Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Monday check in: It seems that I've finally broken the plateau that I was in for a few weeks. I've really been losing this week. Its so exciting to see it coming off again. I'm definitely going to be more than ready for some major shopping by Sept. I did hit a blip on Saturday evening when we decided to go out for Chinese. According to the "in 5 weeks" thingy, I was just at maintainence.
    Robin I'm sorry that you are sad. I hope things will pick up for you soon. I don't know why men think they can still be "friends" after they hurt you so badly. Do they think they can just keep you hanging around so they don't ruin all their options?
    Stay busy and happy (or get happy). Kaye
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Royal baby watch is over! It's a boy!! yay Kate!
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Well I was going to get on and whine about how rough the weekend was. Husband was out of town for business meetings and I'm not used to doing the single parent routine, plus summer and allergies etc and then I read some of the real problems others are dealing with. So, I will stop whining about the issues I have. Weekend is done and today starts a fresh new week!

    Hubby brought home some germs as a souvenier so decided to do chicken stew in the crock pot. Long story short, its delicious and the house smells wonderful. Guess I was in need of some comfort foods as well. I doubled the veggies- I do it simple. carrots, onion and celery and shredded the chicken and won't have to cook for a couple more days. Ended up about 200 calories for 2 cups, got in a nice workout this morning and ended the day with a trip to the pool. The kids and hubby are all half asleep on the couch or floor watching Disney's Robin Hood. Great ending to the day. Only dark cloud is that an old friend from school's father had passed away. He had battled prostate cancer for years and once it began to spread he had no desire to fight it. Its a little unsettling being in the age bracket where its everyone's parents and not their grandparents that are passing. One of the aprts of growning up that nobody warns you about.

    hope everyone had a good weekend and their week is starting out well. Remember- we can't always control what happens but we can control how we react to it. :flowerforyou:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Happy Monday! Checking in… So far, so good. Mostly healthy choices, and I have been sticking to my 10 minutes of walking each day. Started doing 10 each lifts with a 5lb kettle-ball. Nothing too strenuous, just going to start out slow. I have a final job interview with a software company I really really really want to work for. They are a great team, in a super supportive environment. Mostly, I have to say, I really missed y’all.

    Kelley- Sounds like you need to stay out of trouble! Ouch on all of the injuries. I am sure you are learning that slow and steady can still win the race. Water therapy is great, if you can get into it. Personally, I am now looking at Yoga. I was afraid to do a Yoga studio before, but somehow, after everything I've been through… I think that the possibility of tooting in front of other people because of an awkward pose, or my yoga pants splitting… Well, let’s just say that would be a cakewalk. ;) hehe. Keep up the great work- and for goodness sake, take it easy on yourself ;)

    Robinsegg- Breakups are the nertz no matter what age! His loss, for sure! Obviously, there is something he is not getting from his new gal, or he wouldn't be calling… BUT you are worth so much more than the value of a relationship with someone else. Big HUGS! Have your good cry, but remember, this will pass, and you will be stronger and wiser for it. Sorry about the car trouble that was thrown into the mix. Maybe a nice long walk to clear your head?

    Tom- LOVE the quote. It is so very true.

    NeuroticVirgo- I know what you mean about staying strong when away from home! I keep forgetting to bring healthy snacks with me. Let me know if you have some good, portable snacks you like- I am always looking for suggestions.

    Grandmakaye- Yay for breaking through the plateau!!!

    I wish you all a happy and successful Monday! Remember to drink that water and keep moving!!!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    happy monday, y'all!

    Robin -- BIG HUGS -- I've been there on both fronts, they both suck a lot.

    According to my calculations, the royal rugrat was born just about at the apex of the full moon... oi vey...gotta be some meaning to that, right?

    Back to the oncologist for a checkup today... they still seem pleased, just waiting for the labs/xrays, then recheck in another 4 months...

    Crazy busy next 3 days - at a conference (plus, 2 new admits with critters today)...
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    /facedesk.... gout.. AGAIN! I've got it in my left foot this time. Took today off work to alternate hot and cold packs... have my appointment with the kidney specialist tomorrow.

    Feeling very frustrated and annoyed tonight.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Nicole - Welcome back! It's great to see you again and continue taking one day at a time.

    @ Robin - Hugs to you!!! It sounds like a crappy weekend for you, but hoping the week ahead gets better even with the yuck car stuff. Hate them!!!

    Today was OK for the most part. I ate very light in the AM because this afternoon we had a cutting/sampling - 7 salads, 4 pastrami's and a stuffing. I try to take just one or two little bites that I have to take. We had to try the stuffing and pastrami on sandwiches, but I normally chew and spit. It's a bit of a challenge working in the food industry. Luckily, the cuttings don't happen every week - thank goodness!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I woke up early, so i thought I would check in while everyone is still asleep here in Zurich. Skimmed through the last 4 pages:

    @newlings--welcome to our group!! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--sorry about the :brokenheart: and the car. {{{HUGS}}} from me to you.

    @nicole--so glad to see you back!!!! :drinker:

    Sorry to the rest of you who are struggling, sick, etc.--I'll be back soon to offer more personal sympathy and support.

    AFM--Made it to Albertville, France for Le Tour. It was incredible!!! There was a Sprint point in town so Amy and I went to watch the race there and it was the best call ever. We got all sorts of free stuff from the Sprint sponsor--a flag and foam hand to wave during the race, plus a baseball cap and dry-fit shirt. After the race, we looked for the party, but apparently everyone left for the next town b/c Albertville was dead. We finally found a bar with a couple of folks and stopped for a beer. Amy is a boy magnet (gorgeous long blonde hair and blue eyes--very pretty 29 year old woman), so someone bought us drinks and we ended up making friends with the whole bar. They bought us drinks all night and the next thing you know it's 1 am and 2 cute French boys are walking us home. It was all very innocent since I'm married and Amy is engaged, but fun nonetheless.

    That was Thursday-Saturday and then we came back to Zurich very tired and hungover (we took turns holding the "just in case" barf bag on the train though neither of us had to use it). We really wanted to just take a nap when we got back to the apt. but our hosts had planned a cocktail party that night, so we had to suck it up and power through. The last guests didn't leave until almost 1 am and then we had to get up early Sunday morning to head south to Bellinzona, Locarno, and Ascona. It was beyond beautiful and we had a really great night's sleep in Locarno Sunday night. Arrived back in Zurich Monday night and now it's 7:30 Tuesday morning.

    We've had beautiful weather so far though it was really hot the past couple of days. We are heading to Bern and Lucerne (just day trips) today and tomorrow and there's a chance of rain both days, so we are crossing our fingers that it's well-timed (overnight or while we're on the train). Thursday we will stay in Zurich to do any last minute shopping and maybe just chill out at the lake before packing up to come home Friday morning.

    As much as I feel like I could stay here forever (yes, it's that amazing!), I really do miss my husband and puppy. I'm also worried that I'm gaining weight. We are doing massive amounts of walking, but Switzerland seems to be the land of "how many ways can you eat butter"--it also doesn't help that Amy and I have decided glace (ice cream) is an acceptable lunch. :laugh: It's also been very hard to stay hydrated. We carry water bottles everywhere we go and there are public fountains galore, but we are sweating so much I still feel puffy and dehydrated. I weighed myself on my friends' scale the 1st morning I awoke here, and I'm currently 7 lbs heavier! :noway: I know it's not all "true" weight gain but it makes me nervous. :ohwell:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Good Morning to all - I echo all the wonderful sentiments posted by others to others - well said!
    This morning I am on Royal Baby Watch with the rest of the world. !
    Had a tough weekend - the BF has broken up with me - having found another woman to date - he's trying to keep his personal life neat and orderly. Damn fool called me already this morning "just to chat" .... I've cried so many tears my sodium loss must be outstanding! Break-ups at 62 are somewhat easier to bear but they are still full of tears, none the less.

    Good thing I had already planned on getting my hair done today and planned on getting a new haircut - its time!

    I'm so sorry Robin, break ups are hard! Especially when they keep wanting to stay in contact, makes it hard to move on. Keep your chin up!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Good job everyone this weekend! I see lots of people doing some really great exercises and losing! :flowerforyou:

    @RobinsEgg - You are doing so great with the exercise! I know I'll get there eventually, sometimes I just wish I was there already 1,000 crunches DONE. haha Not quite.... Congrats on the loss too!

    @suzee71 - I think once you realize that the animals your fostering might not even be here without it gets easy to give them to people who want to love them forever lol. The longer I have one the harder it is though. We had a boxer mix for almost a year and it was super hard to let him go! I like fostering puppies...quick turn around time. haha I know that sounds bad, but they usually go within a month or two before I can get attached (plus all the peeing, pooping, chewing, jumping etc helps motivate me to let them go haha).

    I can relate 100% to eating to put off doing something. That's me with computer work. I would rather clean, do yardwork, anything but sit at the computer for hours on end...I find myself eating or snacking. I think because it seems like a "valid" excuse...if someone comes up and says "hey aren't you supposed to be working" I can reply "I was...but I'm eating" and they wouldn't give it a 2nd thought vs if I said "I was but now I'm watching TV" I would get that look like..."back to work with you!". Hope you got your homework done!

    @Lauriek70 - Which 5K are you doing?

    @Alliern45 - Your home now! You can do it :)

    @grandmakaye44 - Thats awesome that your working on your 4th 25!! Great Job!

    @CathEsh - I agree...where did summer go? I want another month!!

    @naceto - Nice to meet you! I got invited back in after being gone for like 2 years :embarassed: So at least your back now!

    @Morgori - I really like that quote!

    @skinnyjeanzbo- Trying to stay good on vacation is tuff. Would have never guessed about butter for Switzerland lol good to know if I ever get to travel the world! Remember quite a few lbs usually drop off quickly after vacation from water retention etc.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Robin~I’m sorry for the BF situation, his loss – maybe he’s realizing the mistake he made, I hate that he is kind of stringing you along though by calling. Stay strong! I’m sorry for your continued car trouble, I hope your mechanic can get that repaired once and for all. Sending you many virtual hugs! :flowerforyou:

    @Nicole~My gym offers several yoga classes (even hot yoga), I took one of the classes before – I probably need to make that a regular thing. Might be a good way to end the week. Sending you good luck vibes for your final interview.

    @Kris~I’m sorry you had another gout attack, I know it’s painful so I hope the hot/cold packs brings you some relief. My administrator gets those attacks anytime he goes on a steak binge – he’s always out a couple of days when that happens. Good luck with the nephrologist today.

    @Karen~Sounds like you are having a blast. Never weigh yourself on vacation! :laugh:

    @Tom~Maybe too much sodium, so that gain will be temporary? I hope it comes off quick!

    AFM~I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why I was so cold yesterday (in 100 degree heat mind you) only to realize I forgot to take my thyroid meds for 3-days. :ohwell: Amazing the effect it has on my body if I miss a dose (or three). Today was supposed to be a rest day, but may switch today/tomorrow and go to gym today instead then catch up on pesky housework tomorrow. I have appointment with pain management/sports medicine doc next week – we’ll see what he has to say re my back/SI, he'll most likely order a CT (so glad I get those free at work).

    I can’t remember if I mentioned it or not, but my gym is having a 90-day weight loss challenge that runs through the Fall (8/3-11/2). I wasn’t going to enter because I think the female national winner in the Spring challenge cheated :devil: (my trainer thinks she did too) – my trainer is convinced I can win at least on the local level (came in 3rd last two times). So, I’ve entered – official weigh in is a week from Sunday. I'm going to make a few dietary changes and see if I can actually win this thing (at least at the local level). Wish me luck.

    Have a great day!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Kelly good luck with the weight loss challenge, go for the gold!:drinker:

    Karen Glad things are going well in Zurich.:happy:

    KarenL hope that knee is healing well.:flowerforyou:

    I went on vacation and lost a few pounds, I came back and gained them right back. I need a change in my normal everyday eating habits. If I do not get into the 250’s soon I am going to have to get really motivated to eat better.

    Quote of the day:- “Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.” ~Hippocrates

  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Robin, so sorry to hear about the break-up. Wish I had some consoling words.

    I wanted to check in, but I don't know what to say really. You all are doing such a great job! I'm still struggling.

    Sunday I got the sad, sad news that a student died in a sand hill cave accident. He was 12. He was, by far, one of the nicest, sweetest boys I have ever worked with. He was a friend to everybody, never a bully, worked above and beyond expectations, and always polite! He would elect to come to my study hall at the end of the day instead of going to a fun class, like flag football or something, so he could get help with homework. Then if he wasn't done, he would call his mom and ask if he could stay after school to finish. When he left my classroom, he always, always said, "Thank you." Every day. Students just don't do that. My heart is breaking. I can't imagine what the parents are going through. I can't get my mind off of it. The funeral is Thursday so hopefully, we can get some closure, but the halls at school will feel the absence of this sweet boy, for sure. Sunday was such a horrible, horrible day.

    I went out and bought a watermelon but bought some comfort foods as well. I need to get my act together!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning friends. Robin I am sorry you are going through a break up right now. I dont really have any advice but just remember that it is his loss and you are a great person.
    Cathesh I am so sorry to hear about your student. It is always so sad when a young person is taken from the world to early.
    Tom I feel your pain. I have been hanging out about five or so pounds from twoderville for about a month and a half. I am about o go crazy:explode:
    Karen sounds like a great time. Dont worry about your weight while you are there. If there is a gain you will quickly put it right when you get home.
    Everyone else as always you are in my thoughts and I am constantly rooting for you from over here.
    I just got back from strength training in the gym. Part of me really enjoys it and the challenges it represents but I hate how weak I feel at the end of a session. It makes the rest of the day feel much harder. Hopefully it will get easier as I get stronger. Well I got to sweep the floors and then do my core work so no more procrastinating. Have a great day everyone.:heart::heart:
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi all!
    New day here but I'm having a hard time getting out of the funk that was yesterday. Every time I'd go to workout something would happen (Jordan got home from work and we went to the store then my friend called me back over). I feel so drained today! But I got up and went around town for pictures of our local community with a coworker for our Social Studies curriculum. I have my workout clothes on and as soon as this post is done I'm thinking a 35 min strength training video and then a 20 min cardio video are in order. Then it's time to straighten up the house and start packing for vacation! (We leave Sunday for our yearly family vacation on Lake Michigan.)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Kris~I’m sorry you had another gout attack, I know it’s painful so I hope the hot/cold packs brings you some relief. My administrator gets those attacks anytime he goes on a steak binge – he’s always out a couple of days when that happens. Good luck with the nephrologist today.

    Thanks! I'm back. He isn't as worried about my numbers as my regular doctor is. It was a LONG appointment 'cause my regular doc met me there and went in with me (after the urine test of course :laugh: ).

    THey want to do an ultra sound to be sure my little kidneys aren't shriveling up from lack of blood but if that pans out OK then my numbers are up because of my meds which I take because of the Fibromuscular dysplasia (they ruled out Renal Artery Stenosis... same end result, just not MY fault if it's FMD). So it's all a vicious circle... the FMD is giving me high blood pressure and the meds are messing up my kidney functions... blech.

    We talked about the surgery to fix the FMD but this Dr tells me that it's VERY invasive, painful, and the possibility of complications is so high that he'd rather we c ontinue on fixing things through diet.. which means I'm back to behaving.

    They ARE putting me on meds to bring down my uric acid levels so hopefully that means no more gout, I just have to wait until this flare passes and then I can start taking it. I also can start eating meat again once a day, I just have to give the meds a chance to bring down my UA levels first. So I see a steak in my future next month!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    According to my calculations, the royal rugrat was born just about at the apex of the full moon... oi vey...gotta be some meaning to that, right?

    I think it means he's a werewolf. just a suggestion. no way to prove it yet...
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Robin, so sorry to hear about the break-up. Wish I had some consoling words.

    I wanted to check in, but I don't know what to say really. You all are doing such a great job! I'm still struggling.

    Sunday I got the sad, sad news that a student died in a sand hill cave accident. He was 12. He was, by far, one of the nicest, sweetest boys I have ever worked with. He was a friend to everybody, never a bully, worked above and beyond expectations, and always polite! He would elect to come to my study hall at the end of the day instead of going to a fun class, like flag football or something, so he could get help with homework. Then if he wasn't done, he would call his mom and ask if he could stay after school to finish. When he left my classroom, he always, always said, "Thank you." Every day. Students just don't do that. My heart is breaking. I can't imagine what the parents are going through. I can't get my mind off of it. The funeral is Thursday so hopefully, we can get some closure, but the halls at school will feel the absence of this sweet boy, for sure. Sunday was such a horrible, horrible day.

    I went out and bought a watermelon but bought some comfort foods as well. I need to get my act together!
    I am so sorry about your student. Just a couple of weeks ago a 16 year old in our little community drowned while on a boating and jet ski trip with family and friends at the reservoir. He was much the same kind of boy that you have described. It is so heart breaking. One can only hope that God has something special for them.