Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Hump Day. Buried in Laundry. Salad today for lunch as I have to go to an Italian Restaurant for dinner (for DH work) Ugh and Yum!
    I'm glad you mentioned laundry.... I completely forgot about my load in the washer!!! lol

    Is it absolutely gorgeous outside any where else today?!?! It's the mid 70's the sun is shining and there's a light breeze. Absolutely perfect!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning and Happy hump day to all. It looks like overall everyone is moving along through life ok. I cant believe I am about to say this but I really wish it would rain already. I live in Western Washington and we never have to say that:laugh: I did all the work on my back yard and now it is taking massive amounts of watering to have to maintain. I should not need drought resistant plants here. On an up note I have tomatoes, YAY. My husband was teasing me unmercifully before he left that my plants were never going to produce anything but I saw four tiny green fruits last night:bigsmile:
    I think my main wish for wednesday is that my hip would stop hurting. I am beginning to feel like a very elderly lady. I am not sure what is going on with my hip and no insurance at the moment to ask the doc. It started hurting about a month ago and I took off two weeks of exercise except walking and it was feeling somewhat better but after only three days of being back at the gym it is really painful again. I almost didnt make it through class. Whats really weird is the greatest pain is when I am moving with the other leg.
    I refuse to stop exerecising when it took so long to finally make this a habit but I am beggining to wonder if all this weight I made joints carry around is starting to catch up with me:frown:
    Well at least the hard work is done for today. Just some light housework and a little putzing in the yard. Have a great day everyone and I will cya on the flip side:heart::heart:

    PS. Dont forget to hydrate :drinker: :drinker:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Happy Wednesday. Just trucking along. I have gradually been able to decrease the time on my walk. Last night I did the 1.5 mi. in 40 min. I'm trying to reach the 30 min mark that I was at before I started having problems with my left knee. Then I will start workng on distance. Today is Mormon Pioneer Day in commemoration of the first group of pioneers reaching the Salt Lake Valley in UT. We are having a pot luck dinner in the park tonight with our church group. It will be a challenge, but I've been keeping my calories low today in anticipation of all the good food tonight. Tomorrow will be a big housecleaning day as we are leaving Friday morning for Eastern ID for my niece's wedding. We are taking a couple of the granddaughters with us. It should be fun. Another niece and her family are coming over after the wedding for the weekend so I want things done here before I go. I'm not looking forward to the long car trip. It will be a challenge for my knees, but I do enjoy family events.
    Last spring I made a white shirt. I followed all of the measurements carefully, but it was too small. This morning I put it on and it fits. Now I will just need get the buttons and buttonholes done and I'll have a new shirt.
    It is good to see so many new people and so many returning. Together we can do this. I'm glad that we are all motivated to be healthier.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    wed wish- that i could find a way to manage my stress instead of eating my way through it
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome to the new people.

    Robin- Use your squats and arm routine to get your attitude back up. You are doing great with those exercises and you should keep on doing them.

    Today was my rest day and it felt good not to exercise but a part of me missed it. I did try out more bikes today so that was fun. This time I tried the Trek bikes, they were okay but not my favorite. I did find a type of handle bars that I like and of course they are ergonomically correct but they provide a resting place for the thumb area. He also gave another tip for dealing with numb fingers adding another set of handle bars that are straight, so I may also try that well. It will be great when my bottom stops hurting from the last couple of rides.

    Tomorrow, I meet with my trainer so we will be discussing bikes along with running. It should be interesting.

    Kelly- Trek, Giant and Specialized are among the top biking brands sold in the US. All of them are made in Taiwan at the same factory. They even use the same type of brakes, pedals etc. The frames are slightly different. The prices are very close as well. It is sad how expensive good bikes are these days.

    Wish- That I actually jog the mile and 3/4 tomorrow. I know I will be able to accomplish this goal and maybe surpass it??
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Howdy!!! Feeling much better today, I think I am going to take the bp med at night... see if that is easier on me. My doc said to take half and half, but I did the half this morning, and it drained me. Getting old is troublesome.

    Wednesday wish- My wish is for a call next week with a job offer... and for gelato to have zero calories AND zero fat. I don't think that is too much to ask for :tongue:

    Robinsegg, dawlink... YOU are fantabulously amazing! I just needed to throw that out there. The way you have kept us all together (and coming back).... brilliant. You are a rock star, my friend, and I am grateful to *know* you.

    Kaye! Congratulations on your breaking through that silly plateau! :drinker:

    MyM0wM0w- UGH gout is the worst!! I have never experienced it myself, but my husband would get nasty bouts of it. I feel for you hon. :flowerforyou:

    Susan, Karen- Thank you. I truly missed you all. To be honest, every once in awhile, I would pop in and find y'all, but felt too guilty to post. Looking back, I was a little self absorbed, so it's best that I kept to myself. Do you ever just want to wallow in self pity? That's where I was... but one day I remembered this cool thing called "choice"... so I chose to be happy again. :bigsmile: It's so cool to see all of your familiar faces AND some new ones, who have been so welcoming...

    Speaking of- thanks NeuroticVirgo! Nice to meet you as well! :drinker: Betting on weight loss? Awesome concept.... I have terrible luck with betting, but if I am betting on MYSELF, then I am pretty much in control of the outcome, eh? ;) Go win some money! :)

    Kelley! You are going to kick some tushy on that challenge, with, or without the cheater! I've definitely decided to do the yoga, and will call this local studio tomorrow to set up a visit. The job interview- A few of the interesting questions that were asked of me: "If your brain were a color, what would it be and why?", "If you were to describe your work style with a song...?", "If you had a super power...?"... I am pretty sure I didn't answer they way they would have liked on a couple of the other questions, but hopefully everything else makes up for that. I will hear back next week.

    Jtconst- I hope your hip stops giving you grief. Do you have some good stretching you do? Also, ice and massage work well for me.

    CathEsh- I am so sorry to hear about your student. ~hugs~
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @NV - Wowza, good luck on being part of the group that makes taht goal... for that amount of cash I might be mailing everyone else a cheesecake once a month! :blushing:

    Not a bad idea...:devil: Its actually about supporting each other...but ya...totally...mailing cheesecake now...Its not my fault if they eat it right??? haha
  • kaleb853
    kaleb853 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Hope you don't mind if I join you all. I'm Crystal, 33 years old (for a couple more weeks!) living in Western Wa. I am working on losing 120+ pounds. At first the weight was coming off nicely, but last last 10 pounds I have had to fight and scrape for every ounce, but I am determined I will not give up!

    I look forward to sharing support with everyone!
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member

    I just found this thread and have been reading the posts. You all seem so motivated and kind to each other. Is it okay if I hang around and get to know you? I want to lose 85-95 pounds.

    Linda :flowerforyou:
  • DoingThiisForMe
    I wish I was already at goal lol
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    @ Toots - LMAO! A werewolf.... it wouldn't shock me to if there were such secrets hiding in the royal family. :laugh:

    actually, now that you say that i have a vague memory of one of the Dr. Who plotlines being that Queen Victoria was either a vampire or a werewolf. Can't remember which. Maybe it was true...

    There was an episode called Tooth and Claw, Queen Victoria was scratched by the Werewolf (well sort of werewolf in the episode it was actually an alien who had fallen to earth many years before). It was during David Tennants stint as the Doctor.

    So on other notes, not sure what happened to my post yesterday, so my Wednesday Wish was to get my organisational mojo back. My Thursday Truth... after the initial diagnosis of Crohns being a relief as I knew what was wrong, it is starting to become scary as it is for life. A truth that I have to work through and I must remember it has only been a couple of weeks and it takes time to process lifes big stuff.

    Anyhow, hello to the new ones and @doingthisfor me, I think we all have that wish...I know I certainly do.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Laurie~I didn’t know that about the bikes, interesting. I think I see a padded seat in your future. :wink:

    @Nicole~Keep talking to your doc about the meds and how they make you feel, he may have to try a few different scripts to see which is the best for you – especially due to side effects. When I was on BP meds I tried 3-4 before I found one where I didn’t exhibit every side effect listed, it’s frustrating but meds shouldn’t make you feel worse.

    @Tammy~Do you stretch after your workouts? If not, definitely start – after every work out I stretch and use a foam roller. I also get in the dry sauna for 10-minutes, it helps to release toxins & aids in recovery – take advantage of that too if your gym has one.

    @Celtic~Good to “see” you, welcome back. Finally getting a diagnosis to understand that you aren’t crazy is a huge relief, then there is the “what do I do now” questions you ask yourself. It’s definitely a process. I know I felt that way when I finally got diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I know you can’t compare the two but I was so frustrated up to that point that I was so happy I found the right doctor and he figured it out. Hang in there, take it one day at a time - you will get into a routine and eventually everything will fall into place.

    Exercise goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~Rest Day DONE!
    Tuesday~None, worked late :sad:
    Wedneday~Worked late, but did about 30 minutes of core exercises when I got home :bigsmile:
    Thursday~Cardio at gym (if it kills me)
    Friday~Was going shopping, but may go to gym instead
    Saturday~Cardio at gym (HIIT on elliptical)

    Have a great day!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - can you get a tractor-type seat for your bike?

    Picked up my car from the mechanic yesterday afternoon and - OUCH - did it hit my pockets hard! :grumble: The upside is I have a good working car again. I was without a car all week and it about drove me crazy. So although I neglected my normal exercise routine I did get back into the swimming pool this week and swam and kicked by hanging onto the side of the pool, three times. It felt good to get back to swimming - although I am a little self consciious about walking through the halls in a muu-muu over my swim suit, but lots of residents do it.

    Today I went and got my hair cut and colored. I had all the length chopped off so its all ear-length, and its so refreshing and cool. I love a good summer haircut.

    Welcome to all the newbies, and welcome back Celtic Hippo. Sorry you've been diagnosed with Crohn's. I've heard what a tough disease that is. Good luck and be persistent in learning how to manage it.

    Allie - thank you for all you do with cancer patients. I'm sorry you lost a dear friend to the disease.

    CathEsh - sorry for your dreadful loss.

    Angelika - my heart goes out to your husband for his disappointing news. I hope another job offer comes his way that is better. Sorry to hear you have to go through testing for anesthesia problems. That is a rare problem, but you must get tested. good luck on the shingles vaccine too. I want to get that shot as well.

    Mow - LOVE that Dr. McHottyPants went with you to the specialist. Oh sweetness and caring docs, so wonderful! :heart:

    Kah - glad your exercising so much again - you're one tough cookie. :laugh:

    Naceto - good for figuring to take meds at nite for fatigue problems ! I do that too, so many meds at night that I do a face/plant onto pillow within an hour of taking meds!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday's Truth- I am feeling overwhelmed but I am making small changes to get back on track. I walked over 10,000 steps yesterday. I will focus right now on exercise.
    Thanks for welcoming me back it really made me feel good on emotionally cloudy day

    To those that said to put myself first thanks for the reminder I am such a peace keeper that I worry more about others than myself.
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member

    I love this thread and would love to be a part of it!!

    I go on vacation in 23 days and need to loose about an inch to fit into a pair of jeans I want to take with me. Here I go....
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    I wish I was already at goal lol

    Me Too!!! Not only to be healthy and skinny but to say I DID IT!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: I am within 30# of what I think will be my ultimate goal. I've come further than I ever have before, and I have a real fear of relapsing and gaining the weight back. I keep reminding myself, "just one day at a time, everyday, do the things that you know work." I'm too old to keep doing this over and over again!
    Just bought a new vacuum. I thought the one we had should still be a good vacuum, but it seems like everytime we use it lately it has issues. Today it doesn't have nearly enough suction, and the brush won't turn. DH couldn't figure out what was wrong. I'm headed for the trash with it!
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello friends. Hope you are all having a fabulous day. I got the mirror on my car fixed finally today. It is so nice to not have it ugly anymore:laugh: I finally confessed to my husband today when he called what had happened. I think the funniest part of his response was are you really driving around a thirty thousand dollar car with duct tape on it? Yep thats my redneck coming out:happy: Did my strength training today. I really like the 45 degree leg press. Not sure why but it always seems really satisfying when I do it. Kah you mentioned stretching to help my hip. Do you know somewhere I could go online to find a good set of stretches to do after my workouts? Any help would be appreciated. I have started making lists of things to get accomplished during the day. I havent had any mojo since hubby left and things are starting to really slide. Lists motivate me. Cant stand to come to the end of the day and not have everything crossed off:laugh:
    Thursday truth is I really hate crunches of every kind and variety. My strength days include 5 different types of crunches that I come home to do. They pretty much suck but I really want to tone as I lose to help prevent (as much as possible) the huge flap of skin hanging down the front of me when I reach goal.
    Well have a great day and dont forget to hydrate :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thursday Truth - I've been living off microwave food for a while. I've curbed it to be "healthier" foods, but at this point if I can't just grab it and stuff it into my mouth it ends up going bad and gets trashed. I have chicken breast I bought on sale a few months ago that I haven't even touched from the freezer because it would mean thawing and cooking them. The chicken patties I got from walmart that nuke for 1 minute is more appealing. lol Hoping this gets better, but for right now I'm going broke on quick foods. brokesmily.gif

    And...I also buy bad foods and let my husband and my 10 yr old eat them. (like ramen noodles 20 days in a row).... :embarassed:

    ^^ I'd like to clarify that does say "let" not "make" haha That would just be mean....
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    I have been struggling to get back on the weight loss wagon. I mean really, really struggling. Today, however, for the first day in a looong time, I've done very well. I've only had two protein shakes and a huge bowl of watermelon. I'm making chicken soup with brown rice and lots & lots of veggies for supper. If I could just stick with it for a week, I think I could be back in the swing of things. Maybe even 3 days would do it! So, I'm putting myself out there and letting you guys know and hoping, hoping, hoping I won't fail.

    I went to my student's funeral today, and it was a very nice service. One of the best, I would say. I am emotionally drained, but now maybe we can put this behind us and move on as best we can. Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement.

    Welcome to the new ones who have jumped in. Yes, you will find everyone here very encouraging. No one here attacks or puts down anybody! They are truly an amazing bunch! I love to read through the posts but find it difficult to find time to do the personals. Kudos to those that take the time to do that! :drinker: This thread is quite therapeutic for me!