Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Hi to all, it feel like forever since I've been here. I've been trying to keep up with my friend list and sometimes have been late on some days. Things are coming back together slowly since the last surgery. I see there are a lot of newbies that I have to meet and try to keep up. Today I am focusing on getting back to my journey and stay there until I reach my goal. I am wishing everyone a great and prosperous day...
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    mackbeth - I admire your life - your lifestyle - you're so athletic and your affinity for swimming touches my heart, as I love swimming so much too. I have a pool in my building but it is, what I call a teaser - you cannot swim a decent lap in it, only 10 strokes or so before turning around and back again, because they have a darn floatie chain blocking off the shallow end that is locked on! Ugh, frustrating. I am constantly bleeding from some wound too and therefore cannot go in the water during those periods either. Oops, there I was talking about you and got off on a tangent about me. :laugh: Your upcoming trip through the wildernuts :wink: sounds so wonderful you will have to keep us informed with lots and lots of details. I am not going to give up hope that someday I can have a life like yours.

    Skinny - :smokin: so you smoked at Lake Geneva hey? :smokin: you rascal you! Well it sounds like you handled it well, very well indeed. You've really got a handle on all the temptations around you. There should be a medal for that!

    Laurie - hope the knee is OK. Nothing wrong with one day of rest. :flowerforyou:

    CathEsh - Luna sounds adorable and a dog park does sound like a good solution as someone suggested. We have one here in Omaha and its fun to watch the dogs greet each other and frisk around and play with each other.

    Tom - you got in a great calorie burn today - wow! :drinker: Are you liking your fitbit? I just saw one for the first time the other day. I had no idea they were so small! Where do you wear yours? I think your macros look pretty good. I eat about that much salt and I have high BP too, <sigh> I just love my salt! And I eat the same meals every day too, very repititious. Its easier for me.
    Hope you get that nighttime snacking under control. Maybe try gum. I drink a mixture of 1/2 skim milk 1/2 water and instant decaf coffee with sweetner and a squirt of chocolate syrup, heated in the microwave at night. I just heat the milk and water and add the ingredients later. Its pretty tasty and low cal.

    Thanks for all the well wishes about my torn skin - I'm not seeing any improvement just yet. Slow recovery goes along with the "prednisone skin" I suppose. I haven't been doing my squats the last few days either. Will post later if I do them.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    3M- I think my Doctor is all right with my 2500mg of sodium because it is so much better than what it was and now my blood pressure is down and under control with the use of drugs. I try to eat less but almost everything has salt in it. If it comes in a box or can it has a lot. I never put salt on my food but my peppermill gets quite a workout.:laugh: Glad to see you on here!

    RobinsEgg- I do like the FB! I wear it in the clip on my belt during the day and on the wrist sleeve at night to track sleeping. I got 6.5 hours of sleep last night , 7.5 on Wedensday, and 6.25 yesterday I feel great!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Friday fitness: I just do as I'm told around here. Today consisted of a walk around the block outside this morning and 20 min. on the recumbent bike. Some days I get more.
    Have a great evening. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @kaye--you're a smart cookie to do as you're told; don't want to overdo it! :flowerforyou:

    @tom--that's a pretty good amount of sleep. I would kill for 7 or so hours a few days in a row. Gunner has been really restless at night lately--if it's not storms, it's critters outside--seems he's up whining about something every night. :grumble: The only night this week I got a good solid sleep was Wed b/c I was at my friend's house in Lake Geneva. Good luck meeting your macros--I have mine custom set, but I'm not very strict about sticking to them. I do consult them towards the end of the day and then try to choose an appropriate evening snack based on what's "low," but I really should plan better from the start of the day.

    @robin--Yes, I think I need to view the smoking the same way I view triple chocolate cake--something I'm allowed when I really want it, but that I avoid on a daily basis b/c it's just not good for me. This approach works better for me than saying I can NEVER smoke again (or eat the cake). It also keeps me from feeling like a failure who should just "give up" b/c I'm not perfect. I'm sorry your skin is slow to heal--that's got to be frustrating.

    @barbara--it's so good to see you in the thread again!! :flowerforyou:

    @kris--sorry you are so stressed. :flowerforyou: One of my favorite "new" strategies for summer snacking is to buy a small watermelon and cube it. I keep it in the fridge and it's a quick, easy snack that's refreshing and satisfies my sweet tooth.

    @sherrie--good luck on your 10k tomorrow!! :drinker:

    Friday Fitness:
    I've done pretty good this week--got through 4 days of 30DS, 2 gym visits, and 2 runs. I missed today's 30DS, but only b/c I was out all day and really wanted to get the lawn done when I came home this afternoon. Tomorrow I'll be doing the Dirty Girl Mud Run for the 2nd year in a row. It was so fun last year--can't wait to do it again. :happy: Afterward, I'm heading back up to Lake Geneva to spend the night and do either a pool day or spa day on Sunday. That pesky pack of cigarettes is still up there, so I will probably smoke again, but I promise it will only be a couple.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE + run or gym NOT DONE but going dancing tonight instead
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + run DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + swimming A BIT + run/hike DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE + 30DS DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE + 30 DS NOT DONE
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Believeth- Welcome back. Glad to hear that you are getting back to normal.

    Kaye- Follow the doctors orders since you don't want to over do it. Recovery can be frustrating but the end result is what you want.

    Tom- Interesting numbers on the macros. Why is the fat set to be the highest? I would think you want to decrease that number and raise the carbs a little more. Are you eating the good fats?

    Had a great climb tonight, tried the 5.10's again and successfully completed a few of them since have some work to do but I can deal with it. These wall have tricky moves that I need to build my confidence in my knees and ankles before I fully commit to completing the correct steps. My thoughts is that if can find a way to make it to the top then it is okay. The best is my knee did not bother me tonight or today so hopefully it will be okay. I will most likely workout tomorrow morning then go to the chiropractor. That way I will know it is responding to major exercise. Then again I may choose to swim instead just not sure what I want to do tomorrow.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I almost forgot--Robin, I'm truly sorry about your skin issues. However, the whole discussion had one good side effect. Some of you may remember that gunner had his teeth cleaned a couple of weeks ago. Well, they had to shave a section of his forearm for the IV anesthetic, and gunner has this weird anxiety thing where he licks his forearms. He used to lick them to the point of creating hotspots, and we have pretty much trained him out of it, but the shaved section was too tempting and he kept licking at it. The discussion about robin's skin and advice to use cohesive vet wrap, spurred me to the pet store to buy some for my dog. He's now comfortably wrapped and is no longer licking at the shaved section of his forearm. :smile:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Believeth - Welcome Back!

    Sherriel - good luck on your race today - hope you have tremendous weather and the wind at your back!.

    Skinny - enjoy your Dirty Girl Mud Run - and your Lake Geneva visit again! :smokin:

    Kaye - keep pacing those hallways - you sure get familiar with the staff that way , don't cha?
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Yes, Robin, I know the staff well. I stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down 11# from when they weighed me last week. Looks like most of that surgery weight is gone. So glad that I'm not going to have a fight all over again for ONEderland.
    Have a great day. Its going to be really hot outside today, and I don't know whether or not I'm scheduled for therapy today, so I think I will do a lot of hall walking. Have a good day. Kaye
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Tom ~ I just got my Fitbit, and I am averaging 6-7 hours of sleep per night, waking 5-10 times. I was surprised at that, thinking I should be getting 8 hours, so I was glad to hear about your sleep patterns.

    Robin ~ I wear my Fitbit attached to my bra :blushing: I've worn it attached to my waistband or pocket, but I'm afraid I'll lose it, even though the clip does seem to fit snugly. I just don't want to lose such an expensive device. At night, I've been using the wristband, but last night I attached it to the waistband of my undies :blushing:

    The play date for my little Luna was a success! Luna has quite a lot of energy, and I think my friend's dachshund was a little intimidated by her at times, but they played pretty well and seemed to have a good time. Luna is very fast, and other dogs cannot keep up with her. We met at the dog park. I am not a big fan of dog parks since my son's dog got attacked there once, but our dog park has two sections: one for all dogs and one for small dogs. Though Luna would love to play with big dogs, I am fearful she could easily get her little leg broken, so we stayed on the small dog side. There is one part of the fence where I think she could escape which worries me. She is a sight hound, and if she would catch sight of something, she would be GONE and would not pay any attention to me calling her as her mind would be set on chasing the rabbit or whatever. She can run up to 25 mph! She has gotten away from me twice while out walking when the leash handle got away from me, and she is not easy to catch! Two other little dogs joined us at the dog park, and Luna had a grand time playing with a pomeranian pup. When we came home, Luna went straight to her bed and sacked out. Robin, I've heard the dog park in Omaha is really something! Not sure I would want to let Luna loose in such a huge open space but might be worth checking out sometime.

    I've been exercising every day, usually a bike ride and water aerobics plus a dog walk or two. I've lost a couple pounds which isn't saying much, because I was up three, but I will keep on keepin' on!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I did get therapy this morning and the therapist graduated me from the walker to the cane. Kaye
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Well finally back. Last weekend my Internet was out then I was off to El Paso (or Hell Paso) for work. It was a mere 107.

    Kaye-- sounds like your progress is great!

    Robin-- sorry to hear about your issues. I work in a hospital lab and we no longer use band aids or tape. We use something called coban. I know the have it at Walgreens and such but it is much cheaper a someplace like a feed store or gebos if you have them. It sticks it to its self.

    MOwMOw -- keep your head up. That stress is a mean demon. Let us know if you need to vent.

    Laurie-- great job on always keeping up with the exercising. Need to learn to make myself do that.

    Skinny-- sounds like lots of fun! Maybe those cigs will have disappeared on you. Lol. Have fun.

    Now I have to get back on track. Couln't pass up the good food on the trip, but we did a lot of walking. I was wondering if anyone has made zucchini chips? Sound like it might be a good alternative.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • michelleluv
    My name is Michelle and I am pretty new to my fitness pal although I downloaded this app 2 years ago. Better late than never right?
    I have over 100lbs to lose and it seems overwhelming at times so it's motivating to see sooo many of you all losing a lot of weight and reaching your goals.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    i love to read and get motivated by all the activity everyone is doing!! I have kind of fallen off the wagon.
    Had my knee replacement nearly 3 weeks ago and came home with quite low blood level so very little energy. I was home on the second post op day so had to work on my mobility just to get to the bathroom in time. things are progressing ok but still little energy even tho my blood has come up. Not being allowed to do very much i have a hard time controlling my eating so i have been up and down 10 pounds every few days. Time to get off that merry go round!! May try a bit of yard work today after i sweep the floors. Mt eldest son is coming down for a few days and may hitch a ride back to northern alberta with him as i have yet to see my brand new grand daughter who was born june 15. I am not allowed to drive that far, nor can i fly for two months but perhaps i can be a passenger. I have to stop to go to the bathroom every 90 minutes so i will get some walking and stretching done.
    Been having trouble with a lot of aching in my knee and lower leg at much i cannot sleep.......during the day i can do something to distract myself but it is hard at night so i often don't fall asleep till 4 or 5 am. But i can walk without pain so that is all good and it will get better.
    So far so good with food today but i can see that i am going to have to come back on here later for more motivation to stick with it for the rest of the day!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Finally got back to doing my squats. Did 56 instead of the 80 I was doing a week ago. But they were deeper and I held them longer. Were much tougher and broke quite a sweat.

    Good news on the wound, it is finally scabbing over, FINALLY! I sat outside for 2-1/2 hours today with it open in the fresh air - it was beautiful, breezy and in the mid-70's. A lovely day to just sit and enjoy the weather. :drinker:

    SAT - squats - 56
    SUN - upper body workout
    MON - squats
    TUES- upper body workout
    THURS-upper body workout
    FRI - rest
    SAT - rest
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karenleona--I'm feeling your frustration. I have really appreciated the care and therapy that I am getting at the rehab center. They told me today that I will probably be ready to go home by the end of the week. They said that I have progressed so far that they really can't justify keeping me here. It is still hard to sleep at night. I understand the frustration of not being able to be distracted from the pain. One thing that is in my favor is that I just eat what someone else prepares so I don't have the temptation of over eating. I really hope that you will get to go see your new grandbaby. That will be a wonderful distraction while you continue to improve. Hang in there. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I really need to become a night owl but instead of going bowling at 11pm I have chosen to go to bed instead. If I went bowling I would not get home until 2;30 am or later. Regretfully that is late for me and I don't want to fall asleep while driving. I love to bowl and it would have been fun.

    I did manage to get a core workout in today and tomorrow I will be swimming, so that will be good.

    KarenL and Kaye- Good luck with your recovery. Be sure to do the exercises.

    Sherrie- Hope your 10K went well today.

    Robin- Glad your arm is finally scabbing over and that you were able to enjoy some cool temperatures.

    Hope all those who are dealing the extreme heat stay safe and hydrated during this heat wave.

    Michele- Welcome to the group. Just remember to take it one day at a time. Many of us have broken down the larger goal into manageable amount such as 10-20 lbs at a time. It does get overwhelming to think about the whole amount at once.

    Successes- climbing the 5.10.a-b walls and actually doing a core workout today. Today, I focused my workout on the core so no running or walking just strengthening exercises. It was good workout.

    June Goal recap- lose 4 pounds- YES. New activity- jogging so accomplished.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    How will we challenge ourselves this month?

    July Challenges IDEAS-

    Do we want to stick with the losing 4 pounds this month and engaging in a new activity?

    Other suggestions
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    How will we challenge ourselves this month?

    July Challenges IDEAS-

    Do we want to stick with the losing 4 pounds this month and engaging in a new activity?

    Other suggestions

    Thanks for the reminder Laurie - oh how fast the month has passed for me. I'm glad to say I've lost 4 lbs this month. I'd like to keep one of the challenges at losing 4 lbs, since that's a respectable goal. Since we have new members and KarenLeona and Kay are recuperating we could keep the second, - Engaging in a new activity, or take suggestions. I'm pulling a total blank on new ideas. :blushing:

    Michelle - welcome to this fine group - Lauries suggestion is a good one - look to lose 10 lbs at a time and really celebrate each 10 lb. victory and reward yourself. Plan on what your reward yourself with - a shopping trip or whatever it is, something to look forward to. Something non-food related though. If you get discouraged - speak up and we'll help.
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Headed into the woods, first thing in the morning. I will catch up with all your posts and with the new July challenge when I return. Hope everyone has a great week and those that are struggling (with prednisone arms, new knees, the blues, or anything else) get to feeling better right quick!!!!!