Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I loved the kayaking today and I did not fall off or into the water. I can't wait to go again--YES I AM HOOKED. It was a great arm workout and relaxing at the same time. The park offers a class on Saturday mornings so I think I will do that in the near future. After Kayaking, went for a bike ride around the park so that was even more exercise and a great way to stretch my knees. The picnic was wonderful but I most likely ate to many sweets but I don't think I went over my too much. It is to hard to track food today. My dad turned 81 today so we had a birthday dinner, with cake and ice cream. At least the dinner was relatively healthy. I am very tired tonight so might go to bed early.

    I am Laurie, 43 and I teach middle school. I started this fitness journey when I turned 40 and school was out for they year. There have been many challenges and learning experiences over the years but it is so worth it. Today, I told my friend that is very nice that I can just decide to try something and do it without worrying about failure due to weight. I still have a ways to go in this journey but the progress I have made is worth more than the pounds lost. I now enjoy trying new things and while I may be apprehensive about it due to my own fears. Now, I have more confidence to engage in a variety of activities that increase my physical well being and that enables me to have fun.

    exercise goals
    Sunday- Kayaking and biking
    Monday-Trainer workout
    Tuesday- Rest or swim but house hunting
    Wednesday- meeting after work but may skip it.
    Thursday-Back to School Night- Rest day
    Friday- Rock climbing
    Saturday- baby shower

    UGHH looking at this week, it will be a challenge to get the exercise in. To many after school activities planned so that limits my exercise time. Will need to rework my schedule for Tuesday or Wednesday to get in a day of exercise.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi all sorry for the MIA-ness that is me of late. I've been trying to peek in regularly, and have been trying to stay on track... very difficult of late, as I am definitely a stress eater.

    Sunday share: I'm Vicki, married nurse, two grown kids, and live in Phoenix. I work for the State hospital, so my comments usually center around working with crazy folks every day ---- and then there are the patients :laugh:

    Anyway, I send welcome to the newbies, & hugs for all my buddies here... you are never far from my thoughts, even if I don't express them as often as i'd like.

    Hope everyone has a good week...
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    now back in my own home after visiting with son, DIl and grandchildren in northern alberta. Drove 14.5 hours to get home yesterday so just relaxing today but stayed on track with food. While away i was very busy with my 5 yr old grandson and rarely went on the computer!
    time to get back on track with losing and moving
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    Sunday Share - I'm Lori, 46yo, married, 2 teenage boys. I live in Maryland, and work full time at a demanding job. While I've struggled with weight all my life, I really started packing on the pounds after graduate school (about 20 years ago). I've lost and regained 30-40 pounds a couple times, but mostly I've been gaining. Despite having joined MFP more than a year ago, I've only recently gotten serious about getting this extra weight off. Even more than not liking how I look is really hating how I feel with this extra weight and seeing how it's limiting me. I've recognized that if I don't get control of it now, I will likely be disable in a few short years. MFP has provided so much motivation and support! It's making all the difference. :)

    I did start a post earlier where I was trying to do personals, but then needed to get off the computer to help my son with his homework. So I'll try that again next time. lol.

    I have a presentation tomorrow morning - just finished pulling it together. Now off to bed.

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Sooo I have been kind of sketchy and even skipped logging everything yesterday. Today I logged, but it ain't pretty.

    Sunday share- for those that don't know- I have what they call generalized anxiety disorder... what that means is that for a long while, I was afraid to even leave my house.... I used to have panic attacks on a pretty regular basis, but it's better now. I'm braver. Sometimes though... I have to push through this barrier that I have allowed for so long to surround me. Usually, it feels awesome, once I push past my self imposed limits. The tough part is the actual pushing.

    The good news... My son wanted to re-join the gym, since his friends all play basketball there. I told him I would think about it, only because the gym manager let him have a free pass for a couple of weeks, while I tried to make time to go in and talk to him. I have kind of an irrational fear of the gym, since my husband passed. Not because of my husband's passing, mind you, but it was a timing thing. So I paid for a membership I didn't use for nearly two and a half years... always holding my breath as I passed by.

    The new manager was super cool- didn't try to sell me a bunch of stuff I don't need... AND gave me a pass until the end of September... to see if I feel comfortable there again. I got my son's membership and he waved ALL of the extra fees. The bad news (depending on perspective LOL) is that he offered to show me a workout routine HIMSELF. I am meeting him after work tomorrow... to work out... for real... in a gym. I can do this... heck, I went to a yoga class (several times)... I quit my job without another lined up- I am a super cool bad *kitten* gal.... but I'm still a little freaked out. I have 100 silly disaster scenarios playing out in my head. BUT I am going. I have to.

    Now I've rambled on a bit... sorry. I just needed to tell someone I guess. Needed to vent... thanks for "listening". I hope you all have a wonderful week.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I am a super cool bad *kitten* gal

    You are a freaking SUPER hero! You can do this!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    I am a super cool bad *kitten* gal

    You are a freaking SUPER hero! You can do this!

    Thanks Kris... I think I can.... let's just hope I "do" ;) That's the tricky part ;)
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Had a crazy weekend...crazy bad :( borrowed a chain saw to cut a tree that was leaning over our utility building and it quit working so we had to buy a new chain saw. Lawn mower started acting up. Then Saturday our air went out. Air still isn't up and running - hopefully that will be fixed today. Scale was nicer today tho. Lost the 2 1/2 pounds I've gained over the last two weeks. And I seem to have regained a little of my motivation. I got up and walked this morning. I have every intention of starting the Couch to 5K program tonight.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My food log for yesterday is frustrating to me. I didn't binge or eat too much of anything. It just seemed that all of my choices added up to bad ones! I had to count all of my exercise credit to not be over my goal. I hate days like that! The scale did go down this morning by almost a pound. I'm happy about that.
    Hope you all had a good weekend. Congratulations to those who are pushing past their comfort zones! It is so important to be healthy that its worth almost any sacrifice. You inspire me.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Naceto - I have the anxiety disorder too - so I can really relate. I have sat on my hands til the last minute trying to force myself to go someplace, even the grocery store. I hope you DO go, my friend. :flowerforyou:

    BJ - hope you get your A/C running today. Boy its hot today! Congrats on your 2-1/2 LB loss. WOOT! :bigsmile:

    Kaye - Way to go, even with a struggle yesterday you're down almost a pound - WOOT FOR YOU! :bigsmile:

    Vicki - thanks for the HUGS - Here's one for you {{{{{ HUGS VICKI }}}}}}

    Laurie - I was certain you'd love kayaking - are you going to buy or rent for your adventures? Be sure there's room in your new home if you buy!!!! Happy househunting this week!

    My second date didn't turn out well. I went to his house for breakfast but he got sick and sent me home. He's called but he's still sick. So I don't know what will happen.

    I have eliminated my morning meds one by one to see what's causing the rash. I've eliminated all meds but 3, and they will be challenged this week. Fortunately the 3 left are all vitamin suppliments, not prescriptions.

    New prednisone dose is lower than what I have been on before. This is supposed to give me less side effects, but its causing more morning pain - gosh I feel like a very old woman in the mornings with hip and shoulder aches. Its taken me 3 hours this m orning to get moving ! :grumble: But I consider myself blessed because the pain does go away and I can be active the rest of the day.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well the babysitting went well. However, I can definitely tell I’m out of practice with toting a 1 year old and a 5 year old to events (plus I had my own 7 year old and ice skates!!!). Emma had her skating practice from 5-6 and by 5:05, the 5 year old was whining if it was 6 yet. On the other hand, the one year old loved it and was perfectly content from the moment we were able to sit down and watch the skaters. But you do forget how quickly a little one can move!! :noway:

    I went over in my calories yesterday by 150 but was short the day before by about 400 so, I’m still ahead for the weekend!!! I’m calling that a success. I struggled with my water intake over the weekend, but already have 3 glasses down for today. :drinker:

    I did not get any cleaning done yesterday :embarassed: , but I don’t have any “plans” tonight so here’s my To Do list.
    1. Clean Bathroom
    2. Finish Laundry (two loads left)
    3. Vacuum
    4. Sort through Emma’s clothes and donate the too small to my niece
    5. 100 squats
    6. 100 Tricep Kickbacks

    @Kelley…did the Alaska one and loved it! My grandparents did the New England bus tour back in the day and they raved about it. I’m sure that one will be very beautiful.

    @Karen…I might rival you in the poor housekeeping lately. Being cramped in this tiny apartment, I’ve decided there is so much in such a small space that I get frustrated and just don’t do it. (We did go from 2500 square feet to less than 900 – lots in storage, but still too much here) If our house ever sells and we get a new one, I hope I go back to my “normal” self.

    @Tom…sorry to hear about Amy. Hope she’s feeling better.

    @Susan…I’m sure you can make good choices. Enjoy your week of Poultry!!:bigsmile:

    @Kaye…I bet the scarves will be a big hit at Christmastime. How many grandkids are daughters?

    @Laurie…I hope to get to where you are…weight is no longer a reason to not try. Glad you enjoyed the kayaking. I don’t have a lake nearby to make it a regular activity and the Muddy Missouri is a bit scary to think about going on with its big currents.

    @KarenLeona…as it should be. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Welcome back!:flowerforyou:

    @Naceto and Robin…I can’t comprehend that anxiety disorder and I feel for you. Very proud of the way you are able to push through it and glad you get a feeling of accomplishment...something you can hold on to and remember the next time. Sounds like a great gym/manager. YOU CAN DO IT!!

    @Robin…is there a way that you could take the prednisone at around 4:00 in the morning? During my infertility, I had to do that with one of my meds. I’d set my alarm for 2-3 hours before I was going to get up, take the medicine and go back to bed. I’m lucky…always been a good sleeper. My mom would not be able to do it because once she wakes up, she’s up for good.

    Have a great start to your week everyone!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    tih- thanks for your suggestion - I'll give that a try about taking the prednisone at 4 am or so - never thought about trying that - would love it if it works! :flowerforyou:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    tih--9 granddaughters, 8 are old enough for the scarf. I need to hurry!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member

    Amy is at the primary care Doctor right now but she is feeling much better. I'm so glad the thick shot and the z-pack are helping. I suck at grocery shopping, and household chores. I take all that she does for granted and as soon as she is better I'm taking her out to eat (so no cooking or dishes). I am thinking about making Friday nights a date night. I'll have to try to find good healthy places to eat. Here is one that is good or bad, Cafe Rio might work for me I'll have to check (Amy likes Cafe Rio),The South Point Casino has a few places that are not too bad health wise we both really like. Sometimes I need Mimi's cafe liver and onions, McMullins Irish Pub is not healthy but I think my DNA requires me to go there sometimes. So if you know of any Healthy dinning out options please let me know.

    I did my missed cardio and even did 10 extra minutes.:drinker:

    Kelly- I cannot believe how bad the Cowboys and the Giants were neither deserved a win.:brokenheart:

    Quote of the day :- “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.” ~Spanish Proverb

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning friends. I am off to a fresh start yet again. Everything seemed so easy for the first eight months or so and then I just seemed to backslide and start having bad days and now there seems to be more bad then good. I got up came alive did a couple little things and then it was off to the gym for Zumba. I was looking at the progress reoports and everything this weekend and while alot of the problem is my food I kind of started half @$$ing the exercise ever since hubbys last time home. No more. I should start volunteering before the month is over, I am going to use the gym membership regularly, and I will remember that I need to record and be honest with myself about what is going in my mouth.
    It sounds like everyones had a great weekend so lets carry that over to a wonderful week. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • tabarrett0261
    tabarrett0261 Posts: 77 Member

    I'm new and this looks like a good group! I'm going through Motivation and Support and am hoping to be a part of a few of the boards. This group seems to be a great group after reading some of the posts. I'm struggling and need all the support I can get! I can't seem to lose anything these days. I'm very frustrated with the lack of will power I'm experiencing. My goal this week is to get reinspired and get back on my healthy eating program and try to get my bike out for a ride or two this week.


    Tracy from Minnesota :grumble:
  • lmackbethl
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Just a quick note - I did start the C25K..didn't make it through the whole thing, but I did make it through half. For some reason, that's a real accomplishment to me! I will try again tomorrow! Hope everyone has a great week :)
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    AND air is fixed! Thanks, Robin!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Morgori - glad Amy is better - gosh her fever was mighty high yesterday ! I'm impressed you did extra cardio too. Your quote made me bust out laughing !

    jtconst - sounds like you've been very introspective about what's gone wrong with your lifestyle change - and you've gotten to the bottom of your problem. We do need to take stock of ourselves from time to time - your account is good for us to each pause and reflect on our actions and our goals - are they still in sync? Good for you for going to Zumba!

    tabarrett - welcome to our thread - its a great place to come to for support and encouragement. I hope you have read the past several pages because starting in the middle of page 4 we discussed tips for beginners and they are all helpful and should be good for you in getting back "in the groove"

    BJCamp - oh congrats on making it through half of C25K - I think that's an excellent start! Do a week of 1/2 of it and you'll be so proud of yourself and next week you'll find a whole one will be easy!