Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    @grankakes -- welcome!
    @Karen -- so glad everything is coming together for your trip!!!
    @Tina -- so sorry you're struggling! We all go through this from time to time. I agree with Sherrie - sunshine might help, plus perseverance. I know you can get past this - you're so strong!
    @Kelley & Susan - I did a Disney Cruise to Alaska about a year ago -- I think you're right, Cyrus would love it!! My brother and his family are regulars on the Disney Cruises, and my parents and I have joined them a couple times. It's definitely not my thing (like I said, I would much rather be IN the water than ON it, and I'm not able to swim in any of the pools, b/c they're all chlorinated), but for people who like cruises, Disney does it pretty well -- tons of great activities for the kids and enough to keep the adults entertained too. That cruise was actually my motivation to start the weight loss... I tipped the scales at just over 350, was miserable on the plane to and from Seattle, couldn't do any of the shore excursions (kayaking, zip-lining, helicopter ride and hike on glacier, etc.) I would typically choose, b/c I was worried about fitting and/or keeping up at my weight and finally decided enough was enough!!! My breaking point, and I haven't looked back since. I plan to go back some day and do all the things I missed!!!
    @Robin - I think it would drive me absolutely bonkers to swim in a tiny lap pool. I typically go to this huge lake at one of the State Parks. It's about a half-hour drive, but well worth it to be able to swim for an hour or two without doing laps. Thanks so much for your kind comments about my life, my lifestyle. I think I would have balked at the idea of being athletic until right about now, but when you wrote it, I thought about it, and embraced the designator! That's a real victory for me!!! Recently, almost every time I go for a swim -- across the lake, around a couple islands, and back -- at least one (sometimes more) boat -- motor, sail, or canoe -- pulls up alongside and asks if I'm ok or even if I need a ride back. :laugh: Good grief!!! I guess it's nice to know that people would be willing to assist if I were in a jam, but I do know my limitations and would never swim so far that I couldn't get back on my own! :noway: Oh well, I've decided to take it as a compliment. lol Then last night, as I swam up to shore, there was this young couple, in their early 20s at most, cuddling on the picnic table where I left my clothes. Sigh. I hate to get out of the water in front of people, still so self-conscious in my bathing suit. Plus, I especially worry about young guys that age - they can be so cruel. So I sat and admired the sunset for a minute, gathering my nerve. Then, as I climbed out to get my stuff, the young man asked, "So, are you, like, training for some really big long-distance swim?" I almost fell over from shock. I said, "No, I just like to swim... I try to get out here for an hour or two a day." Then the young woman said she could never go as far out as I did, that she would be way too afraid.... and we had a nice chat while I dressed. How delightfully unexpected! But look here, I was talking to you, and I keep going on and on about me! Robin, I am so impressed by your stick-with-it-ness and your honesty, through all your struggles and successes! :flowerforyou: I think it's fantastic that you have figured out a way to start losing again, despite being on the Prednisone for so long. Your dedication to the new routine of alternating squats and arm presses is really inspiring. I hope your arms heal quickly (glad they have begun to scab) and that you will be able to get into the water soon.. hopefully you have access to some lake, somewhere? You're right, my life is pretty darn good right now... definitely not perfect and not what I'd planned or where I thought I would be... but I make time each day to do the things I love, during which I can forget about all the daily stressors and struggles, and I've learned to focus on small, achievable goals and not worry about too much at once. This is all new to me, a bi-product of this wonderful journey towards health and wellness that I embarked on post-Alaska, almost exactly a year ago. I have found my zen, and I sincerely hope you will find yours too and your body will heal enough for you to go out and enjoy the wilderness! I know Tom is our quote-of-the-day guy and he does it extremely well (always inspiring, and I've copied many of them down to keep around me), but I hope he won't mind if I add one to the mix. I've been including a few on my father's hiking journal, and I really like this one, which much more succinctly relates what I've been trying to say:

    "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul." ~ John Muir

    My Appalachian Trail hike did not go anything at all like we had planned. If you will indulge me another long post later today, I will provide the details of our mis-adventure. :noway:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Beth~What an awe-inspiring story. It was actually last year before I took my Alaskan cruise to switch things into high-gear – it was hard finding excursions to do where my weight wasn’t a limitation and I was determined to do those things, so lost enough to do so. I’ve just continued down the path to health so that when I take my Panama Canal cruise that I won’t be too self-conscious in a swim suit. I’m amazed at your lake swimming – do you know there are fish in there?! :laugh: I don’t like the nibbles you sometimes get from fish, so snorkeling in Grand Cayman next year is going to be a challenge for me. Love the quote!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wednesday wish: That my scale at home will agree with the scale here. That would mean that I have finally broken through the spot that I have been stuck for nearly a month.
    Have a good "active" day. Kaye
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    The Kindle works! I'm live from my recliner! Looks like I'll be able to log my food while on vacation. You will probably be able to tell by the typos when l use it instead of the puter. I keep missing the space bar. It will take a little while to get used to it. Amy just gave me a stylus and now I'm hitting the ones l want.

    a stylus is definitely the way to go when doing small things. reading, it's better to just use your finger.
    MowMow and Toots - I love old and new books and always dreamed of having a "proper" library. My favorite library is Harry Truman's personal home library in Missouri. Its small and quaint and perfect in every way. With my allergies, these kindles and nooks are the perfect answer to the dust mites and problems old books carry with them.

    ours isn't 'proper' but at least we have a room devoted to that. i'd love built in bookcases with ladders. sweet.
    Toots - I have to chuckle at your ADHD comments. I can't tell you how often I want to steal my son's ADD medicine. I've heard it does wonders to curb cravings. LOL!!

    it's interesting. it doesn't really curb cravings so much as completely obliterate your appetite :laugh: i mean the other day i had a sandwich and it was like i ate an entire cow. it's really weird. sometimes kind of disconcerting.
    @toots--I would have the same exact response to your sister's comment. I have a little notebook where I used to write down all of the books I wanted to read, but the list was getting too long and I just didn't have time to read them all. I quit adding books to it about 4 years ago. :ohwell: I used to spend my summers taking grad school classes. Now that I'm done with all of my schooling, I have a bit more time to read. I still have to devote some of that time to reading or re-reading texts that I teach or that are on my students' summer reading list, but I also try to read at least 1 or 2 books that are purely for pleasure.

    This summer I'm reading Catch-22 b/c I've always wanted to read it and some of my students read it as an independent novel. I'm also reading 2 books of poetry that a friend of mine published. One is from a few years ago and the other she just recently published. Her name is Shaindel Beers--the 1st book is called A Brief History of Time (like the Stephen Hawking book), and the 2nd is called The Children's War--both are through Salt Publishing. I really loved the 1st one--of course, I'm biased b/c she's my friend and I recognize some of the people and places in the poetry. I just started the 2nd one today and it seems to be a collection of poems that are each responses to visual art. So far I really like it as well, though it's very different from the 1st collection. These are both for pleasure but also as possible material for my AP class.

    My "purely for pleasure" book is supposed to be the 3rd Hunger Games book, but I haven't quite gotten around to that yet.

    yeah, i've mostly given up on 'Mount Toberead.' there's no way i'll ever get through it all. especially since i have almost two thousand books on my Kindle O.o i don't have to read any books for school or that would set me behind even more. but i do have required reading as a writer because i really do have to know what other people are doing in the market. but the plus side to that is as a working writer i can write off all my book purchases on my taxes. i even got to write off my recent purchase of seasons of "Scarecrow and Mrs. King" since i'm thinking of doing a mystery playing on all the 80s buddy cop shows.

    i haven't read any of the "Hunger Games" books. they're a bit too dark for my personal reading time tastes. i like my reading fluffy and preferably humorous :laugh: what can i say, i'm shallow that way
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Marca - sorry your 'puter bit the dust - financial concerns take priority, so glad you have a Kindle to fall back upon, and a loaner too. Keep up the good work!

    Susan - with your busy, busy life I think its admirable that you DO make the time to stop by this thread when you can. I am in awe when I read your hectic schedule. You must be in great cardiac health to do all that running through airports and strange cities - whew it must be awful at times! If I had to professionally taste brownies and pastrami (two of my favorite foods) I would be in heaven. The thought of spitting them out afterwards makes me sad :cry: . I hope you and Cyrus do get a great vacation in this year.

    suzee - its tough when you can't do what the rest of your family enjoys doing - I'm glad you can keep busy, but its just not the same. Do you do something together over the weekend? I hope so, if not try suggesting something so you can have shared fun...
    You're right about feeling better after exercising, suzee. I hate to do it, I really hate it! But the successful feeling afterward gives me a glow of some kind that is really special.

    Tina - I'm with you - I hate looking in the mirror - or looking at photos. But it keeps us real. We are ordinary people with ordinary bodies we are not runway models. You are exceptionally pretty in your face at least - I haven't seen the rest of you to tell - so you must be biased against yourself in some way or another. Keep smiling and people will smile back at you - that's lifes reward, itsn't it?

    Kah - my arm is not healed yet - I am going through "A scab a day" process and its looking infected. I probably should go to the doctor but its localized and I hate what antibiotics do to my digestive system. I'll wait til after the weekend and see whats going on by Monday and then see if its worse or better.....I'm cleaning it 3 times a day.....

    Sherriel - I hope you get your wish worked out - but I can't figure it out for you!

    Grandcakes - welcome ! Thats a cute name you have there! This is a great thread to meet fellow minded people who will support you on your mission - lots of people have lost their 100 or more lbs. on this thread and have gone their way from here!

    mackbeth - I loved your quote and story and can't wait to hear about your "Mis-adventure" ! :laugh:

    I scored big on Craigs List this week. A lady had a lot of goodies in her driveway and advert. it all under FREE. So I sent her an email later thankiing her because it was nice stuff - and I told her it helped me out because I was just getting settled down again after my divorce. Well she emailed me today and told me she was putting more stuff out this am and I could have first chance at it before she put her advert on Craigs List. So I went over to her place and came home with a trunk-full of all sorts of primitive collectibles such as wooden boxes, wooden bowls, sheep statues, cookie cutters, kitchen wall decor signs - like EGGS 10 cents, and CLABBER GIRL BAKING POWDER, wooden dowels and other items that make up a great collection of stuff. Considering that I got almost nothing out of my divorce and also had to give away a large chunk of the rest of my stuff as I moved to progressively smaller apartments, it was like a treasure hunt. No jewels or gold bullion, but I felt like a queen! :bigsmile: :
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Tina (trhjrh06) I know what you mean the 30 pounds I gained back came back in different proportions to where they were lost from. In my case, my thighs got heavier, which is good because it made my pants tight and that was a red flag to put the breaks on and try something new. I hope you find what you need in order to realize that you are a unique and beautiful person who deserves to be happy. When I put some weight back on I had a blue period. It's one reason I changed my profile photo, to remind myself where I came from.

    Skinnyjeansbound, envy you-no happy for you, I am watching the TDF right now, this is the stage I wish I could be there for, through Marseilles.

    tootsanderson & MyMOwMOw - I once had a job in a bookstore and I had to quit because most of my pay was going to books. Our condo might qualify as a small town library. I am on my second Kindle, the first one started to crack where the cover attached, now I have a smaller one that I use everyday. I love that I can read in bed without turning a light on. It is just so nice to be able to take my library with me and read...whatever...

    RobinsEgg - Yes still playing Petanque, but not as much as I used to. I miss some of the people who played when I first started who have moved away.

    My goals and my wishes are pretty much the same. I found a photo of me at my lowest adult weight, which is where the doctors body fat scale says I should be (10 higher than my MFP goal) and I made myself a new progress scale photo to remind me where I want to end up.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi again all. I am squeezing out a little Tammy Time. My hubby has a new toy he is playing with and my son got a job so both of the kids are at work :bigsmile: Things aer moving right along here. I have been working hard in my backyard but the end of the staining is in sight. It has cooled off nicely today so I think I should be able to get it finished. That will just leave the neighbors blackberry bushes:grumble: on the side of the house and the rest of my concrete pathway and it will be finished and beautiful.I might try and take some pics and put on so ya'll can see. Not sure if that is in my tech skill ability or not:laugh: I am very slowly losing this last five pounds to get into twoderville. I am beginning to think all I can really hope for when hubby is home is maintaining.
    Karen i bet you are super excited about your trip. I have the same problem with packing as you do. It is so hard to prioritize and decide:happy:
    Susan I think you are doing amazing. I spent 15 years working in the food service industry and trying to make healthy choices in that environment is hard.
    Robin I am sorry you arm is still giving you problems but I am so proud of you with the way you have committed to your workouts:flowerforyou:
    Tina I bet you will feel a lot better about everything after you get to get away for a few days.
    Mackbeth you are my outside hero. I love to play in the water but the lake by my house attracts lots of ducks so inevitably when I try and swim in it I get swimmers itch:grumble:
    I had more personals but I have blanked so gong to for now. I hope you all have a great day and remember to stay hydrated :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Wednesday wish- I wish that my now ex-bf will find his way back to me. He broke up with me last night he says he still loves me and part of him still really wants to be with me but he just can't handle everything. I knew he had commitment issues but I thought we were working through them. So much for this being a good month. I will try to perk up. I will keep pushing on with this weight loss.

    Have a good day.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everybody!

    Beth- I think everyone should get a Quote of the day.:happy: Sounds like a good swim and I’m glad the young man was impressed with it. I too am waiting for the hiking trip post. From your fitbit steps (you are at the top of my friends list for steps) you must have got some hiking in.

    Kelley- I’m going to bring my fitbit since walking in the National Parks should give me a lot of steps. Fishing will also add some as you got to get to where the fish are.

    Grankakes- Welcome!

    My first kindle book is The Art of War price $.00!

    Quote of the day: - “Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat.” ~Jill Johnson

  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    My Wed. wish.... that vehicles did not so deplete us financially that I will spend our 4 day holiday weekend that was supposed to be a family camping trip and reunion, home alone while hubby works. This is the second thing we planned for the summer just for fun that I wound up missing. I am totally bummed.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Helena - I wish I could comfort you much better over your loss of your boyfriend. Going through such a tough time with your mom, and everything else youre struggling with - well, its a shame he bailed on you. Please, please, please remember time is your friend in this situation. Cry your heart out if you need to on Deputy's strong shoulders. Time will help you get a handle on the situation and help you see if you are better off without him if he can't handle the tough stuff.

    Marca - darn it! Car trouble really sucks the big one, doesn't it. Sorry you had to miss your family reunion, that is really miserable. I hope you find some cheap way to have some make-up fun this weekend so all is not lost!
    If its any consolation, I am driving a 99 buick and the drivers side window no longer rolls down, the speedometer and gas gauge no longer work, and it suffered such bad hail damage that the insurance co. totalled it out. Now where the little hail dimples are the paint is popping off and my white car is starting to look like a dalmation. :laugh:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I scored big on Craigs List this week. A lady had a lot of goodies in her driveway and advert. it all under FREE. So I sent her an email later thankiing her because it was nice stuff - and I told her it helped me out because I was just getting settled down again after my divorce. Well she emailed me today and told me she was putting more stuff out this am and I could have first chance at it before she put her advert on Craigs List. So I went over to her place and came home with a trunk-full of all sorts of primitive collectibles such as wooden boxes, wooden bowls, sheep statues, cookie cutters, kitchen wall decor signs - like EGGS 10 cents, and CLABBER GIRL BAKING POWDER, wooden dowels and other items that make up a great collection of stuff. Considering that I got almost nothing out of my divorce and also had to give away a large chunk of the rest of my stuff as I moved to progressively smaller apartments, it was like a treasure hunt. No jewels or gold bullion, but I felt like a queen! :bigsmile: :

    nice!! awesome score.
    tootsanderson & MyMOwMOw - I once had a job in a bookstore and I had to quit because most of my pay was going to books. Our condo might qualify as a small town library. I am on my second Kindle, the first one started to crack where the cover attached, now I have a smaller one that I use everyday. I love that I can read in bed without turning a light on. It is just so nice to be able to take my library with me and read...whatever...

    aren't books awesome! sigh. happy times. i love the reading in bed aspect too. especially since my husband goes to bed ages before me. i love that i have so many options too. not in the mood for this? how about that?
    My first kindle book is The Art of War price $.00!

    nice! if you want to know pm me and i can give you a list of tons of free kindle book sites who specialize in nothing but letting people know about free or heavily discounted ebooks. and they're all free sites.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Everyone thank you, I know that I still have lost weight from where I started.

    Well when I got home from work I sat down on the couch and then decided that I wanted to get up and walk. So what do I do?? I got up and took a 4.5mi walk! It was 1hr 21min. and I burned 764 calories! That is on top of my workout I did this morning.

    I feel so much better, the sun was so bright and wonderful. It felt good to get out and walk by myself and go as far as I wanted. I do feel better :)

    Just some pictures on my walk


    My patriotic nails ( I need to clean up the edges )

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Susan-Good luck with finding a great trainer. I know my trainer helps me to stay motivated while pushing me further. I finally found a trainer that knows what they are doing and understands how to teach the skills while being supportive. I have learned many things from the three trainers I have worked with over the past 2 years. Welcome Back. Do you ever get to Maryland?

    Karen- Glad your rail pass has arrived. The 5K in September sounds very interesting. How far is that from your house? I wish you lived closer to Maryland then I would join your for the 5K.

    Beth- I love the fact that you swim in the lake and do many other outdoor activities. All of your activities are inspiring to me because you are so athletic. I still don't consider myself to be an athlete but other people see me that way. The comments from the young couple was great. It is also nice to know that people are looking out for you as you swim in the lake. I prefer the pool because the Bay is the closest natural swimming area to where I live, the sand will color your feet orange and the bacteria count in the bay tends to increase at times due to rain fall.

    Tina- Robin is right you have beautiful face that glows. So many times, I think we are our own worst critics, in that we think the worst of ourselves. Like Karen said- think of the positives especially your commitment to the 30DS. That is awesome. Great job on walk today. 4.8 miles is a very long walk. What did you use to measure the walk?

    Angelika- I love the picture that shows how far you have come. The progress is amazing.

    I also love books and know I will need to part with many of them soon unless I want to move them. I will keep my favorites for some easy and mindless reading.

    Tuesday Goal- To keep running/jogging and swimming.
    Wish- That I can figure out where I want to go on vacation this summer. I am not sure where I want to go this year but I need to decide soon. I am just not good traveling by myself, it is more fun going with other people.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member

    Tina- Robin is right you have beautiful face that glows. So many times, I think we are our own worst critics, in that we think the worst of ourselves. Like Karen said- think of the positives especially your commitment to the 30DS. That is awesome. Great job on walk today. 4.8 miles is a very long walk. What did you use to measure the walk?

    I tracked my walk with an app called mapmywalk it's a great app. I also sometimes use an app called mytracks. But I prefer mapmywalk.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi all! hoping everyone has a safe & happy holiday (and for our non-US friends... safe & happy non-holiday!).

    We're having a rather awful week down here -- hotter than hell, and two major wildfires, one of which took 19 lives (you probably saw on the national news). I didn't lose any close friends with that hotshot crew, but friends & family of friends (and EMS/prehospital people are *all* one big family around here).

    Wednesday wish: very selfish - wanting business to pick back up, because things are very very tight....
  • joandue
    joandue Posts: 84 Member
    Hello Everyone. This is my very first time posting on any boards. I just signed up for myfitness and am hoping to stay motivated and reach success. Not even sure if I'm doing this right but I'm sure if its wrong, you will help me out how to post. :smile:
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Ok all this book talk has me wanting a Kindle! I need to find something to read after the past 2 summers doing things for my Master's I am enjoying some time reading for me!

    I started the PUSH phase yesterday of CLX and was going to do a cardio today but technically the plan had today as a rest and my biceps and glutes needed it! My arms are now burning again from carrying my 3 year old niece a mile ish back to the truck after the fireworks tonight!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I also love books and know I will need to part with many of them soon unless I want to move them. I will keep my favorites for some easy and mindless reading.

    i only have like 15 books on my 'keeper' shelf. the rest are things i haven't even read yet. but consider taking them. it might be nice to downsize but will you miss them later?
    Wednesday wish: very selfish - wanting business to pick back up, because things are very very tight....

    that's not selfish. that's pivotal to your survival. sounds like a reasonable wish to me. in fact, i wish my sales would pick up. they were LAME last month. times are hard and it totally makes sense to wish you were doing better. just saying.
    Hello Everyone. This is my very first time posting on any boards. I just signed up for myfitness and am hoping to stay motivated and reach success. Not even sure if I'm doing this right but I'm sure if its wrong, you will help me out how to post. :smile:

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    @Susan~I bet that Duck Dynasty cruise would be fun! I’m not a fan of Carnival either, I mostly sail with Princess. We’re doing Panama Canal in March – partial transit, 11-days, tacking on 2 days on both sides to spend in Ft. Lauderdale. We’re thinking of doing Alaska again next August – R/T out of Seattle, spending a few days in Victoria beforehand. Greece is definitely on my bucket list too – as is Iceland, we’re talking of it for 2015 (it is $$$ though). Princess is having good sales right now, esp if you have sailed with them before (our cabin for Panama just got upgraded as a result). I also heard that Disney is having some fabulous deals out of Galveston, through November – then they move to Houston port I think. FYI, Disney goes to Alaska now - might be fun for Cyrus!

    Thanks Kelley! Our cruise was Princess, which we loved. I haven't even started to research them yet, but going to start so I can put something down for 2014. Now that Cyrus is getting older I really want to start some serious traveling. I really want to get back to Europe. I haven't been in 20 years and really want to share it with Cyrus. I'm thinking a cruise next year and then perhaps Europe in 2015. I'll check out Princess. Since we sailed before, I got spoiled with our balcony. We would get breakfast delivered to our room and sit on the balcony just the two of us. We loved it!!! I've definitely considered Disney, but the thought of ALL those kids - yikes!