Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Laurie…how bad does your butt hurt? :laugh:

    @Susan…so proud of you for how well you did on your business trip. :heart:

    @Kaye…whoo hoo! New clothes!!! New size!!!!!!:love:

    @Karen…those days happen and a wedding weekend is a special occasion. As long as it doesn’t become a habit of not logging things, you are just fine. It sounds like a wonderful time! I don’t believe I’ve ever had Russian food (now Vodka on the other hand…). We might have to give that a try.

    @Kinnurse…hope they figure out what is going on with your daughter. :flowerforyou: And thanks for the reminder..just filled up with water. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    @Gorilla…ahh football season and those dang foods and beers.:embarassed:

    AFM…got through ¾ of all my corn yesterday. I have a couple more that I need to blanch and package, but that’ll get done tonight. I ended up with 1.09 bushels of it so I’ll be able to enjoy corn on the cob this winter. Other than that I wasn’t very productive yesterday with all my other activities. Today, I’m making my Mom’s hamburger soup. Lots of veggies so it comes to about 214 calories per serving!:happy:

    It’s going to be nice and cool today so I think I’m going to go for a walk or bike ride after work today (love the 70’s this time of year). Jacob tries out for the Jazz band tonight so if everyone would say a quick prayer for him. He’s still having some difficulties in his life and he’s so excited for this. An activity that he is excited about is just what he needs since he can’t play sports right now.

    I had too much salt this weekend, so I’m ready with water bottle in handle to get that flushed out.:drinker:

    Have a great Monday!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Well I survived!!! The color run was a lot of fun and I did pretty good on time, missing my 45 minute goal by 45 seconds. I came in dead last of those running, was passed by both an 8 year old AND a friend in her late 60s.... those moments were slightly demoralizing!!! But when I finished I felt AWESOME!!! The Patriot Day 5K did not go as well.. I did finish but again I was dead last of the runners, my time was over a minute longer than Saturday's and I just felt glad to have survived at all!!! The only thing that kept me moving was the soldier whose name I wore to honor his sacrifice in service to our country. But at least I didn't get passed by the walkers or lapped by the 10K folks and I FINISHED!!

    I have become acutely aware of just how far I have yet to go toward my goal of good health.... and just how SLOW a 45 min. 5K really is!!! So as Kaye says, onward and downward!!!
  • I came here everyday last week and typed a whole thing and kept forgetting to click post reply. Yes every single day. I just got so busy at work. I was talking to my ex last night about how I feel like I have little to no support at home most of the time. My mom and grandma will tell me I need to lose weight but when I tell them I'm getting up early to go to the gym or how many times I plan on going to the gym I get "oh you don't need to go that early" and "you don't need to be going to the gym that much". I don't think going to the gym 4 times a week is a lot and to go to the gym in the morning with my sister we have to get up at 4 am but we always make sure to be in bed by 9:30 at the absolute latest and when I go without her I have to get up at 4:40 am. I don't even complain about being tired afterwards mostly because I'm not. I know I don't need someone to walk beside me and hold my hand through my weight loss but it sure would be nice to have the occasional squeeze to show support. Sorry I needed to let that out.

    Monday check-in: My weekend wasn't great food wise. Today is a new day. I was supposed to go to the gym this morning and had my alarm all set for 4 am but I forgot to change it to Monday instead of Tuesday and Thursday. So I will be going on a walk/run tonight with my sister and Deputy. Oh let me tell you this munchkin gets so lazy. I take him with me on all of my walk/runs now and I can only run so may times before I am just dragging him along. We do 2 loops around a 1 mile park path and I was only able to run 3 good times. I tried twice more and he just would not run. I don't even think that he was tired because as soon as he saw my sister and her friend he ran to them.

    Have a great day,

    Tuesday-Gym Maybe hip hop abs
    Wednesday-Off- I'm going to see the Sick Puppies (band) show. (super excited)
    Thursday- Run/Walk
    Friday- Gym and maybe hip hop abs
    Saturday- Gym and Run/walk
    Sunday- Gym or off not sure
  • lydian8
    lydian8 Posts: 39 Member
    I hadn't seen this thread before. It came up in my mini-feed on my main page. This is pretty cool. I know you guys don't know me yet, but I'll be around.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Monday morning friends. Well I cant say I had a healthy weekend but I am actually okay with that. I spent the entire weekend being extremly lazy and doing exactly what I wanted . I havent had any dedicated me time in quite a while. Well I feel nicely relaxed and wok up with energy and a good mood today so time to get back to work :happy: I am going to Zumba class in about and hour and then my son and I are making a run to the dump when I get home. Then it is housework and getting the house ready for hubby. He flies home sometime on tuesday and I cant wait to see him. I hope you all have a great day. Gotta get busy now. Dont forget to drink your water today:drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I hadn't seen this thread before. It came up in my mini-feed on my main page. This is pretty cool. I know you guys don't know me yet, but I'll be around.

    Lydian - welcome - this is a great thread - come back often and ask questions if you need help - we're here for you!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Well I survived!!! The color run was a lot of fun and I did pretty good on time, missing my 45 minute goal by 45 seconds. I came in dead last of those running, was passed by both an 8 year old AND a friend in her late 60s.... those moments were slightly demoralizing!!! But when I finished I felt AWESOME!!! The Patriot Day 5K did not go as well.. I did finish but again I was dead last of the runners, my time was over a minute longer than Saturday's and I just felt glad to have survived at all!!! The only thing that kept me moving was the soldier whose name I wore to honor his sacrifice in service to our country. But at least I didn't get passed by the walkers or lapped by the 10K folks and I FINISHED!!

    I have become acutely aware of just how far I have yet to go toward my goal of good health.... and just how SLOW a 45 min. 5K really is!!! So as Kaye says, onward and downward!!!

    the important thing is that YOU DID IT!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: There will always be people faster than you but you were faster than the people who did not get off the couch and try. Great motivation fo rthe Patriot Day.
    You will just keep getting better and better at this!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    dreary, drizzly, gray day...:yawn:
    started a challenge today so hopefully that will help keep me on track for a few weeks. Going to renew my car insurance today then stop at the gym for a bit. Have not been there for 3 months cause i have been getting exercise outside.
    cranking back the water
    Charlotte- hope the ultrasound for your daughter gives her some answers. Sorry she is in so much pain
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karenleona How are your knees? I still have more pain than I want! They are working well and don't keep me from my walking, so I shouldn't complain. Kaye
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi Everyone, Thanks for the best wishes. My daughter has now been transferred to a larger hospital. She had her ultrasound this morning and they found something but they are not sure what it is. They thought it might be kidney stones last night but now they are leaning toward either appendicitis or a bowel obstruction. Not sure why they can't tell the difference. Anyway, she is waiting to see the surgeon on call to review the tests and possibly do a cat scan. I'm up taking care of the grandkids for her but I hate that she's all alone waiting to find out what they are going to do for her. Was hoping my son in law would care enough to go down to the hospital to be with her but its a 2 hour drive each way and he figures until they know something there's no point. My feeling is she's alone, that's the point. Am I wrong?? I'll post later when I know more. Prayers would be appreciated. Thanks, Charlotte
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    @Charolette- how scary!! Lots of prayers for your daughter, you and your family!!

    AFM- I'm working on being more active once I get home from school this week. Up til this point this school year it's been walk in the door, fix supper, grade papers while watching tv, planning for the rest of the week and crash for the night. Tonight I fixed supper, cleaned the kitchen, got a roast ready in a crock pot for tomorrow's supper, cooked up left over chicken for lunches for the rest of the week, and did some yoga. Not a heavy workout but at least it's a move in the right direction.
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi guys...I am struggling tonight. Well I'm ok now. Now that I've had dinner, and I've decided to not go to Zumba, and just relax. The thought of getting dressed and driving there was stressing me out. Crazy I think (or just plain lazy). I'm off on Monday's and it's sort of demotivating and just a totally lazy day. I just had dinner and I'm done eating for the night. A little over calorie goal but I just need a swift kick in the pants and a fresh start tomorrow! And now I'm going to back track and catch up on some reading :)
  • Very inspiring! Good for you for doing the 5k at all! I'm going to follow in your footsteps. And just about at your 45 minute goal.
    Keep on it!

    @ Gorilla and @ skinny jeanz I will try a little running tomorrow. Gorilla, I hope your ankle heals well.
    @ Charlotte, I will pray for your daughter, too, and for the people treating her.
    @ Robin, thank you for letting me be part of this neat group.
  • Laurie, congratulations on the biking! What an accomplishment!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Charlotte- Hope your daughter gets better soon. It must be really scary for you and her. I wish you could be in two places at one time so she wouldn't be alone.

    pie- Sometimes we all need a night off from working out just to relax and complete a totally lazy day. I wish I could have a day like that in the near future.

    Anna- Good job making time to fit in some exercise. Teaching is very demanding especially with all the papers to grade and lessons to plan.

    Kaye- You are amazing in how far you have come this year.

    Top- Congrats on completing 2 5K's in one weekend. That is a great accomplishment with good times on both events. The next time you will do it a little faster. Just remember that your body was still recovering from the run on Saturday. Did you ever think you would run 2 5ks in the same weekend? Think about how far you have come to be able to accomplish that goal.

    I did okay over the weekend and today was tiring at school. I managed to complete the popcorn lab papers and the quizzes I had to grade but now I have 92 more lab on boiling point to grade. Just not up to grading papers tonight.

    My trainer had me run 2 miles tonight and I did it in under 26 minutes so I was happy with that. However, it was a good run but challenging. I really need to work on controlling my breathing since my throat was hurting by the time I was done. I am sure it did not help that I am tired tonight and left work later than planned so I did not have much time to warm up before the workout. Next week, I will do better about leaving work on time. Goal is to run 1 mile this week, so swimming on Wednesday might have to wait until the weekend.

    Workout plans for the week
    Sunday- bike 26 miles done
    Monday- Trainer workout ( might be running) DONE ran 2 miles:bigsmile:
    Tuesday- rest or swim Most likely rest since I have plans after work and kids staying after school.
    Wednesday- Swim or rest
    Thursday- Gym or swim
    Friday- climbing
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Charlotte, my thoughts are with you and your daughter. Some men just don't have a sensitivity gene!!

    This is my last post for a while, as I am leaving for Europe and don't know if I will have computer access, especially of the ship. I'm only taking my Iphone and don't know how often I will get to an internet café. Best wishes to everyone. I plan to eat moderately. Went back to the Dr today and he gave me prednisone. I've been struggling with this for over a month. Hope this helps. Determined not to let it get me down on the trip

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @elena--can't wait to hear how the running goes. I agree with gorilla's advice about starting slow. I struggled at first b/c I was trying to start at a 5 mph pace and couldn't get past 5 minutes. When I slowed down to 4.5 mph, it was all good. Once you can run a full 5k at a comfortable pace, you can start pushing yourself to improve your pace. :wink:

    @pie--sometimes we just need a lazy day. I had mine yesterday. :wink:

    @anna--I know what you mean about not being active after school. It's so easy to sit down and not get back up. Fortunately for me, gunner ensures that I at least get out the door for a walk with him. I've been trying to change into my gym clothes before I walk him. Then when we get home, I just grab my keys and head to the gym. Great job getting that cleaning done and dinner for tomorrow. The only "cleaning" I do during the week is laundry, and that's only out of necessity. :blushing:

    @charlotte--sorry your daughter is in pain--I hope she gets good care at the big hospital. :flowerforyou:

    @karenleona--it's easy to get away from the gym when the weather is nice. What is the challenge you joined?

    @tammy--exciting that your DH is coming home this week!

    @lydia--Welcome! :flowerforyou: I like your cat.

    @helena--sorry you aren't getting any support at home. Remember that we are all here for you to cheer you on when you need it. :smile: Gunner also can't run as much as me b/c he gets too tired. Also, remember that while they're galloping, dogs can't pant (which is their only means of cooling off since they don't sweat). That means they need lots of breaks, especially if it's hot outside. Gunner is way faster than me, so most of the time while I'm running he's only walking really fast, but when I do get him up to a gallop, he needs a walking break to cool off afterwards.

    @marca--HOORAY!!! You finished both 5ks!!! I'm so proud of you!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: And your time of just over 45 minutes is really great for a 1st 5k--now you have a PR to beat down the road!

    @tracy--I'm not gonna lie--I've been to Red Square twice and both times it was all about the vodka. We didn't have a morsel of food either time. :laugh:

    @kelley--wow, only 6 months until your cruise! That's a great motivator! :flowerforyou:

    @gorilla--I'm also struggling with my macros right now. I'm trying to increase my protein and have done pretty well over the past few weeks. However, last night my husband made a big pot of shrimp and broccoli w/ linguini. He almost never makes pasta, but when he does, there's enough to feed a family of 10. :grumble: So it's pasta for me for a couple of days and then back on the protein wagon.

    @kaye--I like your analogy of watching the scale like you would watch the bank account. :smile: I already tend to view my calorie allowance like money. I often decide I won't eat a treat b/c I don't want to "spend" too much on it.

    Monday Check-in:
    Well, I'm back in the gym mode this week--going to try to fit in 3 days and then take Friday off before my Zombie run. Today I did some lifting and then the stationary bike. I was originally going to run, but my knees have been sore due to dancing in heels this weekend. :ohwell:

    My student teacher is also a runner, and he introduced me to a website called Athlinks which will pull all of your online race results into one place. You set up a profile like on facebook or MFP and then you can just keep it private and use it to track your progress, or you can "friend" others. It's pretty cool--I recommend it to any of you who enter races of any type (in addition to running, they have race walking, cycling, triathlons. etc).

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Run For Your Lives!!!
    Sun--we'll see wink

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/73 AP essays
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: I'm just plain exhausted. I don't know if it's being gone last week and running around over the weekend with errands, but I'm just pooped. Of course, I was at work at 7:00 a.m. and left around 3:00 to run to the doctors - 5 vials of blood and the boobies were smashed (sorry guys). It has to be done. Hopefully, everything will come back OK. Now a headache will not go away. Food choices were good, but no exercise. Tomorrow it will happen. Have a good night and an awesome Tuesday friends.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Its going to be a late night. Talked to my daughter around 10 tonight and they were prepping her for surgery. The surgeon did another ultrasound and confirmed it was her appendix. I am staying up till I hear how things went. I told my daughter to get the nurse to call when she's out of recovery but if I haven't heard anything by 1 I'll call them. My son in law sat watching football all night while texting with my daughter and has now gone to bed. In the meantime, I've literally done 5 loads of laundry, dishes from last night and today, made dinner, bathed the kids and got them ready for bed, cleaned the bathrooms and read stories all while worrying about her being alone.
    Okay, phone rang while I was typing this message. It was the surgeon letting us know that Melissa is out of surgery, they were able to do it laproscopically. She had no complications and is in recovery. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes. He said if all goes well she should be able to come home later today. I woke my son in law up to let him know.(Could have waited till the morning but hey, I'm mean).I don't know how he could sleep not knowing anyway. I know I wouldn't have.
    I've been way under calories today, just didn't feel like eating which is so strange for me. Usually I eat when worried so I guess I'm doing okay.Thanks again everyone. Charlotte
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sorry I feel like I've been MIA for a while, but I've just been very busy.

    Charlotte - I'm glad your daughter is doing well and is out of surgery. You're a good mom to care for her the way you do and her husband "has a bone in his head' like my mom always said about dad.

    I got delayed a day on getting my stove but got it tonight and couldn't install it because the plug end was not compatible, so its sitting half-way out into the kitchen. And I have a galley kitchen, so there's not much room. This morning at 9 I am awaiting the air conditioning servicemen to come and install a new a/c unit and that's going to take 5 hours both on the roof of the building and in the service closet in my condo. I have to be home all the time this is going on. This stuff kinda stresses me out - I want to get the stove finished but it looks like it will wait until the a/c is installed. I need to find an electrician to work on it. AACK.

    Been getting my SQUATS DONE.