Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday success: Today I walked 7 blocks for my exercise, just a little further everyday should do the trick. Also went to JoAnn Fabrics for some yarn, and did a little grocery shopping.
    Robin, I love your new picture. The close up makes you seem more "real". I like to know what my friends look like.
    It sounds like everyone is having a busy weekend. Just keep logging and posting. Kaye
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    RobinsEgg - LOVE the new avatar! :)

    mackbeth - whew, you had a busy day lined up. Did you get it all done?

    Susan - what a thrill to see someone you knew and helped raise in those early years doing so WELL now!

    skinnyjeanz - hey, it is TOTALLY possibly to eat reasonably while out, and it all starts with being aware of what you're consuming. Go, you!!

    Kaye - Yarn? Did someone say yarn?? What's your thread-craft of choice??? I'm a crocheter/cross-stitcher myself... never did get the hang of casting on for knitting.

    Okay, so, a while back I was moaning daily about the work I was putting into cutting and digging a proper garden. Well, it all got in, eventually even the corn got seeded, and I distinctly recall someone asking for pictures. Here ya go!

    Every few days lately, I have to go out and add another row of twine to the trellis, the peas are going NUTS, as are the tomatoes... I actually had to prune several plants so they wouldn't be too cramped inside their cages. My herbs have been allowed to get rather overgrown and I've been out there daily for the past week pinching off flower heads and giving one type after another a serious haircut.

    It's that sort of hot out today where the humidity and overcast light are such that you don't notice you're warm until you're suddenly dripping sweat.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I do almost anything that uses yarn, thread or fabric. The yarn this time is for some crocheted potholders and knit dishcloths for wedding presents. I really love to cross-stitch, too. If you look at my pictures, you will find 2 of my latest projects.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    Robin inspired me to update my pictures. Both are from the mud run I did last weekend--I'm the one in the pink.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all, like some other folks I'm wandering back in after an absence. I don't recall any longer, but I think it was May when I was here last. And I was talking about getting yelled at by my trainer for not committing to healthy eating (he's right), with a trip coming up.

    Welllll.... the trip went great. The eating didn't, but the trip did. Even with the broken arm.

    Yes, I broke my left arm. Doing jump-spins on roller skates. (At the roller rink during a class, even!) Landed it several times, then my foot came out from under me and I caught myself on my left hand. So I got a nice compression fracture and a cast, which I took to California with me. :) Six weeks later the cast came off, and I'm now doing hand/wrist OT exercises to get my range of motion back. In the meantime, the trainer has had me doing lower body/ab stuff, which came in handy when I went for a 2-hour horseback ride last weekend. Trotting on a VERY large horse would have been much tougher without all the squats.

    I've also changed my approach. I attended a seminar at the conference in California by a specialist in cognitive-behavior therapy. She and her daughter (also a therapist) run a weight-loss program based in CBT principles. Got me researching on Amazon, and I found their book (The Beck Diet Solution by Judith Beck), plus another book by a different person with the same last name, who doesn't appear to be related. I'm reading the latter one -- it's called The Four-Day Win, by Martha Beck -- and not only is it incredibly funny, it's focused on the problem I'm really having. The one where the rational brain wants to eat less to lose weight and be healthier and the emotional brain says, "Uh, NO. I'd like an iced venti white chocolate mocha, please. Now." And because the emotional brain always wins in the long run, here I am having put back 30 lbs of the 60 I'd lost last year.

    So I decided to put the weight loss efforts on pause, because I am really just not mentally on my game at the moment, and go through the exercises. My first 4-Day Win was logging onto MFP daily again, since I'd lost that habit on vacation. It got me logging my food again, which is good. The most recent 4-Day Win was to make note of when I find myself in Famine Brain and I want to eat ALL THE FOODS RIGHT NOW, but mostly chocolate. Usually, it happens before breakfast or if I've delayed eating for some reason. Like, for example, right now. I'm hungry. Should probably get a healthy snack before I go bust through the cabinet of crap that one of my colleagues helpfully stocked in the on-call room.

    Anyway, I know that the mental process not being in sync with the desire to lose is a hardship for many of us, so thought I'd pop on and share. Links to the books, if you're interested:

    Beck Diet Solution:

    The Four-Day Win:

    Note that this is not a testimonial. I'm not that far along. But I know when I'm not mentally in the game, and I'm hoping that one or both of these books can help me get there.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @sara--it's great to see you back! :flowerforyou: I hope the books help you get your head back in the game--you'll have to keep us posted.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi guys!

    Robin inspired me to update my pictures. Both are from the mud run I did last weekend--I'm the one in the pink.

    I knew you were competing, but couldn't remember when it was. I love the new picture and what a HUGE accomplishment. So proud of you. Hope it was a blast!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Sara - I can totally relate. I lost 60 lbs as well, but gained 30 back as well. I'm feeling the same way. I just can't figure out the mental battle of this journey. I know a big part is my lack of will power. I know I want to lose this weight for good, but it's so easy to eat the wrong things and not exercise.

    With that said, I know MFP has truly helped me and the support of our friends here. In the past, I would have gained ALL 60 lbs back and then some, but I've somehow been able to hold on. Like you, I just had to step back and take a little break. I tried Advocare and the 24-Day Challenge because I have so many friends who did well with it. I liked some parts of the program, but I couldn't handle all the pills. There's just way too many. I may check out the books though just to read a different approach. Glad to see you back and take one day at a time.
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    Hey everyone !! I'm new to the thread and my name is Meaghan! I am current 227 lbs -_- & I need to lose 100+ lbs :) I am staying away from the scale every during the month because it discourages me :sad:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @meaghan--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @susan--thanks, the mud run was great--even better than last year's! There were a lot of different obstacles which made it more challenging, but a lot more fun. My favorite were these 2 inflatables--1 was just bouncy steps up and down. The other was a huge slide. Loved them both!

    Sunday Share:
    Well, I decided to update my ticker by 5 lbs. I had reached a low of 181 back in March. However, that was after a bout of the flu so I don't think it was "real." I then quit smoking and quickly bounced back up to the high 180's. Since then I've been up and down, but the "low" I've seen most consistently on my scale is 186, so I decided to adjust to that. My hope is that it will motivate me to start losing again. With the ticker at 181, I would have to lose so much weight to even move my ticker. At least this way, I'll get the "reward" of adjusting my ticker even if I just lose a pound or 2.

    Well, my plan to make the quinoa salad got put on hold--DH made dinner last night and one component was a big pot of brown rice. No sense in making the quinoa until some of that is out of the fridge.

    I have a big exercise day planned, but I honestly don't feel like doing 30DS. Maybe I'll feel differently once I've gone to the gym. :ohwell:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + 30DS DONE + run DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym +30DS
    Mon--walk gunner + gym + 30DS
    Tues--walk gunner + 30DS
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + 30DS
    Fri--walk gunner
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @SkinnyJeanz - LOVE the new profile Pic! You look so healthy and active(and dirty)!
    @Beth - Sounds like a stellar day of tidying and cleaning AND swimming and hiking!
    @Suzee - My doctor just referred me to a kidney specialist, haven't seen him yet for a diagnosis. The doctor suspects the issues are caused by the blood pressure meds I'm on. He's afraid to change up the cocktail because my BP is barely controlled right now and it took us a while to get this mix right to control it. Since high BP already caused one stroke we're super careful to watch my BP. He wants me to see the specialist to make sure that this damage won't be permanent. Until then though I have to treat it as if it is and keep from taxing my kidneys as much as possible. According to my last blood test they 'scored' at about stage 2 in kidney failure (out of 4) so he wants me to see the guy ASAP. I *SUSPECT* it's just the meds and he's being a bit overprotective. My Doc (Dr. McHottyPants) is a resident and I'm his first 'real' patient (that solely sees him and requests him when I make an appointment) so he's pretty protective of me. He was the DR on duty in the ER when I had my stroke and since I didn't have a DR here and I liked him, I stuck with him. The nurses in the office told me that if I don't come in every few months he starts asking if I've called and asking the babysitting DR if he should contact me.
    @CathEsh - I lost my first 50 or 60 lbs without a stick of exercise. Just counting calories, @ 180lbs overweight it hurt to walk to the bathroom from the couch much less exercise. I know it's time to start and I keep HOPING I'll suddenly become addicted but... it's just not happening yet.
    @Robin - I think I'm stuck eating like this until I lose enough weight to come out of some of these meds that are effecting my kidneys. I guess it's incentive to stay under calories and get my *kitten* in gear.
    @Susan - I love that you got to visit the family you worked with! How wonderful to catch up!
    @Kaye - you are doing great! 7 blocks is AMAZING so soon, imo! It must feel great to be home.
    @MaryPoppins - I do Xstitch and crocheting as well. Same thing with knitting, I've never been able to do it..... I've made a couple of afghans but nothing as gorgeous as Kaye's and once turned into more of a house cozy it was so huge. :laugh: I use it to relieve stress and when I worked for the government I was so freaking stressed I just never stopped crocheting the blanket. It just went on and on and on and on.
    @Sara- Welcome back! I'm so sorry to hear about your arm! It sounds like you've got a game plan. I have that one Beck book somewhere around here, I remember my mom giving it to me years ago.
    @ Meaghan - Welcome!

    Ok, I had one perfect food day. Granted it's only ONE, but it's a start. I'm off to a good second day. The key really is the fruits and veggies I guess. I filled my day full of fruits every few hours and my dinner had tons of veggies in it. Today I'm going to sit down and hunt up tons of vegetarian recipes that look good. I did get my food diary pre logged through next weekend and a grocery list written up.

    Sunday Share since we have lots of newlings - I'm Kris, I'm a 40 year old divorcee in the Pacific Northwest. I had let my weight get up to 320lbs and convinced myself that size didn't matter and that big was beautiful. I also convinced myself that I was healthy. Until I had a stroke caused by uncontrolled blood pressure in March of 2012. I dropped 90lbs super fast and another 30 a bit slower... then I got hit with a huge crap storm called life and gained back almost 30lbs. I still have about 90 lbs to go to my goal weight and I'm hoping I'm getting back into the swing of things now!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Mel - good for you - just keep on plugging away and don't ever give up for good and you'll eventually lose a lot of weight!

    mackbeth - so you mean to say we have to clean our houses in the summer too? :wink: I didn't know that !

    Susan - what a nice story about the young man you help raise. How impressive to hear about his ride cross country!

    Skinny - I love your new picture and hearing about the run - it sounds exxhilerating! The bouncy features sound so neat!

    Kaye - congrats on your 7 block walk. THat's more than I can do. WOOT for you!

    Mary P - keep up the good work, and its great to hear about your garden - keep us updated!

    Shrink - So sorry to hear about your arm - man - I'll bet that hurt like a barn burning down! I can sympathize with your problems with impulsivity and food. I have to keep stuff out of my house or I can run the risk of gorging myself. I did learn from you to keep expensively good chocolate at hand and I'm having a few pieces at night or every other night. I hope that trick will still work for you.

    meaghan - welcome. Hope you come back often. This is a great place for encouragement during your journey. Weighing once a month isn't bad at all - logging your food so you stay under your allotted calories will keep you honest and you'll definitely lose weight.

    MowMow - glad you were able to eat a good meal of fruit and veggies and not feel too deprived. When is your appt. with the kidney specialist? I hope it is soon!

    Well my 4th of Jully weekend continued and continued through last night and as of this morning I have officially given up Baileys as my drink of choice. I weighed this am and haven't lost anything in a week, and I blame my Baileys consumption. A higher calorie alcoholic drink probably doesn't exist! :noway: I'm going to try some of the Skinny Girl cocktails or Margarita mixes and settle of something I can enjoy for a LOT LESS calories. I went to an Art Show Opening last night with some friends and had some red wine and it was just fine. Sipping it slowly came naturally. Then afterwards we all gathered at a lake house and I hit the Baileys. It goes down way too easily. Goodbye my friend!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    skinnyjeansbound - I haven't logged into the virtual walk across America in a very long time. I am still walking but I felt like I was all alone doing that and didn't see the point.

    RobinsEgg - thanks for the sympathy, if I had the chance to change anything in my life, I would not be living in a condo. Live and learn.

    susan2396 - I was a nanny too. You are so lucky that you were able to stay in touch. I often wonder how "my boy" turned out.

    Saturday Success: Annual Health assessment shows I am improved over last year. The insurance company has us fill out a form every year and have a wellness physical. It is good to have this annual informational check up. If you have Cigna see if you qualify for this, I recommend it.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Completed an 18-20 mile bike ride today in the wonderful heat. I was not expecting to go this far as the original plan was only the 12 miles around the airport. Instead the group I went with changed plans last night and they started lower on the B and A trail. This was good but I could not do the whole ride. I finally caught up to the group at the 8.8 mile marker, then rode a little farther with a another members. Thank God, we stopped for yogurt on the way back about a mile from the cars. The total trip time was about 3 hours with a 30 min. break. My fingers are still tingling from the ride- another friend said that was normal just need to work on replenishing the electro-lights. I will check back in later but I am so ready for a nap and it only 6:16pm.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--sounds like a really challenging bike ride today--hope you were wearing your padded shorts. :wink:

    @angelika--yeah, when I joined the virtual walk I joined another walker as a "teammate" but I don't really get how it's supposed to work. I guess I can look to check my progress against hers, but I don't really see the point. Instead, I just like to see my progress on the map. I finally broke through to a new state--it took over 500 miles to get through Virginia to Kentucky! SO glad your annual exam showed a health improvement--good for you! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--I agree that Bailey's goes down way too easily. Fortunately for me, I only get a hankering for it around the winter holidays. I've tried some of the Skinny Girl cocktails and they are delicious. The TV trainer Jackie Warner recommends tequila w/ water as the "healthiest" cocktail, but tequila and I are NOT friends, so I can't drink that.

    @kris--glad you are getting the food under control despite all of those restrictions, and my fingers are crossed that the test results show your doc is just being over-protective.

    AFM--Even though I wasn't looking forward to doing 30DS, I did the last day of level 2 after the gym. I watched level 3 and it looks tough--I will try to do it a few times this week.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + 30DS DONE + run DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE +30DS DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym + 30DS
    Tues--walk gunner + 30DS
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + 30DS
    Fri--walk gunner
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi guys! I need to do some catching up from the weekend but wanted to give a quick check in. Just got home from a weekend with the hubs and friends. It was and awesome time and like I predicted we ate horribly and drank much. But today we took the boat out and then swam for 20-30 min. This was an awesome moment for me because most of the friends weigh less than me and even the hubs tells me how hard he has to work for his job (he landscapes). Anyway today after 5 min of swimming/ treading water they all wanted./needed to use floatings because they were tired! I just kept on swimming. My husband asked me how I was doing it and I just looked back at him and said "I guess I'm just more fit than I look, baby." BAM! Now just for the fat to start melting off with this muscle that I'm putting on!

    Excerise Goals-
    Sunday- Swim 20 min- done
    Monday- CLX Push Phase 1
    Tuesday- Rest
    Wednesday- CLX Push Phase 2
    Thursday- Burn Intervals
    Friday CLX Push Phase 3
    Saturday- Burn It Off/ Recharge
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Inspired by Robin and Karen, I changed my pictures. Profile pic is Lily and I on the Appalachian Trail, and the ticker is the lovely lake where I swim. :smile: Nope, I didn't get everything done on my list, but I did get more done than I would have if I hadn't made the list. So I made another one for tomorrow. Shoot for the stars, so they say. :laugh:

    @anna - so glad you had a great swim and outlasted all the others!
    @kris - glad you did the research and found some stuff to eat! I know you'll get this figured out!
    @robin - margarita mixes sound delicious to me! :drinker:
    @laurie - great bike ride!!! glad you're finding people to do stuff with (even if they change the plans :grumble: )!
  • ronnirene
    ronnirene Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I'm new to this site and I have more than 100 lose...I'm just starting with that now. I decided I was tired of being tired and depressed about it. I am trying to embrace new exercises to find some I like! I would like to post here to give and get support.
  • Hello everyone! I am also new to this site/app. Hoping to meet people who need to lose some weight in the extreme in a heathly way. I recently celebrated my birthday and saw the photo of myself blowing out the candles, it made me want to cry. I have always been a big woman and was fine with it. I think becoming my current age though threw a wrench into my thinking. I just started working out after a long period of laziness or embarrassment going to the gym. Wish me luck!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Monday Check-In~Sorry I was MIA over the holiday/weekend, spent Friday with one of my closest friends – we basically just hung out, shopped a little, and drank a lot. :noway: Saturday was spent running around and working on a business plan and then Sunday was spent getting caught up on things around the house while trying to finalize business plan before its proposed tomorrow. I had an awesome workout with my trainer yesterday, we tried some new things which ended up being a calorie scorcher. So all-in-all a pretty good long weekend.

    @Kris~I’m sorry for your continued health issues with your kidneys, I hope a specialist can shed some light on what’s going on without you having to make too many drastic changes.
    @Karen~Love the new profile pic. Have fun with your niece this week – my sister and nephews will be here on Thursday, I’m taking the boys to the aquarium on Saturday. I can’t wait!
    @Robin~Love the new pic!
    @Shrinkrapt~So good to “see” you, sorry for the broken arm – ouch! Those books sound interesting, thanks for sharing.
    @Laurie~Awesome bike ride, sorry it ended up being more than you anticipated. Like Karen said, I hope you wore some padded bike shorts! :wink: I thought of you when my sister sent a pic/video of my 3yo nephew rock climbing at their rec center – he’s not very adventurous but climbed half-way up the youth wall. He was so proud of himself.
    @Kaye~Baby steps, 7 blocks is a great walk! I did counted cross stitch all the time when I was younger, haven’t done it in years. I know how to knit a little, but don’t do it often enough to be any good at it – my mom; however, is quite talented with it.

    Welcome to the newlings that have stopped by - you'll find great support here, so check back often.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day
    Tuesday~HIIT at gym
    Thursday~Arc Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~HIIT at gym

    Stay cool and have a great day!