Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi all. I'm still here sort of.... The whole getting back into the swing of the school year thing has been throwing me for a loop. I went to the Dr a month ago for my yearly. We decided to check my blood levels since through out the summer and hard work I only lost 5 pounds. Met with her again today and my blood work is perfect and I've been consistantly maintaining since 09. SO my issue isn't gaining but just stuck at maintaining. So we have decided to give Qsymia a shot. I know pills are usually taboo on here but I really am at the end of my rope. Any one tried it before?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @anna--I've never heard of Qysmia. I know a lot of people are judgmental about pills or supplements. Personally, I don't see a big problem with them as long as they are part of an overall healthy approach. If you are continuing to work on good nutrition, portion control, and exercise, then you don't run as much risk of having the dreaded "gain back" when you stop taking the pills. The real problem with some of those weight-loss aids is when people either use them in conjunction with very low calorie diets, or continue to eat too many calories and don't learn to change their over all lifestyles. Do what's right for you--if you think this medication will help you jump-start the weight-loss, then use them and don't worry about what other people think.

    @mel--rest days are just as important for overall fitness as exercising. It's also smart to ease into a routine so you don't injure yourself, thus preventing yourself from working out at all.

    @tracy--I've considered doing some sort of co-op like bountiful baskets, but with just me and the DH, I worry a lot of it would spoil. I have a hard time even using up the fruits and vegetables I buy at the grocery store. :ohwell: Have fun at the movies and the fair!

    @gorilla--that does sound like a busy weekend! I forget--what lifting program are you following? Is it NROL? I'm thinking of buying NROLFW--I've heard good things about it.

    @robin--that volunteer position sounds interesting! I hope the parking doesn't cost too much and it leads to a paying position.

    @charlotte-- I can sort of see why they might want medical professionals to use common language; however, I imagine you all have the skills to explain if the patients don't understand. Sheesh, it's not like you are all a bunch of robots! We also have those types of professional development workshops. They want every teacher in the school to use the same language and terminology for skills with the students. The problem with that is then students don't learn the synonyms for those terms. For example, if every teacher in the school uses the term "thesis statement" for a paper's main argument, the students never learn that it could also be called a "contention." Then when they go off to college what will they do when a professor asks them to formulate a "contention" for their papers? I just don't understand why we would willfully limit our students' vocabulary that way. It's double-plus ungood. :wink:

    @kelley & kaye--I also have difficulty sleeping, but I'm afraid to take any type of sleep aid b/c they can sometimes trigger my sleep paralysis, so I just deal with some tired days and try to make up for missed sleep on the weekends. In general, I've found I sleep much better now that I work out regularly, so that's a bonus. :smile:

    @nicole--glad you have gotten to the gym and are overcoming that fear. I think a big part of this process is learning to overcome those fears--it's very liberating! :drinker:

    @kris--My mom always has lots of treats at her house and she offers them the minute I walk in the door. I try not to get annoyed, but it really takes me back to childhood when she would list everything there was to eat in the house the moment I opened the fridge or pantry. I'm not trying to place blame, but I can definitely see how her attitudes toward food and feeding her children as a sign of her love contributed to 3 overweight children. Ironically, my mother is a pretty healthy weight and only really struggled with extra weight after pregnancy. My father also always maintained a pretty good weight b/c he was in the military his whole life. I'm glad it's not an issue for them and my older sister and I have both finally managed to develop healthier relationships with food, but my younger sister is still obese. I know she would like to lose weight, but until she asks for my help I try to just be supportive and set a good example.

    Friday Fitness:
    With the busy week, I only managed to make it to the gym on Monday. I took gunner for an extra long walk today but needed to come home and get all of my stuff together for the wedding and our weekend downtown. Tomorrow we will be up early to drop gunner at the vet for boarding, pick up our friends, and head to Chicago. At least I know we will get in some walking during the day--we are going to Frontera Grill (Rick Bayless' restaurant) which is a short walk from our hotel. Then there will surely be lots of dancing at the reception. On Sunday, we are eating brunch at the hotel before heading back home. At least I should have time for a good, long workout Sunday afternoon. :happy:

    I probably won't check in tomorrow, so I hope everyone has a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- My Back to School Night runs from 6-8pm with classroom visits starting about 6:30. Our principal limits the time to about 7 minutes for each period. Like you said parents who want to attend will attend. I hope that next year they can start earlier. With regards to meetings during the week my schedule is crazy. Monday- We are now dealing with walk-through ( purpose checking on the school improvement plan-still debatable on its success), Tuesday- Content Area Planning, Wednesday-Interdisciplinary Team Meeting, Thursday Content Area Planning and Friday- Grade level meetings and Profession development. walk-through again.

    tlh-Where is the nest of bees? Is your daughter getting stung inside or outside of the building. That number of stings is very high and strange.

    anna-I have never heard of Qusmia either. I can relate about maintaining for the past year since I have done the same thing. Like Karen said you need to do what is right for you.

    Gorilla- You do have a busy weekend planned. Hope all goes well. When you doing the deload workout remember to work on form. Even those workouts have a purpose and a benefit.

    For all of you that are suffering from sore muscles you can try this remedy: 1 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar in a hot bath. Make sure it is hot but don't burn yourself. My trainer gave me this tip and it does help with muscles soreness.

    This has been a very long and busy week. I did exercise this week but not as much as normal. I am okay with this since I stayed busy with other things.
    I did stick with my plan so that is good.
    exercise goals
    Sunday- Kayaking and biking DONE
    Monday-Trainer workout DONE
    Tuesday- Rest or swim but house hunting house hunting DONE
    Wednesday- meeting after work but may skip it. GYM-Walk meeting skipped
    Thursday-Back to School Night- Rest day DONE
    Friday- Rock climbing DONE
    Saturday- baby shower
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Skinnyjeanz- WOW! You are a busy woman- I think I burned some calories just reading about your planned activities! (just not sure how I can log that....) :bigsmile:

    Anna- I agree with Skinnyjeanz... if you are not relying on the pill to do all of the work, you could have a positive result, I think. I personally can't take supplements or prescriptions for weightloss any more. That doesn't mean it won't work great for someone else. Just remember to make sure the calories you get are quality calories- fill your plate with nutrient rich foods. I've made the mistake of taking things in the past that curbed my appetite, so I hardly ate.... when I ate, it was junk. Needless to say, I was miserable. You will do great! We are cheering you on! :drinker:

    Melwillbe- I hear ya! It was in the 80s and 90s most of the week here, and suddenly it is 50 or 60 degrees.. it's snuggle in with soup weather!

    Tlh0407- You are sooo lucky! We have so many critters, we can't tell them apart!

    Gorilla- Thanks! I hope to someday hit that 81 lb mark and look back, laughing at my wimpy nature haha. I miss being a parent to a football kiddo! Bundling up for the games and practices, hot coffee, and pep talks.. My son is skipping football this year (double concussion last year), but is going to try his hand at basketball. I hope it is just as fun.

    RobinsEgg- I am in Western Washington State... near Seattle. Nutria shouldn't be in this neck of the woods... but there are rumors (maybe urban legends) of them being sighted as far North from their natural habitat (S. America I think)... in New York. I'm sticking with beavers.... they MUST be beavers. Someone else said river otters... could be. An art gallery would be SO cool to work at- even volunteering... so many interesting people. No parking would be troublesome... but is it too late in the evening to enjoy walking to and from your car? Can you log it? :happy:

    Friday fitness- Well, I did not go to the gym today, but plan on going on a nice walk tomorrow - might even hit the gym... but if I don't make the gym tomorrow, I will go on Sunday. I did something wrong, I think, because my shoulder has a "twinge" of pain. I may have to bite the bullet and join the gym AND hire a trainer.... that way I can be sure I am doing things right.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Just a quick checkin as I'm at work and kind of busy. Working nights all w/e, doesn't leave me with much time or energy for planing any fitness. I'm run off my feet at work and then I go home and sleep. Hope everyone has a great w/e. Enjoy the last bits of nice weather before fall hits too hard. Charlotte
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, its been an interesting week for me. I have eaten back some or all of my exercise credit nearly everyday. I expect my weight loss to go slower as I get closer to goal. Maybe my eating is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I certainly am not going to lose very fast if I keep eating all of my execise credits.
    I don't take any meds for sleep. My dr. won't prescribe anything. Whenever I go to him, he just congratulates me for using my CPAP every day, and tells me that if I lived in OR he would have to take my driver's license because I am sleep deprived. I don't feel like he has really done anything to get to the bottom of the problem. I am going to try very diligently to avoid any screen time for 1 hour before bedtime for awhile and see if that helps. It didn't last night, but I am willing to give it some time. We don't have a TV in the bedroom, but I am a news junkie and always feel like I need to watch the news before I go to bed.
    We have quite a lightning show going on here this evening. I hope we get some rain out of it.
    Have a good night. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    did not accomplish a single thing today and did not stay on track I have a terrible time when i am home alone. Hoping to get caught up in yard work tomorrow
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Well, its been an interesting week for me. I have eaten back some or all of my exercise credit nearly everyday. I expect my weight loss to go slower as I get closer to goal. Maybe my eating is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I certainly am not going to lose very fast if I keep eating all of my execise credits.
    I don't take any meds for sleep. My dr. won't prescribe anything. Whenever I go to him, he just congratulates me for using my CPAP every day, and tells me that if I lived in OR he would have to take my driver's license because I am sleep deprived. I don't feel like he has really done anything to get to the bottom of the problem. I am going to try very diligently to avoid any screen time for 1 hour before bedtime for awhile and see if that helps. It didn't last night, but I am willing to give it some time. We don't have a TV in the bedroom, but I am a news junkie and always feel like I need to watch the news before I go to bed.
    We have quite a lightning show going on here this evening. I hope we get some rain out of it.
    Have a good night. Onward and downward. Kaye

    Kaye - I take melatonin as well like Kelly mentioned. It's over the counter so you don't need a prescription. It's basically a natural sleep aid, which is why I prefer it. I was taking things like Advil PM, but stepped away to lean more towards a natural ingredient. I sleep pretty soundly every night (for the most part). I normally find it in the health section of my grocery store. You might give that a try and see what you think.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm officially home - thank goodness!! Cyrus couldn't stop hugging me, which I totally loved. It's so good to be home. This was a super long week. While on the business sense it was long, I'm so proud of my week. Today was a long day, but did get in quite a bit of walking between a plant tour and 3 airports. I need to load up on the water tomorrow though. Lunch and dinner out so the sodium today was off the charts. Plus, I think exercise has become a habit again. I'm already looking at tomorrow and figuring out when I'm going to work out whether it's a nice walk outside or the gym. Either way I'm moving!!!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Sat. Success: well, it's been exactly one week since I've been back. I've had challenges and successes, and need to weigh myself. the scale scares me. Going to get on my bike and ride over to the park to meet my daughter, who'se there for a local event. It's within walking distance, but want to improve my biking skills. Busy day today, but planned my food early and going to try to get to the gym late this afternoon. Hubby is draining our outdoor hot tub for the winter as the weather has changed.
  • alice1128
    alice1128 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Everyone! This looks like a great board to join if I may. I'm re-starting my weight loss journey and would like to lose approx 80 lbs. I'm meeting some of my family in Whistler the 1st week of February 2014 and would like to lose half of it by then. Do you think this is doable?
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Alice - welcome ! You've found a great community for support. So your'e thinking about trying to lose 40 pounds by Feb. - I can't give you any guarantees of that being totally possible. Some people lose weight much faster than others. If you hit your diet and exercise goals very accurately without fail, it might be possible. I say might. I can say that you can lose 1-2 lbs a week successfully without having to struggle or go hungry and that might make you a happier person in the long run. It all depends on what type of person you are, what kind of personal discipline you can muster. My advice is to go back and read through all these pages from page 1 - somewhere in here we have discussed tips for beginners and that will be helpful for you. Log all your food, even when you cheat and go over. If you don't know the calories in some foods at least estimate the calories, always log your foods. You need to develop that habit. And get some exercise each day.

    Well, friends, I DID get the volunteer position at the Art Gallery ( and it has free parking for its employees so I don't have to hassle with parking downtown. Yippee! I will be working Tues - Weds - Thurs from noon to 4 pm. as a greeter and receptionist and I'll cover the phones during their weekly staff meetings and when they go to lunch. I'll have lots of time to read at my greeter's table as I have to just sit there and wait for people to come in. During exhibits I may sit in another area where there is art work and do the same thing. Its going to be lovely.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi all. I'm still here sort of.... The whole getting back into the swing of the school year thing has been throwing me for a loop. I went to the Dr a month ago for my yearly. We decided to check my blood levels since through out the summer and hard work I only lost 5 pounds. Met with her again today and my blood work is perfect and I've been consistantly maintaining since 09. SO my issue isn't gaining but just stuck at maintaining. So we have decided to give Qsymia a shot. I know pills are usually taboo on here but I really am at the end of my rope. Any one tried it before?

    Don't worry about trying a medication - or what people think! I googled Qsymia and it is comprised of 2 component drugs and one of them (topiramate) happens to be one I take for migraines and I've been on it for over 20 years without problems (and no effect on my weight)

    Using something like this is only a tool - you have to do all the other steps the same way you have been doing them. Eating correctly, getting the right amount of protein, drinking your water, making sure you don't drop your calories way low, don't get into OVER-exercising, and you will do just fine.

    It does boil down to creating a caloric deficit. A 5 pound loss over the summer is not that bad, just something that could be improved upon.
  • ElenaM4
    Question for those who may have taken up jogging/running at some point - I know it's different for everyone, but is there a prescribed BMI or ballpark # for starting up? Although I've never stopped biking, zumba, dancing and walking, I haven't done any running in a VERY long time which became ultra evident after making a base hit yesterday while playing at the park with my 9 year old. I ran 10 feet and I thought I was going to die (in a way that sounds funnier than it felt - not good). I don't want to injure my knees, but I do want to be able to run - fast-ish at some point. Advice? Thank you!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome Elena - I'm not a runner, but I'm sure one of the runners here will post an answer to your question today.

    To All - here is one of the MOST INSPIRATIONAL POSTS I HAVE EVER SEEN:

    this lady said she didn't have the strength to make it one day at a time, she had to struggle with one meal at a time. Read her story, its amazing!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    seriously trying to stop procrastinating and get outside and do something.....anything......
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Question for those who may have taken up jogging/running at some point - I know it's different for everyone, but is there a prescribed BMI or ballpark # for starting up? Although I've never stopped biking, zumba, dancing and walking, I haven't done any running in a VERY long time which became ultra evident after making a base hit yesterday while playing at the park with my 9 year old. I ran 10 feet and I thought I was going to die (in a way that sounds funnier than it felt - not good). I don't want to injure my knees, but I do want to be able to run - fast-ish at some point. Advice? Thank you!

    Get get outside and walk...and walk.. and walk. When you feel ready run for 10 seconds. Next time run for 15 seconds. Time after than run for 20 seconds.

    Just get out and do SOMETHING!:wink:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    I got my Fitbit! Yay!!! Happy Saturday to all. Today could be a challenge, as there is a birthday party/ bbq for a friend's son. I am not going to arrive hungry, and I am going to watch my portions. Wish me luck!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday success: I went thrift store shopping today for some casual clothes for the winter. I also needed a jacket as I didn't have one that fit. It was fun to have so many choices and I have bolstered my wardrobe considerably. Also a fun day with my youngest daughter. We had lunch at TGIFriday and did well on calories. Have a fun weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    seriously trying to stop procrastinating and get outside and do something.....anything......

    Karen - I was having the same problem - and I really thought I should go for a walk, but something in me didn't want to walk the regular route. So I got in the car and started driving and ended up at a place called Heron Haven which only has a path 1/2 mile long, but there's a chance of seeing birds.

    Well, long story short there was a Nature display going on of Raptor birds and I got to see up close a peregrine, a saw-whet owl, a harrier hawk, another hawk and another HUGE owl, who's name I forgot. It was a tremendous treat and I'm so glad I left the house when I did......I hope you feel better and get out sunshine and butterflies...HUGS :flowerforyou: