Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Happy Independence Day to all of our US friends. I'm going home today. I'm armed with my at-home exercises and have a good start on packing. The staples will come out before I leave. Yesterday they measured my flex Left knee: 113*, Right knee: 126*.
    Hoping that everyone has a good day. Some of you are struggling. I hope you will feel better today. Karen, have fun planning that trip. It sounds wonderful.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hello Everyone. This is my very first time posting on any boards. I just signed up for myfitness and am hoping to stay motivated and reach success. Not even sure if I'm doing this right but I'm sure if its wrong, you will help me out how to post. :smile:

    Welcome and you're doing it right. This thread is great and we'll all help. If you have any questions just ask, and come back often!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Happy Fourth of July!

    Tina! so glad that you got a walk and have a glimpse of how wonderful you are!

    Joandue Welcome, you picked one of the most supportive groups in MFP to start with.

    My hubby has the day off so we are about to head off to the park to walk the dog. (MFP says 3MPH is dog walking speed, I am lucky if I can get my old pee-mail reader to walk 2 MPH :laugh: )

    My quote of the day: Don't worry, be happy:happy:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Happy Independence Day to all of my US friends!!

    @kaye--thanks, to say I'm excited would be the understatement of the year! What great progress you've already made with your flexibility--glad you get to go home today.

    @anna--what is CLX? Is it a workout video? sounds like a rest day was in order!

    @joan--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @vickie--I feel so bad for all of my friends dealing with that heatwave. Also, it was so sad to hear about those fire fighters. :cry: Stay safe and hopefully the temps and fires will ease up.

    @tina--I use mapmyrun all the time--love it!

    @laurie--I've never traveled alone, but I have a friend who takes off on her own all the time. Hope you find a good place to vacation before going back to work in August.

    @marca--sorry about your car troubles. My car is getting pretty old too--so I keep my fingers crossed that it will hold up with no major issues.

    @helena--so sorry to hear about the break up--that's really rough given everything else on your plate right now.

    @tammy--you are my hero staining that fence! Ours has never been done--a portion of the yard was fenced when we moved 10+ years ago, and we finished fencing it when we got gunner in 2007. However, none of the fence has ever been stained. DH and I have talked about doing it, but we would need to rent a sprayer b/c it's a board on board design--no way to get it all with a brush or roller.

    @angelika--great idea with your ticker pic. I've also been watching TDF and I keep having these moments of realization that I will actually be there in a couple of weeks.:noway:

    @robin--great Craig's list score!!

    @toots--yeah, there's no benefit in trying to write-off my book purchases b/c I don't spend enough to itemize. However, I do get an educator's discount at Barnes & Noble. Also, I can usually get my boss to buy a few of the books if I know what I want to read by April or so--after that she's not allowed to spend (something to do with closing out budgets for the school year). Finally, I do have two entire book rooms at my disposal (that's where I got my copy of Catch 22) and the school library. :happy:

    @kelley--I recently found out my friend (the one I'm going to Europe with) is getting married in the Dominican Republic next summer. DH and I will plan to go, but I want to be comfortable in a swimsuit as well. Right now, I feel "OK" in front of a friend or two, but there will probably be several of my work colleagues at her wedding. These are mostly very thin 20-somethings, so I don't think I would feel good in front of them right now. At least I have a full year to slim down and tone up some more.

    @beth--that's so great that your encounter with strangers turned out so positive! Also can't wait to hear the hiking trip story.

    Thursday Truth:
    I'm still really struggling with eating right. I know what I should and shouldn't eat, but I'm not making great choices. I'm mostly staying under calories, but not with the healthiest foods. :ohwell:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--Dirty Girl Mud Run (5k) DONE
    Sun--swimming DONE + walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + 30DS DONE + run DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + 30DS DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE _ 30DS DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + 30DS
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Ok all this book talk has me wanting a Kindle! I need to find something to read after the past 2 summers doing things for my Master's I am enjoying some time reading for me!

    I started the PUSH phase yesterday of CLX and was going to do a cardio today but technically the plan had today as a rest and my biceps and glutes needed it! My arms are now burning again from carrying my 3 year old niece a mile ish back to the truck after the fireworks tonight!

    Anna - welcome to another reader! Yeah, it sounds like carrying a 3 year old more than a mile would be tough!
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    So, my section hike of the Appalachian Trail didn't go quite as well as expected. We got to the trailhead much later than we had hoped on Sunday and only made it a few miles to the closest camp. During my sleepless night in the tent, which thankfully stayed dry despite fairly constant thunderstorms, I realized that there was no way we would make it to where we parked the end car in the allotted time frame. In the morning, I sent my two friends onward to camp number 2, while I trudged back to the starting point to get the car, move it to the road crossing just past where we would camp, and hike back to meet them for the night. I figured the next day, we could reposition the end car and then hike onward together. On my way back to the start, the heavens opened up again and hit us with a three-hour downpour. I got soaked, but was able to dry out a bit in town, before heading back up the trail to meet my friends. They had a much worse time in the storm than I did. Neither had trekking poles, and one was wearing the wrong shoes.... she slipped on the wet rocks and fell at least three times, getting huge bruises in the process. When they got to camp, worried that they might have mild hypothermia, they set up their tents, only to discover wet sleeping bags and leaking tents. Sigh. Needless to say, when I returned two hours later, the van now parked within a mile, they wanted to pack it in and head home. We later learned that a tornado touched down less than an hour from the trail, and there were flash flood warnings all around us, so suffice it to say, we think we made the right decision. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the mosquitos! Wow!! I've never seen anything like it. Whenever we would pause for even a moment, they would swarm us. We each got probably a hundred bites. Between the rain and sweat (it was quite humid), there was no keeping repellant on, so we just sort of gave up. My other friend (the one who didn't fall) got a bite on her eyelid, which swelled up to the extent that she couldn't fully open her eye!!! Good grief!!! Despite it all, at least two of us -- myself included -- really enjoyed the hike, and hope to go back out, in better weather (the third needs to recover from her sore muscles and bruises, plus buy some proper hiking shoes, before she commits). We did meet several thru-hikers, including three young women who have been on the trail (each with significant off-trail breaks) since January. When we made the decision to leave, we offered them a ride to town, and they happily accepted, opting for a much-needed overnight at a nearby hotel, where they could dry out, shower, do laundry, eat a real meal and sleep in a hotel. After my dad has received so many "trail blessings" in the form of rides, food, water, and other kindness from strangers, it was nice to be able to pay it forward.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots--yeah, there's no benefit in trying to write-off my book purchases b/c I don't spend enough to itemize. However, I do get an educator's discount at Barnes & Noble. Also, I can usually get my boss to buy a few of the books if I know what I want to read by April or so--after that she's not allowed to spend (something to do with closing out budgets for the school year). Finally, I do have two entire book rooms at my disposal (that's where I got my copy of Catch 22) and the school library. :happy:

    that would be awesome.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I am home, unpacked, and have gone through the stacks of mail. Time for a rest. Kaye
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    @skinny- CLX is Chalean Extreme. It is a a DVD based strength training program and I love it. I'm in month 2 right now. Not seeing huge weight loss results but I am definitely seeing more toning and can tell a difference personally.

    @kaye Welcome home!

    AFM I'm currently working on my motivation to work out. My husband and I are going to a nearby lake with some friends this weekend so unless we swim I know we won't be getting any workouts in! I have my workout clothes on and putting on my shoes. ugh
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Happy 4th of July to everyone! Hope its a wonderful for you all.:laugh:
  • joandue
    joandue Posts: 84 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone for the hello's and welcome. Happy 4th of July to you from the US. I'm from Canada so we already celebrated our Canada Day July 1st. The weather has been so amazing here, puts me in a good mood.
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Sitting here thinking about getting a Fitbit. Would love to hear comment on this. Thinking of what to eat for supper and feeling guilty for wanting mexican food.

    Kaye glad you are home sounds like you are doing well.

    Hope everyone is having a good day
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Oh, my, I have been busy and not keeping up with what is going on here! Trying to read through the posts to get caught up!
    I enjoy reading about what everyone has been up to, but it's almost a full-time job!

    My little Luna has little bumps all over her! I think it is an allergic reaction of some sort. She loves to play fetch, and she seems to get them after we have played in the yard awhile. Looks like I need to make a vet appt. In the meantime, I am giving her an antihistamine that was used when my other dog broke out in a rash.

    Next week we will be in Omaha for the U.S. Senior Open. We are taking our bikes, and our motel has an outdoor pool. Should be lots of walking, too.

    I like my Fitbit, but I'm still trying to figure out what all it does. Thanks, Kah, for posting your URL.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @cath--ooh, I hope Luna is ok! Have fun in Omaha--won't that be near robin?

    @joan--yes, the weather here in chicago has been great as well--on the cool side which is wonderful for outdoor activities. I almost feel guilty enjoying it considering the heat wave :smokin: the west coast is experiencing. However, it's supposed to warm up here (into the 90s by Sunday) so I guess I should enjoy it while I can.

    @anna--thanks for the explanation--I'm really need to do more strength work, and though I hate doing videos at home, the 30DS has pushed me to do so. Once I'm done with that, I may try some of the strength video classes at my new gym. Good girl putting on that work out gear and getting the exercise done. Sometimes when I have ZERO motivation to work out, I remind myself that I've never finished and workout and regretted doing it. However, I almost always regret NOT working out. If I think about how I'll feel after I'm done, it helps motivate me.

    @kaye--welcome home!! :flowerforyou:

    @beth--that sounds like a case of almost everything that could go wrong... I'm glad to hear you at least got some enjoyment out of the hike despite all of the weather issues and such.

    AFM--did some much needed gardening. Last year I tried to transplant some small juniper bushes from around the base of the ase tree we have removed b/c of EAB. The bushes did NOT survive. :ohwell: So I pulled those and then moved a big hosta that was kind of crowded. Also weeded the entire flower bed in front of our house and did some additional weeding in the back yard.

    Afterwards, I drove to my parents' house. I needed to pick up some luggage and decided to time it so I could see my niece whom I knew would be there for the holiday. I couldn't stay too long b/c my scaredy-dog was home alone, but at least I got the luggage and got a quick visit. I will babysit her twice next week, so will get more quality time then.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--Dirty Girl Mud Run (5k) DONE
    Sun--swimming DONE + walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + 30DS DONE + run DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + 30DS DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE + 30DS DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner + 30DS
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    CathEsth= I will PM you my number if you want to give me a call while you are in Omaha - it sounds like you have lots of plans - the Senior Open sounds like lots of fun for you golfing fans!

    I have fallen off my exercise wagon with 2 nites of hard partying - LOL- here I am at home already from partying tonite - I've had too much too drink and need to lay down - won't be watching fireworks tonight - but attended a breat bbq at a friends house and met a great bunch of people - and went out last night at the last minute - well at six I got a call and had to shower and shampoo - well it was just too much fun - and low and behond I never got my exercise in and wont tonight either............<sigh> ................but you only live once for these last minute invitations.....
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    I am starting again after being gone for a long time. Taking care of my elderly dad has taken it's toll, but the good news is that I've lost some of the weight I'd regained when I stopped tracking my food and exercise. I figured I'd use the momentum from that to kick it into high gear and work on losing the rest of the weight I could live without.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Independence Day!

    @Kaye~Welcome home!
    @Tina~Awesome walk!
    @Suzee~I love my Fitbit, I just clip it to my bra and never think about it. It tracks steps, floors climbed, calories burned throughout the day and your sleep patterns - its great for keeping more active. If you're interested in tracking that kind of thing I highly recommend it.

    Welcome to any newbies that have stopped by and welcome back to those we haven't seen in a while!

    Spent some time in the gym today - went early for some cardio and then had session with my trainer, we saved time for him to help me stretch my back and SI joint - he seems to think that is what is causing me the most discomfort lately. The stretching hurt, but it needed t be done. I feel pretty good this evening; although, that could be the whiskey talking. :laugh:

    I can usually see the fireworks from my pool, but unfortunately I can't be out there at night because of the mosquitoes. No matter how much repellent I wear, they eat me alive and with the threat of West Nile nowadays, I don't take my chances.

    A friend of mine is coming in for a day of shopping tomorrow, she should be late morning so I hope I can get to the gym early for a short workout - guess it will depend on how late I sleep. .
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    As much as I hate cleaning, I had to get it done today. Dust, vacuum, strip and made beds, mopped, 2 1/2 bathrooms, 5 loads of laundry and then I squeezed in 45 minutes of swimming laps. This weekend I need to get Cyrus packed for church camp. This is his first time going to a sleep away camp. I know he'll love it, but he's a nervous wreck right now. He leaves Monday AM and I have to go to Minneapolis and Sioux Falls Monday thru Wednesday. Thank goodness after this trip my next flight is the last week of July on vacation with Cyrus - can't wait!

    Food choices were OK for the most part today. Just taking one day at a time.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today I'm starting again with logging food and exercise. I didn't try to log while I was in rehab. I'm up a couple of pounds, so I'm resetting my ticker, too. I think its surgery weight as my knee is still pretty swollen, but resetting the ticker will keep me honest. I went for a walk around the block yesterday. I'm going to try to do that at least once a day in addition to my therapy exercises.
    Have a good day. Kaye
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    @Kaye sounds like you have a great plan! Keep it up!
    @susan way to clean and get swimming in too! I just got back to Ohio from Minnesota about smack dab between Sioux Falls and Minneapolis! I love it there!

    AFM- got my lifting in yesterday. Shoulder work and lunges, lots of them! Today was Burn Intervals which is about 2-3 min of high intensity cardio alternating with 2 min of endurance lifting. I LOVE it! Jordan (my husband) and I are going to a nearby lake with a group of friends and I'm going to be completely honest and say up front that I'll be drinking and probably eating like crap too BUT one weekend is not going to derail me! I'm getting back on the wagon Monday morning!