Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Good Morning! I got out of the wine event last night - talked to my dear sister and she allowed me to skip it - I love her! I took a long nap yesterday and feel so refreshed today. I am getting my hair cut today and am running errands. Will do squats this morning and am going to try a heavier weight. - probably 12 lbs ( don't shake your head, Gorilla :wink: )
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope you are all doing well. My hubby made it in safe and sound and as usual we spent most of the day being lazy. Today I got up and headed out to the gym for strength training. My gym uses the activtrax program so I set it up with what kind of workout I want ( i just do whole body 3 days a week) and how long I want to workout and it prints out different workouts for me every day. It is pretty cool and helps for people like me who dont really know what they are doing. The downside is the darn crunches at the end. There are five different crunches every time which is fine but once you get to a certain size there really are some ways your body wont move. I always feel like a beached whale trying to do the darn things so I wont do them at the gym. I come home and do them instead. I know my form is horrible on most of them but at least I am trying:grumble:
    Robin you are inspiring me. I decided to start doing squats with those darn crunches. I did 20 of them today with my son critiquing my form the whole time. Tell me again why I had children:laugh:
    Laurie I hope you kick whatever bug is dogging you soon.
    Kaye you might try going online and looking up some exercises for strengthening your knee. I did that when I hurt my shoulder a couple of years ago.
    Gorilla loved the story about your son and his teacher. Mine was the same way at the age. Looked like an angel and took complete advantage of it:smile:
    Kah hope your leg feels better soon. I am terrible about remembering to stretch and I know it is going to bite me in the butt one of these days.

    Well have a great day everyone. I have to get busy on the yard since I skipped the swimming to make the mowing my cardio.:drinker: :drinker: :heart:
  • Helenavee42
    Thursday truth: It hasn't been a good food or water day for me. I've been too exhausted to care today. I went to the Sick Puppies show last night and it was super awesome. I ended up going alone. My ex has strep and everyone else was busy. I enjoyed it but would have preferred someone there with me as I don't do well with crowds.

    Have a good day,

    Monday: Walk- Done
    Tuesday: Walk- Done
    Wednesday: Gym- Done
    Thursday- OFF SOOOO GLAD
    Friday: Gym + walk
    Saturday: Gym
    Sunday: Gym
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Truth- Not feeling well has put the brakes on my exercise plans for this week. I had planned to hit the gym tonight after work but had go to the grocery store for my Mom to pick stuff for dinner. Needless to say, I elected to eat instead of turning around and heading back to the gym. After that I did not feel like working out and it was getting late. I know that is no excuse but I am still not 100%.

    I am playing hookie from work tomorrow- I decided to take the day off due to stress and not feeling well. I need a day to relax and chill out so I can get better faster. The stress has been really building the last couple of weeks, which I think is contributing to me not feeling well. I spent time writing sub plans after school today and did not leave until 4:30 or a little later. There have been to many late nights at work the past couple of weeks and all that needs to change. Tomorrow, I will play and have a great time without the thought of work. I will go to the gym in the morning to run the mile that I need to do this week. Then will meet up with a friend for lunch and the rest will play out however we desire. I am still planning on climbing tomorrow night.

    Workout plans for the week
    Sunday- bike 26 miles done
    Monday- Trainer workout ( might be running) DONE- Ran 2 miles
    Tuesday- rest or swim Most likely rest since I have plans after work and kids staying after school. REST
    Wednesday- Swim or rest REST
    Thursday- Gym REST
    Friday- climbing
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: I'm not proud of my food diary today, but I am under my calorie goal, so that is good. Yesterday I earned over 700 calories from walking. I think I overdid. Today I am exhausted. I did the pedaler for 20 min and had a 50 min walk at noon to take baby to see mommy for lunch. I think that I will call it a day. I told the daughters that I will not be walking tonight.
    Here's to better days ahead.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--if you want to see a bad food diary, just check out mine for today. :blushing: I will also be under calorie goal, but it's not pretty!

    @laurie--enjoy your day off tomorrow!

    @helena--one of my friends LOVES Sick Puppies.

    @tammy--glad your husband made it home safely!

    @robin--the part about starting my runs around corners was more of a confession than advice, but I guess the "technique" could help someone else feel more comfortable running outside. :wink: I also took a nap today when I got home from work--was feeling so run down, but it helped a lot. I even made it to the gym for a good workout afterward Isn't it amazing what a little extra sleep will do for you?

    @kelley--In addition to wanting to buy new ones, I also find myself "checking out" other girls' runners. One of our PE teachers was walking into school the other day with this adorable pair of lime green Nikes and I was jealous. :laugh: Glad to hear the quad is healing. :flowerforyou:

    @gorilla--thanks for calculating my max bench press--I had no idea that was possible, but now that you've told me, I've bookmarked an online calculator. :happy: If you are slipping on the treadmill, I would say it's time for some new runners--I'm guessing you're probably not as thrilled by shoe shopping as kelley and I. :laugh:

    Thursday Truth:
    I only got one more AP paper graded--I swear I'm the biggest procrastinator in the world! :blushing: However, I promise to devote most of Sunday to grading.

    As I mentioned above to kaye, I also had a terrible food day. It was my student teacher's birthday, so his other cooperating teacher and I brought treats. Not all of them were terrible--I brought hummus and a veggie tray, and there were also apples, but it was a lot of carbs. Top that off with the last of the leftover pasta for dinner and my protein is pretty low for today. :grumble:

    On the plus side, at least I made it to the gym. Did some lifting and ab work plus the elliptical. Tomorrow I will rest to save my legs for Saturday.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner NOT DONE but did a 2 mile walk instead
    Wed--walk gunner + gym NOT DONE ran outside w/ gunner instead
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Run For Your Lives!!!
    Sun--we'll see...

    Grading Goals:
    1. 2/73 AP essays
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I’ve been watching all of you and I’m proud of how you push yourselves, how you recognize your limits when your body tells you something. The way you push yourselves when you don’t necessarily feel like it. I hope those of you who are struggling find the “right” thing for you. I’ve been doing some soul searching and have a Thursday Truth:

    Well, I’m taking a pretty big step this weekend. My sister has been into heavy lifting and the changes to her body are amazing. I told her I wanted her to take me this weekend to the gym and show me how. I sent it in an email so I can’t even deny that I told her I wanted to. I’m so scared. I’m nervous that I’ll fail and that people will see me and that the bar itself will be too heavy.

    I realize how much this fear has stopped me from trying activities. I was in school sports from 5th grade to a freshman in college and then I spent the summer working on the farm. And now I’m nervous about trying to run, trying to lift weights, trying to play basketball with my son, skating with my daughter (what if I fall on the ice and can’t get up?). I’ve used other excuses for why I don’t want to do them but in all reality, now that I do a gut check, it’s my fear that has been holding me back. I want to be a mom that my kids will be proud of. One that can do those fun things with my kids, enjoy the years I have with them home and then be around to enjoy their kids. But I’ve been hiding and in order to be able to do those things, I need to step out of my comfort zone and just do them.

    So right now, with you all as witnesses, I’m going to debunk some of my excuses.

    1. People will be watching me -- People have better things to do. If they judge me for being fat, I don’t need them in my life anyway. People I care about will be proud of me.
    2. I don’t have time – If I just get better at my time management, I can find time.
    a. I’m a bonafide TV junkie, it is my relaxing time when the kids are in bed and the house is quiet. I’m going to use the DVR to its max. Designated TV nights and save them for those nights.
    b. By the time I take care of my family, I’m tired – if I use my resources and time more efficiently, there is no reason we can’t move our supper time up so that I can be free to go to the gym while they are cleaning up the kitchen.
    c. I need to spend time with Jacob to help him get mentally better – what better time to spend with him than at the gym? He’s content there and I’d be setting a good example. And even with his foot injury, he can spend some time on the elliptical. And Emma loves the daycare there!
    3. I’m so tired, I just don’t have the energy to go exercise…this one is total bogus. I have more energy when it’s done so I just need to remember that when my body is saying “sit on the couch and watch tv.”
    4. I deserve to relax…actually I deserve to feel better and I know that exercise makes me feel better, so I just need to change my idea of a reward.

    Sorry, that was a pretty big ramble but I’ve made this discovery and I wanted to share it while it’s fresh. And over the last few months, you all have made me feel comfortable and I know this is a judgement free zone and a positive environment. I find so many of you inspirations and I appreciate finding that on my computer every day. Now it's up to me to find that courage.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Whew. . . what a week!! Between the work load and all the doctor appointments, I'm pooped out. Today alone was nuts. I volunteer Tuesday/Thursday from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m. at Cyrus' middle school. I never in a million years thought I would do this, but they needed help so there I am in my little orange vest holding the STOP/Pull Forward sign working the car pool lane as a crossing guard. Lord help me!

    After that, I had an 8:00 gyno appointment (again, yuck!!). I then went to a Parent Advisory Council Meeting at the school and finally got to work. I worked straight from 12-5 then got home just in time to change clothes and have a session with the trainer at 6. Home after 7 to finish helping Cyrus with his homework, squeeze in dinner, more homework, loads of laundry and I still need to pack.

    We fly out tomorrow night to Chicago for the weekend - can't wait! I'm taking Cyrus and sister Sharon who have never been. Our main visit will be Wrigley Field on Saturday watching the Cubs vs. Braves. They haven't seen the Braves since we left Atlanta last year. They're both pretty excited. We'll do other touristy stuff over the rest of the weekend. Lots of good walking and enjoying some good food.

    Have a great weekend. Rest. Make good food choices. Get some movement in. Can't wait to catch up when I get back!!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Happy Friday... I went and got my run in this morning. Took a little boost from my friends with me telling everyone last night I would run in the morning and that got me going. Turned out to be an amazing morning to run clear skies with a big full moon and temps in the 50's. My Nike+ app messed up though and counted my first Kilometer short.. I run this same track all the time so I know where the 5k mark is so I know it took 29:43 not the 29:04 that Nike says. I so wish I enjoyed running... I keep doing it but I really do not love it! At least trail running I enjoy but when I am running this track or on the road all I am thinking is when will this damn run be over!

    I will lift tomrrow morning and get on the scale and see if I finally got all that vacation weight off... its been stuborn... or is it me drinking beer too often that is stubborn... I can ponder that over a drink tonight :wink:

    Susan-- your just getting all your goodies checked out this week! LOL

    Tlh- I have read your post several times... and all the things you say to debunk your own fears are perfect! It is cool your sister is going with you, will she always be going with you as your gym partner or is this a one time or on occasion sort of thing. For me personally I need a program to follow, if you want me to suggest you some shoot me a PM.

    Skinny... sounds like you were pretty good with the eating... carbs are tough to avoid! You are right I do not love shopping for shoes! I bought a nice pair of Nike Trail Runners but they are not comfortable to run on pavement with. I need to find a pair of Nike Free, might just order them on line.

    Laurie... enjoy the mental health day... and a fun climbing session later!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~Too funny, I find myself looking at running shoes on other people too! I think to myself, “I wonder if those come in my size?” Someone at work had some hot pink Nike with a lime swoosh, so cute!

    @Tracy~I, too, read your post several times. I’m proud of you for a couple of reasons – I’m proud of you for feeling comfortable enough to air your fears/excuses (that is a huge accomplishment for a lot of us) and I’m proud of your for asking your sister to show you the ropes. We have all had those same fears and excuses’, making that first step over the threshold into “unchartered territory” is scary but once you make that first step it gets easier. Just follow your sister’s recommendations and remember to start out slow, gradually increasing your weight/reps.. Your sister has made a tremendous transformation, so she’s great as a role model. Trust me when I say no one is watching, most people are only interested in what they are doing. I’ve had a couple of (big bulky) guys stop their workouts to watch me (probably because they couldn’t imagine a woman lifting what I was about to lift) – but then they gave me a thumbs up when I finished, I’ll tell you that feels amazing. I never thought I would like lifting weights but the truth is now I love it, I would rather do it than cardio. :noway: I love seeing the results in my body, I love seeing how much stronger I’m getting, and I love looking at the weight knowing I can do it. You got this & we’re all behind you – have fun!

    @Susan~What a week you’ve had, you deserve this weekend in Chicago. Have a great time!

    @Gorilla~LOL, maybe you need a new route?! When I run outside I tend to follow the same route, recently I’ve had to change it up a bit just for a change of scenery – that way the run doesn’t seem as long. Wow, 50 degree weather? I’m jealous! I order my runners on line all the time – through Road Runner Sports, if you’re a VIP ($1.99/yr) you get 10% off plus free two-day shipping.

    @Laurie~Enjoy your day off today, we all need those mental health days – I’ve planned one for October 11th myself. :wink:

    Friday Fitness~I was going to skip the gym tonight in light of the housework I need to do – but decided I needed some arc trainer/row time. I’m hoping it will be cool enough to run outside tomorrow, if not I’ll hit the gym tomorrow.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Wii Tennis/Yoga DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE! (although I did a few core exercises waiting for dinner to heat up)
    Wednesday~Training Session DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day DONE (again, did some core exercises while dinner was cooking)
    Friday~Gym, Arc Trainer/Row
    Saturday~Running Drills (gym or outside)
    Sunday~Training Session

    Have a great day!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning all. I hit the ground running this morning litlerally. All this talk about running has inspired me. I got up and put my little doggy on his leash and we were off. Now did I run the whole time? Of course not, but I interspersed short jogs through the whole walk and felt pretty amazing at the end:happy: I have always told myself I cant run. I am to big or to out of shape but this morning I just decided to go for it. I was apprehensive about people seeing me in my full jiggling glory but hey if i can do Zumba while jiggling and being tone deaf I can do this:laugh: I rembered to do some stretches when I got home so hopefully I dont get any more sore then I am from lifting yesterday. Yesterdays workout focused on the glutes and my poor abused bum is feeling it today:laugh: I dont know about walking the little dog. He is super full of energy and sass now. Alright dad just called and we got to go over and play some cards. HAve a great day everyone and dont forget your water:drinker: :drinker: :heart:
  • Helenavee42
    Friday fitness: I was going to go to the gym this morning but I was not feeling well enough to go with TOM being here. I do plan on working out saturday and sunday. It's been a busy week at work and I am so glad it's over.

    Have a great weekend,
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Warning: This is completely off topic, but I need someplace to vent! My family is driving me crazy. I thought that I was preparing dinner for 6 tonight. After the shopping was done and dinner was about ready people started bowing out. DIL didn't even tell me she wasn't going to be here until I texted her to ask her. Wound up with just DH and I here and lots of leftovers! Its not like we haven't had this discussion before. I have begged and pleaded with people to let me know soon enough that I can make reasonable plans for dinner, but it just keeps happening. I don't know what to do. I guess I could just refuse to cook for everyone else, but my DS and his family pay rent to live here and we have to share the kitchen. It would be really hard if we were all trying to fix meals separately. Enough said. Thanks for listening.
    This morning we decided to try doing our walk after I walked Keith to school. DH met me and it was so nice and cool. It is starting to get dark so early that its getting harder and harder to walk at night. The problem came when baby fell asleep in the stroller about 15 min before we got home. Then she didn't want to take her morning nap and it even messed up her afternoon schedule. Maybe if we just keep doing it, she will get used to the routine. I hope so.
    Have a great weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Sorry I've been AWOL. I've been so busy taking care of my daughter and her kids I've hardly had time to enter in my foods. But, I'll be heading home tomorrow as I have to go back to work on Monday and I need at least a day to decompress. When you've lived alone for so many years, its hard to take care of 3 kids and a sick daughter. But, thankfully the kids have been great and my daughter is feeling much better. I'll be back to my daily check ins once I'm home. I'll try to catch up on the posts. I've missed a few pages. Hope everyone has had a good week. Happy w/e everyone. DRINK YOUR WATER.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @charlotte--glad your daughter is well enough for you to head home.

    @kaye--I'm sorry your family is being so inconsiderate. I think you should just cook for yourself and the DH for a few days. When the rest want food just say, "Sorry, I wasn't sure if you were eating with us." They will get the hint. :wink:

    @tammy--congrats on the run!

    @kelley--hot pink and lime sounds divine!

    @gorilla--my eating sucked, and it wasn't much better today, but it is what it is. :ohwell:

    @susan--If I wasn't running with zombies out near Rockford tomorrow, I would meet you in Wrigleyville after the game. In any event, have a great time in Chicago!! :drinker:

    @tracy--I love your post!! You've got it now--the mindset is there!! :drinker:

    Friday Fitness:
    Had a pretty good week as far as exercise goes. Tomorrow is my zombie run. I'm so scared!! :noway: :sad:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner NOT DONE but did a 2 mile walk instead
    Wed--walk gunner + gym NOT DONE ran outside w/ gunner instead
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--rest day DONE but did walk gunner
    Sat--Run For Your Lives!!!
    Sun--we'll see...

    Grading Goals:
    1. 2/73 AP essays
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi All - so glad to be able to read other's stories and day to day struggles. It makes it easier to bear mine. I am struggling with pain in the hips, visited a friend and sat on a hard wooden chair for 3 hours - it didn't bother me at all do do it then, but boy is it hitting me hard now! I've taken 2 pain pills, sad to say they aren't touching the pain :cry: Monday I'm calling the doc and telling him that dropping the prednisone dose is a massive fail and I need his permission to increase it. Having to take 2 pain pills is ridiculous and on the edge of abuse (altho prescribed) and I'm not gonna live this way.:angry:

    Worse yet, I've slacked off of my exercise for the last 4 days. And I can't be mad at anyone but myself over that. The only exercise I've done is some dancing - a few minutes each night.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @ Susan – I’m tired just listening to your day!! Enjoy this weekend, you deserve to decompress.:flowerforyou:

    @Gorilla – she and I have very different schedules so we will not be regular lifting partners. Not sure how this all works. She has a program for me to follow and has emailed me things to read and watch. Thanks for your support and don’t be surprised if I send some questions your way.:wink:

    @Laurie – hope your day off was a good one for you and you feel refreshed and better.:sick:

    @Tammy – good for you!!! :smile:

    @Kaye – unfortunately many times we take for granted those that love us the most. :heart: Hopefully you can sit down and visit about it and they’ll remember how lucky they are to have you and change their ways.

    @kinnurse – glad to hear that your daughter is feeling better. She’s very lucky to have you around when she really needed it.:smooched:

    @Karen -- good luck in your Zombie run tomorrow! :smokin:

    @Robin – that stinks! Hopefully your doctor will get just the right amount for you so you aren’t in pain and the levels aren’t too high. Trial and error I guess. :grumble: I remember my dad having to go through that to find the perfect level for his blood pressure medicine.

    AFM: Not even a day later and I already have to change up what I thought my plans were. My sister is a single mother that has her two kids (5 & 1) every other week. This weekend she has the boys and between her commitments on Saturday and mine on Sunday, we do not have any time to go lift. However, she has forwarded me some “homework” so I can watch proper form and see all the lifts we are going to do. We have a date for Friday night – we wrote it in pen (and I think another sister might be joining us too).

    I've actually been doing really well with my food this week. I'm over today but I just had to have the popcorn, pop and snack at the movie. :devil: Saw the We're the Millers. Not something I would watch with my mother or my children, but my sister and I really liked it! I was still under maintenance so I'm okay the extra calories.

    Fitness Friday:
    Saturday – this is a full day of activities – parade in the morning and Pumpkin Patch in the afternoon. I should get plenty of steps in.
    Sunday – rest
    Monday – Water Aerobics
    Tuesday – Zumba
    Wednesday – Rest
    Thursday – Zumba
    Friday - Weights

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I really enjoyed my day off yesterday and I do feel better today. Yesterday was packed with things I wanted/had to do. I did manage to run the mile and on the dreadmill as well then went climbing last night. Meet up with my friend Joe for lunch and yogurt so that was nice. Today, I will go swimming for a good 45-60 minutes. Then grade papers this afternoon, since it is suppose to rain today.

    Everyone is doing well and overcoming the challenges of becoming healthy. Keep up the hard work.

    Kaye- Have you considered putting up a sign on the fridge that say Will you be home for dinner? Have them sign up for the meals. If they don't then they need to fend for themselves.

    Gorilla- I feel the same way about running it is boring. I know I can do it but I always think about what other things I could be doing- swimming, biking etc.

    tlh- good luck with the lifting and remember to start slow.

    1 week to my first 5K and yes, I am a little nervous about it. My goal is to finish it by running the whole thing. I know my trainer will be there for support so that will be nice.

    Grading goals
    quizzes x/95
    Quizzes x/31 (7th)
    labs 8th (x/95)
    warm ups (x/35)

    Workout plans for the week
    Sunday- bike 26 miles done
    Monday- Trainer workout ( might be running) DONE- Ran 2 miles
    Tuesday- rest or swim Most likely rest since I have plans after work and kids staying after school. REST
    Wednesday- Swim or rest REST
    Thursday- Gym REST
    Friday- climbing and Run 1 mile DONE
    Saturday-swim will be done
  • bluebirds5
    bluebirds5 Posts: 92 Member
    Bump :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Hit a bit of a rough patch yesterday with an ocular migraine in the afternoon - let me just say, scariest.thing.ever! I was down and out the rest of the day. Between the migraine and my tinnitus acting up, my doctor is concerned about my stress levels right now, so at his request I'm laying low today - its really nice out this morning so may go for a walk, other than that its grocery shopping day and sofa city! :wink: Today would be a good day for a massage, may see if I can make that happen.

    @Laurie~Glad you enjoyed your day yesterday.

    @Karen~Good luck with your zombie run today, have a blast!

    Saturday Success~This is a non-scale week, so my success this week comes in the form of a NSV. I had compliments from our administrator (a man by the way) and a couple of co-workers I haven't seen in a while that I was looking really "trim." Those compliments never get old! :bigsmile:

    Enjoy the day!