays.
    @Lin -- I recognise your fear; but think some rationality is needed. Even in your worst case scenario, you've already lost 90 pounds! That will have made a huge difference to your health already; probably the bulk of the health benefits of weight loss. The remaining weight loss -- which you can totally do by the way -- will make you look and feel better, but the medical evidence is much stronger for that first chunk. What a star you are!
    @Karen -- I'm always dithering about buffets. What's worked really well is to take a photo of my buffet plate on my phone -- then I can, later or the next day, make a stab at exactly what I had to eat. But I nearly always go over at buffets: there's often very little that's remotely healthy and lots of delicious things that I love!

    Well, I did about six hours of cooking yesterday -- MFP would have given me a billion exercise calories for that, but I took just enough to account for the stuff I scoffed while cooking to balance up my day. Including my now-customary late evening small glass of port. I cooked the ham, made the alternative pudding for people who don't like Christmas pud, and made mince pies, sausage rolls, brandy ice cream, brandy butter, meringues (sort of free with the leftover egg whites from the brandy ice cream, but important because my little niece can't eat gluten, dairy or soy, so meringues and hypoallergenic ice cream are pretty well her only dessert option), and the tomato sauce for the pizzas we're having Christmas Eve. And then made a sort of apple pastry thing from the pastry leftovers, and lentil soup from the ham stock for dinner tonight. And prepped the salt beef which I've just put in the oven. ~Whew~

    Then we're away for the weekend, then on Christmas Eve I just have to make little cheesy biscuits, make the cinnamon buns to rise overnight, and make pizzas and baked apples for dinner. Which is all a doddle really, but more importantly, it's all the sort of cooking you can do gently while entertaining one's parents with a glass of, well, more port I should think. And my Christmas Eve menu is designed so that I can in theory keep balance. You will have to see if I manage it. Christmas Day, no way. I may not even log. Though I will visit the site for 30 seconds so I don't lose my streak!

    Friday Fitness: Well. The plan was:

    Saturday -- Long run while my family are out for the day. DONE. 5 miles of running & 3 of walking.
    Sunday -- Morris practice DONE
    Monday -- Dancing out with the Morris, plus speedwork -- Dancing out DONE, speedwork not done -- this was where the rot started to set in.
    Tuesday -- easy training run? Zumba? Depends on weather. NOPE.
    Wednesday -- badminton NOPE
    Thursday -- Long run NOPE but six hours of cooking counts for something.
    Friday -- badminton? speedwork? NOPE but many hours of housework planned!
    And three, count them three, full strength workouts. -- Did one full one and two partials, so that's better than some weeks have been.

    Next week:

    Saturday -- no, I don't have a spare minute all day.
    Sunday -- some housework but no proper exercise.
    Monday -- might manage a short run but probably won't.
    Tuesday -- I'm intending to give my stomach and liver a serious workout.
    Wednesday -- Yes! Dancing out with the Morris as is traditional on Boxing Day.
    Thursday -- We are going to Kew Gardens, so lots of walking.
    Friday -- Relatives leave, and I am going for a run. Probably only a short one.
    I'd like to squeeze a little strength in here too.

    Hope you have a wonderful Friday. Today is my Last Normal Day: tomorrow will be a MFP disaster, Sunday contains a Massive Breakfast Fryup, then it's Christmas Eve.

    -- Alison
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Friday fitness: I did get in a good walk yesterday at the indoor track. I can get in a walk today, but not sure what I will do if the weather is cold during the school break. The indoor track isn't an option. I'm just going to have to take it one day at a time. I will certainly get some "cleaning" points as the company is leaving on Christmas Eve.
    Having a great time. Tonight we were are making homemade pizza at my daughter's place. Her kids wanted to have a "dooms day" party. I'm making carrot pudding today for our Christmas dinner on Sunday. One thing about having lots of grown-up kids is that everyone shares the load of meals. Dishwasher still not fixed. Last night I started with the oldest kids and paired them up. Each pair washed, rinsed, and dried for 5 min. The dishes were done in 15 min. :happy:
    Have a great day. Don't stress too much. The holidays are supposed to be fun.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Friday!

    Friday Fitness~Well, my personal training session last night turned into a 3-mile run with my trainer – outside where it was 55 degrees and I wasn’t dressed for it! We did it in under 45-minutes, surprisingly – my legs hurt the entire time, I know it’s because I wasn’t dressed for running in colder weather. But I did it – my goal has been to do the Commitment Day 5k on New Year’s Day in 45 minutes, so now think I can do it (of course my trainer will be pushing me the entire time). I’m going to skip the gym today, get some much-needed cleaning done, and do another 5k run outside in the morning.

    This week’s exercise:

    Monday~Cross Trainer – didn’t happen :cry:
    Tuesday~TM Run~didn’t happen :cry:
    Wednesday~Cross Trainer DONE!
    Thursday~Training Session – 3mi run – DONE!
    Friday~Off Day, cleaning the house!
    Saturday~3mi run outside
    Sunday~Training Session

    Next Week (will be challenging):

    Christmas Eve~Gym in morning before heading out of town, hopefully.
    Christmas Day~Most likely none, will be at parents
    Wednesday~Shopping with mom
    Thursday~Training Session
    Friday~May take Zumba or Spinning
    Saturday~Either outdoor run or TM
    Sunday~Training Session

    @Alison~I’m exhausted just thinking about all of that cooking you did! I managed to get orange bread made for my boss and some peppermint bark made for some friends at work. I still have more to do Sat/Sun/Mon, and somehow fit the time in there to get my hair trimmed – not to mention plans with friends Saturday and my uncle visiting on Sunday too!

    @Susan~Thank you so much for the kind words, it really means a lot. :heart:

    @Lin~I think we can all relate to that fear on some level. We CAN to this!!!

    Everyone have a super day!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Friday fitness: Starting back again, not slow (because I actually ran quite a bit of my run/walk session) but short. Less than 30 minutes. I concentrated on enjoying the exercise and good form, though.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Friday fitness:

    More walking.....:wink:

    Yesterday was my high mileage day of the year: 9.4 miles.

    The tootsies are a bit sore today. Miles will be WAAAAY down.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday with no *relative* drama.

    Don't forget: :drinker: :drinker:


  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday!!!

    Friday Fitness: Not much planned except christmas shopping. Not sure walking around the mall counts as excercise being with crowds your walking rather slow.

    I am really missing my cat now that x-mas his here almost bought a dog the other day. Yea I know not what I need being I have 4 guys to look after. I just miss the unconditional loving companion.

    Merry Christmas to everyone travel safely and may your holiday be filled with lots of happy memories.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Ahhh Friday! Went to my holday party and behaved quite well. Only one glass of wine then carried water for the rest of the night. Took strawberries and cool whip for my dish. Ate very lightly and did well, but did NOT refuse the plate of cookies the hostess offered at the end of the night and ate too many when I got home so epic FAIL! :grumble:

    Have been thinking of our January Goals and want to approach the New Year with a whole new attitude! How about this for our goals::: SWEAT and HUNGER!!! Did I sweat today? Did I let myself get hungry today?
    I don't think we have been focusing on the hunger part of our diets enough. We need to feel the hunger to know our diets are working! I'm not sayng we need to starve, but that little bit of hunger is the sensation that tells us that our metabolism is burning our stored reserves and I know I have not felt hunger in a long time.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Sorry about being MIA. I got sick on the 15th while preparing for my family Xmas party and have been in bed since the 16th with the exception of a trip to the Dr. Sat up yesterday because my hips were hurting from lying around so much. Still not well, but have to do a little shopping today.

    We had a wonderful family Xmas party and am looking forward to Xmas.

    Worried about my hubby. His doctor told him his lung might collapse but he feels he has to take an assignment in Colorado, where there is a blizzard starting either late Xmas day thru the 1st of the year. We could really use the bonus money to pay our property taxes, but I told him to turn the assignment down. I really worry about the weather and him. Luckily this is an inside job and except for getting to work and back and eating out (which he might be able to do in the hotel) he should be inside.

    I could to but just can't bring myself to voluntarily go to such a cold climate. I am daydreaming about Key West in February

    My thoughts have been with the parents of the children in Ct. I wish I could do something to assuage their pain.

    Wishing everyone a Happy and well holiday.

    Looking forward to New Year and love Robin's comment about approaching it with a new attitude. You go girl!!!

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.
    I did some strength training again this morning! I'm a little sore even. I have to try and be good tonight as Amy and the Girl Scouts a caroling at Ethel M's tonight and I'm probably on my own for dinner.

    Lin-"Yesterday was my high mileage day of the year: 9.4 miles.

    The tootsies are a bit sore today. Miles will be WAAAAY down.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday with no *relative* drama."

    Wow 9.4 miles!
    no *relative* drama veryfunny.gif

    "There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child."
    Erma Bombeck
  • andek095
    andek095 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm new to your community, but not new to weight loss struggles. In 2008, my health had deteriorated to the point that my doctor recommended lapband surgery. To avoid all that, I got serious once again about losing weight. I joined Weight Watchers, joined Gold's Gym, and hired 2-3 sessions a week with a personal trainer. The weight started coming off and I lost a total of 176 lbs. in 18 months. I kept the weight off for awhile, but got lazy, reverted to my old habits, and soon put back 140 lbs. (I am a prime example of Yo-Yo Dieting!)

    Again, this past Summer, my doctor told me I would get the weight off or it was going to kill me. He insisted this time on the surgery, but I promised I would recommit and do what it takes to get off the Yo-Yo train. I started July 11, 2012, and last night at my hospital-sponsored weight-loss support group I weighed in having lost 99.8 lbs. to date (about 23 weeks!) I feel great and am ready to commit to lose the remaining 125 lbs my doctor requires.

    Thanks for letting me share a bit of my journey with you. I saw this thread and thought, Yes! I can join that club today. Have a Merry Christmas. Enjoy your families and traditions, but don't splurge too much. You can lose weight using MFP. Regularly logging your calories is the only way to be honest with yourself.

    All the best in the New Year,
    Kirk Anderson (andek095)

    P.S. I welcome friend requests...
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    thursday truth- my eating is out of control :sad: :sad:

    Thank you for being honest. Now that you've gotten that off your chest GET BACK ON TRACK!!!!! Turn that upside down front right back up. You can do it!!!!!

    yes ma'am....i will do it!! Actually had a better eating day today with no snacks in between meals cause i was not hungry and having frozen strawberries and blueberries for an after dinner snack. And spent waaaaaay too much time in the bathroom today cause of all the water i drank :laugh:

    Good for you!!!! I'm so proud of you. Do it again tomorrow!!

    AGAIN????? oh my... you are a slave driver.....ok ok ok....i will....
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    @KarenLeona -- oh, I think everyone finds this time of the year hard. Just try to take it one day at a time, log stuff and spot where you can save the odd thing, and do a little bit of exercise. And be calm and strong; the holidays will soon be over and the whole world will be focused on weight loss and exercise! At which point those of us here will have a smashing head start

    Bohemiancoast- thanks so much. Very good point about after the holidays being focused on weight loss and exercise. Never thought of it that way. thanks for posting this....a big help for me
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Friday fitness:

    More walking.....:wink:

    Yesterday was my high mileage day of the year: 9.4 miles.

    The tootsies are a bit sore today. Miles will be WAAAAY down.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday with no *relative* drama.

    Don't forget: :drinker: :drinker:



    Lin- you are AMAZING with your walking!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Susan - Glad you made it back safe and sound ....and without committing homicide. This must be so confusing and awful for your son, I'm sorry you all have to deal with that deadbeat.

    @Boho - It sounds like you are working your butt off!

    @Kaye - What a wonderful idea on how to get the kids to do the dishes. 5 minutes is such a short time even they can't complain too much.

    @Mara Diaz - Well done on the run!

    @Linder - Great walking!

    @Robin - Love love LOVE the new goals for January.

    @Katrena - Hope the hubby feels better soon and glad you are on the mend.

    @Kirk - Welcome! You've found a wonderful, supportive, and loving group of people!

    Friday Fitness : There is none..... I'm still struggling with various medical issues.. The massive doses of antibiotics they gave me for the infection had hurt me....hurt me bad. Been sick and miserable and just eating whatever since it doesn't stay down long.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    MowMow - call your pharmacist about those antibiotics. Some can't be taken with milk, and some just can't be tolerated at all by some people. Erythromycin is one that is particularly difficult to handle. Which one are you on? If you're having extreme GI upset, you may need to stop the antibiotics or you will be too sick from the side effects. Sounds like you are on that edge. Get some advice from your pharmacist if you can.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Robin - Thanks :) Today is my last dose (thank GOODNESS). The DR warned me that I'd likely be sick as a dog and he was right. I had an appointment last night and he says the incisions look good and are healing fine now. Thinks SHOULD improve after today.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Friday Fitness:: Well I did my work out yesterday morning then after work I went to my parents and played a dance game for the xbox kinect with my niece...boy does that get your heart rate up! It was SO much fun!
    So after work I'm going back to my parents helping my mom bake sugar cookies and then going to dance :)

    Also on Fridays lately I have been getting a muffin and a drink in the mornings before work. This morning I did NOT go! I waited until I got to work and ate my usual breakfast. Yay!

    Can't say my will power will hold up against my moms delicious goodies she has been baking!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

    In 3 1/2 hours I will be out of here until Wednesday!!! Woo hoo!!!!!