Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    ronirene - welcome, first-timer! Congrats on making your first post to a thread and sharing your thoughts. Ask any questions you have and we'll try and answer them. I like your attitude towards finding some kind of exercise you'll enjoy.

    whatevermomma - welcome to you too! Wishing you lots of luck in your journey. A birthday is a great starting point to a new you. We all have those pictures that jar us into beginning this journey. Glad you've joined us.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Beth- Love Love Love! the new pic. From that angle Lily looks like a White German Shepherd.
    Ronnirene - Welcome to the best thread on MFP! :drinker: If you'e on MFP (and on RObin's Thread) you're off to a great start.
    Whatevermamma - Welcome and way to go getting back to the gym!

    Monday Check in - All in all not a bad weekend. I had two whole days of being under calorie... :blushing: so it's a start...again. Yesterday afternoon I was really jonesing for sugar. I tried to fixate on something that would take *HOURS* to make, chocolate donuts like dunken donuts has (we don't have dunken donuts around here). By the time I found a recipe that looked doable and I had all the ingredients for... it was 3:30 and past my snack time. By the time I mixed up my fruit salad and ate it, it was almost time to make dinner. Donut crisis passed. :laugh: I've already started shedding the water weight I gained when I wasn't careful of my sodium content for so long. It will take my poor little kidneys about 10 days to dump it all. :ohwell: I already lost 3lbs of it this weekend.

    I'm at work and armed with breakfast, lunch, and two snacks! I also cleaned all the change, debit card, and cash out of my purse as to avoid the vending machine AND the cafeteria.

    I DID just realize that I still have a gift c ertificate for a chair massage here at work.... my co workers gave it to me for Christmas. The guy is only here twice a month and my last day is August 9th... I see a chair massage in my very near future!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Welcome ronnirene and whatevermomma!

    Hi Shrinkrapt- thanks for the book references. I wish they were on Kindle books because most of my new books are going to be for my new Kindle. I will look for some CBT weight loss Kindle books.

    I’m getting ready for my vacation. Packing making lists buying last minute stuff. I hope to eat healthy but know a lot will be out of my control as each night the dinners are being made by a different family. Some of the families are big drinkers so I’ll have to watch out for that. I’m trying to get my road trip mind set going. We have a pretty good ride to get there. I can enjoy the drive if I have the correct attitude before we start if I do not have the correct attitude I can be a real @$$. I hope I learn how to use the camera better than I know now. We are taking a night trip on the river where they light up the canyon walls. The pictures on the website look great; I hope to get some too. Hopefully I can get some good pics of the Arches and Canyonlands at sunrise and/or sunset.

    Fitbit friends- I’m going to leave the charger at home since it should make it through the time I’m gone. When I get home I’ll hopefully have all the days’ steps and sleep records. So when you see it look like I lost my fitbit do not worry. When I get back I should get all the data uploaded.

    Quote of the day: - “The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” ~Victor E. Frankl

  • olasmiles
    olasmiles Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone -- I just started, so I'm a little lost but from what I've been reading, I think this thread would be great to join. At first I was just going to do this by myself but I realize that having support from people who really understand me is important, and I don't really have that from many people around me.

    A little about me: I'm an upcoming senior at the University of Rochester studying Creative Writing and Dance. I'm 5'11 & 3/4" and looking to lose about 100 lbs. Dieting is difficult for me, especially on a college campus, but I think MFP is a good way to start eating a bit healthier. I've already managed to stop myself from putting too much sugar in my chai tea. By the end of this month maybe, I should find myself not getting a chai tea latte at all!

    I started MFP because I am extremely unhappy with how I look and how I feel. I'm also pre-diabetic, and I'd like to avoid actually developing diabetes. Not sure what else to say, so I'll just end here. Please add me as a friend, I could use all the support I can get!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I'm just going to jump in here and do some catch up later. I've been terrible for the last week. I just can't get back in the groove and I'll apparently use any excuse to avoid it. :blushing: But instead of falling all the way off the wagon, I had a firm grip of the bumper and have now swung myself back up.

    That's all I can really say. Today is the first day back on track. Today, I can eat within my calorie goal and I will do Day 1, Level 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I can do those two things...absolutely. I'm not going to worry about tomorrow and I'm not going to worry about the total amount of weight I have to lose. I'm going to do well today.

    I hope you all do well today.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    First--welcome to all of the newlings!! :flowerforyou: As someone else already mentioned you've found the friendliest, most supportive group on this site. We all have different approaches to our food intake, exercise regimes, etc. depending on our personal situations. You'll never hear someone on this thread tell you what you MUST do to lose weight (other than keep trying!). You will however, hear a lot of "this is what works for me" and it will give you a lot of ideas and options to try to see what works best for you. :smile: Here's my 1st piece of advice that most here will support--drink lots of water. :drinker:

    @tom (morgori)--your trip sounds like it will be incredible! I've never been to any of our National Parks out west and would love to make such a trip one of these days. Oh, and I think that quote has to be my favorite that you've posted so far. I may turn it into a poster to hang in my classroom.

    @kris (mymow)--glad you are back on track with the food and getting those sodium levels back down.

    @kelley (kah)--sounds like you had a nice visit with your friend. The aquarium is so much fun--I haven't taken my niece to the Shedd here in Chicago yet, but her parents already took her once. I did get to take her to see the Lincoln Park Zoo lights over my winter break. Have fun with you sister and nephews!!

    @beth (lmack)--love the new pics!

    @anna--love that you outswam everyone else!! :drinker: Totally unrelated, but I watched the "Asylum" season of American Horror Story this weekend, and now every time I see your name, I think "Anna banana" b/c it's so close to "Lana banana." If you haven't watched it, this will make no sense, so sorry if that's the case. :laugh:

    Monday Check in:
    The forecast is hot and humid here this week, but woke up this morning to relatively cool weather, so I decided to run outside instead of going to the gym. The air got really thick, really fast, but I managed to do 3 miles--the first half very slowly with gunner and the second half a bit faster after dropping him at the house. I then had to shower and get ready for a dentist appt. Didn't have time to do 30DS, so I will just skip it today. Tomorrow, I have to work all morning to work on curriculum writing--I'll be meeting with a bunch of teachers I haven't seen since school let out, so not sure if we will want to do something social afterwards. Either way, I should be able to start level 3 of 30DS in the afternoon.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + 30DS DONE + run DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE +30DS DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + run DONE + 30DS NOT DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + 30DS
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + 30DS
    Fri--walk gunner
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I'm just going to jump in here and do some catch up later. I've been terrible for the last week. I just can't get back in the groove and I'll apparently use any excuse to avoid it. :blushing: But instead of falling all the way off the wagon, I had a firm grip of the bumper and have now swung myself back up.

    That's all I can really say. Today is the first day back on track. Today, I can eat within my calorie goal and I will do Day 1, Level 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I can do those two things...absolutely. I'm not going to worry about tomorrow and I'm not going to worry about the total amount of weight I have to lose. I'm going to do well today.

    I hope you all do well today.

    Tracy--hope you didn't scrape your knees too badly dragging behind that wagon. Glad you are firmly back on board.:smile:
  • kellyreno
    kellyreno Posts: 1
    I am new to mfp....i have to lose 100 pounds too!
  • joandue
    joandue Posts: 84 Member
    So, I use the food tracker daily and I enter in the exercise that I do, but I'm beginning to think that the calories they tell you you burn is not accurate. It's seem like alot. Does any else use this, or am I just complete brain dazzled :)

    @Kelly, welcome. I'm new here too, just joined last week and 100 to loose also.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Welcome Kelly and Joan!

    TLH - I love your post today. That's what I'm trying to do right now to get back on that wagon. ONe minute at a time, 1 hour at a time, and one DAY at a time.

    I've read lots of threads with people complaining how innacurate the exercise calories are on here..... I'd say the best bet if you want true counts is to get an HRM(heart rate monitor) and/or a fitbit. That will give you more accurate numbers and take out the guessing.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    So, I use the food tracker daily and I enter in the exercise that I do, but I'm beginning to think that the calories they tell you you burn is not accurate. It's seem like alot. Does any else use this, or am I just complete brain dazzled :)

    @Kelly, welcome. I'm new here too, just joined last week and 100 to loose also.

    Joandue - the amount of calories that MFP tells you to eat back is strictly your choice whether to eat back or not. I think its kind of high too. I think some other people will weigh in on this issue too. If you want to lose more weight, don't eat back your exercise calories, unless the hungry monster inside you compels you to do so.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Quick check in here--Lost 3 pounds last week. So it is confirmed I have to do 1000 calories a day. At 1200 I gain so 1100 must be maintenance for me.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @angelika--ugh! so sorry your calorie allowance is so low, but you know you have the discipline to make it work--you've done so in the past. :flowerforyou:

    @joan--welcome! :flowerforyou: I agree that the calorie burns in MFP's database are merely an estimate. Having said that, I lost my first 40 lbs before ever buying a heart rate monitor. I used MFP's estimates along with this site:

    Also, I've had little success with HRM's. My first put my burns well above MFP's numbers which greatly stalled my weight loss. My current HRM says I burn almost no calories b/c it's either a piece of crap or I'm too dumb to program it correctly, so I'm back to using estimates until I can afford a new one.:ohwell: If you are looking to purchase a HRM, I would suggest paying for a good one--my 1st was a cheaper model, and my 2nd I won in a raffle (also a cheapie brand)--I guess you get what you pay for (or don't pay for in the case of my 2nd :laugh: ). I've heard great things about Polar brand HRM's. I know a lot of folks like the Fitbit as well, but I don't think that one is a HRM--correct me if I'm wrong, guys.

    As robin suggests, you'll have to do some trial and error to see how many of your exercise calories to eat back. I lost all of those first 40 lbs (going from about 240 to 200) eating back ALL of my exercise calories. I would suggest eating back all or most to start--if only to keep from getting hungry and discouraged. Then if you aren't seeing a loss, you can cut back by 100 calories for a couple of weeks to see if that helps. Everybody is different, so you'll have to see what works for your body.

    @kelly--welcome to you as well!! :flowerforyou:

    Since there are so many newlings today, I'm going to make a suggestion which you can follow or not. I would invest in a food scale before worrying about making any other fitness related purchases. IMHO it is my single most important tool in learning to eat the right amounts of foods. Two+ years into this process, my $40 food scale from Target still works perfectly and I still use it everyday. :happy:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Skinny- We have been to Grand Canyon, Yellowstone (in summer and winter), Grand Teton, Glacier, and Zion. I love going to them. Saw a wild grizzly bear, elk, antelope, and buffalos in Yellowstone, Bighorn sheep in Glacier, moose, deer, bald eagles, cranes and swans. The mountains are awesome. We love Jackson WY. It is a great place to stay if going to the Grand Tetons and/or Yellowstone. We were there in the winter and the National Elk Refuge is covered with elk. We started in West Yellowstone snowmobiling. We also stayed in summer which is easier driving.

    Ok here is me at 400lbs.





  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i got a HRM for christmas last year but i couldn't get it to work no matter how hard i tried. i guess i'll just stick to MFP's inaccurate calories.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    i got a HRM for christmas last year but i couldn't get it to work no matter how hard i tried. i guess i'll just stick to MFP's inaccurate calories.

    Thanks toots--it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one who can't get mine to work. :tongue:

    @tom--great pictures!! thanks for sharing!
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    How can Monday be nearly over? On the plus side the girls helped with our house chore and we got the entire house- upstairs, downstairs and the stairs vacuumed. Then it was time for the pool. 95 with a the index of 98 at 5 in the afternoon. The pool felt fabulous, hopefully the kids are tired enough that they will go to bed a little earlier tonight.

    Had a NSV over the weekend. One of my pairs of jean shorts was able to go into the dryer and I could still get them on easily. No squirming or even laying down on the bed! It had been a relatively rotten day so this this was just the pick me up I needed.

    Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday. I did a 10K on the 4th. Felt like I ran pretty well but was about 3 min slower than the Saturday before. Guess 4 days is too short a time between races? Still was a lot of fun and I got to wear my red, white and blue sparkle skirt!

    I should be doing the dishes right now but just can't quite get the motivation to get off my rump and do it- in spite of knowing how much I love the way a clean kitchen looks! Better do it now before I am too tired.

    Although I haven't been able to comment personally to each one I am so enjoying reading all the posts! And a big welcoem to the newlings!! You are going to love this group! :happy:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys--my newsfeed has been down all day. Wondering if it's a site problem or if it's just me.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    My news feed (wall, whatever you call it) hasn't been working all day...just me or are some of you missing your daily kudos from friends?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Haha--angelika and I posted the same question at the same time. I guess it's not just us.