Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member

    Kita- Welcome to the group. You asked about suggestions for losing weight. It is hard to give advice when I don't know what you are eating but small meals throughout the day have helped some people. Going higher protein and lower carbs helped me. My trainer is suggesting eating dinner for breakfast (largest meal of the day) a normal lunch, and a small dinner (breakfast foods). She swears by it but I have not been successful and completing this change.

    Thank you for the concern! I think I have figured it out. When I last lost weight it prompted me to change my cals in- so I did. Big mistake. I went two weeks working out and eating right but the scale wasnt moving infact it was flexing upward somedays. I was paying attention to my body and I wasnt feeling right. A couple times I got light headed and after each workout I was very tired which never happens normally. Long story short I changed my calories back to what was working. Now this week- I am down 1lbs. and I feel much better. Lesson Learned. LISTEN TO OUR BODY.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Headed to the beach yesterday. We didn't get there until almost 5:00 but even by the time we left at 7:30 it was still 85 degrees out!! This was a lake that has a very small swimming area roped off and boats so I didn't actually go swimming, but the kids had fun and I was able to find a peaceful spot on my towel and start reading a new Patricia Cornwell book.

    Today we head to the state fair. I'm excited to see Tim McGraw (this will be Jacob's first concert ever). Tonight it'll just be the concert and I'll be standing for all of it, but tomorrow we spend the day at the lots of walking and standing will be happening.

    Friday Fitness plan:

    Friday - stand at the concert for 2 hours :bigsmile:
    Saturday - Fair all day
    Sunday - 30DS (I've got to get back into the swing of this)
    Monday - 30DS
    Tuesday - Weights
    Wednesday - 30DS
    Thursday - Weights

    @ Kita -- enjoy your trip -- I've heard the aquarium is wonderful!

    @Kris - cute rug

    @Vickie - I agree with others, start looking for something that you won't have dread for. It's one thing to have a day or two that you dislike your job, but to be this upset over it isn't healthy for anyone (you or your patients). Good luck!

    @Laurie - looks like your day "off" was worth it...nice to have a great day like that. :smokin:

    @Robin -- great job with the squats

    @Kaye -- you are going to do great "on your own" :flowerforyou:

    Well, that's the end of my break. Back to work and then at 12:30 -- pack for the fair! Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member

    Changing jobs is scary but I think if you work on your resume and search for a better one one the down-low it might work out. My friend recently did that. Took her a few months, but in the meantime at least she had her income to pay the bills. And not to sound like a walking pharmaceutical (lol) have you thought about asking your doctor about an anti-anxiety. There are a few people in my family who take a very mild one and it was enough to let them deal with the day to day stuff without feeling like they were spiraling down the rabbit hole. Or maybe try to fit in some yoga in the morning before work? That way you get some inner peace before you have to deal with the stress. Just throwing some ideas out there. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks - As a nurse, I'm not against a little medication - I actually do have a history of anxiety disorder, but it's been ok for several years. I actually have a script for Valium (for a back injury), and I think one is definitely warranted tonight. Of course, I probably shouldn't have paired it with the wine cooler thingy :noway:
    I'm relaxed, but my stomach is still killing me...:ohwell:

    You nurses must be stressed! LOL The family I was talking about are all nurses haha!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Won't be on much for most of the weekend. Trying to get our foster puppy adopted so its non-stop adoption events till Saturday about 9pm. :noway:

    This is her.

    Friday: I haven't started doing any exercise at all. :embarassed: I told myself every day this week I was going to go for a walk but never did. eating has been under everyday since Monday. We are going to be on the road and not home starting this morning until Sunday night. At first I was going to pack an ice chest and healthy snacks...and then I gave myself a reality check. That ice chest would sit in my car for 3 days you know how gross that would be come Sunday? LOL So instead I decided to write down some pre-planned food I can eat on the go that won't make me go over my calories. Hoping I stay under this weekend. Saturday probably being the hardest as I will be in the mall from morning till night.

    Good luck everyone.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    NVirgo - what a cute puppy - how nice of you to be a foster mommy! I hope somebody steps forward and adopts her. I love how that one ear flops over her head, so darling.

    Your food planning ahead for the weekend sounds perfect! Good for you for coming in under calories this week!

    You'll get on the exercise bandwagon when the time is right - when the right exercise comes along for you. I tried literally everything and my body just wasn't up for anything - that's when I realized I had absolutely no strength in my knees and that's why I was such a lousy walker and poor at everything else I attempted. So I did a bunch of reading and that's what led me to start doing squats, even with an artificial knee, everything I read pointed out that I needed strong knees to be able to participate in activities I wanted to do. So I started out very small, only doing 8 squats, then 16, etc. I still don't squat very low but I have good technique and control, so its all good. You'll find out what you NEED to do for yourself, that you enjoy doing, and soon the time will be right to start doing it.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen-I saw the Tour de France today as they went through Albertville. The town looks so charming and so does the surrounding area. Hope you were on the sidelines and saw the racers as they zipped by you. Did you decide on a Jersey?

    vicki- I hope you can figure things out. Is there anyone in above you that you can talk to about the job. Sorry, I can't offer more advice but I don't know anything about nursing.

    Vertigo- The dogs looks really cute. What type is it? Hope the adaptation events go well and it sounds like you have a great plan for dealing with food.

    Kita- enjoy Chicago and the fish.

    Kaye- I am not sure why I thought you lived in Canada but ID sounds like fun.

    Fitness- I will be climbing tonight so I am looking forward to it.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I just had a nice morning with my mom running errands and stopping at some garage sales. I tottaly scored at one for my son. He came home with not much clothing left that was in any kind of decent condition. At one of the sales a gentleman had recently lost some weight and was getting rid of his larger clothes cheap. They were just the right size for my son so for ten dollars I got him a whole garbage bag of clothes.:happy: I am messing around on here for a bit while I try to work up some enthusiasm for giving the dogs their baths for the week. One of those things that have to be done but...:ohwell: My son and I walked the dogs to the lake again last night. The hill back was a little harder but I think thats because of the new strength routine I started yesterday. My poor legs were already feeling all used and abused. I was hoping to get to some kind of water fitness class today but ended up going with my mom so will probably go for some kind of walk for my cardio again this evening. The walk to the lake and back is good for a 1000 calorie burn per HRM so I give myself 700 when I record it.
    MowMow I love the rug you made. I am always so jealous when I see people doing crafty things. God gave me two left feet and two left hands:laugh:
    Nvirgo the puppy is adorable. You are a great person to give a home until you can find his forever family.

    Well I hope everyone has a great weekend. I am off to ocean shores on the coast of washington for the day tomorrow. I will be getting lots of walking in tomorrow and I usually eat next to nothing when I am there. Somehting about the fresh sea air deadens my appetite. Dont know why but hey whos arguing :bigsmile:
    Have a great day everyone and dont forget to stay hydrated :drinker: :drinker: :heart:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I actually feel like I can contribute something the Friday Fitness today. I have done my PT exercises, my upper body exercises and my core exercises, a real first for me. I still don't really enjoy them very much, but they must be done. I'm looking forward to my walk this evening. I hope it isn't too hot. It is supposed to get up to 103 today, but it usually cools off around 9.
    Lauriek-- KarenLeona does live in Canado and she recently had knee surgery, too. Maybe that was the mix up.
    I have an appointment for a hair cut this afternoon. I can hardly wait. I have worn my hair really short for years, but decided that I wanted a new look to go with the new body. My hair dresser has been helping me through the painful process of getting it a little longer. By the time its time for the next hair cut, I am a mess. I'm not sure how much longer I am going to be willing to work on this new look.
    Have a great weekend. Kaye
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Well this week has not been so good. I have had so much homework I haven't had time to log my food. I think I am eating to put off doing my homework. I tried doing other things but then I feel guilty. One good thing is it has been cooler.

    Kris -- very cool! Love the colors
    Kaye-- great job doing all that exercising.
    Nvirgo-- I would have a million dogs if I tried to foster. That's great you are doing it. I understand the exercise thing.
    Robin-- you always make those squats sound easy lol

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kris love the rug. Great job.

    Kaye- Great job on getting the core exercises done. I know they are tough but there is a payoff- greater strength in the core and upper body-not to mention toning. I also don't think I could ever grow my hair long again. It has been short for about 20 years now. Maybe try to go curly or change colors to spice up your look and that will allow you to keep the hair short.

    Suzee- Homework is time consuming but a necessity. Have you tried setting a time limit to work on the HW and then doing something (walk, exercise or enjoyable activity) else for x amount of time then return to the HW if needed. It might help to break it up and avoid the eating.

    JT- That was a great find at the garage sale and the walk sounds wonderful. The thing about weight training is that you will tire out the muscle groups that you are exercising that day. The muscles usually like a day to recover between workouts- that is why many people will work upper body one day and lower the next day. Great job starting a strength training program.

    Fitness-I have been training for a 5K so learning how to run properly and switch between paces without stopping. This involves doing running drills to strengthen ankles and build speed. I have also been swimming at least a 1/2 mile 1-2 times a week. I will swim again tomorrow if the weather permits.

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday- bike 20 miles DONE
    MOnday- Trainer DONE
    Tuesday- Rest NOT DONE-5K PREP DONE:happy:
    Wednesday- Swimming NOT DONE REST Day
    Thursday- gym switch to Trainer PLUS SWIM DONE :bigsmile: :laugh:
    Friday- Rock Climbing DONE
    Saturday- Swimming
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Friday fitness - does walking around in 5" heels all day count? OUCH!
    Honestly, my feet and calves are sore, and I did a lot of walking today - but my tracker doesn't account for as much as it feels.

    Today was a mostly better day - had a long talk with employee relations about the situation with the boss. I feel worse for the frontline staff dealing with this sort of stuff (I'm "middle management"), since most of them don't have the background to know that this chica is actually messing with federal laws.

    Got a lot of "home" work things to do this weekend - and hoping for at least one trip to the gym and/or long walk. I'm thinking about doing some yoga again (lots of reasons).

    My size 16 jeans are falling off... but I'm scared to try 14s (14 dress slacks have been ok)

    Aaand... I was bad for dinner:blushing: husband made tacos... how did I not go over my numbers (or my sodium) with all the tacos I ate???:huh:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - great job on the varied exercises you're doing for your trainer. I wish your "breakfast" for dinner was working out better, but I can relate to the dilemna.

    Vickie = glad you had a talk with your upper level bosses - hope it relieves some of your stressors. Getting into yoga will certainly help too.

    I am here on my exercising:

    MON - squats - 56 DONE

    TUES - arm workout with 3 lb weights - DONE

    WEDS - rest

    THURS - squats - 72 DONE

    FRI - arm workout with 3 lb weights - DONE - WOOT!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Saturday Success - I weighed in this am and have lost 1 lb this week. Woot - I'm killiing this calorie deficit thing!
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Been MIA all week. Crazy for me to try to start right before vacation but I am home now!
    We were supposed to leave Sunday and did not leave until Monday Evening for Vacation. My DD (14) has a friend who's Dad passed away Sunday. They are Jewish so the funeral was the next day (Monday) so we delayed by a day. This was all very stressful...not only because her friend lost her Dad to Brain Cancer...but another close friend in that group (also age 14) has been diagnosed with an aggressive brain cancer. UGH. Keep her in your prayers. Her name is Claire.
    On a dieting note. I am going to try to log everything this week. Get some exercise and drink water. I was not terrible with food on vacation but did drink (beer and wine). Have not stepped on the scale yet...afraid.
    No where to go but DOWN!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Two more pounds gone! I have now reached my goal of losing 25# 3 times. I've started on the fourth one. Its going to be a good day. Kaye
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Just popping in to say, "Hi!" You all are so motivating and doing so well! I am exercising but not logging foods. Trying to watch food intake but not losing either! I really, really, really hate logging. I'm concentrating on more protein, less carbs, no sweets, but not really strong-minded, lately. I did much better when I started MFP last summer. How do you get your mojo back, anyway? I think you have to get in that mindset, and I just can't seem to get there! I also need to work on homework for my grad class and have been putting that off, too. School starts in two weeks! :noway: Good grief! Where has the summer gone?:tongue:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    GRRRR!! My laptop is so flippin' sensitive. I had a very nice post ready with personals and I hit a button - Gone!! I hate when I do that. Here I go again:

    Robin - Congrats on the loss!! So happy for you. You've been so dedicated to the July Challenge and doing your squats. Your doing awesome!!!

    MowMow - Love the rug too! What a nice accomplishment especially before your stroke and you stuck with it to finish it. You should be very proud of yourself!

    Kelly - I'm so sorry to read your back is acting up again. That sucks! I know how much you wanted to get back into your regular training routine. Get some rest this weekend and I hope it feels better very soon.

    Kaye - So glad no more PT. Woo Hoo!! I know you'll still watch yourself and take it slow, but so glad you can do it on your won now. Take it easy though.

    Neuroticovertigo & Kita - I'm so glad you both found us. This thread is awesome! I started MFP last August and this is the only thread I follow too. Everyone is so supportive and I can't imagine going through this journey without them. I've had a lot of ups and downs throughout this year, but they've always been here. Periodically, we'll get some "interesting" folks who try to jump on, but people politely put them in their place. Folks that don't understand why their not losing since they only eat 500 calories or people who want to lose 100 lbs overnight. It's not going to happen and this is not the group for them. I like to approach it with baby steps and not try to do everything at once. Perhaps one week you commit to staying under calories all week. Another week you can commit to exercising so many days a week. Another week you commit to drinking so much water each day. Before you know it those things will all come together. I've been focusing on 10 lbs 10 times, which will equal 100 lbs. I've gotten a bit off track, but I'm still here holding on. I'll get my mojo back soon.

    Angelika - With so much going on right now, I would just hold on and try to maintain. You've come so far and done such an amazing job. Once you know the direction of your husband, then you can start focusing on you again. As women, we have a tendency to take on so much and always forget about us. You'll be on track soon. Hang on!!!

    Tom - Good luck on the move. I hate moving offices. We're bursting in our office and really need a new space. I know we will stay in the area though because both owners live nearby and they want to stay close. I'm not complaining though. My commute in Vegas has been maybe 15-20 minutes compared to my 1+ hours in Atlanta. Hated it!!!!!

    Cathy - Boy can I relate. I've been having the exact same struggles. I know Laurie and Kelly told me something earlier in the week and they were right on. I need to quite focusing on my past poor choices and figure out my steps ahead. Next month will be a year on MFP. I know I've made so many positive strides. For me, I'm the opposite. I'm on my 350 days of logging. Did I log every single bite - no, but I was a lot closer than I ever was. I know for me this has been my biggest accomplishment. Yes, I've lost some weight, gained some, lost some and gained some. It's going to happen. In the past before MFP, if I gained 10 lbs I would just give up and gain it all back and then some. This time it hasn't happened. I may have gained 10-20 lbs, but I've still kept off 30+ and that's big for me. Baby steps and a few kicks in the butt is what I need. You can do it. I know you can.

    Saturday Success: Well, I made it to Saturday. Did I have the best days staying under? Not really. Did I exercise? Not really. Am I still here? Yes and that's my success. Today has been good though so I'm happy about that. Cyrus and I leave next Friday for vacation. I'm not too worried. We'll be eating out here and there, but nothing too major. Plus, we'll have some days at the beach so I'll make sure to get in a nice long walk in the sand. Can't wait to get away!!!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Vicki- So happy that you were able to talk to the upper management people- I hope it helps. With the jeans, I say go for it and try them on. Just remember to try on the different styles and find the ones that fit best for you. I am still on the hunt for a perfect pair of jeans since I can't find any that fit me right- even the curvy fit are problematic. Wishing you the best of luck in that department.

    Robin- Great job doing the squats and arm exercises- all your hard work is paying off.

    CathE- There are times when it is hard to stay motivated but you just keep chugging along and it will come back together. Find something new to try or a goal to aim for and that should help. Yes, summer goes by to fast it really needs to slow down. For me, my new goal is to run a 5K this fall and eventually do a sprint triathlon. Just training for something specific has been motivating me to workout harder and with more dedication that earlier this year. I am not so willing to give in to excuses of my own making-ie to tired, busy etc.

    Kaye- Whoo-hoo on reaching 25 lbs x 3----75 lbs. That is fantastic and you are doing great.

    Success- Doing a swim and run in the same day within an hour of each other. That felt really good. Today, I swam about 3/4 of a mile. I am building towards a mile. Swimming will get a break this week if mother nature has any say in the matter-:mad: (not due to storms).

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday- bike 20 miles DONE
    MOnday- Trainer DONE
    Tuesday- Rest NOT DONE-5K PREP DONE
    Wednesday- Swimming NOT DONE REST Day
    Thursday- gym switch to Trainer PLUS SWIM DONE
    Friday- Rock Climbing DONE
    Saturday- Swimming DONE

    Exercise Goals 7-21 to 7-27
    Sunday- Bike- weather permitting (could be storms tonight/tomorrow- hope it breaks the heat)
    Monday- Trainer 5K
    Tuesday- Rest or gym
    Wednesday- Rest
    Thursday- Trainer
    Friday- Rock climbing
    Saturday- Swim (I hope)
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Congrats, Kaye!
    Vicki- So happy that you were able to talk to the upper management people- I hope it helps. With the jeans, I say go for it and try them on. Just remember to try on the different styles and find the ones that fit best for you. I am still on the hunt for a perfect pair of jeans since I can't find any that fit me right- even the curvy fit are problematic. Wishing you the best of luck in that department.

    found some Venezia boot cut 14 petite... they fit pretty well (can't beat 7.99 at Goodwill)... if you have a Target nearby, my favorite jeans were Mossimo boot cut... but I haven't been able to score another pair since my sz20s...
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    *Pokes head in shamefully* - I don't really need to lose 100 lbs anymore, and I'm kind of embarrassed for being away so long... I've forgiven myself, but am hoping y'all can forgive me as well. I miss your loving support and wisdom.

    Long story short- "The guy" = gone.
    The stressful job = kissed it goodbye with a smile on my face.
    School = still kicking though I took the summer off, to find myself.

    Life is really really good right now. Well, except the bull my doc says about blood pressure. Okay, it's not bull. Last year, when I was eating right and walking all of the time, my BP was great and cholesterol was down. Now, I'm on meds for both. Last night, I had a panic attack which (in my mind) resembled a heart attack. It scared me. I am too young to be so unhealthy that I think I have to worry about heart attacks and strokes. My son is too young to bury his mother.

    So I have to change. I can't give up and I won't back down. Can I please re-join you in your journey?