Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Good morning! Where has the month gone and why did it disappear so quickly? Looking back it has been a pretty good month.

    A thought for July challenge- try a new healthy recipe and share, or increase our water since we are in the heat of summer?

    The 10K went just great. And it felt so good to be out and racing. This is a sport I never would have thought I would have ever found enjoyable. The officials decided to just have us do the 5k course twice since with the heat and humidity they water more water stations and to keep closer eye on all of us. I beat my last year's record by nearly 3 minutes and finished in 1:21:30! I'm so happy.

    Have a great last day of the month, welcome aboard Michelle.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Mackbeth, Kelley, Alison- You are all getting more steps than me, good for you! Amy wears her FB on her bra too. CathEsh if you want a fitbit friend or anyone else with a fitbit here is the link to me on the FB site.

    public url:

    I read I should get a minimum of 6 hrs. of sleep a night and more would be better. I am going to try and go to bed earlier and see if I can get more. I made my FitBit site so everybody can view it but it will be changed back to just friends in a day or two so if you want to see it go there soon. Any of you with FitBits have their’s linked to Microsoft’s Health Vault? I got mine working again (I confused it when I added Amy’s FB and her MS HV was getting my steps) and now my food entered here and my sleep and steps get added every day to MS HV automatically. MS HV is free and I put all my medical stuff in there.

    Lauriek70- I lower my carbs and up my protein and let the fat fall where it does. I lower carbs for my diabetes and more protein for some muscle building. I’ll try to do it for a while and see what happens. That does seem strange to have fat the highest.

    Quote of the day: - “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.” ~Jim Rohn

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning all my friends. I am happy to hear so many of you are trucking right along. I dont know how ya'll handle the heat when it gets above the eighties. I thought I was going to melt yesterday:laugh: The good news is it is supposed to be even hotter today and I have a full day of outside activities that have to be accomplished. My husband and I are redoing the backyard fence and all the staining is my job. I am already feeling it in my arms after yesterday. I also had to trim the trees from the surrounding neighbors yards overhanging into our yard. We have to get everything done before the fifteenth when my husband leaves to go back to work.
    Karen and Kaye I am happy to hear you are both recovering well from your surgeries.
    Robin good news on the arm finally healing over.
    Imackbeth have a great time in the woods it sounds like a lot of fun.
    Everyone else have a great day and try to stay hydrated if you are living on the west coast.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I was going to add these to my last post but forgot


  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    just checking in...a very busy long weekend. Yesterday went to a Chinese party for the birth of my daughter's baby girl and tomorrow is my yearly Canada Day Party...of course, lots of good food and fireworks at dark. Been cleaning house all day and cooking. Plan on going to the gym Tuesday. Everything is closed July 1st.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Saturday Success~I was down a pound this week, so things are moving in the right direction. My trainer told me today I looked thinner and I noticed leg muscles yesterday I hadn't seen before! I love seeing all the little changes. I found some t-shirts on sale for $5 yesterday so picked up several two sizes smaller - that way maybe I won't need any for a while. Now I need to find pants with a similar sale, since mine are falling off.

    Sunday Share~I'm Kelley, mid-40s loving life in the suburbs of Dallas. I'm single and an accountant living with Zoe, my 9-month old lovable Maine Coon tabby.

    @Tom~I don't wear my Fitbit very often to bed, but when I was wearing it regularly I was averaging 7 hours a night. I'm good on 7, much less and I'm a cranky pants. I haven't heard of that Microsoft site, may need to check it out. I think I'm going to order a new Fitbit today since mine has been acting weird since it took a trip in the washer - trying to decide if I should get another One or the new Flex.
    @Karen~Hope you enjoyed the Dirty Girl Mud Run, I was supposed to do one in Boston in a couple of weeks with some friends but had to bow out because of my injuries. :sad: Hope I can do one with them next year.
    @Cath or anyone else that isn't on my Fitbit friends lists, here is my url:

    Have a great afternoon.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I like the idea of adding a water challenge due to the high heat we are experiencing. Personally I am slacking on my water intake right now.

    Today, I had a really good swim. Completed a half mile in a little under 30 minutes. I really wanted to finish the swim before anymore storms hit. We have been getting rain off and on today with storms just popping up. Needless to say I swam a little faster than normal until I hit the 18 lap mark. The only way I can keep track of the laps is to do them in sets of three: freestyle, breast and back. Right now that seems to be working for me and that is what matters most. I finished off the 3 laps of side stroke and 3 laps of running drills- high steps easier in the pool, walking and jogging laps. It felt good to swim today.

    Sherrie- Great job on the 10K and for recording a Personal Best.

    Karen- Hope you had fun the Dirty Girl Mud Run and enjoy your time at the Lake. It sounds like a wonderful place to go and relax. Are you excited for your upcoming trip?

    Tom- I realize that you are going low carb have you tried adding Whole Grains to your diet? I have been eating breads that are made from whole grain- no bleached or unbleached flour. Thomas's English Muffins 100% Whole Wheat are good along with Arnold's sandwich thins- whole wheat and whole grain.

    Mel- Have a great party.

    Exercise Goals for the week
    Sunday- Swim
    Monday- 5K training workout with trainer
    Tuesday- Swim
    Wednesday- core
    Thursday- Rest Happy 4th
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- bike
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Sorry I was MIA, but I didn't get back from Lake Geneva until this evening and had to walk Gunner and do some laundry. Finally had time to catch up on posts.

    @laurie--I'm really getting excited about the trip to Zurich. However, my friend and I are running into some travel issues regarding our side trip to the French Alps. We have a room booked in a town called Sallanches, France b/c the Tour de France Stage 19 will finish on a mountain right there. Our plan was to take a train from Zurich to Geneva and then drive from Geneva to Sallanches--we reserved a car back in April for this purpose. On Friday, we got together to research the details of how to get from the Geneva train station to our car rental pick up, and it turns out that will be a challenge. :grumble: We are also concerned about the drive into the mountains, in general and b/c of possible road closures due to the Tour. I've done a bunch of research and learned that sometimes roads will close days ahead of time--it's up to individual towns to make those decisions and most don't publicize their plans. Our fear is that we will run into a road closure and have no idea what detour will get us to our destination, or have to go well out of our way which could cost a small fortune in fuel. :grumble: Now we are looking at taking a train all the way to Sallanches, but are struggling a bit to find that info as well. You would think with the internet this would all be easy, but it's not. We figured out the trains we need to take, but for some reason we can't buy our tickets online--we keep getting a message that says we must call the 800 number which one of us will do tomorrow. We also need to figure out if the train to Sallanches leaves from the same station where the train from Zurich will drop us. If not, we will have to figure out how to get from point A to point B within the city of Geneva. :huh: It's all very confusing right now, and I will be very happy once we get all of these details nailed down.

    Speaking of the Tour de France--Stage 1 yesterday was incredibly exciting!! A team bus got stuck under the finish line banner 20 minutes before the riders were due to arrive for a full-on sprint finish. Race refs toyed with the idea of moving the finish to the 3k banner, but luckily they got the bus moved just in time. Also, a big crash within the last 5 miles took out the top 3 sprinters which was a shame, but they all finished and are back in it today. I'm watching Stage 2 as I type this. I keep looking at the fans on the side of the road hoping that will be me in a few weeks!! :noway: Fingers crossed that it all works out.

    @kaye & karenleona--glad to hear you are both progressing in your recoveries. Hope you get to see that grandbaby, karen!

    @kelley--great job getting the scale to move in the right direction! Mine does so...and then it moves back the other way. :grumble: I had been hovering around 186, but I bet I will be back up tomorrow morning due to crazy eating (and drinking) over this weekend. The mud run was loads of fun! I highly recommend you do one once you are all healed up!

    @sherrie--congrats on the 10K and your new PR!!

    @michelle--welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--this seems like an odd thing to say, but I'm glad you are scabby. :wink:

    I had other comments, but I wrote a novel to laurie and now I've lost the rest of my thoughts, so I will sign off.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--Dirty Girls Mud Run (5k) DONE
    Sun--swimming DONE + walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + 30DS + gym or run
    Tues--walk gunner + 30DS
    Wed--walk gunner + gym or run
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym or run + 30DS
    Fri--walk gunner + 30DS
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Well this weekend has been kind of busy! But Saturday I started level 3 of 30DS!!! Whoo hoo! Finally done with level 2!
    I also ordered Shaun T's Rockin Body DVD set

    This link will show you the DVD set I ordered

    I'm anxious to try it! It comes with a calendar and shows you what days to do what workouts!

    Today is my rest day, but my daughter, niece and I went on a walk then hubby and I did a little yard work. So it felt good :)

    On a bad note, I just took and updated my measurements......NOT good. I didn't realize the amount of inches I have gained back :/ BUT I am going to fix that and get it to where I just keep losing the inches now! It really made me more determined. I still can't believe I let myself gain as much weight back as I did...not all of it, but alot. But I've got this!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Howdy everyone! I've loved reading your comments and please know that my thoughts are with you all, just don't have time to catch up :ohwell:

    Was gone since Wednesday afternoon. I had to work out of the home office in Sioux Falls for a couple of days. I had a presentation to do and some meetings. It's nice to see everybody since I get kind of lonely in my home office. Friday evening, we surprised my best friend with a 40th birthday party. It was a bit tricky, but her husband and I pulled it off and she was shocked. Fun times, but between traveling, eating out, drinking and TOM, my weight loss didn't go very well. Oh well, new month, new me!!

    Trying to figure out our 4th of July plans, but here's what I have planned the first part of the week (my husband said something about going to the Turtle Races but I'm not sure when or where :laugh: ):

    Monday: 30DS & Aqua Fit
    Tuesday: 30DS
    Wednesday: 30DS & Aqua Power
    Thursday: Off
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kaye - I hope your pain and frustration continue to get better - and you get to come home from rehab a day early!

    Laurie - wise choice on not driving so late at nite - even if you had to bypass a fun nite of bowling - driving home that late is too dangerous when you're sleepy - glad you know yourself! I've had to opt out on late nite engagements because of that problem and I don't feel I've missed out on anything in the big scheme of things. Sounds like you had a great swim yesterday.

    Tom - good luck going to bed earlier - it takes discipline!

    jtconst - ugh - staining a fence sounds incredibly hard! I'm so impressed with your efforts!

    Melwillbe - your celebrations sound like fun - Happy Canada Day ! Tell us about the Chinese b-day party for your daughter?

    Kah - WOOT on losing another pound! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: YAY muscle definition and your trainer noticing a thinner you!

    Skinny - I can sympathize with your anxiety about driving to your destination in the Alps. Perhaps you can call someone in the consulate and ask them about the roads? The race is so exciting - and full of surprises - I fear for their safety they are going so fast and in such a crowd - when that LITTLE WHITE DOG ran across the road yesterday I thought I would croak! thankfully it ended without an accident, but OMG that was close!

    Tina - your measurements might not be where you want them to be but I bet you are curvy as all get out, right?

    I had a great day yesterday, my BF and I went to a big Farmers Market at 10 am for a couple of hours then had a light breakfast then lolled in the sunshine then went and saw the new Superman movie, MAN OF STEEL, which is pretty darn good. We got home around 7:30, so it was a very full day for me. Again, the weather is perfect today. I can't remember in years and years when we have had weather nice enough not to use the air conditioning.

    My heart goes out to those suffering from the high heat, and especially to the families of the firefighters, all 19 of them, who lost their lives fighting the fires yesterday in Arizona. :cry:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy July First!

    The July Challenges:

    1. Lost 4 Pounds.

    2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.

    3. Try a new recipe this month.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm definitely on board for the water! Kaye
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Laurie- I try to eat whole grains for most of my carbs, bread, Thomas English muffins, cereal, pasta or Dreamfields pasta etc. and natural fruit for the sugar I do eat.
    “It Really Is Possible For People With Diabetes To Eat Dreamfields Pasta...

    Dreamfields has per serving (2 ounces dry or about 1 to 1 1/2 cups cooked):
     About the same high fiber as whole wheat pasta
     Only 5 grams of digestible carbohydrate
     65% lower glycemic index (GI) than traditional pastas
    Dreamfields GI =13
    Traditional pasta GI = 38
    All of these qualities translate into a lower blood glucose rise after eating Dreamfields as compared to eating the same amount of traditional white pasta. You can truly have your Dreamfields pasta and enjoy it too...without feeling guilty or compromising blood glucose control.”

    I got 7 hours and 25 minutes of sleep last night! I have a bad habit on the weekends of no exercise and 4-5 hours of sleep and I eat too much. This is keeping me from losing weight and enjoying life more. Sunday I only got 2440 steps and 5.5 hours of sleep. Saturday I got 2214 steps and 4 hours 53 minutes of sleep. Last week Monday through Friday I had over 6,000 steps each day.

    Welcome to this group michelleluv!

    Karen sjb- Have a great trip! Hope your mud run was fun.


    Quote of the day: - “Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states.” ~Carol Welch

  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Good morning all. It has been a busy while with the doctors appointments and family coming and going and coming back again. I finally get to join the Y today. They finally got back to me on the scholarship application i filled out a month ago.... I get a good discount so it is affordable. Thankfully both my sisters already have y memberships with my grandma so I will always have my youngest sister to go with even when my other sister and grandma go back home in the middle of August.

    Monday check-in: I haven't been eating too poorly and thankfully I haven't gained any weight back. I had a good weekend. My sisters, one of their friends, and I went to the beach. We had a good time and took Deputy with us. He had a blast. It was his first time to really swim and he did it all by himself and he did so great! He loves being in the water but isn't too fond of the waves so we stayed in the shallower area and he ran around and splashed in the water.

    I am totally in on all of this months challenges. I am going to start doing the schedule thing too.

    Monday: Gym
    Tuesday: Gym
    Wednesday: Gym or hip hop abs
    Thursday: Rest
    Friday: Gym or hip hop abs
    Saturday: Rest
    Sunday Gym

    Have a great day!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Holiday everyone...just finished making 'tea sandwiches' for the party and taking a break. I live on the lake and they're having lots of activities down at the harbour so this is the busiest time of the year here. They even put up no parking signs as people drive down from the city to attend the fireworks and there are crowds of people. They want them to take the shuttles in from various locations outside the area. The rest of the year I pretty much know most of the people I see out walking. I'm always kind of surprised if there's someone new walking down the trail that I've never seen before. I've managed to secure 6 extra parking spaces in my neighbours driveways for my guests that have to drive here. Even my X-husband comes with his wife. Anyway, last year I just lay on the couch and hardly looked out the window at the fireworks. This year, I'm making an effort to enjoy them and make the most out of living here

    Robin, I have a very multicultural family...through marriage. Of my 5 grandchildren, 2 are 1/2 Chinese/Caucasian and 2 are 1/2 Korean/Caucasian.
    My daughter's husband is Chinese, so his family always throws these big, traditional parties. They threw one for her baby Charlotte to welcome her into the world. It's fun and they give her red envelopes of money.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Mel~Enjoy the party and fireworks.
    @Tom~I think I’m just the opposite, I get more exercise in on the weekends than I do during the week since I have more time to spend at the gym.
    @Robin~Glad your arm is healing.

    Monday Check-In~Busy this week, just a 3-day work week for me and need to have everything done by Wednesday. Plus I’ve got a friend coming for a visit on Friday, need to get some things organized. Going to be a busy few days.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day
    Tuesday~Gym, Elliptical
    Wednesday~None, Chiropractor
    Friday~Rest Day (friend coming into town)
    Saturday~Gym, Stairmill (I hope)

    Have a great day!
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Monday Check-In ... Okay, so it's day one of my reboot. I admit it, I've been busy/tired/moving/every-excuse-under-the-sun for about the past month, and the scale shows it, I'm up about five pounds from my last weigh-in. It would have been more, I suspect, but my toddler decided to resume his middle-of-the-night nursing. Yay? SO... I reasoned that the first of July was the perfect day to start over, so last night I had myself a li'l mini-feast of several favorite treats, and today it's back to logging. every. single. damn. thing. that crosses my lips. It's not all bad news though.... (see avatar photo) I slipped on this li'l number just to see how it was fitting, and it went on easily, without the need for squeezing or wiggling. I haven't worn either the blouse or the skort as anything but sleepwear since well before I got pregnant. So yay! I've lost a li'l ground, but it the damage is not irreparable!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    morning all. monday check-in. i've been doing okay. especially if i take my ADHD meds a good half hour before i mean to eat :laugh: that stuff KILLS my desire to eat at all.
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member

    Monday check-in, well I am back to working out and taking my time so I won't have any setbacks. Dont have any weight loss to report hopefully next week I will. Thanks to skinny jeans for the welcome back. Hope everyone have a great day.