Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Day2. NSV today! Had to volunteer for my DS's Club Soccer Team (which is sponsored by the German Club) at the GERMAN FESTIVAL. I did eat a bratwurst but NO BEER and NO Strudel. Amazingly (though not the healthiest choice) it was 300 not too bad. Going to have a healthy dinner with lots of veggies tonight. WATER WATER WATER. Just took the dog for a 30min walk. I am deterimed to make a lifestyle change and get healthy!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Marsha - Darn - Soccer is out? I'd think you'd be killer in that boot ! :laugh: Seriously, sorry for the misery you must have been going through as you traveled - what a hassle, and I'll bet your not mentioning any pain you probably had, poor baby. :flowerforyou: Glad to hear from you any time you stop in is good!

    jt - what an impressive hike up to the bunkers with a terrific reward seeing the bucks in the meadow - maybe you can try to post a pic?

    Cath - I love hearing about your dogs - that Luna is a scamp for making you lose your other post - but how adorable is that!

    Cheryl - fannyfitz - sure you can join. In fact, you just did by posting ! So welcome! We are all your friends. Ask questions if you have any and we'll try to help if we have answers.

    Allie - good choices today -- especially with temptation all around you! :drinker: That's always a good thing to do, turn to water when in doubt, so proud of you!

    I'm going to be drinking some wine tonight. Thanks everyone for the water reminder. I'll have one glass of water between each glass of wine.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    As a teacher myself, I am amazed at how fast summer is going. I go back to work in 3 weeks and the kids come in 4 weeks. I am so not ready for the kids or school to return. I teach 7/8 grade science

    Welcome to our new members, you have found a great group of people on this thread.

    Karen- Welcome home, glad you had such a wonderful trip.

    Marsha- Sorry to hear about your foot problems, hope it heals quickly. Don't discount upper body workouts because you can still work on cardio improvement that way plus muscle tone.

    Kelly- Hope the chiro. works well for you and that therapy helps the pain.

    jt- Great job on the hike.

    I was sore on Friday and Saturday after Thursday's workout but I think it was due to the weight lifting that I did after my workout or the climbing that night. The nice thing was able to climb on Friday and it felt okay since it was more stretching involved. Yesterday, turned into a rest day since I was very tired and needed a break. Today, I worked out with my friend at the gym. We both needed a harder workout so I introduced her to intervals on the rowing machine and arc trainer. Needless to say, she was not happy with my trainer workout. That means it was a great workout. My friend had to put her dog down on Friday after finding out the dog's spleen had ruptured and she had cancer. This is hard enough to deal with but her mom (86) also has cancer and she finds out on Wednesday exactly how bad it is and if it can be removed. Her mom lives with her and will miss the dog and the dog has been her company during the day while J. is at work. I will also miss this dog as I have stayed with her many times while J. is out of town. Today, workout was to help J. get out the emotional energy from the weekend.

    Workout Plans
    Sunday- Gym- cardio - DONE
    Monday-Trainer 5K prep aka running drills and cardio
    Tuesday- Rock climbing/ belaying may do something else but not sure???
    Wednesday- Rest or swim
    Thursday- Trainer 5K run (2 miles) +++swim??
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- swim or gym
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    @cath- This will be my third year teaching 3rd grade. I love it!

    @skinnyjeans- awesome job on only 2 pounds on your trip! I'm on vacation this week and hoping to do well.
    As for school talk- We start the 20th ugh, so 3 weeks? I'm on vacation this week and have 2 teacher work days before school. So yeah summer is winding down real fast. Vacation is always my last hurrah of summer <sigh>. This was my first summer in a long time with no grad classes. I finished my Master's in May and needed a break. I'm only at Master's +6 lol so I have 9 more to go for the next step and our pay scale only goes to Master's +30 and maxes out. Never the less, when my increase kicks in, it'll be pretty awesome.

    AFM- We drove 6 hours today from our home in NW Ohio to our family's vacation spot in Northern MI, my mom's family has been coming here since my grandma was a little girl. My aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, sisters, grandpa are all (or will be at some point) here. This is a hard year for us all because this is the first year my grandma isn't here with us. We said good bye to her a year ago August 20th. Actually, we were all in the room with her when she passed singing to her her favorite hymns. She was one very special lady....
    Any way back on track, so last year I had a very rough year, gained 7 pounds more than my high point last summer. BUT I've been working hard over the summer and while I'm still a couple pounds heavier than I was this time last year, I'm WAAAAY healthier. Tonight, I walked down to the rainy, cold beach to listen to the waves and decided to do some yoga. Climbing the stairs back up I had to stop at the bench area 3/4 of the way up before, tonight I walked to the top. Put my daughter on my back, walked with her, put her on my shoulders, squatted down and picked up my sandals and stood back up and walked back to our room. Now, this time last year and the 5 previous years, all this would have killed my knee and I would have been huffing and puffing.. BUT I did it! My knee feels stable in the sand, yoga was amazing and the peace in breath taking.
    I am so glad my husband is here with us. (we've been married 3 months as of this Friday). <3 I hope you all have an awesome week and I'll try to check back in before the week is out!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - welcome back! I love that you're only up 2 lbs. and that could be water weight from jet lag. Hydrate yourself a lot and weigh in a week and maybe you'll get a little surprise.

    Laurie - good job getting your friend out exercising to burn off her grief from putting her dog down. Thats such a sad experience. I'm sorry to hear about her mom too. Hope there's good news from the doc on Weds.

    Anna - great personal best on the beach and walking up the stairs and yoga! You've come a long way lady! And congratulations, you newly wed you! :heart: :heart:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    CathEsh- I am nervous about the balance thing with the yoga, as well. I have been told that the instructor will help me to modify poses which are too difficult. Thanks for your kind words about me and my kiddo. We are very close, so much so that I worry at times if I smother him. I just have to keep telling myself that it is healthy to let go a little.

    Robinsegg- Great job on staying the same!!! I know what you are going through is hard, but you really are handling it like a champion! Keep going! The Yoga is Hatha - they said it should be easier to get into with all of my issues. I am super excited (and nervous). Tomorrow is my first class. How was Red 2?

    Skinnyjeans- Welcome home! Great job on the weight- I have a hard time maintaining healthy behaviors when travelling- Kudos to you!

    Jt- Awesome! I'm so happy to see how active you are. The outing with the family sounds wonderful.

    Shrinkrapt- Thanks! I guess I just needed to jump back in. It has been a challenge getting back into the swing of things- but I'll get there. It sounds like you are starting to heal nicely- keep up the great work!

    I want to comment on everyone's posts, but unfortunately, I am beat! I took a road trip with a gal pal yesterday, so there was a ton of walking and driving. We drove up to this little Western themed town in Eastern Washington, Winthrop. It was very touristy, but great fun and the views on the drive were spectacular! I sort of defeated my positive energies from the last week, with eating and drinking (not water) in excess, this weekend. I will get back on track today though. I won't let two days of poor choices break me!

    Happy Sunday everyone! Drink up (water) haha
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    @Allie - great job! I love Brats, so I understand the temptation :smile: but when I do them at home or with friends, I can get away with a half a 'light' flatbread instead of those evil buns!
    @Anna - sounds like a great vacation spot (my parents' families are from that area, so I can visualize it pretty well). Yoga sounds great - I'm trying to get back into that myself

    Special hugs to all our teachers! I couldn't do your job on a bet... and all the teachers I know out here are not paid nearly what they are worth - I hope you are given appropriate appreciation!

    @Marsha - sorry to hear about the leg problems... hope you're feeling better soon!

    And a big ol' welcome to the new folks!

    Sunday Share: I'm Vicki (totally unimaginative username, isn't it? :bigsmile: ) Over 50 Infectious Disease nurse at the State Hospital in AZ -- which means I tell people to wash their hands, get their flu/TB shots, and not to freak out when the patients bring scabies back from the jail :glasses: I've been on the path for not quite 2 years, with another 30+ pounds to go to my original goal... which means, I may go lower because I can :happy: .... as long as I can stay away from goodies (and stress eating) :laugh:

    Water Tag!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Another attempt at personals! A few of you mentioned how good I am at personals...I'm really NOT! I just thought I should make an attempt because I don't usually, and I really do enjoy reading everyone's posts and encouragement!

    Vicki ~ I think that it's amazing you found two other people at your conference on MFP! Regarding infectious diseases, my daughter had a nasty, little parasite last fall called cryptosporidium. She was as sick as I have ever seen and had to spend some time in the hospital due to dehydration. We have no clue where she contacted it.

    Iwanttobehot ~ You join a thread just by jumping in! Welcome!

    Kaye ~ Glad you are enjoying some family time. I think it's great you are doing so well with exercise after your surgery. Good for you! I think you have a good attitude toward food choices and logging while visiting your family.

    Skinny ~ I know what you mean about enjoying the Tour but missing out some, too. We went to the US Senior Open Golf Tournament in Omaha a couple weeks ago, and even though we enjoyed being there, we missed seeing some good shots because you can't be everywhere to see everything. Watching it on TV assures you see most everything. It was great being there, though.

    Marsha ~ Sorry to hear about the tendonitis. Is that in your foot? A co-worker may have had that and had to have surgery. She explained it as something like carpal tunnel but in your foot. Not sure if that's what you have or not.

    jtconst ~ Great job on the hiking! I can relate to how you feel in conquering that. When we were at the US Senior Open, my Fitbit said we averaged 16,000 steps each day, about 7 miles. A couple years ago, I could NOT do that, and it felt good to be able to walk that much!

    Laurie ~ So sorry to hear about your friend's dog and mom.

    Robin ~ Can't wait to see your new "do!"

    Celtic ~ Sorry to hear about your diagnosis of Crohn's Disease. I know someone that has that, and I hope you can figure out how to deal with it. He does OK watching carefully what he eats.

    Kah ~ Funny you should mention Active Release Therapy. People ask my all the time why I'm limping. I DON'T KNOW WHY I LIMP. I JUST DO! I don't even realize I'm limping and have consciously tried to correct it to no avail, i guess, since everyone is always asking me. I asked my trainer to evaluate my gait, and she thinks my pelvis is out of whack. She recommended a chiropractor that also does ART, because I do have some pain from arthritis in my lower back and feet. So, I'm making an appointment!

    I couple of you mentioned not having "set" goals, just trying to eat healthier and exercise more. That's what I'm trying to do, too. Every day is a struggle for me, but I am healthier than I was a couple years ago even though the scales don't show it. Every day I vow to do better than the day before...sometimes I do, sometimes I don't...but I will just keep on keepin' on!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I was on the go all day yesterday, so no time to check in. Kind of a somber drive into work this morning, one of the top radio DJs in the area died suddenly on Saturday – he was only 53, very sad.

    @Marsh~Oh, no! I’m so sorry about the foot/leg problem and the boot, I hate those things so can certainly sympathize. I hope it heals quickly!
    @Tammy~Looks like you had a great time with the family this weekend, what a great fitness victory!
    @Allie~Great NSV for you too at the German festival.
    @Laurie~All your activity makes me tired! :laugh: Great job though. So sorry to hear about your friends dog, losing a pet is like losing a family member – sending good thoughts for her mom.
    @Karen~Welcome back, glad you had such a good trip.
    @Anna~Great NSV for you this weekend too! Enjoy your family and your vacation.
    @Shrinkrapt~I used to get massages regularly, but my massage therapist left my gym so I haven’t had one in a while. I’m still trying to track him down.
    @Nicole~A couple of days of bad choices are going to happen, today is a new day! Sounds like a fun trip with your friend, that is the important thing. :wink:
    @Vicki~You’re about to hit that milestone, awesome!
    @Cath~Good luck with the chiro and ART, I hear great things so I hope it works for you!

    Monday Check-in~Not much to report, typical busy weekend I guess. Lots of running around both Saturday and Sunday plus the usual list of things you have to do but hate to do. Got some shopping done Friday/Saturday for some new workout pants and some new bras (smaller size, much needed) and then went to Bed, Bath and Beyond – I went for one thing, but can’t seem to come out of there without buying a Tervis tumbler. Honestly, how many of these do I need???! :noway:

    Exercise Goals this week:

    Sunday~Trainer still on vacation, so did HIIT at gym on my own :bigsmile:
    Monday~Rest Day
    Tuesday~Arc Trainer (I hope, see pain mgmt doc after work)
    Wednesday~Training (yeah, he’s back!)
    Thursday~Ellip plus running drills
    Friday~Rest Day

    Have a great day!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Monday check in: We had a fun family weekend. I got in my walk yesterday evening after everyone went home. I enjoyed a few guilt-free pieces of homemade fudge. We served Hawaiian haystacks for dinner, so no harm done there. Today I'm back to logging. I won't be able to check in or log for a few days this week because we are going to a family reunion. Leaving on Thursday, returning on Saturday evening. One more family reunion next weekend, then I should be home for quite awhile. I'm just going to have to be very disciplined for the next couple of weeks.
    So glad to have everyone here. Welcome home, Karen. Welcome to the newbies. There is strength in numbers!
    Have a wonderful day. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--I saw something about that DJ on the news--how sad.

    @cath--thanks for the nice compliment about me being good at personals! :happy: I really do try to get to everyone, especially in the summer when I have more time.

    @vickie--I couldn't do YOUR job on a bet!! Scabies--really!! Nurses are another group that is often underpaid and under-appreciated!

    @nicole--I certainly didn't maintain many healthy behaviors on my trip--ice cream for lunch and more beer in 10 days than I typically drink in a year--but as you said, we can't let that derail us. Sounds like a fun trip with your friend.

    @robin--thanks, I already weighed in lower today (185) so I think you are right about the water retention from traveling. :smile: Enjoy your wine tonight! :drinker:

    @anna--nice NSV's on your family trip!! I started my Masters program my 1st year teaching and went non-stop until I maxed out at +60, but I only did so out of fear that our new contract would eliminate the higher lanes. Fortunately, they didn't, but it's nice to not have to worry about it for future contracts. If it weren't for that, I would have taken a couple of summers off along the way as well.

    @laurie--that's so sad about your friend's dog and mother--I hope she gets good news on Wed.--sounds like she's due.

    @allie--as someone who just returned from the "land of wurst" I can totally relate to the lure of the brat! LOL Great job avoiding the beer and strudel!

    @tammy--Great NSV's at the fort!! That's awesome!

    @marsha--I'm sad to hear about your boot. I don't know if it will make you feel better, but when I had tendonitus back in HS, a boot wasn't even an option. I had to be in a hard cast for 6 weeks which also meant 6 weeks of crutches. Yuk. And laurie is right--you can get in some good workouts using those chair exercise videos--hang in there, my friend! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome newlings!!

    I've got to run b/c we are taking my MIL to lunch today, but I will be back later to do Sunday Share and Monday Check in.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Good Morning everyone. We need to set up our August Challenges. I'd like to suggest we keep the 4 lb weight loss as usual. Its a must. How about announcing up our NSV's once a week? That's not really a challenge - its more of a feel-good thing.

    Anyone want to do a SQUAT challenge? :laugh:
  • AurraSing23
    What is NSV? Sorry don't know all the acronyms yet.

    I'll commit to a goal of 4 pounds in August.

    Just got back from a trip to Dallas and I am excited that all the walking over the convention center let me check in at 1.5 pounds down, even if I just tried to eat sensibly and control portions. It was a tremendous relief to let myself off the hook on tracking (I tend to look a little legalistically at things like that).

    For those with problems with jobs, health and grieving--I am so sorry and hope/pray that better times will come for you soon.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Aurra - a NSV is a Non Scale Victory - meaning any success other than losing weight - such as fitting into smaller sized clothes, people commenting you look smaller, fitting into smaller space in car or airplane seat, things like that.

    Congrats on losing 1.5 lbs! You did a great job walking that convention center!.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Monday Check In- I went for a neighborhood walk last night and walked the skyways twice today on my 15 minute breaks. I also did some yard work over the weekend which I am really starting to wish my yard was smaller :ohwell:
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Monday Check-In: Got stood up for a date Saturday---girls who eat their feelings!:ohwell: :drinker: and drink them! Unnecessary calories consumed, but it's all good! Today is a new day! Have a great week pals!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • judgejess
    judgejess Posts: 36 Member
    Hi All,
    This is my first post on this site, but when I saw the title of this thread, I had to reply and say thank you. It gave me a huge feeling of relief to know I'm not the only one looking at a 100-pound journey. Bravo to those of you who have started this process and met your goals--you're an inspiration!
    - jess
  • judgejess
    judgejess Posts: 36 Member
    PS In line with others who have posted for the "Monday theme":

    This week's goal is to lay off the night eating and to also stay in my caloric range. My sister-in-law just dropped off a box of homemade goodies for my birthday. I had one, and I hope that's enough for today!

    All best,
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Checking in! :bigsmile: I went to a Yoga class... and didn't die or fart, or collapse... I almost cried, but only because we were doing the last pose, laying on our backs (with stuff behind us) and spreading our arms out.. "expanding our hearts". My friend Becky, who is a Yoga instructor (so really didn't need to pay $7 to attend a beginner class), who is one of my greatest cheer leaders, was next to me. My eyes are closed, I'm breathing, and thinking of how I had been so scared to do this, that I had almost not gone, until Becky talked me back into it. Anyway, while I am relaxing into this pose, considering how grateful I am.... she reaches over and tickles my hand. In that moment, I started to tear up.:blushing:

    What an absolutely amazing experience. I guess I burned some calories too! :laugh: I am definitely going back for the class on Wednesday. It was so cool. There were normal, real people there. People with injuries, too. One lady used a chair for most of the stuff (to keep her balanced, I guess). The instructor showed variations for every pose, and answered questions throughout. If you have ever considered Yoga, but were scared to death, like me... try it. You may be surprised.

    RobinsEgg- the 4 lb goal sounds great to me! As far as NSV... I think Yoga is mine, for the week, but I have to find another. I feel like climbing mountains now... well, maybe after my muscle soreness goes away!

    Caramel1920- Being stood up is the worst!!! I have learned that the best thing I can do, when my emotions get hungry, is to take a short walk, with some power songs on my mp3 player. The more I look inside me for strength, rather than to external forces, the easier it gets with stuff like that.

    judgejess- Welcome, happy birthday, and great idea with the tasty treats. The cool thing is that you have the choice. A couple of sweets won't usually break your day or week.

    Oh music... have y'all heard the song "Brave" (Sara Bareilles)? If you can, look it up on youtube... or go here (youtube link, totally safe ) ... listen closely to the lyrics. I dedicate this song to each of YOU, and dare you not to dance in the supermarket after you watch it. :bigsmile:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Good Morning everyone. We need to set up our August Challenges. I'd like to suggest we keep the 4 lb weight loss as usual. Its a must. How about announcing up our NSV's once a week? That's not really a challenge - its more of a feel-good thing.

    Anyone want to do a SQUAT challenge? :laugh:

    Ummm no squats for me just yet! :laugh: But give me a couple of months at Yoga... I may just give them a try after that! :happy: