Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi everyone! Worked my LAST 11 hour day until next week, as I can't pick up any more shifts on this check without going over my hours. We are not allowed OT.

    Lead teacher I work with was so hungover. I don't feel bad for him, he should know better.

    Tuesday Goals will be at the end of this post.

    Wednesday Wish: Last week, I wished for more money and I got as many shifts at work as I possibly can. This week, I wish for more Pure Romance parties to rock out my year. I have a hostess who allegedly signed under someone else, and is now having a party this weekend (though not her launch party, strange) definitely with someone else. There is even a Facebook event for it. I deleted her off of my friends list and out of my VIP group as not only a precaution, but because of this bs she pulled. If she is starting her own biz, she better not take mine. *rant over*

    Fitness Goals (My others are busted)

    Monday- c25k DONE
    Tuesday- strength and planks DONE
    Wednesday- c25k DONE
    Thursday- strength and planks
    Friday- c25k
    Saturday- free
    Sunday- rest/weigh in
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- I am so looking forward to sleeping in next week and getting to the gym earlier than normal. You are doing great with the grading, I hope you finish all the grading before the break. My students are getting a quiz on Friday but it will be scan-tran so easy to grade.

    Gorilla- I am always impressed by your dedication to working out and your routines throughout the week. I can understand your reservations about the cardio equipment in the center of the gym as that would be disconcerting at times. Good luck with your workout tonight.

    Tonight I have been very hungry and even through I had a snack I am still hungry. I will drink some water and hope that it goes away. This happened yesterday as well and I chalked it up to a hard workout on Monday and I needed to catch up on calories, today I am not so sure. I did not work out tonight so I should not be hungry. I do need to eat more protein to meet my goals but not quite sure how I am going to do it.

    Wish- not to feel hungry when I go to bed tonight.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I got my wish today. We went to an appointment with DH's cancer dr. (He had a tumor removed from his right kidney 2 years ago.) He is still cancer free. All of his tests were super. We will be following up on this for several more years, but it is sure good to know that he is fine today.
    We did some shopping. I got some new walking shoes. I hope they will be great. They should be at that price! I am saving the receipt. If I don't love them, they are going back. Got groceries at Costco. Today I bought a carton of kiwi instead of the jumbo bag of peanut M&Ms that I used to buy. I came closer to eating all of my calories today, but still didn't go over.
    We still had time for walk this evening after we got home.
    JTconst--I am right there with you. My scale isn't moving much this month either!
    We can do this! Hang on everyone. Don't let the wagon get away.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I know what you mean about being hungry for no apparent reason. I was feeling the same way for weeks which is why I decided to increase my calories.. I've been at it about a week and the scale is at the high end of my current 5 lb range. I'm not sure if I will stay at this level (about 1700 net) for very long, but I'm going to give it a couple of weeks and see how I'm feeling and what the scale says. I wish I could scan-tron my essays! :tongue:

    @robin--I'm jealous about your cleaning days. Part of why I am so bent on getting a lot of grading done this week, is I would like to have a day or two to do some cleaning projects while on break next week. That's so funny about your stomach "ache." :laugh:

    @helena--hope you find some nice frames!

    @alison--send the house fairy my way when she's finished at your place. :wink:

    AFM--Down to 5 grading goals and almost done with ACT essays. I would like to finish them tonight, but it's a big TV night for me--Survivor, Supernatural, and Southland! DH and I have already finished Survivor and are currently watching Supernatural. I will put Southland on once I'm in bed. It's DVR'd, so if I fall asleep, I'll finish it tomorrow night.

    Tomorrow I will collect the Yeats journals (#4) and will need to grade those throughout my open periods to hand back on Friday. After school I will work on more JRPs, and then meeting garetie and some of her friends for dinner and drinks.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 17/57 JRPs
    2. 11/16 ACT practice essays
    3. x/47 AP essays
    4.x/47 AP journals (Yeats)
    5. x/47 AP test corrections
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hello everyone, I hope you are all doin' amazin'.!
    sorry for not bein' around. I really have no excuse.. I guess for the last couple of days I haven't felt like addressin' the "100lbs" I need/want to lose. Truth be told it has been botherin' me a lot more than usual. ._.

    Anywho.. my wish is that my scale wasn't bein' a spazz. and that I can get myself out of this "funky" mood.

    BTW.. me and my ex have decided to give us another go, so there is somethin' positive in my life right now.

    Always, Diana.

    I've always found the 100 lbs too daunting. I focus on 10 lbs at a time. I want to lose 10 lbs 15 times and so far I've lost 4 with only 11 more to go. Everyone seems to have their own way, but I never think of the 100 (or try not too). I've been in a funky mood too, but I just try to log in here as much as possible. Just take it one step at a time.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: Life is good. I love the new job and so thankful this door opened. I work with some great people, which has really helped too. My son made the A/B honor roll and his baseball team is 3-0. We're heading to Los Angeles next week for a long Spring Break weekend (Santa Monica Pier, Disneyland or Knott's Berry Farm, etc. . .). The next week I'm heading back to Atlanta for a long weekend to support my friends in a 5K to help raise funds for her husband's medical costs (cancer). If I could wish for something, I'm praying when my friends get the results that chemo is working and he's cancer free. He's only 39 and they have two teenage kids. It's so hard when my life is going so well to see them hurting so much.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all!

    Robin, my "everyday" chocolate is Ghirardelli chocolate squares. I like the dark chocolate with caramel & sea salt a lot, but even the dark chocolate squares are great. I just can't limit myself to one (70 cals each). When I feel like splurging, it's Godiva truffles. The kind that come in the box, not the individually-wrapped ones in the bag. (We have a Godiva store in our local mall. Not a good thing, really.)

    Helena, good luck with frames. Some frames come in multiple widths, but you're right -- if your face is wider than the norm, it's a challenge!

    Kaye, that's WONDERFUL news about your hubby! Hooray! And I hope the shoes work out well. I learned long ago that good shoes are worth spending serious money on. (Surgery rotation in med school; 15-hour days in cheap shoes meant brutal plantar fasciitis and numb feet!)

    Tina, that's an okay number. Glad you checked it again. :smile:

    Wednesday wish: that I can use my arms tomorrow. First day of "boot camp" (, if anyone is curious) was arms. Pushups, shoulder presses, double burpees. Plus some core work (planks 4" off the ground, anyone?). I am WAY out of shape, but I can manage a half-hour workout (more as I get stronger), so I'll be back tomorrow.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    This week is flying by at home and super long at work.
    Thur truth is I got in a bad habit of late night eating like Midnight or after and not good food McDonalds. I am trying so hard to break this cycle of late night pig fest but thos darn fries keep calling me.

    Personals from Wed -

    @Grammy - hope the new meds help.
    @Drojen- Feel better soon
    @Des- Your test results are great news
    @Susan- Hang in there and I like your thought on 10lbs at time
    @Kaye- good news for hubby
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    @Freemasonry - Yes 100lbs is a big mountain to climb... I look at it one day at a time. Do good today, and do good the next day... next think you know you will be having good weeks, and months!
    @RobinsEgg - I hate cardio in the gym! And even my lifting the strange things I do like single leg deadlifts i prefer to hide in the corner of the weight room. Hope the cleaning goes well!
    @ebailey710 - I hope there is a Pure Romance Rumble!!! Toys and lotions scattered across the room! LOL
    @Helenavee42 - Hope the eye exam went well and your new glasses are awesome
    @FluffyCorky - Sorry about your brother, hope he pushes through!
    @jtconst - plateau? Time to change something up! Try a new workout maybe?
    @ShrinkRapt451 - your everyday chocolate! Awesome!
    @Lauriek70 - did you beat the late night hunger? If you think it is from your workout try adding even more protein to your diet, really helps me with the late night hunger.

    Well I had an excellent lifting session last night, upped my weights in all three moves for my first superset... was a little disapointed in my second superset. I could not get the squat rack for my squat/shoulder press combo... so I used dumbells and the amount of weight I could use was drastically lowered. Must be the stability the bar provides. Finished up with my stairmaster sprints and called it a good workout.

    Tonight I am going to try to make it to spin class.... it will be tight if my train is running a little late i dont think i can make it in. If i miss it I will do some other cardio probably elliptical or stairmaster. I do not know why but my core is extra sore since yesterday, maybe something to do with running on the treadmill...
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I wish that yesterday I didn't snack when I went home before school...I did log everything I believe, but I shouldn't have snacked the way I did. I was over on calories, but the 2 days prior I was under so it evens out. But still. If my husband would've been home I wouldn't have snacked. My mind works weird. I should've just kept myself buys with something, instead I decided to sit down and relax before school (after working all day). Either way today is new and I will make it a better day!

    Right now though, my goal is to at least get back to where I was weight wise by this summer, I'm going to say by June. I'm not sure how much I have to lose because I haven't weighed myself in a while. I will feel it when I start losing more though.

    2nd Wednesday Wish (doesn't involve weight or fitness) But I hope that I do good on my test tonight! This CNA class is stressing me out, I am getting an A, but I'm nervous about the clinicals and getting checked off on all the things I have to be able to do. It's SO much to remember!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Pre-Friday!

    Had session with my trainer last night, we have to modify my program to account for the injury – this is going to take several months to heal so no running until summer most likely. :sad: The whole thing has me ticked off, but nothing I can do it about it – need to learn to adapt for a while. He said he was really close to shutting me down for a couple of weeks, which he knew I would have hated so I’m glad he has come up with some ideas to change up our sessions and the cardio I do on my own. I promised him I would get in the pool though, so I will swim on Saturday.

    Modified workout schedule:

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Elliptical at home DONE!
    Tuesday~Off Day DONE!
    Wednesday~Training DONE!
    Thursday~Short elliptical workout at home
    Friday~Bike & Row (maybe kettlebells too)
    Saturday~ Swim at Gym

    @Gorilla~You’re a machine with your workouts!
    @Kaye~Excellent news about your husband!
    @Susan~I have never thought about the big picture regarding my weight loss. At first I set 5# milestones then when I conquered that, I set 10# goals - personally I think we set ourselves up for failure if we constantly fixate on how far we need to go – so excellent in setting those smaller goals for yourself. I noticed, too, the rewards to myself have gotten more expensive the more I lose (next up Kindle Fire HD). :laugh: Sounds like you’ve got a couple of great trips planned, safe travels and enjoy.
    @Tina~It looks like you’re monitoring the BP situation very well, those numbers are definitely better. You’ve made some big changes by deciding to go back to school, plus working and raising your daughter – that’s liable to increase your stress, so the episode the other could have been anxiety. Try and make some small changes to keep your stress under control, like taking a walk on campus before or after class, or during a break – it will help tremendously. Most schools (even junior colleges) have a health center, so if you have issues again stop there – its covered under your tuition.
    @Robin~A friend of mine at work is addicted to QVC, she always texts me when she knows something I like is the “special of the day.” :laugh:
    @Shrinkrapt~I like the high-end chocolates too, I’m pretty good about rationing them though and just one piece satisfies me. I eat them super, super slow and let the chocolate just melt in my mouth, I think that is why I can get away with just one. I usually get the Godiva 70% cacao bars, I do LOVE the caramel and sea salt too though. Someone was right on the money when they combined caramel with sea salt! LOL
    @Laurie & Karen~I hope you enjoy your Spring Breaks next week and are able to catch up on sleep.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Just found this thread and it looks wonderful. You are all so supportive and I want that too. :smile: I look forward to getting to know you through this thread.

    My name is Tracy. I turn 40 in a couple of weeks and I truly started this journey on January 7th of this year. I have been married 17 years and have two kids - boy, 11 and girl, 6. After living 17 years in one place, we moved "back home" in July and I'm still adjusting. I work from home, but not in the traditional sense. I have to be working my main hours 7:30 - 5 Monday - Thursday and 7:30 - 12:30 on Fridays. I didn't realize how hard it is to make friends in a new city when you don't go to an office.

    Since January 7th, I have lost 24 pounds with 76 more to go for my first "goal" of 100 pounds. :flowerforyou: My plan is to re-evaluate when I get there. I am rewarding myself every 10 pounds with a non food reward. I got two new sports bras at 10 pounds and have scheduled my massage for 20 pounds.

    Truth Thursday: I ate too many snacks yesterday and ended up eating weird for supper just to stay under my calorie goal. I'd like to say that after 24 pounds I could walk away from an ice cream sandwich and jelly beans, but apparently I haven't gotten there yet!! :grumble: Oh well, just starting to be good again today!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tracy - welcome and congratulations on your 24 lb weight loss - that is stupendous! Hope you make yourself a fixture here at this thread as you will make yourself many friends here and get lots of support!

    Shrink - thanks for the chocolate recommendations. I've had Godiva before, and don't think I could handle having them around -too much temptation but Ghiradelli I could handle - and the caramel and sea salt sound interesting as an occasional reward.

    Tina - glad the BP is down and school is going well.

    Kah - hope you can enjoy the swimming as much as you enjoyed the running.

    Queen - step away from the Mcdonalds!

    Me - I fought late night snacking again and lost! Had to open up the computer just to add the snacks, at least I'm faithful to logging........
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @trjrh06 – So glad to hear that you BP is going down! :)

    @GorillaNJ – That's awesome! In my books, as long as you are moving, you're doing great! You are a rock star!

    @GrammyWhammy – Sounds delicious! I LOVE tea. I have been ordering from Teavana. I check their website often and order the ones on sale. There's also David's Tea. I have yet to try them, but my friend swears by them. They look like they have some great blends too.

    @FreeMySkinny – I agree. I like to set smaller goals. It seems much less daunting and that way I get to celebrate more! :)

    @grammakaye44 – That's great news all around!

    @susan2396 – So glad things are going so well for you. I am sorry to hear about your friend. Sending healing vibes!

    @tlh0407 – Great results! Love your goal and reward system! Enjoy that massage!

    Wednesday Wish – That I get better at responding to more people on here.

    Thursday Truth – I haven't done any exercise since Tuesday morning. I saw my family doctor yesterday and my other doctor had prescribed my medications all wrong. He had me on too high a dosage and ramping up way too quickly. She straightened everything out and I hope to be able to get back to exercise this weekend. Fingers crossed!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    My eye exam took forever yesterday. I was in the office with the doctor for over an hour. He told me what I already know, I need bifocals (I have always gotten no line bifocals), I have an astigmatism, My left eye is worse than my right by a good bit, and I am slightly blue-green color blind. I hope the insurance covers no-line bifocals but if I have to deal with regular ones I will. I even asked him if it is a possibility to just get 2 pairs and he said because I work on the computer all day that bifocals would be the best for me. I decided to wait til today to go get my glasses so my sister could go with me because I know she will be brutally honest, she already knows what she wants if she needs glasses but it doesn't matter she could just randomly go pick a pair and they would look absolutely amazing on her.

    Thursday truth- Looking at this weight loss as a whole of over 100 lbs is just discouraging for me. I think I need to break it down into 10 or 20 lb increments. I think it would motivate me more if it were in smaller amounts.

    Have a great day. I will do personals later when I have time to read the posts.
  • Freemyskinny
    Hello everybody.!
    Thanks for all the advice on how to count my weight loss. I think I should settle with the 10lbs at a time.. seems less stressful then to sit here and day dream about that 100lbs monster I have to fight. Great advice you guys. (:

    My Thursday Truth, I want a hug.! haha. Really.. I just want a real hug.. like with lots of love and care. ALSO.. I love MFP.!

    Have a good rest of the week, probably won't be on here Friday or Saturday.. house sittin' for my Aunt. Yaknow what that means.. PARTY.. jkjk.. means Netflix.!

    Always, Diana.!

    ps: thanks again, you guys made my day brighten up.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    I am so jealous of those of you plotting your exercise today.

    Even though I’d rather read than ride the recumbent bike, I miss the gym. (Banned this week, Dr.’s orders). I could walk in our lovely spring weather, but there are those pesky foot/knee problems. Thinking about going on Saturday for a modified workout—instead of vigorous, just moderate elliptical and cycling. Surely the Dr. couldn’t object to “moderate,” right?

    Robin: You know what my $$$ drain is? Coldwater Creek on-line and all their sales plus free delivery! I did get great deals however.:ohwell:

    Alison: Trainer told me my problem wasn’t my apple shape, but the size of the hoop. Apparently I need one the size of Rhode Island. I think I agree with YOU!

    Diana: Love your MFP name, BTW. Sorry you’re in such a funk. There are many reasons I pretend my weight doesn’t need addressing, but usually it’s just my way of avoiding a bigger problem: like, eating instead of facing my fear of surgery, or anxiety over public speaking, or my less than ideal marriage. Hoping the sunshine and doing something good for my mental/physical health (exercise or just getting out of my house) will help me. Maybe something like that will ease your funk. In the meanwhile, here’s a cyber-hug ((((you)))):flowerforyou:

    Ebailey: What is a “Pure Romance” party? Book club? Lingerie sales? Marriage counseling? Candles? Just curious.

    Getting my hair cut today. First time out of the house since Tuesday. Yay!

    Pleasant, productive day, all.
  • 2208061cm
    2208061cm Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone I am new to myfitness pal and real excited to try it out.

    My goal is to lose 50 lbs by August. My cousin is getting married in Mexico. I really want to make a good impression on
    My family, everyone has always been skinny except me and after having my second child I just got bigger. I've seen stop many people do it and really have hopes that I can too.

    I was wondering is it better to be under your calorie goal? And if so by how much?
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    @ Des - congrats on that insulin level
    @ebailey - your body really will get used to all that water - but I do try to stop drinking a lot by about 9:00 or so
    @Grammy - sorry our ablation was post-poned and you've been banned from the gym
    @Shirnk - I have a Tassimo & my treat is a Chai Tea Latte with skinny milk. I find it curbs the desire for something sweet - and I don't have to add any sweentener to it either. Ghiralladi (sp) chocolate - caramel square, yum! We have a Lindor outlet near us and they sell these. I could just buy one square, if I wanted. needless to say, I haven't been there since before Christmas - can't trust myself just yet. With Easter coming, I think I'll have to go. My ds loves the big milk chocolate bars in the gold wrapper. He thinks it's a golden ticket from Willie Wonka...
    @ Tina - glad the BP is down to a reasonable number
    @Alison - I do "run", I'm slowly working my way up to 5K and my speed is ridiculously slow. I have to track it as walking for exercise because the lowest running speed is 5 mph and I'm lucky to go 4 or 4.5 mph. I won't increase my distance past 5k until I'm under 200 - there are just too many things to consider nutritionally and I find I can only concentrate on doing so much.....
    @Diana - I changed my "ticker" to register only my first 10% goal. Once I reach that, I'll change it to the next 10%. I found looking at all that weight to lose was too depressing. I won't change my starting #, just my goal #
    @Kaye - great news about Hubby
    @Skinny - keep on marking! It will be worth it not to have much next week.
    @Susan - glad you are enjoying your new job. Your Spring Break plan sounds like fun. Hope your friends get good news.
    @Gorilla - my gym is fairly new & so far, not very busy. I like it that way because I don't have to share anything, LOL. I'm sure that will change as more people discover them. glad your lifting session went well.
    @Kelley - sorry your program has to be modified, but it really is better this way for now. You'll be back running in no time.
    @Tracy- welcome, make yourself at home
    @Robin - keep logging. It will all come back to you soon. Motivation is out there waiting for you. I figure as long as I'm logging, I'm still trying.

    I don't officially weigh in until tomorrow, but I dropped into that next "10" this morning and I'm only 1 lb away from achieving my first 10% goal. I hope I can change that ticker goal number next week. I was aiming for the end of March to achieve this first goal and I'm sooooo close....

    Wednesday wish - for everyone struggling to remember how far they've come and to keep fighting for better health.

    Thursday truth - Don't really have one - except that I'd better end this post before someone catches me doing this a work!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Robin - I try to leave all my work food at work. When I shop I leave all my lunches/breakfasts/ and snacks there in our dept. fridge. THe less I have at home, the less likely I binge out. That said, I can relate to your late night snacking. I was doing SOOOO great a few days ago and then at like 8:30 I scarfed down a HUGE bowl of cheerios slathered in honey and drowned in whole milk. Then went straight to bed on a bloated stomach. /sigh
    @Ebaily - Gorilla cracked me up with the image of the Pure Romance rumble with oils/toys being flung. DO it!
    @GrandmmaKaye - Woohoo! on the great news with your husband. What a wonderful relief. What kind of shoes did you buy? I've been looking at Brooks. A co worker bought a pair for walking and he tells me that they are like walking on pillows. Grats on the Kiwi NSV!
    @ Skinny - I think this weekend will be the last of my spring cleaning as well. Also, Yeats is one of my FAVORITE poets!
    @Susan - Your energy always amazes me. YOu are the most positive person I have ever talked too. You are just amazing and I'm so glad your new job is working out for you. Your friend is in my thoughts and prayers!
    @Walking Queen - Can you JUST get a small fries with nothing else? That might not be too hard to fit into your day....
    @Helena - My mom has the opposite problem, she's 4'8 and has a tiny little face. I took her eyeglass shopping while I was home for Christmas and FINALLY talked her into trying a pair of child's glasses. She was SOOOO excited when she found a pretty frame(without kid stuff on them) that fit perfectly.
    @Gorilla - you are such an inspiration. Your gym workouts are always amazing!
    @Kah - I hope you love swimming, I find it really relaxing and a great workout.
    @TIna - Glad you are feeling better and things are under control.
    @Shrinkrapt - I can't trust myself to eat once little piece a day so I try to treat once a week. When I go to the grocery store I swing through the high end fancy grocery store and pick something up out of their chocolates display. Something sinful and wonderful and just ONE serving then I carry it home like some sort of rodent with a GREAT find and hole up and savor every last bite. I know, I'm, pathetic. :laugh:
    @Tracy - WELCOME! Jump right on in!
    @2208061 - No. You don't want to be consistently way under your calories. You NEED that nutrition to function and MFP will set the loss into the calculations. At least, that's my opinion.

    I agree with everyone on the smaller weight loss goals. It's one of the reasons I failed for so long. Losing 191 lbs sounds IMPOSSIBLE and when I thought about how many YEARS that would take I would just give up. I left my ticker at the end goal so I could watch it tick, but each small goal was only 10-20 lbs (I used dates/events and decided on reasonable goals to that date). Break it down into pieces, it's much easier to swallow than the whole. Also, if you have a 20lb goal and you're on lb 18 it's a LOT easier to say no to temptation than if you're on lb 18 of a 191 lb goal. (at least to me).

    Thursday Truth - Need someone to physically kick my butt and slap my hand when I reach for something I shouldn't eat or when I've had enough calories for the day and reach for more. I upped my calorie goal on MFP a bit to try and keep from being too hungry. We'll see how that goes. I'd rather lose less and stay on track with healthy eating than constantly fight binges of junk because I've set my calories low enough to lose a lot fast.