Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tammy~You Tube has a ton of videos but its often hard to find what you really need. I did a google search and ran across these two that might help: this on Spark People (a free site): (I do this stretch all the time) - this is from the Spark People website - its a free site and they have a ton of videos. This link has links to several different types of hip flexor stretches

    Zappos advertised this foam roller on Facebook earlier today, if you don't have access to a foam roller you might consider this one:

    I hope this helps.
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    @cath I'm so sorry I missed your loss! I must have skim read more than I meant to this week! Huge hugs I can't imagine losing one of "my kids".

    In school related news, I started the dreaded yearly task of putting my classroom back together. I had a friend help and actually got a lot done. Now I can go to vacation and know when I get back I at least have a decent start! I'm babysitting for my 2 year old niece tomorrow so I'm sure no more school work will get done and Saturday will be packing.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    @Tammy~You Tube has a ton of videos but its often hard to find what you really need. I did a google search and ran across these two that might help: this on Spark People (a free site): (I do this stretch all the time) - this is from the Spark People website - its a free site and they have a ton of videos. This link has links to several different types of hip flexor stretches

    Zappos advertised this foam roller on Facebook earlier today, if you don't have access to a foam roller you might consider this one:

    I hope this helps.
    Thanks so much Kah. I went to both links and bookmarked the sparks page for further study. The internet and I have a love hate relationship for searches. I think it knows it is smarter then me and likes to constantly prove it:bigsmile:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Thursday!!! Well, tomorrow I pick Cyrus up at Noon and we head to the airport to officially start our vacation. This is really a perfect time for me. In less than 2 weeks, I will have been using MFP and get my 365 days of logging. I know I've been really frustrated lately and pretty upset with myself for gaining weight back, but like so many of you have reminded me I've also kept some off too.

    The past 12 months have been major changes adjusting with the move from Atlanta to Vegas. Changing jobs after 10 months, which was a really good change. Just a lot of stress and pushing myself to succeed. My career is on a good track. My son is doing quite well. This mental battle and lack of will power is kicking my butt.

    I know this is all mental right now. It's going to take time and that's OK. If I don't change my mindset now and learn from it, I will continue on this roller coaster of weight loss/gain. I'm going to enjoy my vacation. I'm going to the beach with Cyrus. I'm having breakfast, lunch and dinner with friends. I'm going to walk when I can. I've done this before and I did learn, but I've got so much more to learn.

    Thank you again for your friendship and support. I will log on when I can because I can't miss everyone's posts, I need your post to know I'm not alone. Thank you my friends!!!
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Oh boy, I was ready for it to be Friday yesterday! Thursday truth is more of a confession, I got back form jazzercise at 7 this morning and had planned to go for a run. I walk in and middl daughter is playing on the computer. After the Where were you mom questions were answered- I have only been going to the early jazzercise classes since 1/June! The girls feel they are too old for the "playroom" and can babysit littlest sister for an hour. Plus i check my phone about every 4 songs and they call if there is a problem. So it gets out I am going to go run and she wants to come with me. My first thought was , " No I don't want you to come with me. This is my time and you should stay here" What kind of Mom discourages her child from exercising- especially a Mom that has been fat more than half of her life! Me- that's what type. Well a few minutes alter, my oldest hears that CLaire is going and insists on joining. Littlest is still sleeping. So I end up clenaing up the jogging stroller that hasn't been used in about a year, air up the tires and plunk Hannah in while her sisters get dressed and ready. It took us nearly 2 hours to 3 1/2 miles but once we got home I was glad they came and we all had fun. Glad i brought my heart rate monitor because pushing the strolled really upped my calorie burn.

    Toots- love the werewolf/vampire theory. That would certain shed some light on explaining some of the Hapsburgs!

    Grandmakaye- How was the Pioneer Day picnic? Fun fun fun! What part of UT are you in? My in-laws live in Brigham City. My first year at BYU was during a summer session and I didn't realize the entire state shuts down for pioneer day. The morning of the 24th I got up and went to class and then entire campus was empty, didn't know what was going on until I got back to the dorms and asked. When i told my parents they thought it was the funniest thing ever.

    Imackbethl- Glad to hear the river trip was so fun, sounds like a blast.

    Skinnyjeanz- GLad youa re having such fun in Europe, what a fabulous experience.If its not butter then its Chocolate. I'm sure once you are back and on a routine they vacay weight will fall back off.

    Morgori- sometimes the hardest place to follow our healthy routines are at home. Good luck!

    CathEsh- I hope the funeral service was able to give you some peace and comfort. The first week of school will no doubt be difficult, good luck getting through this difficult time.

    Kah- Good luck in your challenge

    MyMowmow- Hope that your kidneys are quickly on the mend

    Celtic- Hardest thing to hear form a Dr is that what you have isn't curable but must be just "managed" for the rest of your life. Last year my daughter was diagnosed with celiac and while not life threatening for her it was still completely overwhelming while I tried to process and adapt our family to what will now be her new "forever normal" In many ways it was almost like a grieveing process as I went through all the emotions- anger, guilt, fury, pity and finally acceptance and then figuring out how to plug along and make this work so she can have as normal a life as possible. It took about 6 month for it to become a normal enough routine that I began to feel comfortable and now its second nature and I hardly give it a second thought to call food companies right there in the grocery store to make sure their food is gluten free or not , or spend 10 minutes explaining and heping her order her food at a restaurant. EVentually your new lifestyle will beome normal and comfortable, just give it time.

    For all the others facing health challenges I wish you happy healing thoughts and prayers.

    Looking forward to the weekend, hubby has to help chaperone the 12 year old boy scouts from church on their overnight. One of their merit badges is fire starting and cooking- so the leaders are all planning on meeting at McD's for a "lite meal" about 30 min before heading out to the campsite. The girls and I are going to have a slumber party- get all the blankets out and make a large nest infront of the TV and fall asleep watching movies. One of our favorite "Daddy's gone" activities, and we have root beer floats. With the low fat ice cream and diet root beer its a manageable splurge for me.

    Good night all!:flowerforyou:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Robinsegg & Kelley, thanks for the feedback and advice on the meds. My BP was down today (YAY), so whatever I am doing- it's working!!! Such a major relief for me.

    Kelley- shopping OR gym? How about both? :wink:

    Celtic- I am sorry to hear about the Crohns. It must be hard. I wish I had some advice or knew how to be supportive. Mostly, I wish I could fix it for you. ~hugs~

    Robinsegg- Yay for the haircut AND for the swimming! Get your groove back! You should share a pic of the new "do".

    Mnwalkingqueen- Small changes is sometimes the best way to go... but 10,000 steps? GREAT WORK!

    Kaye- WOW! I can't wait until I am just 30 lbs away from my goal! Good for you! Focus on the positive, and don't let those fears get you down. You have come SO far! Pat yourself on the back. You deserve it.

    jtconst- I think Kelley gave me the same advice about a year ago, regarding stretches! :) It really does help, and the foam roll is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    NeuroticVirgo- I totally "get" the need to do the microwaved food. It is hard for me to find easy and quick meals for "on the go". I am honestly far too lazy to prep food ahead of time. Unfortunately, I may no longer have a choice, because of my sodium restrictions. :( Also, what is wrong with "making" your family eat ramen? LOL just kiddin!

    CathEsh- Great job on the meals today! Watermelon sounds good. ~sending more hugs to you, with regards to your student~

    Susan- You have such a great attitude! I love that about you. I agree, it is such a blessing that we have a place with such supportive people. You will push through and do awesome, of this, I am sure. Enjoy the beach!!! :)

    As for me....

    I figured out that the low calorie/ low fat, well, not so hard in a restaurant (aside from the temptations). No/ Low sodium? Not on the menu. BUT the good news is that the place we went was happy to mix things up a bit. :bigsmile:

    Thursday truth: My son is out of town for three weeks, and I am sad. :cry: He is 15, and on a road trip with his grandfather, which is SO good for him. Unfortunately, it is really hard on me. How the heck am I supposed to deal when he goes to college? I feel incredibly silly, and I know it's not reasonable, but I kind of want him to be my "little boy" a bit longer.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Sherrie--I'm in Western ID, but anything for a party, right. There was no holiday, just a fun evening with friends. In Eastern ID where the Mormons are more prevalent, they have huge parades and stuff, much like in UT. Nice to get to know you. I love that you went running with the girls. Kaye
  • DoingThiisForMe
    Hey All... Thursday Truth Day...

    I had an awful day, I got in a huge fight with my boss, a screaming match and I unintentionally walked out on him, but we were going in circles he wasn't hearing anything I was saying, he was delusional, insensitive, and combative. Which was a complete surprise to me when I was expecting him to listen, understand and have an open mind and have some ownership.. complete defensiveness and unawareness is what I got..I was literally in tears. I have never been treated that way. I am use to getting praise not getting nitpicked at. I wish I could transfer back to my old store where I was appreciated. But all my old bosses are gone. When I told him just about everyone who transferred felt the way I did. He didn't believe me. He said it was only me. I was in such disbelief at how unaware someone could be. He kept shouting I'll transfer you anywhere you want to go, maybe you aren't meant to be a manager... I told him you aren't listening. Its not the work, ITS YOU! You nitpick, you're unappreciative, you're unaware, you provide zero help and when im swamped with work you'll call me to pick up a piece of cardboard on the floor a football field away instead of getting someone who isn't busy whose doing the work of 10 people or picking it up your damn self. Can I get an ounce of help. I was at my breaking point. I told him this is the last time i'll be crying and hurting because of their actions, in all my years of working, ive never experienced anything remotely like this. Its new and its not a feeling I like. Part of me is like get thicker skin and part of me is like why. I shouldn't feel disrespected and hurt. I cant wait to leave this store... a few more months and im trying to transfer!!!!

    Second truth my "boyfriend" really disappointed me today, he called me after work we were suppose to hang out, he instantly knew something was wrong by my voice. I told him nothing and he kept saying why do you sound like that whats wrong. I begin to tell him and he cut me off, and said tell him in person, I go to his house and hes not there and he knew I was coming within 30 mins.. he says he went to the park and he'll come pick me up after, I text him 3 hrs later at 6:00 and he doesn't reply so I take a nap, I wake up around 8 with a text from him asking where I am. I say at home where are you. He says at his cousins. I ask are you coming to pick me up: no reply... I call him he doesn't answer.. 5 mins later.. I get a text what are you doing, I say going to eat because he stood me up... no answer.. he doesn't answer me for hours, after I tell him he hurt me and im mad, he doesn't text back a "baby im sorry" or "I just want to hang out with my cousin" he just avoids it by saying nothing. I text him fine youre ignoring me, I wont bother you at all anymore. Of coarse he texts back instanly, something to the effect of baby I'm sorry I'm not ignoring you im at my cousins and my phone is charging... He acts like he can't text me at all anymore. Him acting like this is new to me... we broke up a few months back, because of something he was going through.. but he was always attentive and we spent everyday together.. now he's inattentive and we spend once or twice a week together but when we're together its like magical all we do is hug and laugh..literally we love being with each other. I just want to capture that 24-7.

    Truth I just want to be happy. And I haven't felt that way truly for a while.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member

    @Sherrie~I’m glad you enjoyed your “run” with your daughters, your bonding night sounds like fun too – memories I’m sure they’ll cherish as they get older.

    @Nicole~I would love to do both, not sure it’s feasible though – sometimes time gets away from me, but I will try. :wink:

    @Susan~Wishing you and Cyrus a relaxing and fun vacation!

    @Holly~Good to “see” you again, hope things are looking up.

    @Robin~Yay on swimming! Glad your car is all fixed up and you got some pampering at the salon (that always makes me feel better).

    @Doingthiisforme~I’m so sorry for the altercation with your boss, that can certainly make for a terrible and stressful day. I hope things are better today.

    Friday Fitness~I had to change things up a bit this week due to a deadline at work and spending more time there than anticipated (even working from home some). But I think the budget (which is ginormous) is about ready, hopefully just some minor tweaking. I did get in activity most days, just not what I necessarily wanted – but it worked. I’m terrible about lifting weights on my own but did last night (geez, I really miss my trainer :cry:) – I was pretty proud of myself for that. Not sure what today will bring, I wanted to go to yoga this afternoon but my schedule may not allow for that – errands and shopping to get done today (need new bras terribly). But I will get to the gym tomorrow for my high intensity day and will do weights on my own on again on Sunday.

    Hope everyone has a super day!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Heading across the state today for my niece's wedding. This will be a difficult weekend for weight loss and it is involving lots of family events and food. Really excited about it, though.
    Today I want to brag a bit. I am so incredibly proud of our youngest daughter. She arrived home about midnight last night after successfully completely her master's degree in education. Last spring just a few weeks before she learned that she was pregnant, she was accepted as a Wright Fellow at the University of Idaho. It is a fellowship for educators to earn a master's degree. When she found out she was pregnant, they made a decision as a family to make it work. It meant being away from her family for 6 weeks each summer and a weekend every month during the winter, plus all of the research and study time. Jeremy and Keith and have been troopers keeping things going at home. This summer she was able to find a young mother from our hometown now living in Moscow to take care of Anya so she could take her with her and continue to breastfeed. I am really proud of that little family and their determination and dedication to make something important happen.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    WalkingQueen - Keep yourself First - and excellent job on all those steps - sorry your having cloudy days - :heart:

    Heather Hoskins - welcome - and yes, good goal of fitting into your jeans in 23 days.

    NVirgo - I live on miccrowave meals - twice a day - and have for DECADES - I swear my body is 100% preservatives already -:laugh: but I couldn't live on ramen noodles -:grumble:

    Anna - great job getting your classroom together so early!

    Susan - have a great time at the beach - remember to drink a glass of water between drinks and eats and you'll do better than you anticipate! Let yourself RELAX its a vacation, girlfriend! Enjoy Cyrus and your friends and hydrate and you'll be OK.

    Sherriel - I laughed at your grumpyness over taking your daughters along for your run - glad it turned into fun. I would have reacted the same way!

    DoingThis - What an awful arguement with your boss! Its hard to believe he can be so dense! I'm glad you have the opportunity to transfer out of there soon as it looks as if there is no room for improvement there. Glad you stood up for yourself.
    No advice re the boyfriend. They are just in our life to deal us fits!

    Kah - I need new bra's too! I wish there was a bra fairy that would come in the middle of the night and replace the old with some nice new ones that fit perfectly. I'm 3 lbs away from getting new ones.

    Kaye - you have every right to be proud of your daughter. what a tremendous achievement she has shown in getting her masters! Wow with a baby and all that! Have a great time at the niece's wedding - drinks lots of water!

    Friday Fitness - well its early in the day. I intend - intend mind you - to do my squats today. :wink:
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Sherrie- Way to get extra burn and enjoyment for the whole fam! I understand you wanting your own time... Family run once in a while is good though! Way to go!

    Doingit4me: Sounds like a really crappy day. Things will look up soon! Keep on going!

    Kah- Way to go with the punches- work does that sometimes- but we gatta keep living! Its important because this is a lifestyle- I have been working hard with making healthy choices when plans change, I am inspired by you :wink:

    Gma Kaye- BRAG BRAG BRAG! That is a very neat story! good for your family!

    friday fitness- Today is my last daybefore I move to a dif. department at my current job. I think I mentioned that already! But the day has come!haha. Well its weird because for 3 weeks I will be training M-F 8-5 Which is weird for me Idk what I am going to do with my weekends! I have to run maybe saturday... LOL. I really just dont know what I am going to do with myself. Have a good weekend all!
  • eduncan1983

    I'm Emily, I definitely need to lose 100 lb. I am about 280 now. I lost 40 lb last summer, but unfortunately I fell off the wagon over the winter and spring and have gained back over half, mostly in my stomach and thighs :(

    Friday: I am swimming a few times a week and walking/jogging (mostly walking, hurts my knees to run too much.)

    Recipe: Banana Oat Cookies

    1-2 bananas
    1 cup quick oats
    mix together
    Bake 350 for 15 minutes

    You can add whatever you would like. I put in dark chocolate chips!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I forgot to mention. I received some information from a friend yesterday regarding active release therapy (ART) for soft tissue repair. Mostly chiropractors are licensed in this practice, my current chiro is not but I found one a few miles from me with excellent ratings that is – he specializes in sports/active injuries. I have an appointment on Tuesday with a holistic pain mgmt/sports med doc for my back, depending on the results of the visit and any tests he orders I may look into this other chiro. I exercise regardless, but am determined to resolve these back issues.

    @Kaye~You have every right to brag, what an amazing achievement for your daughter – new baby and all!
    @Robin~LOL. I gave up all foods with preservatives, etc. several years ago – there is only one frozen meal I buy now, stuffed peppers maybe twice a year. After food elimination diets and discovering sensitivities plus foods I have to avoid due to my thyroid (i.e. soy, shellfish), I resolved to eat cleaner and start cooking more. I lived on frozen meals for years though.
    @Kita~Good luck with your new job!
    @Emily~Welcome! Swimming is excellent exercise and easy on your joints.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member

    I'm Emily, I definitely need to lose 100 lb. I am about 280 now. I lost 40 lb last summer, but unfortunately I fell off the wagon over the winter and spring and have gained back over half, mostly in my stomach and thighs :(

    Friday: I am swimming a few times a week and walking/jogging (mostly walking, hurts my knees to run too much.)

    you look so familiar to me. do i look familiar to you? :laugh: maybe we know one another.
  • Superskinnie36
    Superskinnie36 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in, let's do this!!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope all of you are loving your Fridays. I tried a deep water fitness class at the gym today. I thought it would be easier on my hip plus my overall legs are seriously feeling yesterdays strength workout. It was alot of fun. I got kind of a complimant at class today. I was struggling somewhat with the portion of the class that had us on our back doing leg movements and when talking to the instructor after class she said it was probably due to having more muscle mass. More muscle is good so I was pleased :happy:
    Kaye congrats to your daughter and your family. My oldest just finished her masters and it was alot of work. Cant imagine trying to do it with a family and a baby.
    Robin how did your hair turn out. I love getting new things done with my hair.
    I hope everyone has a great day. Cya all later.:heart::bigsmile:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Friday Fitness - Got 40 squats done.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Friday Fitness - Got 40 squats done.

    Way to go ROBIN
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Friday Fitness - Got 40 squats done.

    :flowerforyou: :love: :smooched: