Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    (@#%(*%&$ I got on the scale today and all the weight I loss last week is back, what the.... I am hoping that it was the high sodium that I ate yesterday ,.....
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I decided to take an aerobics class. I bent, twisted, gyrated and jumped up and down for an hour. But by the time I got my leotards on, the class was over! :tongue:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    (@#%(*%&$ I got on the scale today and all the weight I loss last week is back, what the.... I am hoping that it was the high sodium that I ate yesterday ,.....

    It probably was, drink lots of water today to flush it out. I bet its gone in a couple of days! I know you said you had to keep your calories below 1200, are you sure that's enough?
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I wish this stupid summer cold/flu would go away. It started with a tickle in my throat on Sunday and up until now it was just a runny nose and sore throat. Last night it hit me like a ton of bricks - body aches and shakes included. However, based on my daughter (I'm about one day behind her), she felt the worst yesterday and today she is bright eyed and bushy tailed!

    @joandue - some of the exercise calories seem a bit high, but overall I think its okay. I did find an app that I use on my phone if MFP seems too much. I have an HRM but it doesn't work well with things like the 30DS or weight training. Even cardio, if the strap isn't just right, doesn't work well. I've gone back to MFP for the most part -- HRM just doesn't seem worth all the effort.

    @Tom -- hope you are enjoying your vacation. I love the National Parks. My husband and I camped in Glacier and Yellowstone for our honeymoon and I've been to Danali and the Black Hills. In August we will be going to Teddy Roosevelt State Park in western ND.

    @Susan - Hope you enjoyed your trip to Sioux Falls -- did you get to Falls Park? They have really fixed that area up nicely and the sculpture walk downtown is neat. Jacob is at church camp right now too. They don't allow phone calls for the most part and so the fact that I haven't heard from him means that things are going well. I pick him up on Friday and I'm excited to hear all about it on our 2 1/2 hour trip home.

    @Anna -- I've been having a hard time finding my calorie "sweet spot" First I did 1350 and lost 10 pounds in a month and then didn't budge -- at all! Then I went to 1550 and lost another 15 pounds and then stalled. I've been doing research and I'm now at 1950 (my BMR is 1850 and apparently you don't want to go below that). I've only started this now and have lost 1.4 pounds since Sunday. The number seems high, but we'll see. I agree with everyone so far -- each person is different and you try to find what works for you. I'm 5'6" -- 250 pounds -- 40 years old.

    @Robin -- Hopefully nothing broke when all your decorations fell. And great job with the squats -- I admire how well you are doing with those.

    @Karen -- The workout gods were definitely against you!! Be careful with your injury -- you want it all healed before your trip.

    @AurraSing -- It's okay to be high on protein -- should help with feeling full longer.

    @Kaye -- it sounds like you are doing so good with your recovery. Keep it up!!

    @Kelley -- Way to put your negative energy into something positive!

    @AngelikaLuna -- yes, I would say its your high sodium from yesterday. Drink water today and you'll probably see it go back to "normal"

    AFM -- I have now gone two days in a row meeting my calorie goals. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies (ok, mostly fruit, but... :bigsmile: ) Tonight I will do 30DS and stay within my calories.
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    @Robin - :laugh: Plus, I love your Craigslist finds!!! Stupid squirrel. :angry:
    @Karen - zinc and Echinacea!!!! :drinker:
    @Kaye - such wonderful progress you are making!!!

    Welcome to all the newlings - you've already gotten some great advice. I remember being new a year ago, in awe of how much weight people here had lost! Stick with it - and in time you will see big changes - long haul, for big losses.

    Wednesday wish - I'm really pretty content right now, but a bit more money wouldn't hurt (since I'm flat broke, actually). On the bright side, my brother booked a frequent-flier ticket for me to go to San Francisco with him so we can visit our dad on the trail!!!! Super excited for that, though it will be a really quick trip, because neither of us has much time plus dad will have to keep hiking after a day or two. Now to come up with the money to pay for all the gas, plus half the rental car. Hmm... as long as my unemployment comes through (they keep postponing the hearing :grumble: ). In the meantime, I'm still working on cleaning the house, selling my broken-down car, and job searching. While swimming and hiking, of course. For a big-calorie burn with no impact, I highly recommend swimming (of course I'm biased because it's my single favorite activity). Now that summer is here and I'm swimming daily, the pounds are melting away. :bigsmile:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Question for you all who have been here longer than me: if I am coming in under the recommended calories, but higher on the protein (which is making me very full), is that ok? I
    As long as you have healthy happy kidneys there is no worries on going over on protein. In fact, imo, MFP sets the protein too low on it's default settings (for a healthy person). As Kah said, be sure you aren't coming in WAY under caories on a regular basis. It's hard to wrap your head around but if you don't eat enough, your weight loss will be slower. You body is a machine that needs fuel.

    @Robin - Wowza, that was one spastic squirell to knock all that stuff over! LOLOLOL about the aerobics class!
    @Kaye - Yikes, don't overdue! Do you have any help around the house until you're @ 100% again?
    @TLH - WTG being under! I sure hope you feel better tomorrow and are just as bright eyed and bushy tailed as your daughter!
    @Beth - that's so exciting you'll get to see your dad on the trail!! I'm glad your're enjoying the exercise. I'm hoping to do similar when I'm laid off next month. Lots of walking and swimming!

    Wednesday wish - That the dinner I made last night had turned out better because I've got 3 more nights of eating it (it was a 4 serving recipe and I can't afford to toss the ingredients down the disposal). IT was a potato/spinach frittata. It came out bland and...blech. I think the only way to choke it down is to make room in my food log for ketchup and douse it..... I'll have to think more on it today on how to make it more palateable for tonight. I'm 0/2 on new recipes for vegetarian eating......

    On the UPSIDE.. I'm only 2lbs from my ticker weight. I think the water weight is just about gone now and I can expect the sacle to stop moving every day (booo). What drops off after this is actual lard!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    MowMow - you might try garlic in your potatoes and spinach dish - it sounds yummy to me!

    I am sitting on my tush avoiding going to Jiffy Lube and Kinko's. Must get going - have crossword puzzles to do while there, so its not like its a trial. Then back home to make phone calls, scrub a floor or 2, wash curtains, (did bedding yesterday) and try and sit on the patio and relax in the sun - the temp has dropped and its in the mid-80's.
    Of course, when I get home have the squirrel mess to deal with. Had Velcroed the wooden box with the sheep in it to the deck wall - that's what the squirrel knocked down . Now must think if I want to Gorilla Glue the box to the wall - hmmm....since I AM going to live here til I DIE I might as well! <insert evil laugh> :smokin:
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    wednesday wish: I wish I had enough time and money to go visit Kosavo with my Boyfriend. He misses it so much and I would like to see more than photographs. I also wish I didnt have to work today :happy:
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Been a long time since I posted in this group.... but wanted to just link you guys to a success thread I posted...
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Been a long time since I posted in this group.... but wanted to just link you guys to a success thread I posted...

    I read it this morning & posted on your wall, I'm so glad you shared the link with everyone here to see - I'm sure you have inspired a lot of people by posting your story. One thing I regret is not having any before pictures, I think the first pics I have of myself is after losing about 75#. Its amazing to see your transformation. :bigsmile:
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Checking in for the day. My sister and I took our two kiddos to the zoo today (her step daughter is almost 3 and Izzy is 5). We got to see most of the animals over the course of 2 hours. We took the short route because we knew storms were coming (thanks weather people who said no rain today, HA!) We made it to the car just as it poured! I haven't lifted yet today and keep featuring between sucking it up or waiting til tomorrow.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    wow... SO many newlings! Welcome!!

    Wednesday wish - less stress at work, believe me! We've got a brand new Chief Nursing Officer (who apparently doesn't like me much) and a new Chief Medical Officer -- yes, they flushed the Admin fishbowl! Hoping things settle down soon :ohwell:

    I've been suffering with a ton of nausea lately, unless i'm nibbling all the time. :frown: And I think that's contributing to my stuckness.... bah!

    @ Kita328 - one of my employees is due to return from Bosnia next week - he returns for a month periodically, and always has wonderful tales to tell of his visit..

    @Angelika - I hear your sodium pain!

    @Helena - glad you're back! Hang in there, doll - we all have yuck days now and then (and I've been the queen of them lately)

    @LVCeltGirl - welcome! -- LV=Vegas? if so, you're in the neighborhood. Now, if I can just determine if you're a Rennie, or SCAdian :flowerforyou:

    Big hugs to everyone!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I got my errands done but not much activity on top of that. I'm 34 calories under for the day.
    I visited a friend who's 10 days out of the hospital after 4 back-to-back surgeries for an infection caused by a cyst with that flesh-eating bacteria. He shared the pictures with me :noway: he was cut open stem to stern- and now has a colostomy- He stared death in the eyes the whole time he said and was in miserable pain for days and days. He's going to be a textbook case some day. I'm soo happy he made it - We've been friends since the sixth grade!
    My other girlfriend who's husband has the non-cancerous brain tumor, has finally been scheduled for surgery in mid-August. OK, so guess I have nothing to complain about !
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys--exhausted after watching my 18 month old niece all day. She's a bundle of joy, but somehow I've taken on the role of the fun aunt who likes to throw her in the air and spin her around and give her horsey rides for hours on end. Add a dance party and only one nap (for her--none for me) and I. Am. Tired. :yawn:

    Wed Wish:
    That I sleep like a rock and gunner does as well (it's garbage night and I can smell the foxes outside, so my bet is he wakes me up, but a girl can hope right?).

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + 30DS DONE + run DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE +30DS DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + run DONE + 30DS NOT DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + 30DS
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + 30DS
    Fri--walk gunner
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Yep, I might be certifiably crazy. Got to the lake today just as the sky turned dark and most people were packing up and leaving. But it's a 30-minute drive, the storm hadn't started, and I love to swim! So, I walked down the trail to my usual spot and started swimming. Bit later, it started to rain, but only distant rumbles and no lightning, so I just kept watching the sky and swimming close to shore. 95 minutes later, decided thunder was close enough to pack it in. Walked out of the woods in a complete downpour, my car was the last in the parking lot.... though a few people were only a minute or so ahead of me on the trail. As I drove home, a tornado touched down in my town, a couple miles from my house. Good grief. I live in Connecticut, not the Great Plains!!! Sheesh, climate change nearly wreaks havoc on my zen-time! :grumble:
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    @mackbeth Oh my goodness! I could have written that same scenario in Ohio today! We had storms, wind and tornadoes here too!

    Ok I sucked it up and got my CLX Push in. As in just now..... at 12:20. But I got it done darn it! (I was guilted into it after sharing a piece of 6 layer chocolate cake with my sister, and our two kids AND then DH convinced me I had to try DQ's lemon meringue blizzard though I did just get a mini!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    @Susan - Hope you enjoyed your trip to Sioux Falls -- did you get to Falls Park? They have really fixed that area up nicely and the sculpture walk downtown is neat. Jacob is at church camp right now too. They don't allow phone calls for the most part and so the fact that I haven't heard from him means that things are going well. I pick him up on Friday and I'm excited to hear all about it on our 2 1/2 hour trip home.

    Unfortunately, no time for personal excursions. All work. I was at a beef manufacturing plant and driving through corn fields for the majority of the time. Beautiful country though that's for sure.

    Cyrus is allowed one call and it's supposed to be tonight IF he wants to call home. No word yet, which I'm really surprised. I thought he would want to call his momma. I am happy for him, but miss him tons! Our church took about 20 kids or so in 3 vans so he's riding with them. I just pick him up at the church around 3 on Friday. It's been fun following the kids as they've been posting a TON of pictures on Facebook. The pictures I'm seeing he's having a BLAST! I'm sure your son is too.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Been a long time since I posted in this group.... but wanted to just link you guys to a success thread I posted...

    So proud of you!!! I'm so busy I really don't check out any other threads except this one. I'm glad you shared this link with us and came back to say hello. What I take from this is your 1,000days and your commitment. While there have been ups and downs, you've stuck with it. While you're not at your "final" after, this is a wonderful story to share. Plus, I love seeing your son in your pictures too. My son is 11 and I have so many things I want to do with him. I know as I continue to lose this weight we will share so much more. Keep up the hard work - you can do it!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I was reading the posts and this sounds like the support group/forum I need in my life. All the posts seem so motivating. A little about me, I'm a 44 year old mother of a very active 8 year old boy, recently divorced (1 year 2 months since I was walked out on) and I've decided to finally (I guess 36 years of struggling with my weight is enough) do all I can to lose the weight and get healthy for myself and for my son. Of course, doing all this for the "Damn, You Got HOT!" isn't a bad thing either. I know I hide it well but I have between 112 and 128 pounds to lose (more than 128 lbs and I'll look anorexic even if it's in the healthy range). About 1 month ago, my roommate and I decided to cut wheat out of our diets on the suspicion that we're sensitive to it. It was one of the best things I could've done. I've found my energy again. I'm not suffering from as many sinus issues (headaches, allergies, stuffiness) even with a rather large fire burning nearby (praying they get it under control soon) and I don't have that "foggy brain" I used to have. I did try something with wheat about 2 and 1/2 weeks ago (just before signing up with MFP) and felt horrible the next day, nothing serious but a lot of the abovementioned things came back (like sinus headache, lethargic, foggy brain). So I'm off wheat permanently. I'm still trying to get back into the groove with exercise and my roommate has inspired me to do a lot of these themed 5k fun runs for charity (like the Bubble Run which was through colored bubble foam). I want to become a runner and really be able to tackle the Dirty Girl Mud Run with all it's obstacles in February next year. So if anybody has experienced the same sore knees from too much weight on their frames and found exercises that might alleviate it until I drop more pounds, I'd greatly appreciate if you could pass it along. I'm excited about MFP as I've lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks (a nice slow amount that should stay off). Also, if anybody wants to post group challenges, I'll be willing to try and meet or beat them along with all other willing participants. Anything that keeps it fun, new and exciting to lose. :wink:

    Welcome!!! We have a few things in common. I'm 44 too. I'm a single mom as well. I've been divorced about 9 years though. My son was only 2 when I left and he's now 11. It's been quite a journey, but we are in such a better place. Plus, I live in Vegas too!!!! I've been on MFP since August of last year. I've had some very good results, but had a job change and a bit of stress so I've been in a "little" funk, but still chugging away. I'm working on getting my butt back in gear. In the past, I would have just given up, but with the support of this wonderful thread I'm hanging on. I still lack will power many days, but I'm just taking this journey one day at a time.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I know this is a mental battle for me right now. I'm making excuses and it needs to stop. I really need to get back to basics. I know I did this before and I know I can do it again. I just need to get my butt in gear!!!