Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Good morning, all! I am going to attempt personals this morning since I am up so early! First of all, I’ve been missing a few days being I haven’t been feeling well…have a sinus infection going on and have been running a fever. Don’t typically run a fever with this but oh well…. I did get up this morning to attempt C25K again after not doing it at all yesterday and only walking the day before since it suggests only doing the program every other day and my legs were killing me…imagine that…lol I still only got half way through but considering I’m having a hard time breathing I’m trying not to be too hard on myself. I will make it through the program even if it takes me 6 months compared to the 2 months that they say…I am determined!

    Susan – I am sure that your son misses you while you are gone and I know that has to make it hard for you. I am so sorry. As parents we do what we have to in order to support our kids and they will understand that. He just loves his mom and can’t wait to see her again. BTW, you’re doing awesome on your trip with your food and exercise…so proud of you!

    Kinnurse – I see you got your ticker working…that’s awesome…keep up the good work and it’ll keep moving

    Melwill – I’m just like you as far as the gym – I just can’t bring myself to work out in front of people. I am very self-conscious. I have a treadmill at home and wii-fit. I also have a bike and my boys love it when I ride with them, we also take walks outside together. This way we are still spending time together and I’m still getting my exercise in. Hope this helps some. Good luck!

    Tlh – Congrats on the water goal! That’s a hard one to get started on. The rhythm for me still isn’t there but I haven’t given up. You will find yours too…

    TOP – Good luck on your 5K...I’m sure it’s going to be awesome…your words make me feel better about my experience with C25K so far. It’s definitely not easy for me, but I am going to do it!

    Kah – things are going to get better, just keep your head up

    Vicki – So sorry! You are in my thoughts

    Laurie – doesn’t sound like your year is getting any better yet….I hope it picks up soon! Thinking about you.

    Butterflies – welcome! You’ve found the best group on MFP

    Robin – Congrats on your steal! You deserve a great deal…Hope they get your leak fixed soon.

    Nace – Beavers sound like a better option to me! Lol

    I hope that you all have a GREAT day - you each deserve it! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Good Morning!
    I was feeling "light" this morning so I stepped on the scale and I'm down 1.6 lbs and I've crossed the 50 lbs barrier at long last! AT LONG LAST :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Its taken me 3 years!!!!

    Susan - Like you, I worry about the holidays. I crashed and burned badly my first year on MFP. I did much better my second holiday season. The first year I tried to avoid sweets totally and it was a disaster. I started sneaking holiday cookies and then my foundation just crumbled and I went all in. Last season, I was eating more "approved" sweets on my food plan and I was able to substitute some holiday treats and I made myself log every sip and bite. Fortunately, I have a small family and no bakers except me! It went much better and I did not gain over the holidays - but I did not lose - it was a maintenance time for me for several weeks.

    What frustrates me is the holiday season seems to start pre- Halloween and goes right through Valentines Day!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Friday fitness: get to the gym
    BJ: I like your ideas of getting fit outside. The weather here is cooling off, so I think I'll get outside tomorrow for a walk or bike ride. I'm a little unsteady on the bike, but need more practise.
    Robin: Congratulations on your terrific weight loss. I can't wait to catch up to you...unfortunately, I have to lose one lb. lol! I think I'll weigh-in tomorrow. I haven't weighed myself since I re-started.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nicole~I’m so proud of you for going to the gym, I know what a hard thing this was for you to do. Yes, I promise, it does get easier – I don’t get sore like I used to, the only time I do is when I (or my trainer) increase the weight I’m lifting. I look forward to soreness sometimes though, it’s a sign that I worked those muscles. If you are REALLY sore, it’s possible the trainer/manager had you lift more weight than your body was ready for. The soreness will last a few days and then all should be good. It’s definitely beavers – DEFINITELY!!! :wink: :laugh:

    @Tom~Yes, both teams were a mess on Sunday! Giants had a rough time of it, you ask me the Cowboys just got lucky because they don’t usually win when Romo passes short like he did throughout the game.

    @Kris~Oh, how I love peppermint patties! Maybe your mom could hide them in her room?

    @Robin~I’m with Karen, increase the weight and not the reps. What a superb job you’ve done, time to shop and celebrate that half-century mark! :flowerforyou:

    @BJ~What a cute profile pic! Take your time with C25K, I can remember repeating days (or weeks) many times, until I felt comfortable with it. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

    @Susan~I’m so proud of you and all the healthy choices you’re making on this trip (including making use of that hotel gym), you are setting yourself up for great things – including the holidays, they’ll be here before we know it.

    Thursday Truth~I wanted so much to cancel my session with my trainer yesterday, I even texted him to say my energy level was really low, but we both decided I needed it. At first I didn’t have the energy but about half-way through I started feeling more like myself and he said my color was better (I’ve been so exhausted). I gave myself 3 days of rest because of my exhaustion this week, but woke up today feeling more like myself and rested.

    As for the holidays~I just try to maintain between Thanksgiving and New Years. I love Halloween but am not a big candy eater, so it’s never really been a challenge for me. I love to cook and bake, friends/family expect certain things from me every year so I continue to make those things as gifts. For the most part I have holiday’s under control now, but I didn’t always. I just take it one party/event at a time, allow myself occasional treats and it seems to work out well – last year was the first holiday season in which I didn’t gain any weight. I’m hoping to repeat that this year.

    Have a great day!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Been a while since I have stopped by this group and it is good to see that it is still so active and supportive.

    Yesterday I was in a really bad mood.... bad enough of a mood that when I went to buy lunch I kinda lost it... First I was buying healthy food at the supermarket, but standing on lines for too long had me just leave a basket full of groceries on the floor and storm out... which sent me to a pizza place.. where the line was also too long. Then I stood infront of a Chinese buffet for 5 minutes contemplating going in... but how glutinous is a Chinese buffet by yourself? I ended up going into the liquor store, getting a 6 pack of beer, 12 pack of Lime-A-Rita and went home to eat some hotdogs and drink lunch.

    That might have not been too bad if I did not then go wild on stale peeps and a bag of Twizzlers.... Then f-ing Chinese for dinner!

    I mean I did workout yesterday, and I really had a great lifting session but I failed on my eating more then I have in a very long time. I need to refocus myself and get back on track... I still want 50lbs off of me from here and I know it will not be easy.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: Yesterday was a bad day for me. It reminded me of how I got so overweight in the first place. I just had the munchies all day! I kept wanting to put stuff in my mouth. I was snacking all day. I ended up using all of my exercise credit for the day. I don't know what was going on. It was the worst day for snacking that I've had since I started a year ago.
    I can surely relate to those of you who talk about exhaustion. I don't sleep! It is getting worse, and I don't know what to do about it. My sleep specialist just looks at the chip from my CPAP, and congratulates for using it every day. He says I should go to bed earlier. That just leaves me tossing and turning for hours because I can't fall asleep. I rarely get more than 4-5 hours of sleep. That's not enough! Okay, enough griping.
    Today is going to be a better day.
    Onward and Downward. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I think we’re entering the time of year where we are getting ready for hibernation :huh: – since the weather is starting to cool off (okay, except in Texas) we are craving more carbs and comfort food. That could be why some of us are having difficulty making healthy decisions and why we find ourselves grazing. It can also be attributed to why we’re having trouble sleeping, too – the season is changing. I know my lack of sleep this week is giving me cravings for salty foods and I’m finding myself seeking out more carbs – luckily I have pickles around for the salt and the only carbs in the house is Ezekiel bread and Triscuits, so I can’t stray too far. Of course, I could tunnel my way through a box of roasted tomato Triscuits if I let myself! :grumble:

    @Kaye~Do you take a sleep aid? That is my saving grace right now, I try not to rely on them but remember my doc rx them for a reason. If you don’t take anything, try Melatonin and Sleepytime Tea – if you go through a long period of sleepless nights talk to your doctor, he might be willing to rx a non-habit forming sleep aid. I can’t go to bed too early either or I’ll wake up at some ungodly hour! I try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day (except an hour later on weekends, but no more than an hour). Doing so keeps your circadian rhythms in check. I’ve had a sleep disorder since my 20s and following my doctors advice on this helps tremendously.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Wednesday wish ... that my mom didn't insist on having an unlimited supply of mini peppermint patties on hand at all times....

    Shoot dang. Chocolate and mint are my downfall. I would have issues with that too :laugh:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I was with my sister during her day of surgery yesterday so not able to log in. I've read your posts this morning but don't have time for personals right now.

    Wednesday Wish -- the bees start going away for the year. My daughter's school is terrible. She has been in school since August 20th and has been stung 3 times already! Her friend showed me where she was stung 4 times and every day Emma comes home with a story about someone getting stung. I'm administering benedryl and the school says they are taking appropriate actions. I know Bismarck has a high population of them this year, but she's only been stung at school!

    Thursday Truth -- I ate bad yesterday and I used my family as an excuse. I was running late to take my sister to her surgery, so it was McDonald's Bacon, Egg and Cheese bagel for breakfast (I knew it was bad, but at that point, I just went with it). Just as I was going to get a healthy dinner from the cafeteria, she came out of post-op so by the time she got released, I was starving and she wanted ice cream. So it was broasted chicken for dinner as Big Boy was on the way home. After I got done sitting with her to make sure she was okay, I ran to choir and then as I was driving home, my Mom called and needed me to help her yet that night (this is at 8;15 at night). Ran home and cooked a pizza for supper as it was quick and I could help Jacob with his homework before I headed to Mom's. I came in over 400 calories too high! Now, instead of wearing my victim glasses, I could have been prepared for the day and made better choices. But what's done is done and I'm back at it today and so far, so good. I have a plan for today and I'm sticking to it!

    Hope you all have a great day -- I'm off to the school in a few minutes to give my daughter another dose of Benedryl since the nurse called and said her two stings are swollen big time.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Friday fitness: get to the gym
    BJ: I like your ideas of getting fit outside. The weather here is cooling off, so I think I'll get outside tomorrow for a walk or bike ride. I'm a little unsteady on the bike, but need more practise.
    Robin: Congratulations on your terrific weight loss. I can't wait to catch up to you...unfortunately, I have to lose one lb. lol! I think I'll weigh-in tomorrow. I haven't weighed myself since I re-started.

    Duhhhh, today is Thursday! oh well, I did get to the gym and had a great workout. Now, I just need to exercise my 'brain'!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Luckily my principal does not require me to attend 2 planning meetings in one day. Our contract says we get one personal planning a day. Sounds like we both have Back to School night tonight. Hope yours go well.

    Just dropping in quickly before the parent start coming to visit the classrooms for the annual this is what your kids will be learning and my expectations for the class. Regrettfully, the storms are not keeping the parents/students away tonight.

    Gotta a run, they have arrived.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi! Just caught up on posts, and I'm exhausted! I already have trouble falling asleep most nights, but when I have to work until 9pm, it's almost impossible to wind down and fall asleep at any reasonable time. I didn't even try to get to sleep until about 1 am and then gunner woke me at 5 am to let me know there was a bunny/squirrel/beaver/river rat (choose your small rodent-like animal) outside. :grumble: Four hours of sleep is not enough!

    @robin--congrats on passing the 50 lbs mark!!! :drinker:

    @laurie--yes, Open House was fine, I just really wish they would make it earlier. I understand that most parents work; however, I don't think we need to wait until 7 pm to start--holding it from 6-8 should allow most parents to attend if they really want to come. And I didn't realize you were talking about daily planning periods. We don't have any requirements for our daily prep time--we can work alone or with our teammates. We have a required PLC meeting every Monday and then on institute and early release days.

    @gorilla--good to see you pop in!

    @bj--take as long as need for c25k, and I agree it's a good idea to take days off in between running days. When you are first starting to run, your legs are building up different muscles than you use for walking. It's important to give them time to heal. When I started, I would run every other day, and then once every week and a half or so, I would take a 2-day break. Without fail, I would have my best runs after those 2-day breaks. Now, I still tend to take 2-3 days off before a race though my running muscles probably don't really "need" it. Also, I ran inside on my treadmill for the first 6 weeks or so b/c I was embarrassed to run in front of others.:blushing: Trust me, that fear will go away. :wink:

    Thursday Truth:
    Ugh! I must confess to some bad eating today--so tracy, gorilla, and kaye, you aren't alone. My transgressions were due to poor planning. I didn't bring enough healthy food (late night last night didn't give me a lot of time to plan lunch for today), so I succumbed to the donuts. :blushing: Then I went to visit a friend after work and had some snacks and drinks with her. Finally, I came home at 8:30 pm to a pizza in the oven. At that point I could have still salvaged the day with a healthier choice, but I was just too darned tired. :yawn: Sadly, I suspect tomorrow will be similar. Going to bed now in hopes of avoiding the same fate.

    Grading Goal:
    1. x/73 AP essays
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey--just closed out my diary (after logging all of the crap), and I'm right at maintenance. That was actually a pleasant surprise! :happy:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks y'all for the encouragement regarding the gym, soreness, and beavers... I didn't see the beavers on my walk today, but it was rather hot for our area (I think low 90s).... so they may have found some shade. (Or heard that people were confusing them with nutria (river rats) and decided to lay low for awhile).

    Thursday truth- I don't really have anything on that front- BUT I did order a Fitbit One from Amazon ($10 less than everywhere else- YAY). I am excited to see what all of the fuss is about.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hey--just closed out my diary (after logging all of the crap), and I'm right at maintenance. That was actually a pleasant surprise! :happy:

    Woohoo! Nicely done! :drinker:
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, Sorry I'm so late getting here for my Thursday Truth but, I'm here. I had a pretty busy day. It was my only day off during the week and I had to go to the hospital to attend a mandatory 2 hour seminar on communication. God, if I don't know how to talk to my patients, their families and my peers after almost 40 years of nursing, do they really think that I'm going to learn how to do it in a 2 hour seminar. The main focus was to get everyone communicating the same way, saying the same things. blah, blah, blah. Sorry had to vent. So, spent the next few hours running around to the chiropractor, grocery shopping and picking a gift up for one of my granddaughters. But, I guess that brings me to my truth for the week. The week is too short or I'm losing my ability to manage my time. I'd like to think its the former but I'm afraid its the later.

    Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend planned. Nice to see some new faces and some old friends. Come back more often GorillaNJ. You look great!
    MyMowMow - I too have a weakness for mint patties. I feel for you.
    Susan - You are doing so great being away, staying a hotel and managing your meals. The holidays will be a snap for you. You've got this.
    SkinnyJ - Great job on all your grading. I think you could teach me a thing or two about time management.
    Naceto - I'd go with the beavers too. Or muskrats, they're not too gross.

    Hope everyone has a great w/e planned. Don't forget to drink your water. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Charlotte
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    GorillaNJ - Good to see ya - that chinese food was lurking and determined to get ya wasn't it! Sodium to the max! Glad you dropped by - we'll help you get that last 50 lbs off :bigsmile:

    Kaye - quite a day you had Weds. - I don't know why we get hit with those days when we need to snack all day but sometimes I have one too. I think they come from not enough protein, but that's just a guess.

    Kah - I think your theories are right on - the primitive side of our brains want to hibernate!

    tih - the bee situation at school sounds AWFUL - :angry: :angry: I'd call animal control!!!

    Laurie -and Skinny - I do not envy you your work schedules one iota! I agree the P/T conf. could start earlier for you!

    Naceto - I just had to google Nutria to see what they are - thanks for the education - say where do you live?

    Charlotte - did they give you a Certificate for completing the 2 hour course? I used to get something for every little course I attended when I worked. Now that I am trying to return to work, I find those certs important in putting my resume together! So even though you have great experience and don't really need the class, save the certificate or letter of accredidation or whatever for after retirement, when you want to find that part-time job!

    My job counselor has recommended I get a volunteer position so I have something I am actively "working" at, to put on my resume. Today I have an appt. with the volunteer coordinator of an art gallery to start as their receptionist and gallery sitter! The only downside about this volunteer position is that it is in an area of our busy downtown area where parking is scarce and I may have to pay for parkiing for the privelege of volunteering. Well if it helps me find employment I'll put up with it. And it should be very enjoyable.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hello again everyone... two days in a row here checking in to get my self back on the track I need!

    Well Today I was at the gym for 5am... did my shoulder workout routine, but this is a rest week so I was not going for anything super heavy. It is harder to motivate myself for these deload workouts but after going super hard last week I am sore everywhere and need the time to heal up!

    CRAZY weekend a head for me as always. Tonight is football practice for both my son's teams, tomorrow morning practice again then going fishing with my Dad for his 60th Bday... and Sunday football games for both my boys and of course my Giants play at 4.... Not going to be an easy game with Peyton and Denver coming to NJ... but this is the sort of game that Champions need to win!

    A couple quick personals...

    naceto - being sore is part of the game! Muscle soreness is a good thing, injury is bad and there is a huge difference. Keep working hard!

    Robin thanks for welcoming me back.. and good job on the loss!

    kah68 - rest is every bit as important as exercise... good job listening to your body. Now its time to come at it extra hard!

    TLH... 3 bee stings? Maybe get that girl a net to wear or something! ;)

    Lauriek70 - The only thing worse then attending back to school night but be having to host it! LOL hope it worked out ok

    skinnyjeanzbo - Sleep is over rated.... but try getting to bed before 1!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Laurie and Karen – your schools are super nice to parents. Jacob’s open house was scheduled from 9:30 – 10:30 in the morning. Luckily, I have quite a bit of flexibility in my job as long as I work mostly core hours, but most parents would have had to use vacation time. I agree with you a 6:00 start time should accommodate most schedules.

    @Robins – good luck with the job hunt

    @Gorilla – busy weekend, but your post made me miss my football season. Jacob has opted to not play football and focus on basketball and baseball.

    All this talk of river rats and beavers made me remember how lucky I am to be back in North Dakota. For the most part we don’t have those “icky” animals here. I saw my first possum when I moved to college in South Dakota and we don’t have river rats, ground hogs or possum. Even beavers are low in number in our area. :frown:

    AFM – today is clean the house and go shopping day (otherwise known as pay day!!). The nice thing is that my fridge is so empty that cleaning it won’t be a problem and then I’m all set for my Bountiful Basket pick up tomorrow. I’ve very excited as I got a bunch of peaches and corn on the cob in addition to my regular bounty. I hope they are as good as the last time I got them. YUM! I’m thinking about taking the kids to the movie – if I plan just right, I’ll have calories for some popcorn. Love movie theatre popcorn!!

    Tomorrow I’m going to check out the Downtown Street fair. Should get some good mileage on that!
    Friday Fitness – I’m going to be starting back with some exercising this week. Not sure what I’m going to do, but the goal is 4 days.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Fri Fitness: ok, today I'm really tired. I think my body is catching up from going to the gym for the first time this week. My muscles are a little sore. I was going to walk along the lake, but it's actually gone from boiling hot here to kind of cold and windy. Saw someone wearing a toque on their head along with a winter jacket and then I got a blanket and lay down on the couch! Bad me, but can't help it. I'll go to the gym tomorrow.