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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Another late-day drive-by. I haven't gotten back into the habit of reading this thread daily, as much as I enjoy it and all of you. Doing it now to help me wind down (super busy night at work -- and I'm here all night) and reconnect. Blew right through the dinner hour with no food, so come 10:15 PM I was starving. Ordered a pizza to be delivered to the hospital. SO.... bad choice. Yummy, mind you. But bad.

    I am still working on my precontemplation skills. Current skill: relaxation breathing. (AKA meditation). Not something that comes easily or naturally to my Very Type A personality, but necessary! And tomorrow I have a massage scheduled, which is one of the things in my life that keeps me from going bonkers.

    Karen, I LOL'ed at your dilemma about what to wear on the sidelines of Le Tour. I'd probably go with something pretty USA or a polka-dot theme, but those Basque fans are something else. If you're hanging with them, THAT's a party!
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Good morning. Came in under calories yesterday by the skin of my teeth. EVEN with the wine I drank! Probably because I ate ALOT of Zucchini (LOL). DS has a soccer tournament this weekend ALL day today and most of tomorrow morning. Luckily it is 45 minutes away so not too bad. Plan for today at the fields is a subway veggie sub...NO CHEESE...and Pop Chips (my new favorite chip replacement...) Just trying to maintain since I am on vacation until Friday!
    Have a great on plan day friends!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Joandue - Its frustrating but I'll bet you're going to notice soon that your clothes are getting looser now that your going to the gym. I'm so happy you have a trainer (and envious!) Take measurements right now!!! then you can take measurements later and see the inches you've lost.

    Kaye- I share your feeling that sometimes I have nothing new to say - but its still nice to see you check in so I guess I'm telling myself that too! Who knew!

    Laurie - how nice of your coach to say that! Have fun at the reunion tonite. I always enjoy my reunions.

    Shrink - glad you stopped by. I like to meditate but always forget to do it on a regular basis. For emergencies - Just 5 minutes is enough to lower my BP and calm me down when I get "fuzzed up" about something in my life.

    Vicki = good to see you Honey! Stay Slim!

    Allie - good job coming in under calories.

    I lost 3-1/2 lbs in 2 weeks - just weighed myself. A week ago the scale showed nothing. Darn those scales - so depressing! then the big jump - I love the scale this am. :smooched:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Just doing a drive by....I CAN BREATHE AGAIN!! The cold is gone!! :glasses:

    Michael and I took our two kids and two of our nephews to Turtle Lake ND for Turtle Days. Started early with an hour drive. Caught a parade, watched a Pine Box Derby, ate some lunch, jumped on the inflatables, and watched 176 turtle race. We were so hot, we had to quit...don't know how many turtles they had in all, but when you only get 8 at a time, that's a lot of turtle races!!! The two younger ones (5&7) were DONE with the heat and we were DONE with the whining. :grumble: It was nice to drop the two boys off, take a shower and now I'm going to put aloe lotion on my sunburn (apparently, didn't get sunscreen on my back well enough) and relax.

    Hope you all have a great Saturday!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thanks! That is a good way to look at it. I get so mad at myself for getting frustrated at only losing a pound or two a week and give up. If I'd have just stuck with it Id be close to goal! I need success this time. I am getting to old and am worried about hypertension and diabetes!

    Welcome Allie!! You've found a great group. I've been on MFP since August 2012. Most of the folks have been following this thread for a long time or there's at least 10-15 that follow on a regular basis. I would try to check in daily or at least every other day if you can. The thread has a tendency to move pretty quickly during the week and a bit quieter on the weekends. If you see the word BUMP, folks are just holding there spot so they can catch up on posts.

    Everyone is super supportive and we have no negativity. They'll give you the gentle push if you need it, but be here to encourage too. Lord knows I've had some major ups and downs this past year, but they're always here supporting me.

    I totally agree with MowMow about making small goals. You might even try something around 10 lbs. Since you want to lose between 60-80 lbs, your goal can be "Lose 10 lbs 7 times". Before you know it you'll have 70 lbs gone! After each 10 lb, you can have some kind of treat (non-food, of course). Massage. New purse. Shoes. You get the point.

    You've got this!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Robin - Hate to read about your migraine. I get them, but never to the point where I get so sick. My head or I should say eyelids just throb. I always wonder if mine is just sinus pressure. I also have very bad eye sight so also think my headaches come from that too. Who knows? Was so excited to see your loss though. WTG!!!

    Skinny - There's so many reasons I love this thread. We have so many folks and everyone is at a different time in their journey. You've already lost so much and I know you have a bit more to go. It shows me that this is an ongoing journey and even if you lose 50, 100 or 150 lbs we still have to maintain and this is our life going forward. I think your plan is perfect. Enjoy your trip. You're going to have some fabulous food and plenty of adult beverages I'm sure, but you'll get in so much walking too. We can do this. I know we can.

    Joandue - I just joined a gym and I've been meaning to set-up a training session, but just haven't done it. I know that's when I start to spiral when I'm doing everything right - eating, logging, exercising, etc. . . and nothing happens. Plateaus suck!! Like MowMow said just keep at it and you will start to see the changes. Like others said it may be in inches versus pounds initially, but you'll start to go down. I know it.

    Laurie - Have fun!!! You've worked hard and deserve every little kudos you get this weekend. I went to my 20th, but not my 25th. I have my 30th in 3 years and would love to hear that I've changed the most (appearance wise of course).

    Holly - It's so good to see you back. I was wondering where you went. Sorry to hear about the relationship roller coaster. Just remember you always have to come first. Take care of YOU!!!!! While I get lonely and it would be nice to have a companion, I have kept my focus on my son and job. Plus, changing my lifestyle and making better choices is taking everything out of me. No time for men right now. Some day.

    Kaye - I always love seeing your post. I just wish I had my mom close by so she could go shopping with me or spend time with my son. He's the only grandchild, but my parents live in south Florida and I'm in Vegas. They were here for 10 days in June. Cyrus and I are heading to Sarasota for vacation in a few weeks. We can't wait!!!

    Vicki - Always good to check in just so we know you're doing OK. Keep us posted and check in whenever you can.

    Shrink - Like Vicki, it's great to see you stop by too. I need to meditate or spend more quiet time. I'm always on the go, but really need to step back and breathe. Great lessons to learn.

    Allie - Woo Hoo being under today. Now to it again tomorrow. I've got an 11 year old son. Luckily, we have no sports this summer. He just got home from a week at church sleep away camp. He had a blast!! His laundry though - oh my!! I don't think I've ever smelled something so foul in my life. LOL!!!

    Saturday Success: Well, the day isn't quiet over, but I'm really under my calories AND I made good choices. As many of you know, I've been in a funk for a long time. I keep holding on and checking in with this group, but just eating junk and not exercising. I'm home the next two weeks before vacation starts. I'm really going to use these weeks wisely and get back on track. I've got the menu done for next week. I'm getting groceries this weekend and loading up on veggies, fruit and protein. The year is half over and it's not been good around my weight loss. I'm going to make the second half - MY YEAR!!!!
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    i hate my computer! Our internet coinnection was having soem issues then my husband tried to fix it. Sometime on Monday the technician is supposed to come over to the house and truly fix it. Hubby isn't very deft with the computer, grateful the computer didn't catch on fire. Hope everyone has a good weekend!!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @Alliern - Welcome! Folks here aren't extra hardcore about the 100# mark :flowerforyou: .. and Kinda nice to see another RN on here!

    @Robyn - forgot to mention that I love the new pic! :love:

    Saturday Success - looking on the positive here (believe me, it's a little difficult right now).. I'm staying close to my (tiny) numbers, but I'm often over a little bit :grumble: Sodium seems to be one of my problems too. The real success is the SIZES going down, even if the SCALE isn't cooperating. I'm having to decrease down to 14-16 (and mostly 14s) :glasses: Yep, feeling pretty cool about that.

    Pretty awesome when you have to 'flush' your undie drawer because everything is falling off!:laugh:

    Have a fabulous week everyone!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Susan - I wholeheartedly disagree with you about not losing weight in the last year. You weigh less this year than last! While it may not have been as much as you WANTED you still accomplished a significant loss! Be proud of yourself, woman! You need to think that you're as amazing as we all think you are!

    My Saturday success isn't weight related. It'll probably sound silly, but I'm proud of myself for it. Whenever I bought anything for my home I always thought about the person I was married to/dating. If I buy these... towels (or whatever) will HE like them. Whether I liked them incidental, I always thought about the other person and if were going to be living together would THEY be happy with them. When I re decorated last month I went nuts on what *I* wanted. A GIANT PINK painting of Audrey Hepburn for my dining room. Bubble gum PINK bath towels and very deep PURPLE bathmats...etc. No one else entered my mind, I bought what I wanted and what I thought reflected me and what I liked. All this didn't occur to me until today when I posted pics of the re decorated apartment on FB and someone commented that it didn't seem like my usual style.

    I realized, I'd never HAD a 'style'.. I had other people's style.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Coming to the end of another successful day. I had 2 grandkids overnight while the older members of the family participated in a wood gathering project for the needy. They are cute kids and very self-sufficient (ages 11 and 8). I completed my 1.5 mile walk a few minutes ago. I've got to remember to use mosquito repellent. The compression stockings don't deter the little critters at all!
    I accomplished several small tasks that have needed completing. I made some bags for ice packs with cheap feed corn in them. My sister had some and they really work well. A few hours in the freezer and they stay cold quite awhile. They conform to the shape of the leg, or whatever, really well, too.
    I haven't tried to log the strength training exercises I do for my knees. I didn't quite figure it out. Is there a calorie count for that kind of exercise? I guess it doesn't matter since I don't plan to eat back the calories anyway.
    vickimieth-- love the visual of "flushing" the undies. LOL
    I'm one of the worst for setting goals and then feeling like I have failed if I don't make to the goal. We have to remember this is a journey. Susan, you have lost a lot. Look at where you started, not where you thought you might be. I'm saying this for me, too.
    Karen so excited for you trip. I hope its wonderful.
    Have a good evening. Kaye
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Question: sometimes the data base lists foods according to grams instead of cups. approximately how many grams to a cup?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kris--great NSV!!

    @vickie--congrats on the smaller sizes--that's the best reward (even better than the scale going down IMHO).

    @sherrie--hope the tech resolves your computer issues. I chuckled a little with your comment about you DH trying to fix it. I feel your pain--as I type my DH is "fixing" our dishwasher. Now don't get me wrong, he's very mechanically inclined and often gets it right, but he tends to go on "instinct" rather than doing any research, so it's a crap shoot. It's hard for me to get too concerned in this case b/c 1. it's just a dishwasher (if he ruins it, I have 2 good hands) and 2. I think it's older than me--I was up for tossing it to the curb when we bought the house 12 years ago b/c it wasn't working well. He rehabbed it and it's given us a dozen good years of service since then, so if he ends up breaking it, oh well.

    @susan--thanks for the support. I'm not too worried about gaining while on vacation. As you said, I will be doing a lot of walking in general. Plus, the friend I'm traveling with is very fit and active (not to mention about 15 years younger than me). We've both agreed that we want to do a lot of outdoor activities like hiking and maybe cycling which I'm sure will make up for the food and drink. Sounds like you've got some good planning done (foodwise) so I know you will start making progress soon as well.

    @tracy--glad you are feeling better and sounds like a fun day at the turtle races.

    @robin--hooray for the drop on your scale--glad it finally decided to cooperate with you. :tongue: I was also sorry to hear about your migraine. I had about 5 years where I got them regularly (from about age 35-40)--1st they were frequent but not so severe. Then they occurred less often but were much more severe (like violent vomiting severe :sick: ). Then they just stopped--I still occasionally feel the beginnings of one, but as long as I take Aleve IMMEDIATELY I'm fine.

    @allie--welcome! :flowerforyou: Sounds like you had a good plan for food today.

    @sara--yeah, gotta love the Basques! I don't really have anything USA themed and I've been wanting an authentic team jersey for years, so I think I will buy one while I'm there. A friend of mine just returned from France and she bought me one of the standard yellow t-shirts, but I want an actual cycling jersey. Not sure which team--I would love one for Garmin (US team), but I'll have to see what's available. I'm sure there will be a lot of merchandise and it will probably be pricey, but that will be my one "splurge" souvenir purchase for myself.

    I know I missed a bunch of personals, but it's getting late and I'm still exhausted from a busy week.

    Friday Fitness:
    I kind of fell off the 30DS wagon this week--I had trouble finding level 3 online and then my leg cramped up when I decided to do level 2 instead. I was planning to do try it again today, but the same calf muscle cramped up on my run this morning. I'm still limping tonight, so I'm done with any exercise (other than walking) prior to my trip. I really don't need to be hampered by an injury.

    Saturday Success:
    Well, some friends had a party today and I made a healthy quinoa salad to bring as a side. I was very proud of that effort b/c I don't like to cook, so I usually bring hummus and pita chips. On the down side, DH and I arrived at about 2:30 (the invite said any time after 1 pm) and by 4:00 there were still no signs of even firing up the grill to cook the burgers and chicken. I was starving but my healthy quinoa salad was stored someplace awaiting "dinnertime." The only food was a bunch of cookies and chips and taco dip, plus these mini-ham sandwiches. I ended up snacking on a bit--a few plain chips, one mini-sandwich, one cookie and a few dark chocolate covered pretzel thins. DH and I were both tired so we ended up leaving around 4:30 having not eaten and the only food in the house was left over taco bell DH bought last night. All in all I wasn't over calories by much, but it was disappointing to eat tacos for dinner when I thought it would be chicken breast and quinoa salad. And of course, now I'm hungry, but I will just go to sleep rather than eat more.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Got a lot of exercise today, helps to make up for a rotten week, I will not have a lot of time for the computer for the next few days, celebrating and getting hubby ready for a trip/job interview. Hope you are all having a great weekend.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - I'm wishing you the best vacation of a lifetime. May you reach every pinnacle you dream of reaching on this trip and have no snags whatsoever! Can't wait to hear all the details when you return! Don't forget to drink your water! :drinker: :drinker:

    Well I've almost met the challenges for July, I've lost 3 -1/2 lbs of the 4 lb, and I've started lifting weights, so that counts towards the new activity. As for sharing a new recipe, well, I don't cook, so I'm going to share this new Healthy Choice meal I tried tonight. It was very good! It is one of their Top Chef Selections. Its called "Ricotta and Spinach Ravioli and Chicken Marinara". The ravioli was very tasty and large enough to be cut into two bites. The chicken was separate and there was not much of that, but the marinara sauce was flavorful and also had spinach in it. It was so good, I'm going to make it one of my favorite dishes and stock up on it! Also,, it was only 260 cal, 5 g fat (2.5g sat fat) and 510 mg sodium. And it was a 10 oz. serving plenty to fill me up.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kah- It is very cool that your nephew tried rock climbing. It is always amazing how the kids to a great job just starting out. I did have padded shorts which helped on that ride but my fingers did not like the ride. Due to the way I was holding my arms, I angered the Ulna nerve- goes down the outside of the arm from the neck to the to the fingers. Last week two of my fingers were slightly numb, it is getting better. I learned that this is a common reaction to bike riding. Needless to say, I think I will be buying a new bike.

    Karen- Enjoy your trip and I really hope you get to see the Tour. As far as the shirt goes, Pick your favorite team and something that you would wear back home to show up. I hope you enjoy having a student teacher.

    Robin-it is great hearing you talk about the power of squats. It is amazing how often we
    “squat” throughout the day. I am sure you are noticing other differences in your daily activities besides walking upstairs. Stairs are a great measure of how much you have improved. Keep up the good work. Hope both of your friends are okay.

    Kaye-Great job walking 1.5 miles in 45 minutes that is awesome and good luck on cutting down your time.

    Helena with 30 minutes on the elliptical and bike is fantastic. One trick I have learned with the elliptical and the ankle is to pick up the foot in a natural walking pattern so that the heal comes off the ground. It helps to reduce the stress in the calf and ankle.

    Tlh- hope you are feeling better. The turtle races sounds interesting but really slow.

    Mackbeth-Glad you got the swim in before the storms really hit. Just be careful with storms. We had two young men hit by lightening and they were just standing on the beach during a thunderstorm that came up very quickly. They will have a long road of recovery ahead of them. Happy that your home was spared the tornado and praying that your town was spared.

    Allie-Where on the East coast are you from? I live in Maryland. Welcome to a fellow East Coaster. Just remember that the weight did not appear overnight and it therefore will not disappear overnight. You can do this and losing the weight slowly will help to keep it off in the long term.

    Joandue- Welcome. When you start working out with a trainer your body is adjusting to a new routine and now to exercise. Give your body time to adjust to exercise program. You should notice your body getting stronger even after three weeks of working a trainer.

    It is Sunday and I am back home from a week of dog/house sitting. The week has been very long and I so happy that it is over. I spent the week writing curriculum, which is always a challenging process. The dogs while nice were very annoying and loud. Max the youngest has a habit of whining for about 40 minutes when it is time for bed mostly because I did not want them sleeping with me. He would not be satisfied to stay on the floor. Second, Max is also aggressive when it comes to food so I finally decided to feed Sasha separately from Max. That way she would feel comfortable eating. Both dogs eat out of the same container. Max’s growling was intimidating Sasha and she started to cower when they were around each other. I am looking forward to a great night’s sleep.

    This weekend, I was able to workout every night since Thursday. Thursday- A friend climbed with me at the gym and made it to the top of the wall. Friday, I did a light workout since I was not climbing that night- could not get motivated. Saturday- swam and today went for a 20 mile bike ride. It was a lot easier than last week. The only problem is my bottom is very sore. I am sitting on ice right now, while I hoping that it numbs the area.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Sunday share- I am 43 years old and have been on this journey for about 3 years and on MFP for about 2.5 years. I have learned many valuable lessons about managing what I eat and the choices I make when it comes to food. Now, I love exercise and it is a major stress reliever for me. I enjoy doing a variety of activities including swimming, rock climbing, cycling all of these would not have been possible.

    This weekend I attended my 25th high school reunion. It was a fun event and I surprised a few people with the way I looked. I did get many compliments on my dress which was a mint green sleeveless dress. It was the first time I have worn a dress in years. It felt really nice to wear a dress and show off a little.

    Based on the past week and my experiences with cycling, I will be looking into buying a new bike. A classmate owns a bike shop, so I will go to the shop and see what he can do for me. If I continue to ride my bike then my fingers could go numb to the ulna nerve (runs from the neck to the fingers on the outside of the arm), it will go away and my friend bikes causes my butt to hurt like crazy but the fingers don't tingle. I rather deal with finger than the bottom due to the level of comfort. Therefore the best course of action is to buy a new bike that is fitted to me. I have tried many times to get my bike to fit the problem is that it is a little to small for me. The handle bars and seat is at the highest it can go.

    For those of you who exercise or do a lot of outdoor work, I want to suggest that you try Smart Water. It has the electrolytes that Gatorade has without the sugar content. It tastes like water and my trainer recommended it. You can find it at Safeway, Sam's club and even Royal Farm stores- I am sure the other major grocery stores also carry it.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday- bike 20 miles DONE
    MOnday- Trainer
    Tuesday- Rest
    Wednesday- Swimming
    Thursday- gym
    Friday- Rock Climbing
    Saturday- Swimming

    Have a great week.
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    @Karen - just popping in to wish you a wonderful trip! I hope it's everything you want it to be and more!!! Enjoy!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thanks to all for the well-wishes for my trip!!! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--glad you enjoyed the reunion. The dog sitting sounds less than ideal--I love animals, but I think other people's animals are much more annoying than our own. :wink:

    @robin--:drinker: Thanks for the reminder to pack a reusable water bottle--I refuse to pay exorbitant prices to stay hydrated. Also, one trick I learned about those Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine meals is to add more frozen veggies. They always seem to have a lot of "extra" sauce, so I'll add more of whatever veggie the meal features--in the case of the one you described I would add some extra spinach; especially if I am eating one as my whole meal.

    Sunday Share:
    For the new folks, my name is Karen and I'm a HS English teacher in the suburbs of Chicago. I'm married with one fur-baby--a boxer/shepherd mix named Gunner. I joined MFP in March 2011 and found robin's original thread in July 2011. I'm so thankful for finding this thread--I'm quite certain I would have quit by now if not for all of the love and support of my MFP friends--specifically those on this thread.

    As you may have gathered from some of the other posts, I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow. A dream trip to Zurich, Switzerland to visit some friends who moved there last fall. I'm traveling with a good friend and colleague who is a seasoned traveler (her mom is a flight attendant). My DH decided not to come b/c he's not overly fond of traveling--his idea of a fun trip is to go to an all-inclusive resort and lie on the beach all week. Truth be told, I'm not sure we could have afforded to both go, so I'm glad it worked out that he didn't want to go. In addition to Zurich, we will be in Albertville, France for Stage 19 or the Tour de France--if you are watching, look for me--I'll be the girl cheering on the side of the road. :tongue: :laugh: Seriously though, I was printing out some of the route maps tonight and it looks like the TDF will go right past our hotel!! So excited!! We will also do an overnight trip with the friends we're visiting to Locarno, near the Italian border, as well as some day trips to Lucerne and maybe Bern or Basel.

    I will miss you all and will probably do a quick drive-by once or twice since I will have internet access while staying with my friends. Au revoir!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi - Sunday Share! I'm Robin - well, reallly my name is Ellen, and I'm 62, divorced after a 20 year marriage now for 5 years. I live in a little condo in Omaha Nebraska and I've been here my whole life. I worked as a medical staff assistant in both neurosurgery and pancreatic cancer research for 17 years before I retired due to my multiple health problems. (you'll learn about them, :wink: as time goes on, I whine constantly) I started this thread the day I started on MFP just to make some friends for myself, and by gosh look what happened. This thread has only been successful this long due to the wonderful people who are here on it now and who have been one it in the past many of whom have lost their goal weight successfully and retired to maintenance plans!! WOW there have been a lot of them !!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Got a lot of exercise today, helps to make up for a rotten week, I will not have a lot of time for the computer for the next few days, celebrating and getting hubby ready for a trip/job interview. Hope you are all having a great weekend.

    :heart: Hugs:heart: hope that helps make up for your lousy week. Best wishes to your hubby on his job interview and a safe trip! That must be very exciting thing to consider!