Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I did pretty well doing weights on my own at the gym this morning, I tried to follow the push/pull technique my trainer is always voicing during our sessions - I got on the arc trainer for 5-minute bursts between sets. All-in-all a great workout.

    After the gym, my friends picked me up and we ventured to a relatively new restaurant - Snappy Salads. They have a bunch of different salads, everything was organic and fresh. I had a taco salad that I added black beans and corn too, it had a jalapeno ranch dressing on it and was fantastic. After that I got my grocery shopping done and then made the low-carb pasta dish for dinner tonight, turned out great. I actually tasted the pasta before mixing the other ingredients into it and it tasted like regular pasta to me. So its a keeper! :wink:

    @Karen~Good idea to put your cleaning list down, I need to follow suit on that! Enjoy the band tonight.

    @Robin~Yay, for getting your squats done today!

    @Laurie~Have a blast kayaking!

    @tlh~That is a long nap, you must have needed the sleep. If I nap for more than about 30 minutes I wake up all groggy.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tom - and anyone interested in the goblet squats I'm doing - they are a little better than the conventional squats of days gone past - here is a little article and demo video on them -

    FYI - I started with a 2 lb dumb bell - and it took me a long time to work up to 10 lbs. and I'm still not squatting as low as the woman in the video- I don't think I'll ever drop lower than knee level - due to my knee replacement! :bigsmile:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well didn’t get everything done, but a good chunk – I hate laundry!!! It takes so long. I’ve tried keeping up with it every day and that doesn’t happen. I try to devote a whole day to it and I’m burned out on it. But by the end of Sunday, it will ALL be done, folded and put away. At least I’ll start the week with none in a hamper or on my couch.

    1. Sleep in (it’s been weeks of being behind on sleep) DONE
    2. Clean kitchen DONE
    3. Plan this week’s meals DONE
    4. Finish laundry (STILL IN PROGRESS)
    5. Clean bathroom
    6. Sweep floors DONE
    7. Wash floors DONE
    8. Vacuum
    9. Play games with the kids DONE

    @ Laurie – enjoy kayaking. I did it as a kid at summer camp and during my annual lake week. However, I did it again for the first time in probably 10 years on vacation. It’s different this time… good solid workout for my arms yet it was so calming for me at the same time. Alone with your thoughts!! Good luck with tomorrow’s food.

    @Robin – the roast beef dinner was great tonight. However, my stomach did throw a fit and said “I’m still not feeling that great and now you’ve upset me” :sick: Oh well!

    @kah – what was the brand of your pasta? And I agree, usually my naps have to be around 20 minutes to actually be energizing for me. However, because of being sick, I had only gotten about 4 hours of sleep the night before so the nap was actually my interrupted sleep.
  • Eeyeore
    Went yard saling for the first time in a long time.......forgot how much I miss it. Lots of fabulous buys ..but the best was a small leather book cover only about 3in by 4in..with a zipper and a gold cross on the front......I have always wanted to carry my mothers small travel bible with me but it is slightly fragile..she died when I was three and I love looking and reading the passages she marked and wrote notes I can always have it with me.
    Got sunburned....then went with whole family to cheese cake factory for word on that...BAD!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Well, for the most part, the week was good. Logging was completed all week. Missed a few bites here and there, but trying to get better about tracking 100%. Worked out with the trainer twice and twice on my own. Today's workout was really good and I really pushed myself (making up for yesterday's donut). Hope the scale starts to move again. I'm pleased with the total loss for August though. Keeping focused on September. Stupid TOM has got to be about here. Head has been throbbing ALL day. Not happy with that. This could be why I was craving sweets and extra food the past few days. These could be signs I need to pay attention too going forward.

    @ Robin - So glad you've met a new friend. He sounds very nice and hoping the next date outing is just as positive. Also, great intro for the newbies. Even for some of us that have been around awhile always good to go "Back to Basics". I know I need the reminder on a regular basis.

    @ Eeyeore - My BF is an avid at yard sailing, but it's like pulling teeth for me. I guess it's the rummaging through other people's stuff that just makes me cringe. I think it's one of those love/hate things for most people. Glad you enjoyed it though. Cheesecake Factory - very tough! The portions are way too big.

    @ tlh0407 - I'm with you on the laundry. I don't mind doing it, but its the folding that I hate.

    @ Laurie - Can't wait to hear about the kayaking. Always good to mix things up and find something to add to your schedule.

    @ Mow - Awesome sign!!

    @ Skinny - Have fun tonight! You got a lot done today so time to kick back and relax!!
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, It's early Sunday morning, or maybe late Saturday night whichever you want to look at it. I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying my lazy w/e. Didn't even get out of my housecoat today. Just puttered around the house, watched some TV and played some games on the computer. Can't remember the last time I did this on a Saturday. Must get out and get some grocery shopping done Sunday afternoon so that I can plan out my meals for the week. Would also like to do a bit of walking but the weather has been crappy this w/e. Overcast and cold up here today. Hope Sunday is better.

    Robin - So happy for you that your breakfast date went well. You are so brave to do the online dating thing. I've never had the nerve to even consider it. Also, great job with the tips for newbie's. We are all so lucky to have you.

    John - Hope the hot air balloon ride was wonderful. Its on my list for rewards when I hit my 100 lb weight loss.

    Welcome to all the newbies on the site. This is the best site for getting support and encouragement.

    Hope everyone is having a great w/e and don't forget to keep up with your water intake. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Charlotte
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just got home from seeing my friend's band. It was kind of bitter-sweet b/c they are splitting up next month so tonight may be the last time I see them. :cry: I just realized I posted about 3 times today (yesterday) and never posted a Saturday Success--so here it is:

    I was helping my friend pick a dress for the commitment ceremony next weekend and one of the dresses she pulled out of her closet was big on her. (she's really skinny). She checked the tag and saw it was a size 10 and said "Here, take this; it should fit you." I said I didn't think it would fit since I'm a size 12-14 right now, but I took it anyway figuring I could fit into it down the road. When I got home a while ago I decided to try it on, just to see how close I was to fitting into it. I'm sure you can guess what's coming--it fit!!! :noway: Now I know a lot of it has to do with the A-line cut of the dress, but it was still exciting to fit in a size 10!!! :bigsmile:

    My friends from Switzerland are in town, so I am meeting them tomorrow for lunch. Can't wait to see them!!! (it is their commitment ceremony next weekend)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Here's a great Success Story a gal posted about her weight loss. She had loose skin after she lost a great amount of weight - then she started exercising and changed her shape - with pictures. I think we can all learn something from this post!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sunday Share: My name is Tracy. I've been married 18 years and have two children -- Jacob, age 12 and Emma, age 7. I've struggled with my weight since I was a Sophomore in college but it really ballooned after I got married and went through infertility treatment. I work out of my home doing quality improvement for a life insurance company. I moved "back home" about a year ago and really enjoy the time spent with my family now.

    I like to read, watch my kids' activities and scrapbook. My other great love is travel. I started over when I got married and have been to 20 of the 50 states. This year's summer vacation was a repeat in Connecticut, but we plan on adding Nevada in November as my best friend, husband and I all turn(ed) 40 this year, we are headed to Las Vegas for a couple's weekend. I also believe in adventure and that we should all try something new each time we go somewhere. That's where my weight has become a hinderance. Now is the time to get back on track so I don't have to skip an adventure just because I'm too big!

    Today is a busy one. Sunday School and Choir start back up at church, so it's off to church in a few minutes. I'm babysitting my two nephews today during football (hopefully they let me watch the Vikings game at noon), ice skating starts today at 5 and my son has youth group today at 6:30. Whoo-hoo, let the games begin!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    Lastly, I want to share with you my sister's success story. She has been going so strong lately and I'm so proud of her. here's my lifting story

    Hope you all have a great day!

    tih - thanks for sharing this great post with us - I forgot to look and just got around to it today. Your sister did an amazing job. Great photo's too. Hard to believe there's only 10 lbs difference in that one photo!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Sunday Share~I'm Kelley, mid-40s, an accountant in north-central Texas. I've been on this weight loss journey for a number of years, but things changed in me when I found my trainer after a knee injury last year. We've become good friends and business partners, he keeps me motivated and is always pushing the envelope to see what my body can do. I love to travel, mostly by cruise ship. Did a bucket list cruise to Alaska last year and have two planned for next year - Panama Canal in March and Canada/New England in October. I'm counting down the days! :laugh:

    @Tracey~Dreamfields is the brand of pasta - there is 5g of digestible carbs per serving. I actually can't tell a difference between it and regular pasta.

    @Karen~Hooray for a smaller sized dress!!! Love those NSV. Enjoy your friends today.

    I think I'm going to make today an active rest day, no gym time but will get some things caught up around the house and get ready for the week. I will venture out later though, hoping Target has the WiFi printer I have my eye on in stock. I live in Cowboy's country, so probably watch them unravel against the Giants tonight. :tongue:

    I think my goals for today are:

    1. Dust downstairs
    2. Vacuum stairs/upstairs
    3, Clear off dining room table (this is almost done)
    4. Run to Target for new printer
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tracy--Yes, as a Bears fan, I am anti-Vikings. In fact, I'm an oddball in that I'm a Bears fan 1st and a Packers fan 2nd which makes the Vikings my double nemesis. :tongue: Guess we will just have to be frenemies on Sundays. :laugh:

    @robin--thanks for the link--it makes me happy I've done some strength training all along and reinforces my resolve to continue to work with the weights at the gym. I still have some weight to lose, but haven't been "thrilled" with some of the flabbiness I'm seeing on my arms and belly. It's good to hear that someone else had such success getting rid of it by lifting. Also, thanks for re-posting tracy's sister's link--I also forgot to look at it the 1st time.

    @charlotte--glad you enjoying your weekend.

    @susan--hope that headache is gone this morning. :flowerforyou:

    @eeyore--cheesecake factory is tough--even their salads are huge and high in calories. I haven't been there in years, but I always used to get the navaho chicken sandwich which was served on frybread. So delicious, but I don't even want to know how many calories are in it--too many, I'm sure. :ohwell:

    @kelley--glad you had a good solo workout and enjoyed lunch with your friends.

    @laurie--I don't watch a lot of college football, but when I do you can guess who this Navy brat roots for. :wink: When I was a kid, the Redskins were my favorite team and John Riggins was my favorite player. There is still some residual fondness, so I'll root for them as long as they aren't playing the Bears or Packers. :drinker:

    @mel--good to see you back! :flowerforyou:

    Sunday Share:
    For the newlings, I'm Karen but some of the folks on the thread call me "Skinny" which I admit was a "happy accident" from choosing my particular username. :laugh: Glad to hear my chore list inspired some of you to do your own cleaning, Since I'm probably one of the worst housekeepers in the world, it's good to know I had that affect. :tongue:

    Today I will meet my friends for lunch and then need to grade. Would like to also make it to the gym, but grading has to take priority since I'm collecting 73 more essays tomorrow. :grumble:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/23 Motif analyses

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + run outside DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
  • Dreamingwillow
    Thank you all for the warm welcome. My goals this week:

    1) Stay within the weekly caloric intake I've set for myself (1300 - 1500/day for a 1 - 1.5lb/week loss)

    2) Increase moderate activity by 1 minute a day until I reach 30 minutes (currently at 14).

    3) Start doing at home video exercise "Fat burning Fusion" twice a week - eventually working up to daily.

    3) Cut down Diet Coke to 1 can/day this week (Eventually cutting it out entirely - I used to drink about a 12 pack/day)

    I can't believe I've let myself gain back 110 pounds...but I did. So now I have to start all over. I've tried before, many times, hopefully it will stick this time. Food and I have a real love-hate relationship.

    I'm off to cook for the week.


    Banana Cinnamon "Pancakes" (no flour, no sugar)
    Homemade Sweet potato "Fries" (baked)
    Better Burgers (Made of oats and lots of veggies)
    Tomato bisque Soup (no cream - lots of Veggies)

    Leftovers from last week:

    Hearty Veggie Stew
    Salad fixin's and dressings
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all!

    I did not get my cardio in last night. Amy was very sick temp. was 104.6⁰ F. She had to go to the emergency room. They said it is a bad sinus infection and gave her the thick shot of antibiotics which she hated and cried when she got it. She had a stiff neck in the morning and the high temp. I read that it could be bad things so ER sounded like the way to go. Any way I did not get my cardio done but since today is a rest day it just turned into a cardio day.

    Kelly- I eat Dreamfields Penne when I go for pasta and I cannot tell the difference from regular. I grew up in CT and went to many NY Giants games and I’m still a Giants fan. So I hope they beat the Cowboys.:laugh:

    RobinsEgg- I liked your post about the loose skin. I lost a lot of weight back in the 80’s and the skin shrink right up but now that I’m 55 years old it is not shrinking. I hope some strength training will help. I am going to try the goblet squats and see if I like them better than the ones I’m doing now, so thanks for the links!

    Laurie- I hope you have some fun with the kayaking.

    3M- Nice sign!

    I’m ready for some FOOTBALL!

    Qutoe of the day:- “The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time.” ~Abraham Lincoln

    Have a great opening Sunday of football season!

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Sunday Share: I'm Susan if you didn't guess from my username. 44 years old and a single mom to an awesome 11-year old son, Cyrus. We moved from Atlanta to Henderson, NV (suburb of Las Vegas) last year. I took a job with Caesars Entertainment, but it wasn't what I thought it would be and luckily a better door opened with a great company, Capriotti's Sandwich Shop. I started with MFP in August 2012. The past year has definitely had some ups and downs, but that is life. I'm trying to tackle a lot of the mental games with losing weight. I've got my logging down (for the most part). Exercise is getting better and more consistent. Just started with a trainer and really enjoy having someone else tell me what to do.

    Tomorrow I leave for a week-long business trip. I'm taking Poultry 101 at the University of Arkansas then have a tour of Butterball - yee haw!! It's going to be an interesting week. I've already checked and the hotel has a gym, which I plan to use. Meals will be out ALL week, but I'm determined to make good choices. I can do this even during my travel.

    Have an AWESOME week ahead. One day at a time.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Sunday Share: My name is Erienne and I'm 23 years old married with no kids yet. I graduated from Michigan State University almost a year ago with a BA in Family Community Services and I'm working full time at a childcare center currently. I have been on MFP for almost 2 years now, and have had lots of ups and downs and in betweens. I finished the Insanity program in July, ran my first 5K, and have lost almost 50 pounds since I decided to get serious about my fitness and nutrition back in January. I am serious about my goals and am not playing games. It's time to get my life together and enjoy my twenties the way I am meant to.

    In recent news, I have a male friend who is going through a very rough time. His girlfriend of over 2 years has been cheating on him, and they've been broken up since May. She was a mutual friend of mine and my husband's. It's a mess, but I am doing my best to help him any way possible.

    Fitness Goals this week:

    -Today: HHA Ab Sculpt
    -Monday: HHA Fat Burning Cardio and Ab Sculpt
    -Tuesday: HHA Fat Burning Cardio and Ab Sculpt
    -Wednesday: HHA Ab Sculpt
    -Thursday: HHA Fat Burning Cardio and Ab Sculpt
    -Friday: HHA Ab Sculpt
    -Saturday: REST

    My goal is to get these workouts done in the morning before work. Last week I was too tired to get up early and do them, this week I want to work on disciplining myself to do it. Other goals this week include stepping it up in my Clean Eating Challenge. I have been slacking this week due to time management issues. I have been drinking more water, I take a bottle to work and drink about three of them before I come home. Feels good to be hydrated. Today I am working on housework as well as planning to do HHA and maybe lifting.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sunday Share -

    Hi, I'm Robin, I'm the moderator, only because I started this thread three years ago when I started on MFP. I'm 62, divorced and live in Omaha, NE. No kids. I love managing this thread because I have an earth mother kind of personality, I'm pretty mellow and calm and believe in helping your fellow neighbor. I live in a big condo bldg. on the second floor with a little deck crowded with flowers and trees.THis forum gives me the change to help virtual neighbors, and get tons of help in return. I've gotten way more help than I've given. I've been bolstered in spirit, helped back on the wagon, bandaids applied to my knees, and my ego boosted so many times I can no longer wear hats. (thats an old picture :laugh: )
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Helloooo lovies!!

    Sunday Share - I'm Kris. A 40 year old divorcee and crazy cat lady (I live with 2 crazy cats) living in Central Oregon. I started my weight loss roller coaster in 2012 when I had a stroke (MArch 6, 2012). I've lost 98 lbs and have been majorly stalled (self induced) for quite some time. I need to get my rear back in gear (literally) and get the other 85lbs off. I haven't been posting much as my Momz is here visiting from the East Coast but I'm check up on everyone every day!

    Love you guys!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Sunday Share: I'm Kaye. Last week was my 1 year anniversary on MFP. The year has included 2 knee replacements so it has kept me challenged. I am diligent about logging my food and staying under 1200 calories (although today isn't looking so good). Walking is my exercise of choice. I am married (48 years), have 7 children with spouses, and 14 grandchildren. My life revolves around my family. I babysit 2 of my grandchildren every day, and love to see all of them as often as possible. I do all kinds of needlework, and love to read and do word puzzles when I don't have a handwork project going. Today I finished Sarah's afghan. Now I need to start on the scarves for all of the granddaughters for Christmas.
    This thread is what keeps me going. I appreciate all of the encouragement, and suggestions. The accountability of reporting in often helps keep me on track. I check in several times a day and draw inspiration from each of you.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Making progress:

    1. Dust downstairs DONE!
    2. Vacuum stairs/upstairs
    3, Clear off dining room table DONE!
    4. Run to Target for new printer DONE and installed!

    Of course just as I finished installing the new wireless printer, the battery on on my laptop crapped out - so now on to Amazon to find a new one. Geez!