Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    *Pokes head in shamefully* - I don't really need to lose 100 lbs anymore, and I'm kind of embarrassed for being away so long... I've forgiven myself, but am hoping y'all can forgive me as well. I miss your loving support and wisdom.

    Long story short- "The guy" = gone.
    The stressful job = kissed it goodbye with a smile on my face.
    School = still kicking though I took the summer off, to find myself.

    Life is really really good right now. Well, except the bull my doc says about blood pressure. Okay, it's not bull. Last year, when I was eating right and walking all of the time, my BP was great and cholesterol was down. Now, I'm on meds for both. Last night, I had a panic attack which (in my mind) resembled a heart attack. It scared me. I am too young to be so unhealthy that I think I have to worry about heart attacks and strokes. My son is too young to bury his mother.

    So I have to change. I can't give up and I won't back down. Can I please re-join you in your journey?

    "I won't give up and I won't back down." I like that, Naceto! Welcome back. ! Big hugs. We all get sidetracked from time to time.
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Naceto ~ It's great to see you back! I, too, was MIA for quite some time. I had fractured my knee cap then had foot surgery, so I was sedentary for a good 12 weeks, but that's really not a good excuse. I just quit being careful about what I ate. Gained almost everything back I lost! I'm still trying to get my mojo back. My friend went to the hospital because she thought she was having a heart attack. Turned out it was a panic attack, so I know those can be very scary! Glad you're OK. Welcome back!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi all, checking in..what a busy is a great day as the temperatures have gone down a bit and we're out of the sweltering heat for a bit. I'd go for a walk, but having an early day welcome home party for my son and his family (back from Korea). I really want to get exercising in the next week and get back on track with a workout routine. I've never felt such a great need for it as I do now.
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Morning. Off to a memorial for a friends mom. She was 89 and lived a good life. Died of dementia. Horrid disease that took my mom at age 65 (she started with symptoms at 50 o-O) I feel you on the need to be healthy for your kids Naceto. I am only 45 and have a 14 and 12 year old. Everyday I take care of women my own age fighting Cancer. They fight with their entire heart and soul for this one precious life. I feel disrespectful at times for treating myself so poorly. Sigh. Things need to change for me. Nothing changes if nothing changes...right? So let's DO THIS!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome back Naceto! Kinda been on&off MIA myself. Congrats at taking better care of yourself :flowerforyou:

    aaannnd... cuz I haven't done this in a while....

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: WATER TAG! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Sunday Everyone!

    I've been MIA all weekend - just has been super busy and been resting my back amid activity I shouldn't be doing. :embarassed: Temps were down yesterday morning so took a long walk to the park and back, then did some running drills up/down one of the hills while there (and subsequently being chased by geese). Got a pretty good lecture from my trainer today over that, I just find it hard to sit still and not do the things I want to do. Exercise just makes me feel better (okay, except for my back). I think I've ascertained (along with my trainer) the back problem is the SI joint, from the location of the pain. We met today and went over a bunch of exercises to do to try and get some strength in that area and help to "wake-up" that muscle. So, I'll do these daily as "prescribed" while he's on vacation - I'm without him until the 31st, guess he's entitled to a vacation too. :laugh: In the meantime, I have a call into a pain management/sports medicine doc my ortho recommended - so we'll see what comes of that this week.

    @Robin~Awesome loss, you are really killing it right now! Keep it up!!!

    @Kay~Hooray for making that milestone - next 25 here you come!

    @Nicole~It is so awesome to see you posting and see you on here again. Sometimes it takes those pesky wake-up calls to help push us to do what we know need to do. Glad you quit the job, kicked the guy to the curb, and took a break this summer! :wink:

    @Susan~Hooray for vacation, have a fab time!!!

    Need to get dinner started and stuff prepped for tomorrow. Will try to check back later.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome Back Naceto, glad the guy and job are gone and that you are getting back on track.

    Cath- Sorry to hear about your recent injuries with the knee and foot. Glad you are healing and working on your focus.

    Mel- Glad your son and family are back from Korea.

    Kelly- I hope you get the SI under control. You can also talk to your chiropractor about it and hopefully he/she can do something about it. It is so hard to stop doing something that we enjoy doing when our bodies need to heal. I am also addicted to exercise and I miss it when I don't do anything.

    Managed to get a walk into day at the mall. They open the mall early for people who want to walk it before all the shoppers start coming in. We walked about 3 miles in an hour. The weather was very hot today and hopefully the storms have finally broken the heat. I do hope we get more rain because it is needed.

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks all, for the warm welcome!

    Robinsegg- I totally LOVE your profile picture! You look so happy :happy: Sounds like you are getting a lot of activity in as well (looking through past posts). Great job! You are so inspiring.

    CathEsh- Thank you! Ouch on the kneecap and foot! Pain has a nasty way of making us crave whatever comfort we can get. I know when I am having back or hip pain, I just want anything that gives me a good feeling (usually ice cream- ugh). Glad to see you are back in action! The panic attack was by far one of the worst I have experienced. I hope your friend doesn’t have to go through that again. In a way, it was a blessing for me- it truly gave me the wake up call I needed.

    Alliern45- My son is 15 and turning into a grown up fast… Do you find your kids supporting you in your journey to better health? Working with cancer patients must be both heartbreaking and inspiring for you at times. I hope that you (and your patients) have the opportunity to inspire more than feel heartbreak. It is strange, though my husband died at a young age (he was 42), I somehow have trouble remaining consistent with taking care of my own health. So I think I know how you feel about that. There is a flip-side - some of us caregivers (whether personally or professionally- or both) focus so much on others, that it is easy to forget self love and care. I guess it is like the analogy regarding who to give the oxygen mask to first, when the plane is going down- you, or your child. How can we give others our best, if we don’t take care of ourselves first? Definitely, let’s DO THIS! :happy:

    Vickimieth- Thanks! Oh… and water :drinker: I’m working my way back up to 15 a day… I’m on #9 now…. Tomorrow I’ll make it 10!

    Kelley- Thanks! I missed ya! Sounds like you’ve been going through some stuff- but DANG girl, you are certainly not letting it stop you! YAY you! I am so happy for you. Are they letting you do water aerobics? When I first hurt my hip, warm water exercise was the best!

    Laurie- Thanks! Mall walking! Excellent idea. I was thinking about the gym again, for when the rain comes back, but also dreading it. The mall would make things easy (as long as I leave my checkbook at home) ;)

    Here’s where I am at so far- I have logged EVERYTHING I ate (Yay), walked 10 minutes yesterday and today. In addition to the 10 min walk, we went to the farmer’s market and got a ton of berries. I absolutely LOVE fresh berries. My purple tongue is evidence of this. ;) I figure a commitment to a 10 minute walk EVERY day is a good start. When I am not winded from that, I will increase and get to where I was before.

    Oh! People who haven’t seen me before- My name is Nicole. I am a single mom to an awesome 15 year old son. I love doing things to challenge myself, however, my body doesn't always let me (some chronic pain issues). My mind tries to get in the way…. But I am learning to push my self-imposed limits a little each day, to become the best version of me that I can. I fall (a lot), but I always eventually get back up to become faster, stronger, and better than before.

    “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” ~Japanese proverb
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Ok I hope I'm caught up enough to log my food again everyday. It amazes me how much more I eat when I'm not logging. I guess it's an accountability issue.

    Nicole -- glad to meet you, love the proverb.
    Laurie- thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to try it.
    Kelly-- sorry to hear about your back. Hope it gets better soon.
    Allie-- don't be so hard on yourself. It takes a special person to care for others especially with cancer.

    Hope everyone has a good week. Here's got logging!
    JUMBiEE Posts: 2
    Hmm, my struggles or successes this week. Well, I've completely failed on keeping my calories in check. On some days I've eaten more than double what MFP told me I should, but I enjoyed all I ate. In the end, I don't have any discipline when I'm on vacation.

    What was a success though, was my weight. I didn't actually gain any weight and in fact lost a pound! It must be because of hustling around and enjoying myself + a little stress from travelling.

    In the end, I can't complain. :-)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Monday Check-In~Fairly decent weekend, activity both days. I think I perfected my stuffed pork loin recipe yesterday, turned out awesome! I also discovered I have an addiction to HGTV!!! :laugh:

    @Nicole~Its so good to see your posts and your activity on the feed, I’ve missed you around here! Oh, my whole body has been a mess since about March. :wink: In March I injured my Achilles which sidelined me from running, still got in other activity though – I am just now returning back to running (easing into it). Then in May I injured my back the day I returned home from a vacation, it’s been touch and go with it since then – just when I think its fine the smallest thing seems to aggravate it. I haven’t considered water aerobics, mostly because they offer the classes in the middle of the day at my gym while I’m at work, I think they have a class on Saturday mornings though so need to look into that. I like to swim so really should do it more often.

    @Laurie~Mall walking, great way to beat the heat!

    Exercise Goals this week:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~Rest Day, most likely some core work at home
    Tuesday~None, need to catch up with some things around the house
    Wednesday~Cardio + some weights on my own (trainer on vacation)
    Thursday~Cardio, arc trainer most likely
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~HIIT on Elliptical most likely

    Have a great day!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning ladies and gents. I had a pretty good weekend. Spent just over 5 hours at the beach with some of the family. My brother, son, and I proved our "manhood" and stupidity by playing out in the 50 some odd degree waves on a day that was 61 degrees and cloudy. It was COLD, lol. Other then that lots of walking and playing in the sand with my neice and nephew. Sunday was pretty much spent on the couch watching movies since I was exhausted from Saturday but again Food wasnt to bad. LOL just grossed out my daughter. I have the news on and they are talking about the royal baby and the succession and it somehow got around to the massive inbreeding of the european nobility over the last 1000 years and how they are all interconected. She left the house going thats just disgusting. Gave me a nice chuckle. Anyway time to get my list of to dos done for the day and then off to the gym have a great day everyone:bigsmile: :heart:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Good Morning to all - I echo all the wonderful sentiments posted by others to others - well said!
    This morning I am on Royal Baby Watch with the rest of the world. !
    Had a tough weekend - the BF has broken up with me - having found another woman to date - he's trying to keep his personal life neat and orderly. Damn fool called me already this morning "just to chat" .... I've cried so many tears my sodium loss must be outstanding! Break-ups at 62 are somewhat easier to bear but they are still full of tears, none the less.

    Good thing I had already planned on getting my hair done today and planned on getting a new haircut - its time!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Robin - I'm so sorry to hear about the bf... I KNOW how painful it is. It seems rather insensitive of him to 'call to chat' when he must realize how sad and upset you are......

    {{{{{big hugs}}}}}}
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Robin- Huge hugs to you! There must be something in the air today. I got a call from one of my friends this morning sobbing, asking if I could come over. Her husband of less than a year has decided he'd rather "have feelings" for his ex girlfriend than work on his marriage and left. I am so mad at him for her. I went through a divorce myself 5 years ago. So I've been kinda having flashbacks to that all day. :( The clouds and rain does nothing to help either.

    So to get out this funk. I'm putting on my workout clothes in a few, getting a workout in, then working on cleaning out our spare room that's still full of boxes from moving in April lol. Then some massive cuddle time with Jordan when he gets home tonight.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    So sorry people are having hard times right now. Hope everything looks up soon.

    I'm insane busy. I have four deadlines right now and I'm behind on all of them. I'm dying. For a little perspective I have three books out right now, by December I will have six.

    I haven't weighed myself lately but since the ADHD meds effectively have me on the meth diet I'm not too worried. Maybe in a week or two :laugh: maybe I just don't want to know.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Thanks Mow - hugs are needed!

    I can't catch a break today - the cosmos is spinning too fast! Got out to my car to leave for my hair appt. and the darn thing wouldn't start - aaurggh :angry: ! So I've had to cancel THAT appointment, as well as two tomorrow, and one Weds, am! Called a tow truck and just had them haul the beast off to my mechanic again - hope the third time is the charm. Hope I can get it back in time to at least reschedule my Weds am appointment and get my hair done sometime this week.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I was just a pound away from lowering my ticker and I gained 2 back. I have to do something different.:sad:

    RobinsEgg- Hope things get better with your car and love life!

    Quote of the day:- “Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of.” ~Unknown

  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Monday Check-in: Well bombed this weekend. Luckily I had a good time Saturday night. I think I needed the break to not worry about money, dog rescue, my job, my family...and..and..and...I'm sure a lot of you can relate. Just worry worry was nice to just go out and NOT. Though that not came at the price of pasta and lots of drinking. So of course I'm a bit bloated still all the way on Monday. haha

    I definitely learned I'm not ready or strong enough to stay under calories without being in my own comfort zone. To much temptation everywhere and I didn't have my "go-to" foods to help since I wasn't at home.

    Working today to get this wedding edited and done, but I'll be back on later to see what I missed on here this weekend :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Mall walking is fun and the best part is the shops are not open at that time. So all you can do is window shop and if you are still there when they are open you may be to sweaty to try on clothes. Just avoid the Starbucks or other coffee shops that open early.

    Robin- ((((HUGS)))) coming your way. Sorry the BF is not working out again. He doesn't realize what a gem he has in you. Hope you get the car fixed and can reschedule your appointments. How are you changing your hair?

    Anna- Great job on doing the exercise to change your attitude. A good workout is really a mood changer.

    Virgo- There are times when we all just need a day off. The trick to eating out is planning ahead to account for the extra calories. I also enjoy a good pasta dish maybe check to see if they have a whole wheat pasta or you can choose a protein to eat.

    Tom- drink some more water and weigh again tomorrow. Some days our weight just goes up for no major reason.

    The weekend was pretty good and today I had a good workout with my trainer. We focused on 5K prep so that means running drills and she show me some new exercises tonight as well. Thursday, I will be running. I really think meeting with her twice this week will be beneficial. Since it will get me into a routine for running and preparing for 5K. I finally got smart tonight and did not eat dinner until a couple of hours after the workout- this time I did not feel sick. YEAH.