Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • marydanboise
    I just got on this site and thought I'd start with this topic to follow in the forum. I've lost #20 in the past 3 weeks and am trying hard to stay motivated to exercise - it's freezing cold, nasty winter where I live right now.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Hey, I'm new here, but your post seemed to scream at me - HEY, she's just like you!! I started this on January 6th. The first two weeks the weight came off fast, I suspect mainly because it was water weight. I also have a lot to lose, so I kind of expected this instant gratification. I'm am eating well, staying under my calorie goal, and killing myself at the gym. When I weighed myself this morning I had gone up 2 lbs!!! WHAT?!! I know it isn't a medical condition because I've had an exam recently. Hormones? Sodium? I had a short term goal of losing 25 lbs before I have to be on an airplane the end of March. I'm starting to think I won't make it. Advice?
    Welcome. Hmm, it might be easier if you'd open your food log. It could just be water weight. I can fluctuate up 2-10lbs during TOM of with too much sodium in my diet. If I drop my calories too low, I don't lose weight. Could be a few things.

    Welcome Susan and Mary as well :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome Susan, CakePlate, and Mary - you've come to a great place to find support for your life style change you're embarking on.

    CakePlate: RE: the weight gain in your first week of calorie counting and exercising - that IS a quandry! If you could make the settings on your diet log open we could take a look and make suggestions. It could be so many factors - as you question your self, maybe too much sodium, not enough water, maybe too much exercise and your muscles are holding water.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Jumpy - sending up good thoughts for your family
    Susan - also sending up good thoughts for your friends family. Medical care is splendid these days- hoping for the best.

    My best excitment and joy for all the personal victories of everyone in the past few days, and I do appreciate all the personals done by others.
    My girlfriend came over to my condo today and helped re-arrange all the furniture and paintings in the living room, and boy, does it look better. She really has an eye for placement and color. Everything before got plopped into place sort of haphazardly when I moved in. Now theres a sense of balance and order and charm that was missing. I plan to have my brother paint the living room while I'm on vacation, so its nice getting this done beforehand.
  • StampsGirl2011
    Perhaps check your potassium levels. leg cramps can be a result of not enough, especially if your working out hard, sweating etc. We need to be careful to replace the nutrients we lose through exercise. check with your doctor and see if they can run blood tests to see where you're at.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome to all the new people.

    For me TOM will cause me to gain weight even when I am watching the sodium and other foods I eat. Typically I will gain between 5-10 lbs then I lose them quickly only to gain them back near the middle of the month. There could be a pattern that occurs naturally in your system so keep tracking the changes.

    I started this process fully in January 2011 with an initial goal to get below 200 lbs. That took a little over 1 year. Then I adjusted my goal weight to lose another 20+ pounds which would put me in the overweight/ healthy weight range. I have maintained that first 62-68 pounds for a year. Now, I am trying to refocus on weight loss goals to finally lose the next 20+ pounds. I am not sure how many pounds I will lose by the time I am done, but I want to reach a healthy BMI.

    While the scale has stopped moving down for me at this time, I feel thinner and my clothes seem looser. I did take my measurements today but they did not show the progress I was looking for. I could have measured inaccurately in the past or today.

    I went climbing today and had a wonderful climb. I went up some of the more challenging walls and a few new routes. Next goal with climbing is to use my legs more and work on building confidence with back step moves and a few other moves. My arms are very sore tonight. Tomorrow, I am working out twice and I must be crazy. The first time will be with a friend during lunch time. (Option available since I am off tomorrow.) Then about an hour later I will meet with my trainer. This will make up for the times that I will not be able to workout this week. Hopefully, I will be able to handle both workouts.

    Grading Goals:
    8th grade: 60/90
    7 th grade: 30/30

    Tomorrow I will finish those tests.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Sunday Sharing: I had to change the batteries in my scale because I just couldn't believe I was working out, eating 1200 calories a day and still losing so slowly. Changing the batteries didn't help.

    I guess this last 10-20 pounds is going to try to hang around like the last couple of party goers at an all niter.

    i've definitely heard that can happen
    I started this on January 6th. The first two weeks the weight came off fast, I suspect mainly because it was water weight. I also have a lot to lose, so I kind of expected this instant gratification. I'm am eating well, staying under my calorie goal, and killing myself at the gym. When I weighed myself this morning I had gone up 2 lbs!!! WHAT?!! I know it isn't a medical condition because I've had an exam recently. Hormones? Sodium? I had a short term goal of losing 25 lbs before I have to be on an airplane the end of March. I'm starting to think I won't make it. Advice?

    if you're really working out hard it's very likely that your muscles could be retaining water and causing the gain. also make sure you drink a butt ton of water.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi Everyone, Its Sunday share day. Well, I didn't get off to a great start today like yesterday. I tweaked my back a bit doing the snow shovelling yesterday so I toned it down today. I did get two bathrooms cleaned and my laundry. Then instead of doing floors, which would have just killed my back even more, I decided to sit down and get my year end financials done and get ready for tax season. I usually end up doing this in March so I feel really good to have gotten it done today. Its a big weight off my shoulders.
    Hopefully my back will be better tomorrow and I'll get the floors and front hallway cleaned. As I was doing my household book keeping, it meant cleaning up paperwork thats been lying around for months so I got a good start at getting the front hall cleaned. Everything always gets plopped down on my table in the hall and its the last place I clean.
    I have one other sedentary job that I can do in the evenings when I'm too tired to clean anything else, and thats to get all my photos from last year into photo albums. I have about 6 months worth of family photos to organize. I always take lots of photos of the grandkids so got to get them organized.
    So nice to read all of the entries from everyone and I really appreciate all of the support offered. This is one of my favorite days to read as everyone always tosses out interesting bits about themselves. Hope everyone had a great weekend and good luck with weigh ins this week. Charlotte

    P.s. I can't remember who it was who mentioned pulling out their Wii to use on non running days but I'd like to suggest Wii Exerbeat. Its my favorite Wii exercise program because it gives you so many choices. Whether you like to stretch, dance, box or do karate, you can do it with Exerbeat. I sound like an advertisement for it, but honestly, its a wonderful program and as its a few years old, its not too expensive. I think I paid $19 for mine. Whatever program you use, enjoy.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Liz -- I guess a potato bar is an Idaho speciality, right?
    @drojen -- I love the range of stuff you can use an iPad for for kids with special needs, and kids generally.
    @Melancholy2 -- coyotes and wolves! Wow. We do get foxes here but that's all.
    @MaraDiaz -- I think they say that the last few pounds go much more slowly, and it's worth adjusting MFP to 1/2 pound a week. Some people say interval training helps a lot too.
    @Karen -- I think now that I was a bit daft neglecting my health while I was working so hard. I always use morning weights -- I weigh myself every morning but only check-in once a week. I think morning weights are the most consistent. They do still go up and down a bit. Yay for the instant 3lb weight loss! If you're bothered about it, MFP will let you adjust your starting weight down.
    @Tammy -- I'm glad you had a good time with the kids! When I started this I got a bit depressed thinking about how long it might take, but now it just seems like I can live my life in the meantime and not worry about it.
    @Rachael -- "Sweat is fat crying" is one of my favourite quotes too.
    @CakePlate -- welcome! You're fine, just keep going. That 2lb weight gain will either be your body bouncing back from the sudden early weight loss, or -- and this is my guess -- when you work out really hard, especially if you're lifting stuff, you get lots of tiny muscle tears. As they repair, you get stronger, but in the meanwhile, the muscles hang onto a load of water as they heal. Or it could be just TOM, or a change in your diet, or a whole host of things. So, just keep going, drink plenty of water, keep getting the exercise and logging, and it's all good. There might be some sodium stuff too; if you open up your diary it's easier to get a look at that. 25lbs by the end of March is just towards the top end of what's doable.
    @Robin -- great to have a lovely new living room!
    @Charlotte -- I use my Wii when the weather's miserable, and I'll keep Exerbeat in mind for next time I need a new game to perk me up.

    Welcome to all the newlings!

    Monday check-in -- I have lost 2 pounds and am doing the happy dance. Measurements coming up on Friday. Still not quite fitting into the size 18 jeans I got from a friend, but my ancient, favourite, size 18 stretch jeans are really comfy now. (This is a UK 18 which is like a US 16 -- except that these ones are a bit stretchy so I'm not quite there yet).

    Looking forward to another great week!

    -- Alison
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday-

    Still no internet at home ugh! I had to break down and purchase cable and internet for the house so it is coming this week. I got my walk in on Saturday for 45 mins. I did however eat super bad all weekend and I feel like crap today for it. I did some emotional eating after fight with BF and Sunday I was on the run all day so ate out every meal making poor choices.
    I meet with the people at my work gym to find a fitness routine to help me meet my goals today. They don't offer personal training but it's still better than no help.
    I bought new work out shoes this weekend and work pants. I will say that I love being able to wear a kids size in shoes because they are cheaper than adults.
    I will read up on posts from weekend but probably will not do personals due to amount of time I can use work computer for personal use.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Good morning everyone! Well disappointment again. Got on the scale and haven't lost anything in 2 weeks. Well I'll take that over a gain any time. I just feel I am a bad example being the person who started this thread, but, oh well, it just shows I need help as much as anyone! :blushing:

    Charlotte - amazing you got to your taxes this early in the season - you really MUST feel great about getting that chore done!

    Laurie - great job on the climbing wall - and your goal of 2 work-outs in one day sounds really tough so I hope you're not exhausted the next day.

    Queen - sorry you had to pay the 'net bill yourself but glad you'll be on line more.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Sorry I didn’t check in yesterday, I wasn’t having a very good day and wasn’t feel well (cluster headaches last week) – so I took it as a sign I just needed to rest, so except for going to the gym I napped on and off all day. I had my RMR done yesterday, which was a little disappointing – I thought it was going to be more involved than it was. I did discover, though, that I need to be eating a lot more than I am and it’s what could be slowing down my losses. So I adjusted my macros to reflect a new calorie goal. I was kind of grumpy going in to a session with my trainer, so he punished me a bit on the treadmill – I’m happy to report I was able to keep up with what he threw at me though. I also splurged yesterday and bought myself a new HRM – a Garmin Forerunner 210. I haven’t treated myself to anything in a while – this one has a GPS and the capability to program intervals so will come in handy when I’m running outside, I can’t wait until it arrives to try it out! It’s sad when I know I need to buy new clothes because all of what I have is too big, but I would rather have a HRM! :noway:

    I know some of these personals are late but,

    @Karen~Definitely go with the morning weight, that’s the weight I count.
    @Susan~So sorry to hear about your friends diagnosis, I hope all goes well with chemo and that he makes a full recovery. Keep you and your friends in my thoughts and prayers.
    @Robin~Sorry for the frustration with the scale, I’m sure the prednisone is affecting your weight loss. Keep on keeping on…
    @Kaye~My doctor has always said to me that the weight charts are really not as important as your hip-to-waist ratio, in fact it’s the number they look at – well that, and my BMI. I’m tall and fairly muscular as well, while the weight loss chart says I should weigh 170 there is no way – my doctor told me I would look emaciated, so he just wants to see a number below 200 and as long as my hip-to-waist ratio is normal he will consider me a healthy weight.

    @who asked about this journey. I started this journey for the umpteenth time in August 2006, that is when I joined WW – I hadn’t been on a scale in years and even avoided going to the doctor, I simply didn’t want to know. To say I was shocked at the number on the scale that first week is an understatement – but I couldn’t let it deter me from what I went there for. So I did everything by the book (literally), only thinking of small goals. The first was to lose 5#, well I lost 10# that first week – so I thought if I can do that, I can do it again. So, I lost 75# on WW and then hit a wall so had to change things – that is when I joined MFP. I’ve lost 105# now with about 80# to go. I don’t publish my weight, the fact that I have a ticker is amazing in and of itself – just something I’ve never been comfortable sharing (my mother doesn’t even know what my highest weight was). I do know that I’ve never looked back and that my goal weight is completely within my power to attain this year.

    “Sweat is fat crying,” I love that! I think of it the same way, it’s my body cleansing and my pores opening up. In fact, when I’m in the sauna at the gym I put a big towel over my head to encourage more sweating. LOL It’s a key indicator as to how hard I worked out.

  • blturner1
    blturner1 Posts: 89 Member
    Good morning all! No loss, but no gain... Which is okay for now since my main goal right now is just to get back on track and remind myself that taking care of me is just as important as getting good grades and taking care of my kids. I'm still in the process of figuring out a schedule so that everything gets done and I noticed I will tend to put homework before exercise... The homework is important but I could at least try to work in 20 minute "get moving" times to give my mind a break... Eventually I'll figure this all out!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. The cold that has been chasing me for a few days finally caught up with me! Yuck! This too shall pass. I'm not sure what I will do about my walk today. I'm not sure I can make 30 min. with this cough. My calorie count for the weekend was good so all is well there. I didn't get much sleep so I hope a nap is in the future.
    I am very pear shaped so I am curious what a good waist to hip ratio is. That might be tricky for me.
    Have a good day. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member

    Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) = Waist Girth/Hip Girth

    Scoring: The table below gives general guidelines for acceptable levels for hip to waist ratio. You can use any units for the measurements (e.g. cm or inches), as it is only the ratio that is important.

    Excellent = < .85
    Good = .85 - .90
    High = .90 - .95
    Extreme= .95 - 1.00
    >1.00 is unacceptable

    Excellent = < .75
    Good = .75 - .80
    High = .80 - .85
    Extreme = .85 - .90
    >.90 is unacceptable

    This measure is often used to determine the coronary artery disease risk factor associated with obesity.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Monday check in - No scale victory to brag about. I'm still holding steady at 214 (lowest weight). Just not moving much. *REALLY* need to figure out how to get these binges under control. Official weigh in day isn't until tomorrow, maybe I'll pee it all out today..... here's to hoping.

    I did just have an interesting NSV, I think.... I'm not sure since it's never happened to me. Was just at the photocopier and a bunch of people walked by. When I turned around a guy was staring at my backside. When he caught me looking at him he smiled and waved and kept walking. I better go make sure I didn't sit in paint or something.... if not... TEEHEEEE.
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Monday check-in day: The scale was nice to me today. I lost 2.8 pounds this week. I didn't check in yesterday as my 91 year old grandfather was rushed to the hospital. He is still there but in much betterr shape. Still not quite sure what happened but this is definitely a stressor right now. Kathy
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I'm still sick and did not go to work again today. The good news is I'm still losing lbs.

    Susan- Best wishes for your friend!

    I read all the posts which were kind of getting away from me. Now I'm all caught up. My head is so stuffed up I cannot hardly think. I cannot remember most of the posts.

    Alison- I do want to have a doner kebab so bad I can almost tasted it, wish there was a place here that made good ones.

    Hope you all have healthy times ahead.

  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Monday check in- huge binge Saturday night- Sunday didn't do to bad for quantity, but the quality of my food choices was less than desirable.

    I am still not quite "right" after the burglary, but am trying to stay positive.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thanks for the ratio information. It spurred me to take my measurements. I hadn't done it since November. WOW! What a change. On the measurements that I was tracking, I have lost 12 5/8 inches. :bigsmile: My ratio is high, but I thought it would be worse. :blushing: I'm counting this as an NSV today. :happy: