Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    What a rough day people have had ! I'm so sorry I did personals and then some key burped and I lost it, but I remember there was a lot of miserable days for several people and I'm sorry I can't remember who I wanted to express things to :cry:

    I skipped breakfast because I went out for a pizza lunch with an ex-friend whom I haven't seen in over 5 years. We recently connected and I asked her to lunch. .....a warm hug....good conversation ...."we must see each other again"..and an hour and 1/2 had passed. I left having eaten only 1-1/2 pc. of pizza. Ate remaining 2 pc. tonight and with exercise calories I'm in the good zone.

    Exercise: upper body DONE
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Just a quick update. I was able to print out all the previous weigh ins over the past 2 and a bit years and then deleted them, leaving only the weigh-ins since August 30th 2013. Now I am showing an accurate 6 lb weight loss. Thanks for the help Robin.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @charlotte--I teach 12th grade Advanced Placement English Lit and Composition (3 sections/73 students total) and 11th grade Honors American Lit (2 sections/53 students total). There are definitely perks to teaching the upper levels, but the downside is all of the grading--especially with the AP since it's essentially a college course. Yes, it's like an extra, non-paying job--please remind people of that the next time you hear someone bash teachers for getting paid to work 8-3 with summers off. :wink:

    @laurie--at least you have a choice as to whether you attend your planning meetings. Ours are required, and if you get on a bad team, it's torture to sit there getting nothing done when you know you could be grading or planning on your own. I'm fortunate that both of my regular teams are VERY productive and each is just me and one other teacher. Occasionally, we have to meet with larger teams (like the other 11th grade honors teacher and I will meet with the rest of the 11th grade teachers), but that only happens a few times a year.

    AFM--got 5 papers done and now it's off to bed for me. Tomorrow will be a very long day with Open House in the evening.

    Grading Goal:
    1. 5/20 motif analyses
    2. 53/53 censorship responses DONE
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    No personals because the hotel internet is acting super slow. I'm going to do a quick post, but did read through the posts. It sounds like many of us our having super busy weeks.

    Day 2 went great! Hotel breakfast I opted for was oatmeal. Mid-morning snack was fruit. Lunch was brought in and deli sandwiches. I did OK and skipped the cookies and chips. I did have 3 mini 3-Musketeers in the afternoon as I was about to fall asleep. The group (40 of us) went to a local sports bar. Everyone ordered burgers (and they looked AMAZING) except for maybe 3 of us. I opted for a Spinach Salad (grilled chicken, red onion, feta, walnuts and raspberry dressing). It wasn't big and just the right size. Plus, when I got back from dinner around 8, I actually went to the hotel gym for a work-out. Woo Hoo!!! Here's to day 3 - I can do this!!!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Monday check in -- well, we went dancing in Yorkshire this weekend. Ate loads of junk food and drank loads of beer, but luckily the walking and dancing, plus my good work earlier in the week have generated a 1lb loss. So that's ok. I managed to log a bit from my phone but of course you can't get to the forums from the phone app. And the farm we stayed at sells eggs fresh from the hens who pecked around the campsite, so I've had some of those for my breakfast this morning.

    @Susan, Karen -- I'm in London so our regular market isn't a farmer's market. We do have a farmers/artisan market on Sunday but in the week we just have traders who get their fruit and veg from New Covent Garden. Still fantastic and fresh though, and much cheaper than the supermarket.
    @Erienne -- I found that MFP was setting my calories too low when I did weights in particular. Welcome back!
    @BJCamp -- congrats on that driver's license! That's a real victory, isn't it?
    @John -- I've always wanted to go up in a hot air balloon.
    @Tracy -- Well done with the restart! And I don't think it's really about 'self control' at all; in fact I think all the stuff people say about willpower and self control distracts from the actual mental and physical issues that are going on for us.
    @Robin -- glad to hear your breakfast date went so well. What a nice way to spend a morning. And goblet squats look very interesting.
    @Susan -- Poultry 101 eh? I'm not entirely sure I want to know everything that goes into industrial chicken. But well done for managing to stay on track in a hotel.
    @Nicole -- I hope that the gym works out really well for you!

    Welcome to all the newlings! This is a great thread. My advice to newbies is to LOG EVERYTHING -- I think everyone here will agree on that pretty well -- and to get some exercise every day. Even if it's only a ten minute walk, but ideally 30 minutes a day that gets the heart rate up a bit.

    This week I've agreed to go and do a bit of housesitting for some pals -- they have an old cat who likes company; I don't have to feed her or anything (someone's coming in daily to do that), they just want me to hang around the house a bit when I can. My plan was to get lots of work done in peace and quiet, but today at least that was one noisy kitty cat! Seemed perfectly happy, just liked yowling. Anyway, my friends' house is lovely. They don't have kids (just one cranky ol' kitty...) but it was so nice just sitting in a house where everything was in its place and all the furniture and decorations were nice. Made me resolve once again to improve our shabby one -- so I guess that's my Wednesday wish.

    Hope you're all having a great week!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I told my boss this morning when I got to work that all signs point to the fact I should have taken a vacation this week! So instead of no sleep like Monday night, this morning I didn't wake up until after 7 – two hours after I’m supposed to get up! So I was two hours late for work. :grumble: I doubled up on my sleep meds, so my night was better - still feel tired though.

    @Vicki~I’m sorry for your continued stress at work and for the loss of a patient. I hope the week starts to look up, for both of us.

    @Nicole~I have a Fitbit and love it, it measures sleep also – but I rarely use mine to track it. I love it for every other reason though.

    @Robin~Its nice when we can connect with old friends. Great job with the pizza!

    @Susan~You are making great choices!

    Wednesday Wish~Just that the week gets better for me and anyone else that is having a rough one!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you all are having a great day. I am getting ready to go to a class offered at worksource that basically teaches you how to sell your skills when you are making career changes. When I get done with that it will be a fun day of cleaning house so as you can see the party never stops over here:bigsmile: I dont have much time but just wanted to let you all know I am thinking of you and hope you all have a great day.:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • butterflies02875
    butterflies02875 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone I am new to MFP . Hope to meet new people and join you on this journey .. Hope everyone has a great day .. :smile:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Butterflies02 - welcome. You'll meet a lot of nice people here. Come back and post often to make the most friends.

    Good Morning everyone - well its home maintenance day for me. My A/C has been failing slowly this past month and I've got a new one scheduled for installation on Tuesday. Good thing the heat broke last night and its only 80 today. With the heat running 99 the past week my old A/C was just really having a hard time of it.
    Also found a new stove on Craigs list and my wonderful younger brother is going to help me move it on Sunday. Its only 6 years old, whereas the one in my condo is 24 y/0 and heats the whole kitchen when I cook. The replacement is a Whirlpool glasstop with self cleaning oven and its practically a give-away so I'm very happy about it. I've been watching CL for a year for a good deal and finally found one.
    Had some rain last night and it leaked into my furnace room from the roof through the 3rd floor condo's furnace room into mine. The buildiing mgmt. will have a roofer take care of that for me, thank goodness. It wasn't much water, just a drip - drip - drip that made me check all the faucets before I found the real problem. :noway:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, I finally ate the last oatmeal raisin cookie this morning. Now they are out of my hair!
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    I feel ya was me and a coconut custard pie this week. The pie won, but that was soooo yesterday. Today is better! :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    For those of you in the advanced stage of planning with your macro's and exercise-induced fuel needs, this might be an interesting site for you: I found it interesting.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    @charlotte--I teach 12th grade Advanced Placement English Lit and Composition (3 sections/73 students total) and 11th grade Honors American Lit (2 sections/53 students total). There are definitely perks to teaching the upper levels, but the downside is all of the grading--especially with the AP since it's essentially a college course. Yes, it's like an extra, non-paying job--please remind people of that the next time you hear someone bash teachers for getting paid to work 8-3 with summers off. :wink:

    @laurie--at least you have a choice as to whether you attend your planning meetings. Ours are required, and if you get on a bad team, it's torture to sit there getting nothing done when you know you could be grading or planning on your own. I'm fortunate that both of my regular teams are VERY productive and each is just me and one other teacher. Occasionally, we have to meet with larger teams (like the other 11th grade honors teacher and I will meet with the rest of the 11th grade teachers), but that only happens a few times a year.

    AFM--got 5 papers done and now it's off to bed for me. Tomorrow will be a very long day with Open House in the evening.

    Grading Goal:
    1. 5/20 motif analyses
    2. 53/53 censorship responses DONE

    I totally understand. I'm a retired high school English teacher and I can tell you I spent one day every weekend marking essays, using rubrics and all kinds of things that the department head thought up for us. It was never easy. Sometimes, each essay could take 1/2 hour to mark...then you have about 60 of them or more. My head tried to make sure each semester that the class load was fair, but in my experience, the full-time English teachers didn't last long People don't understand the constant courses that you have to take in the summers either. It was years before I ever had a summer off.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Despite a sore hip, I went ahead and did my squats, and they proved to be no problem. Tonight, in fact, they were easy. I'm going to have to think about increasing my reps or increasing the weight.

    Exercise: Squats: DONE.
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Wednesday wishes. Boy, I could write a book to cover all my wishes. High on the list would be that I wish I had not gotten sidetracked last year by my surgery and difficult recovery. If I had found a way to push through, I could be close to my 100+ weight loss goal. But, as with so many others at MFP I did get sidetracked and I'm again, starting over. But, I am determined to do this and find a way to get past all my road blocks. I will succeed!!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hi y'all!

    Wednesday wish.... that I wouldn't be sore after working out. PLEASE tell me it gets easier with time?

    Gym again today.. no trainer or manager, but my 15 year old son walked through with me and cheered me on. I am so incredibly blessed.

    Oh! The "beavers" in the creek behind where I work, may not be beavers, but some type of river rat. :noway: ARGH... I saw her babies today, when I was walking, at break. I think I will just keep telling myself they are beavers.:wink:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi y'all!

    Wednesday wish.... that I wouldn't be sore after working out. PLEASE tell me it gets easier with time?

    Gym again today.. no trainer or manager, but my 15 year old son walked through with me and cheered me on. I am so incredibly blessed.

    Oh! The "beavers" in the creek behind where I work, may not be beavers, but some type of river rat. :noway: ARGH... I saw her babies today, when I was walking, at break. I think I will just keep telling myself they are beavers.:wink:

    I just refuse to work out to the point where I am sore. I am afraid of injuries as I hurt myself during a stretch doing yoga years ago and it took over a year to heal the muscle I tore back then! Now I am very careful and back off from the pain - so judge yourself as you go along and let your body be your guide!

    Glad your son was your cheerleader - I'll bet you pushed yourself a wee bit harder because he was there !

    Oh, and there's no such thing as "river rats" :wink: , I'm SURE you saw a beaver or a woodchuck, :wink: :wink:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Wednesday wish ... that my mom didn't insist on having an unlimited supply of mini peppermint patties on hand at all times....
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I know I shouldn't think this far ahead BUT the holidays are around the corner. Last year is when I derailed after doing so well. It's taken me 7 months to finally get myself back in gear, but I'm really glad I started back in early August so I can get myself under control one day at a time. I would like to say it's been easy, but it's not. I'm slowly learning once again and trying not to beat myself up.

    This week has truly been an eye opener for me. As many of you know, I left early on Monday (6:00 a.m.) and not back until 7:00 p.m. Friday on a business trip. My hotel is a Homewood Suites so I have a kitchen. When I arrived Monday, I walked to the grocery store and loaded up on snacks (greek yogurt, stick cheese, turkey pepperoni, raw veggies, strawberries, blueberries and grapes.) Every day I've done some form of exercise in the hotel gym. Every day I've stayed under my calories. Every day I've made healthy choices (minus the 3 mini Three Musketeers). I want to end this year strong and begin 2014 even stronger. This is my wish.

    @ Robin - Awesome CL deal on the stove. Good for you!! I've been watching for a patio set. There so darn expensive. Like you I just keep waiting for that right deal.

    @ MowMow - You know what you need to do. A few is OK and that's it. Push them away!!!

    @ Kinnurse - You and me both. I didn't have surgery, but changed jobs after already making a life change last year. I know I had a TON of stress in my life, but I need to learn how to manage it. Those times will come again and I need to be ready!

    @ Naceto - So proud of you!!! I started with a trainer and I'm 6 sessions in. She pushes me, but I've only been sore once. Often it's not the next day, but 48 hours later. I was doing this exercise for my glutes. I didn't think it was really doing anything, but 2 days later - holy cow!!! This is why a rest day is truly needed. I thought I had to exercise every day, but your muscles really need a rest period. As far as the walk at work, I believe there beavers too. LOL!!!!

    @ Kelly - The weekend is in sight. I think many of us will be ready. It's been a rough one for a lot of us for some reason. Hang in there!!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just a few personals from memory:

    @nicole--it DOES get better. In fact, I have a hard time working out to the point of soreness. It actually feels good when I achieve that now.

    @mel--yes, I often have to remind myself that I CHOSE my major. And yes, it took 11 years of full time teaching before I had a "summer off." Even that is a misnomer b/c even though I don't need to take classes for a few years, I still do curriculum planning over the summer.

    @robin--nice find with the stove. Everything I've read would suggest you increase the weight rather than the reps.

    Wed Wish:
    That next year they let us switch Open House to 6-8 pm rather than 7-9. It's SUCH a long day!!! Only 3 motif analyses left--handing them back tomorrow so I'll need to finish them during my opens. So tired...:yawn:

    Grading Goal:
    1. 17/20 motif analyses