Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Gorilla - You made me giggle. Thanks!! We've all got those silly body parts that need a squeeze once in awhile.

    @ Tammy - I know you can't wait to have your hubby home.

    @ Anna - I struggle with squeezing in exercise. I hate getting up early, but if I don't I'm so exhausted by the end of the day. I worked out tonight about 6:30, but it took everything in my power to go. Normally, if I can squeeze in a morning workout, I do a lot better. It's all about balance that's for sure.

    @ Elena - You've got some great advice on here. I've learned a lot myself so thanks for bringing up the topic.

    @ Pie--I'm thinking I need a mental health day very soon. I've been going non-stop it seems. Calgon, take me away!!!

    @ Skinny - I just get back last Friday night and we're traveling this coming weekend, but we're coming to your beautiful city. I'm bringing Cyrus and my sister to Chicago for a quick weekend. We arrive Friday night, going to Wrigley on Saturday for the Cubs vs. Braves game, then touristy stuff on Sunday before we fly out. I can't wait!!!

    @ Charlotte - Thoughts and prayers that your daughter has a speedy recovery. I know she's very fortunate to have you helping out during this time especially with the kids. I'm sure this is one less thing on her mind. You're a sweetheart!!!

    @ Kelley - We'll be right behind you on the cruise. We go in April. Princess has the ticker going so it's been fun watching that go down. Cyrus is getting so excited and it's 7 months away.

    @ Kaye - I really thought some of my aches and pains would go away too. Even tonight on the elliptical and treadmill my shins were throbbing. I keep hoping one of these days I'll be pain free. You too!

    @ Laurie - I agree with Skinny. I never thought Zicam would work, but it did wonders for me too. Hopefully, you can get some rest this coming weekend and nip this thing immediately.

    Today was a good day with my eating and hit the gym tonight. I'm still feeling really tired for some reason. I'm about to log out and head to bed, but I keep stressing about the days ahead. Will I get my work caught up? I need to find a new bread supplier in Houston. I'm working on a roast beef project. Salads are in round 3. I need to pull together a soup analysis. I've got dessert suppliers coming out of the wood work. I need to verify the monthly pricing. I need to send out the rest of the invoices for our convention. Personnel changes taking place in the office. Possible office relocation. This is just work stuff. Cyrus has all accelerated classes in middle school and he's stressing big time so I'm trying to keep him calm. The scale is moving so slow even though I believe I'm doing everything right. Trying not to get frustrated, but why is this so slow from some and quicker for others? Sigh. When will I work out tomorrow? I get worked up when I can't squeeze in an exercise. I need to get ready for the weekend away in Chicago. My mind is just going non-stop all the time. Thanks for listening.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Wednesday... I have open house night for my kids school tonight, so I did not have to go to the gym before work and will do some sort of cardio after. I am thinking treadmill but it always ends up bothering my legs so maybe row machine and elliptical. We will see how the mood strikes me this afternoon.

    Susan-- did the squeeze tickle? ;)

    Kinn - glad to hear things going well with your daughter

    Skinnyjeanz... lets hear those weight lifting goals of yours! Then get back to grading papers!

    jtconst- comfort food, such a downfall of mine. A HUGE win for me became comfort exercise! You can do it!

    Laurie... I am glad you are knowledgeable of the concept of breathing :laugh: Hope your feeling better today
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: Patience. This was my wish last week and I'm sticking with it. I stay so focused on so many of you because you've been making these life changes and I know it didn't happen overnight. It's been years for some, but you're getting there. This will be me too and I just need to be patient. I was reading an industry magazine and the article was "Come Get Happy." I really needed this today and thought I would share the highlights with you. Enjoy!!!!!

    Most of us think that if we're successful at work, we'll be happy, but we've got it backwards. Being happy will lead to success.

    1) Put a positive spin on things: You may have had a stressful day, or a difficult week, but if instead of seeing this as bad, you can turn it around and view it as a learning experience.

    2) Start really appreciating the good: Write things down that are good in your job and your life, and you'll start retraining your brain to think in different patterns.

    3) See the big picture: View your job as part of your career, even if its just a stopgap to pay the rent for a few months. Whether this is the right job or not, going to work every day is part of your career plan.

    4) Surround yourself with happy people: AMEN!!!!! Start off by being one of them. If we see someone smile, yawn or complain, our brain wants to copy these emotions. If you find people toxic, stay way. AMEN!!!

    5) Don't forget things are short-term: Knowing something is bad is temporary is key (like eating that candy bar or piece of cake). When our brain thinks something is permanent, that effects everything. Keep things in perspective. Remember - this too shall pass.

    6) Changing your mindset towards the pursuit of happiness works best if you share with someone else. MFP friends!!!

    Make it a great day. Smile. Post often. Make good food choices today. Try to move a little more than normal.

    @ Gorilla - You know I have to respond. Men!!!! Between you, Tom, John and few others who pop on, you have to put up with us ladies. Just imagine your manly parts being placed in between two plastic plates and smashed together. Do you think it will tickle??!!!! LOL!!!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Just thought I'd let everyone know that I'll be gone for a couple of weeks. Taking our 'summer' vacation in the fall and going south to Tennessee and Virginia. Really looking forward to the r and r. Taking gym gear and hope to work out while I'm gone. I may not be able to log in. See you soon..
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Karenleona--I'm jealous that you are pain-free. I just don't know why I am still having pain. I would think that after all of the weight I have lost and all of the walking that I do, I wouldn't have pain. I am starting to feel like the original story of the Little Mermaid. When she traded her tail for legs she had pain for the rest of her life. I'm starting to think that I have traded my bad knees for pain. I sure hope not!
    Charlotte--so glad that your daughter is okay. Sorry SIL isn't stepping up to the plate.
    Tuesday goal: I'm starting to think long-term, and wondering if I could set a goal of reaching 100# lost before Christmas. If I can do that, I could possibly reach my goal weight by my birthday in May. In the meantime, my goal is to just stick to the program, and "just keep walking, just keep walking, just keep walking."
    Onward and downward. Kaye

    Kaye - after I had my knee replacement I continued to have pain - where exactly IS your pain - is it in the kneecap area or in the back of your knee?

    You might want to consider going back to a PT and being evaluated on HOW you walk and see if there are strengthening exercises you can do for your knees. I'm not telling you to do squats like I do - at least not as far down, but doing a very minimal squat will strengthen the muscles around the knee quite a bit and make all the muscles involved in walking so much more strong you won't believe it. Again, I am not pushing you to do deep squats - I started with very shallow squats - only going down a few inches. But I think seeing a physical therapist would help your pain a great deal!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Weds. Wish - I wish I had more energy and less pain in the mornings. Here it is 12:30 pm already and I have done nothing but sit on my *kitten* since 8:30 am, drinking coffee and corresponding and watching tv. This is an average morning for me. My wish is to change my morning routine to where I am more active in the mornings. Of course, this is dependent on my prednisone kicking in and allieviating my aches and pains. I tried tlh's suggestion to wake at 4:30 and take the meds but found that did not work for me. I have to take the meds with food or I have a stomach ache, so no good. Sorry for the whine.

    Yesterday I did get my new air conditioning installed and it works great. The guys were so nice and they threw my old stove into the dumpster for me. Today the electrician came and got the stove plug end changed and the stove is working. The house it all torn up and I have to vacuum and put back chairs and pots and pans and other kitchen items and all will be back to normal then.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    Bump.. I want to join this but i'm busy at work so I'm saving for later:happy:
  • blondie74
    blondie74 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! :) I'm Heather...and I'm new! haha I just wanted to say hello and look forward to progressing with everyone towards our goals! :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    Busy morning here with meetings.

    @Susan~Your brain is like mine, I can’t get it to shut down sometimes – making sleep difficult.

    @Charlotte~Glad your daughter is home and doing well.

    @Mel~Enjoy your vacation!

    @Kaye~I agree with Robin, you may need to consult a PT (or your doctor) for some suggestions of exercises you can do to strengthen the muscles around your knee. I didn’t have knee replacement, but had to do a lot of strengthening exercises for those muscles after my knee surgery last year – it helped tremendously.

    @Robin~I’m sorry for your continued pain, wish the prednisone would kick in sooner. As a positive spin, sometimes it’s nice to have lazy mornings. :wink:

    @Tammy~I get excited when I put recipes through the MFP recipe builder and it comes out healthier than I think it might!

    Welcome to gabby and blondie!

    Wednesday Wish~The next couple of months are going to be super stressful, so wish for things to go as smoothly as possible so I don’t go crazy and so I can stay focused in other areas of my life.

    My quad feels a little better today, still going to have my trainer evaluate it though.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Wii Tennis/yoga DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE! (although I did a few core exercises waiting for dinner to heat up)
    Wednesday~Training Session
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Running Drills (gym or outside)
    Sunday~Training Session
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Oops, posted twice...
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Newcomers - welcome - you've found a great community to support you during your lifestyle change. Check into this thread on a daily basis for ongoing support and motivation!

    I got my dining table and chairs back into place, the floors vacuumed and 3/4 of the kitchen back into place. I just realized that the people who sold me the stove didn't clean out the oven. Its not bad - not excessively dirty - but I don't like other people's dirt. It didn't come with a manual so I'm hesitant to use the self-cleaning feature until I get on-line or call the mftr. and find out how it works.

    I'm supposed to go to a wine-tasting party where my sister works at a plant nursery tonight and I am dreading going because today the heat is unbearable and I will sweat from my scalp and ruin my hair and look like a wet dog. Is it just my pride or do other people feel the same way about events where they will look like a mud-hen? I don't want to go !!!!!! But I don't want to disappoint my sister either. So my only recourse is to go to bed right now and sleep for a few hours and hope I wake up with a better attitude. I'm dog-tired from yesterday's events and today and lack of sleep. So nappy time for me!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi every body!

    Susan- I like the "Come Get Happy" post, thanks!

    Kelley- I was hoping your injured quad would keep your steps down so I might get more than you, just kidding hope it heals quickly so you can continue with your awesome exercising. “Welcome to gabby and blondie!” from me too.

    Nicole- Beth and Kelley get more steps than me every day. I am going to try and get more. I signed my fitbit up to the Walgreens steps for rewards which I put 6000 steps a day as my goal so maybe that will help. I also have my fitbit linked to MFP and Microsoft Health Vault. I am thinking of buying the Aria scale made by the fitbit people. It does sync with MFP and Microsoft Health Vault so that will be nice. I am not sure how accurate the body fat% will be but it is better than what I got now (which is nothing). It also does BMI but so does a little math although I think I read that it uses body fat and weight and height to calculate it.

    Microsoft Health Vault is free and a good place to keep medical records. I like that my blood test results show up there after I linked it to LabCorp. It is nice to see them before the doctor tells me about them. Linking it to Walgreens keeps track of all my prescriptions.

    Quote of the week:- “The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” ~William James

  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hey! I fell off the wagon....AGAIN. I'll be in here periodically lurking your posts and bumping this topic, but for now I may not be on much. I'm going to try and focus on just entering my calories & getting exercise daily (anything!). Thank you all for being such a wonderful group! I hope I get my mojo back and can make the time to reconnect with you all!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wednesday wish: That my knees would quit hurting! And that everyone who is dealing with pain will feel better!
    Robin and others--thanks for the suggestions. The dr. did tell me that one of the reasons I am slow to heal was that they had to do a lot of corrective work on my knees. I was a bit knock kneed and my feet pronated quite badly when I walked. Now they are straight. That requires some extra work on the bones and slows the healing. It is nice to have my feet straight, but I am tired of the pain.
    I've really enjoyed the day. It is finally cool enough to turn the AC off. DD has lunch duty this week so I have been walking baby to her at noon so she can feed her. Its a good brisk 2 mile walk round trip. It was especially pleasant today because it was cool. Walking GS to school, then walking baby to mommy, then picking up GS, then walking in the evening with DH and daughters, I am getting in a lot of walking. The noon walk is only for this week. Maybe the scale will move again soon.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions about Zicam, I will try that tomorrow. Today became a rest day and tomorrow might be the same. I just need time to recover and de-stress. I am still not sure if it is a cold, sore throat, allergies or something new is lurking. I will be heading to bed soon. The good thing is I really don't want food except for protein right now.

    Wish- That everyone is who dealing with being sick, challenging situations or other issues finds the support they need to get over it quickly and hope that you feel better soon.

    Have a good night.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I fear the Zicam won't work b/c you're already sick. It's one of those things you need to keep in your medicine cabinet and start taking at the first sign of a cold. In any event, I hope you're feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--are you still doing your pedaling to strengthen the muscles around your knees? I agree with others, if you still have PT sessions available through your insurance, take advantage to see if there are other exercises you could be doing.

    @nvirgo--just do what you need to do--we are all here for you! :smile:

    @tom--I've been tracking the body fat % reading from my scale for the past week or so. I'm going to continue to do so for at least a month and see if I detect any patterns. I do like having that function on my scale even if it is just an estimate.

    @robin--I also hate being all hot and sweaty for events like that--especially b/c my hair also looks terrible when I sweat. I think you've mentioned having thin hair; I have the same issue, and when I sweat it's very noticeable. :grumble: If I know my hair is going to get ruined due to heat, I often just wear it in a headband or a ponytail. It doesn't look as nice, but at least the thinness is less apparent.

    @kelley--here's to stress-free lives! :drinker:

    @heather & gabby--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @mel--enjoy your vacation! :smile:

    @gorilla--I honestly don't even know my max for one lift. Right now I can bench press 90 lbs 5x5 and would like to pass the 100 lb. mark for that lift. :smile:

    @susan--have fun in Chicago! I can still call you "friend" since you're going to a Cubs game. As a Northsider, I would have to shun you if you were going to see the Sox. :tongue: I know you are probably rooting for your Braves, but that makes no difference--you will still be at a Cubs game. :wink:

    @charlotte--glad your daughter is home and relatively pain free. :flowerforyou:

    Wed. Wish:
    Well I was wishing for one more weekend to grade my AP papers, and I got it!! My co-worker and I did some calendar adjustments and now I don't need to hand back the essays next Friday, but the following Monday instead. :bigsmile:

    My student teacher taught a min-lesson in my classes today and did a really good job. I'm confident that once he takes over my 2 junior classes, I will gain back some of the time I'm spending on him right now. One thing that's kind of funny is he's very good looking and quite obviously lifts weights--he used to be a military cop and definitely looks the part. I kind of feel like I have a bodyguard with me everywhere I go. Anyway, I've noticed a lot of the female teachers taking notice, and when he's not with me, they ask who he is and say inappropriate things like "yum." It's actually pretty amusing. :laugh: We had our first faculty meeting today: he walked in with me, we sat down together, and I quickly ascertained that many people were staring at us, trying to figure out who he is. I usually sit with a couple of the guys from the business dept. but when they saw me with this big hulk of a guy, they sat at the other end of the row. One of them was jokingly acting like he had hurt feelings b/c I was sitting with a "new" guy--it was quite funny.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner NOT DONE but did a 2 mile walk instead
    Wed--walk gunner + gym NOT DONE ran outside w/ gunner instead
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Run For Your Lives!!!
    Sun--we'll see wink

    Grading Goals:
    1. 1/73 AP essays
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    jtconst- Wow - I envy you the Alabama concert - sounds like sooo much fun :bigsmile: good game plan for when hubby comes home this time - now you can't use him for an excuse since you've told us :wink:

    Helena - thinkin' about Deputy I kinda envy him - :laugh: I'd go for "walks" if someone took me!

    Skinny - love, love your running advice - especially the part about starting with running around corners to "fool" people - great idea!

    Naceto - did you get the little fitbit thats the size of a brooch?

    Anna - hope you meet your grading goals and aren't coming down with anything!

    kinnurse - hope the dental extraction went well for your grand-daughter and you didn't have any trouble with the drive. Is your cat doing OK being alone? You are a saint for all that you are doing and I am sure your daughter is one as well. Drink your :drinker:

    Susan - I am amazed at everything that is going on in your work life - it is such a whirlwind of activity -no wonder you're tired at the end of the day! Would you be more relaxed at the end of the day if you did the gym in the am, rather than the pm? I'm only guessing..... I have no personal experience ! I liked your Get Some Happy article :heart:

    Gorilla - what kind of cardio did you end up doing, and how was open house?

    Mel - have a fun trip!

    Kah.... hoping your quad gets better and better

    Tom - thanks for the HealthVault link - I think it will be very helpful... and if it works for me I will be passing it on to many other people......

    NVirgo - hello! Lurk away and hang onto the back of the wagon and do your best - you'll do just fine. Its taken me years to get my act together, I know how it goes......

    Kaye - that's very interesting about your knee surgery and your feet now being straight. I really do think it still would help to work with a PT once or twice and get some specific exercises due to that major change and your pain. i'm sure your doc would give you an order for a visit or two. but that's just me spending your money for you!

    Laurie - its weird with something is lurking in your body and you're not sure yet what it is. I hope its a quick bug and you're feeling better tomorrow! Hope you get a good nights sleep.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Good morning all... Well I did go to the gym last night and did some cardio. 16 minutes on the row machine and then 20 on the elliptical. I went to run on the treadmill and I kept slipping. I tried a second treadmill and it happened again;. Maybe it is time for a new pair of Nike Free... but they seem to do well when I run on the road. Being a minimalist sneaker the support is unchanged,

    Back to school night went pretty well, met the teachers. My little guy's teacher just moved to our district from an inner city school teaching older kids. She actually has a law degree and a brother who is a Navy Seal...AND my son already has her wrapped around his finger. He is cute.. blonde hair, big blue eyes and a smile that every girl falls for... she is already taking it easy on him! I told her not to let him fool you! He will use that smile to get out of doing any work he can. LOL

    This morning I hit the gym for some squat action.. still deload week but I did really load up the leg press machine for a couple sets extra heavy. So it was a good morning workout and now I am getting ready for a day full of meetings...

    Gabby and Blondie... Welcome Aboard!
    Virgo- Welcome back, I find my self running to this group when I need to refocus too! Such a great group of supportive people!

    Kah - Hope you get your stress managed and your leg feeling better!

    Robin - I would be more upset about missing the wine then having bad hair... but I like wine and keep my hair short LOL

    Lauire - Feel better soon!

    Skinnyjeans... I did a little calculating and doing 5 reps at 90lbs your calculated 1 rep max is 107!!! Go get it!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @elena--I loved your description of your running. (Notice I didn't use quotes) I also used to think that I needed to run at a certain pace for a certain amount of time before I could truly call myself a runner; however, that's just not the case. You wil continue to do it and you will feel inept or inadequate at times. You will even feel like a fraud as you lace up your shoes and don all of your running gear knowing full-well that most of your time will be spent walking. You will worry about what others think of you (I used to start all of my running stints as I rounded a corner b/c then when I had to quit 30 seconds later, anyone who saw me wouldn't know I could only run for 30 seconds--for all they knew I had run 5 miles before rounding that corner :laugh: ). In reality, anyone watching you admires you--and when you see other runners out on the road, they will nod or give you a wink, or even some kind words of encouragement. Still you will doubt whether you are truly a runner, but somewhere along the way that will all change. You may not even realize the transformation happened, but you will find that you miss running on the days you can't get outside or to the gym. You will sign up for races and friends will say "You're doing another one?" with admiration (and maybe a bit of jealousy). You will not care about who you beat on the course as long as you beat your previous time. You will go shopping for cute shoes and come home with yet *another* pair of running shoes. :smile:

    Confessions of a runner! What made my day yesterday? When the new running shoes I ordered on Sunday were sitting on my front porch when I got home! :laugh:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~I’m sorry you seem to be coming down with something, you sound really run down – definitely listen to your body and get some rest. Feel better soon!

    @Kaye~I’m sorry for your continued knee pain, but so proud of you that regardless of how your knees are feeling you still get out there and walk. That’s fantastic!

    @Tom~I need to sign up on Walgreen’s for my Fitbit, hadn’t thought about doing that. I recently purchased a scale that measures body fat % also, I really like that function – it’s nice to see if the pounds aren’t moving that my body fat % is lowering and my muscle weight % is increasing, honestly I feel like it’s a better measurement of my progress. I need to look into the HealthVault link you posted about – my docs office is actually pretty cool though, they have a patient portal so you can go on there and see all of your lab results. It also reminds patients of upcoming appointments and has a record of prescriptions, it’s pretty handy – with such a huge practice I think they had to offer something like that for keeping patient’s informed.

    @Nicole~I think I have a certain advantage with the Fitbit. The facility I work for is spread all over a hospital campus, so I end up having to do a lot of walking to different departments – also, there isn’t a restroom or water/ice in my building so I have to walk for it too! You’re doing great and I think the goal you set for yourself is a great starting point.

    @Karen~That’s funny about the student teacher, I don’t know why but your description just made me think of the movie Kindergarten Cop (although I’m sure the students are near as rambunctious). :laugh: Hooray for an extra weekend for grading!

    @NVirgo~I’m sorry you’re struggling, we all go through that from time to time.

    @Gorilla~Sounds like your son's teacher has got her work cut out for her this year. :wink:

    AFM~ Good session with trainer, we didn’t do any cardio intervals yesterday because of my quad but lifted heavy so I’m sure some muscle soreness will follow. Huge knot on that quad, so just need to roll that out as painful as it will be – trainer wanted to do it for me, but I squashed that notion rather quickly! :wink: It is feeling better, though.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Wii Tennis/Yoga DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE! (although I did a few core exercises waiting for dinner to heat up)
    Wednesday~Training Session DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Running Drills (gym or outside)
    Sunday~Training Session