Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Hello Group. I am looking for a place to check in. I don't have 100# to lose but it sure feels like it. It feels like I am staring up at Mount Everest. I need to lose somewhere between 60-80# I think. I am a 45 year old married mom of a tween and a teen. I work FT as an Oncology Nurse. Live in the city on the East Coast. My weight issues have been plaguing me since my early thirties post kids. Growing up I was a beanpole. Thin in college and through my 20s. Put on 15 pounds in my early thirties then had two babies and packed on the pounds. I am easily overwhelmed at home (I think I use up all of my organizational skills at work, LOL). I know planning is key. I joined MFP today. A co worker lost 90# in a year and has maintained using this site. I am 5'5" and weighed in at 210# this morning. So embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I am a natural extrovert and have found myself isolating since this last 40# ...I welcome any and all support. My profile pic was around 173# before I gained this last 40. I think I should weigh somewhere between 130-150# When I got married at 25 I was 125#.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy Friday to everyone by the way! And speaking of, what are some good strategy suggestions for not having the weekend got to pieces? Work week provides a much better structure for me and this is my first week since signing up that I've been good and tracked all week--my past MO was to just disappear and not track when my eating went away.


    Aurra - Weekends are tough for me too - my life is not very structured as well! I try to zig-zag my calories throughout the week so that "bank" extra calories Monday through Friday by eating less those days so that I have extra calories to spare so that I can cover my over eating on the weekends. Say I'm supposed to eat 1300 cal. a day. So I only eat 1200 cal. Mon through Fri. and that gives me 500 extra cal. to use on the weekends.
    Thanks for the good wishes about my migraine - its all gone now.Whew!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hello Group. I am looking for a place to check in. I don't have 100# to lose but it sure feels like it. It feels like I am staring up at Mount Everest. I need to lose somewhere between 60-80# I think. I am a 45 year old married mom of a tween and a teen. I work FT as an Oncology Nurse. Live in the city on the East Coast. My weight issues have been plaguing me since my early thirties post kids. Growing up I was a beanpole. Thin in college and through my 20s. Put on 15 pounds in my early thirties then had two babies and packed on the pounds. I am easily overwhelmed at home (I think I use up all of my organizational skills at work, LOL). I know planning is key. I joined MFP today. A co worker lost 90# in a year and has maintained using this site. I am 5'5" and weighed in at 210# this morning. So embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I am a natural extrovert and have found myself isolating since this last 40# ...I welcome any and all support. My profile pic was around 173# before I gained this last 40. I think I should weigh somewhere between 130-150# When I got married at 25 I was 125#.

    Welcome Allie - you've found a wonderful and supportive group! Keep coming back and watch the weight come off!
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Robinsegg - Gah! I'm sorry about the migraine. I get those and the only solution is to stay in bed, under the covers, with the shades drawn. Normally I *LOVE* the smell of my cats, I'm always snuffling at them..but when I have a migraine I even have to lock them out of the room. I get naseous each time they move the bed and the smell of them makes me gag.
    @Aurra - I would suggest pre logging your meals. Plan your weekend meals AND snacks... log them before hand and you know what you are allowed to eat and when. The rest of it is in your head, that's where you win the weight loss goals.
    @AllieRN - Welcome! I'd suggest breaking your goals down so it doesn't seem to daunting. Concentrate on the first 25lbs... If you've lost 20lbs of a 25lb goal it's a LOT easier to say no to something delicious than if you're 20lbs into an 80lb goal. Set a reasonable date for 25 lbs and work towards it.

    Friday Fitness - Not so much! Just happy to get by right now. IF I see my calories are going to be over (since I pre log) I walk around halls at work until I cover it. That's about the extent of it right now, and I'm OK with that. I need to get my eating under control and then I'll worry about my exercise. Had 3 stellar days in a row... yesterday was #4 and for some God known reason I ate a GIANT bowl of cereal just before I went to bed... I had talked myself out of it TWICE and the third time was a charm. I went for it. It put me at about maintenance. :explode: It DID take me well over my sodium though AND my carbs. BOth those things Im trying hard to watch until the Doc on the 23rd!
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks! That is a good way to look at it. I get so mad at myself for getting frustrated at only losing a pound or two a week and give up. If I'd have just stuck with it Id be close to goal! I need success this time. I am getting to old and am worried about hypertension and diabetes!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hello Group. I am looking for a place to check in. I don't have 100# to lose but it sure feels like it. It feels like I am staring up at Mount Everest. I need to lose somewhere between 60-80# I think.

    i guess that's enough ;)
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Hello Group. I am looking for a place to check in. I don't have 100# to lose but it sure feels like it. It feels like I am staring up at Mount Everest. I need to lose somewhere between 60-80# I think.

    i guess that's enough ;)

    LOL. I hope so!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I know this is a mental battle for me right now. I'm making excuses and it needs to stop. I really need to get back to basics. I know I did this before and I know I can do it again. I just need to get my butt in gear!!!

    Susan - sorry I'm late to respond to this - I'm glad you're back here on this thread and participating so much. I think it helps with the mental battle, don't you? I know I have struggled with my last 10 pounds over and over again, that's why I have been here so long. Don't give up!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    (@#%(*%&$ I got on the scale today and all the weight I loss last week is back, what the.... I am hoping that it was the high sodium that I ate yesterday ,.....

    It probably was, drink lots of water today to flush it out. I bet its gone in a couple of days! I know you said you had to keep your calories below 1200, are you sure that's enough?

    Um yeah, I tried eating 1200 for a year and gained 30 pounds, I have an efficiency model body. I didn't start loosing until last week when I ate around 1000. I am tall and have an extra long digestive track, so I probably get more bang for my buck, but I also take supplements to make sure I am getting enough nourishment.

    Angelika - you are a shining example that 1000 cal a day is not starvation mode for everyone. Individuality rules here at MFP and each of us needs to find our own number of calories at which we lose weight. You did a stellar job at losing 98 lbs. I hope you have lost those pesky water weight pounds by now! :flowerforyou:
  • joandue
    joandue Posts: 84 Member
    Well, I've been faithful, and working out with trainer now for 3 weeks. It is frustrating to not see rewards in the scale. Before I joined here and before the gym, I lost weight on my own by just watching how much I ate. It seems now the exercise makes the weight come off slower. I had a long chat with a dietician today and she basically said eat healthy, watch the totally calories and I'll feel good with exercise and the rest will come. I'm impatient. sigh.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Well, I've been faithful, and working out with trainer now for 3 weeks. It is frustrating to not see rewards in the scale. Before I joined here and before the gym, I lost weight on my own by just watching how much I ate. It seems now the exercise makes the weight come off slower. I had a long chat with a dietician today and she basically said eat healthy, watch the totally calories and I'll feel good with exercise and the rest will come. I'm impatient. sigh.
    She's right. Do the steps, trust the process, and the results will come.
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Ugh. I made lasagna yesterday and cooked it up today. Then I entered what I put in it in the recipe builder on here. Holy sodium batman! I thought I was being good by using whole wheat lasagna noodles and adding in zucchini and summer squash. Ok I was heading in the right direction there but I had no idea how much sodium was in canned spaghetti sauce and shredded mozzarella!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Ugh. I made lasagna yesterday and cooked it up today. Then I entered what I put in it in the recipe builder on here. Holy sodium batman! I thought I was being good by using whole wheat lasagna noodles and adding in zucchini and summer squash. Ok I was heading in the right direction there but I had no idea how much sodium was in canned spaghetti sauce and shredded mozzarella!
    I feel your pain. I had to do a crash course in low sodium cuisine after my stroke. I can tell you that ANYTHING that makes you think "Italian" is going to be sky HIGH in sodium. Canned tomato+Cheese = Super Sodium! There are lots of no sodium pastas, thankfully. ALfredo sauce seems to come in a little under tomato sauce, but of course is higher in fat.

    I always run my recipes before I make them. Then I adjust it to fit my macros (or delete it when I can't jam that square peg in that round hole). Reading magazines(or web pages) I can kind of guess if something is going to be over the top by glancing at the ingredients. If it has ham, forget it. If it has tomatoes + cheese, it'll be close. Canned artichokes usually knocks things out.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Went to the Happy Hour for my 25th high school reunion tonight. The gym teacher I had in high school was at the place so I had the chance to talk with him. He said he remembered me right away which means I have not changed a lot in my appearance. Then he proceed to say that I was the best looking one in the group the most fit and toned. It was nice to hear from him since I did not enjoy gym enough in high school. The funny thing is that I still remember the skills I learned from his weight training class so I was able to apply them to the gym when I first started. I have the dinner tomorrow night so I hope more people will be able to see the difference in me. I will need to look for a picture of me in high school and compare it.

    Well, I need to run and head back to take care the dogs. I hope to catch up with everyone over the weekend.
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Had a going away lunch for one of the girls at work. It's always hard to resist the good food. I did stay away from the sweets, but ate 2 servings of macaroni salad. School is a little overwhelming so I hope it slows down a bit.

    Laurie -- wow what a complement! Can't complain about that at all. Hope you ave fun at the dinner.

    Kris- ok I need to ask a question, well 2. What are macros and where do you run your recipes?

    Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Another good day. I'm able walk the 1.5 miles consistently. Last night I got sprinkled on but the rainbows were incredible. Its a bit windy tonight, but felt good. Yesterday the PTA gave me a theraband to increase the intensity of my leg exercises. Its working but I'm not sure I like it. My legs have sure felt stiff today. Its probably good for me though.
    Laurie, how nice to have your physical fitness efforts recognized by someone who knows!
    Welcome to the new ones. I know that it can seem slow at times and get discouraging, but trust the system. It will work. My weight loss has slowed down a lot because I don't have as much to lose now, but I know that if I am true to the plan, it will come off.
    Thursday truth (a day late): Often lately, I have felt reluctant to post because I feel like my posts are all the same. There's nothing new happening. I just keep plugging along. I hope I don't bore all of you.
    Have a good evening. Kaye
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Kaye, you are NEVER boring. I know I like hearing how everyone is doing, If we all just posted about when we're struggling oiur thread wouldn't be as upbeat, imo.
    Kris- ok I need to ask a question, well 2. What are macros and where do you run your recipes?
    Macros are the breakdown of you food log. Proteins, carbs, fiber, protein etc.

    Under the food tab where it says recipes. I load all the ingredients and it shows the macros per serving. I enter all recipes that I'm not sure about so I know if they'll be OK...and of course when I'm going to use them in my food log.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Happy Friday, darlings!
    Just a drive-by to say that I love ya all... and I hate plateaus!

    Have a great weekend!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys--babysat all day again then out to dinner with a friend. Home late, just caught up on posts, and it's after 1 am so I'll do personals and such tomorrow. Nighty night. :yawn: