Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Alice- I don't know if losing 40 lbs in 6 months is doable since it depends on a variety of factors. What I do know is that if you get yourself moving, log your food, exercise you will have a fighting chance of meeting your goal. In addition, your body shape will change as you lose the weight and people will notice. Believe that you can do it and aim high to reach that goal. Take your measurements as well since you may see those change faster than the scale.

    Nicole- Join the gym and work with a trainer for a while. You will be amazed at how helpful they can be. In addition, the support they provide in learning how to use the equipment correctly is valuable. They can also be a great support system for you as well. I have also enjoyed meeting with my trainer (any of them) because it gave me someone to workout with and discuss ideas.

    Kinnurse- You must walk miles at work every weekend. Thank you for caring for all your patients especially overnight as that is hard time to deal with sick people. I know my Dad's neuropathy (major feet burning) gets worse at night.

    Susan- Welcome home. You did an awesome job on your business trip.

    Robin- thanks for posting the link. The story was inspiring.

    Elana- I agree with Mowmow- Start slow with a walk and gradually pick up the pace until you are walking quickly almost at a jog. Then jog a little then drop back to a brisk walk. You can slow down your walk as well depending on how you feel. Starting with a 5 second run and gradually increasing it is a good plan. This will also help you pace yourself as you learn to run.

    Survived my very busy week including the baby shower for my SIL. Honestly, I ate out to many times this week and did not exercise nearly enough but it will be okay. Tomorrow, I will be biking over 20 miles with a friend so I will make up for some of those rest days this week. Then in the afternoon, I will be helping my brother unload some bags of top soil so I will also get in an upper body workout. I have a feeling that I will be running with my trainer on Monday so it should be an interesting workout. Next week, I am planning to get back on track with a regular workout schedule and start building intensity again. I have missed being at the gym this week.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Where do I begin? I've posted it earlier, but this was a huge win for me. Business trip Monday thru Friday. Lunch/dinner out all week. Worked out 4 days in the fitness center. Worked my way up to 30 minutes on the elliptical. The scale finally moved again and I lost 2 lbs. I would say this week was a success. Pushing hard for another win next week.

    @ Robin - Thanks for the link. She has quite a story and it truly shows that battle even with every bite we take. She's truly an inspiration. Nice walk today. Even though it was a small path you learned so much. Plus, congrats on the gallery job and free parking to boot. Good for you!

    @ Alice - I try to set short and long term goals, but always keep them fluid because so much can happen in life. A short term is focusing on losing 5-8 lbs in September. Long term is getting into Onederland by mid-April. If I make my monthly goals, I should hit the long term goal. My son and I are going on a cruise for Spring Break. They are some excursions I want to do with him, but I did to be under a certain weight. Baby steps.

    @ Nicole - Let me know how you like your FitBit. I'm wearing one now, but not quite using it like I should. It is very interesting to see my steps, miles and calories though. You think you walk a lot, but to see the real number is an eye opener. Keep us posted!

    @ Elaina - I did five 5K's last year, but I did the walk/run thing. I would run 30 seconds then walk. Eventually I would increase my running.with each race. I'm still pretty slow and if I walk then I walk. With a nice pace, you can get a good workout and it's much easier on our knees too.

    @ Laurie - Enjoy the ride tomorrow.

    @ Kaye - Congrats on the new clothes!! It sounds like a fun day with your daughter.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Luckily- it wasn't a bbq... they had do it yourself tacos, so I didn't go nuts. Still went over on my calories, but not by a ton.

    Oh! My Fitbit thing is if anyone wants to friend me on there. I don't completely understand how it works with MFP, but I will figure it out eventually :)

    Happy Saturday to all!:drinker:
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Hi All, Happy Saturday! Hope you're all having a great w/e. My success is a small one, but I'm happy. I put on a uniform top tonight that I haven't been comfortable wearing for months cause it was just too tight. Even though I haven't lost a lot of weight yet, it seems to be enough as the top went on much easier. Its amazing how a few pounds can make such a difference.

    Robin - Congrats on getting the volunteer position. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun and really, a great way to meet people. Hope you enjoy the change. Also, thank you for posting that womans story. It was amazing to see the difference. She looks like a new woman.

    Susan - You made traveling look so easy. Congrats on such a successful trip and week.

    Lauriek - Ok, I'm tired just reading about everything you're going to fit into one day. Good for you to be able to do so much. Also, thanks for the kind words about my job. I'm proud of the fact that after almost 40 years I still love being a nurse. Its in the blood.

    GrandmaKaye -Congrats on the successful shopping spree. I can't wait to be able to go through my closet and get rid of some things and replace them with much smaller ones.I've got a long way to go, but I'm going to enjoy it when it happens.

    Have a wonderful Sunday all and don't forget to take some water with you when you're out walking, running or biking. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Charlotte
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Sorry I didn't make it by here yesterday. Went to the gym for a long workout in the morning, had an impromptu lunch invite then had lots of running around to do. Didn't have much downtime.

    @Anna~I agree with what others have said re diet pills. But something to add is that medication contains phentermine, which is a drug known to cause pulmonary hypertension among other side effects. That drug also has habit forming tendencies. I'm not a huge advocate for diet pills; however, if you are really struggling and think it will help you while maintaining healthy choices it may be the right thing for you - short term. Good luck with it, I hope you get the results you're looking for. :happy:

    @Elena~Running is one of those things that you start out doing slowly. If you have a smart phone, you could download an app for the C25K running program - it gets you from the couch to running a 5K in just a few months. The program is self-paced so you can repeat days or weeks as long as you need to until you feel comfortable to move onto the next stage of the program. All you can do is start out slow, putting some jogging into a walking routine - run for 15 seconds, a few times and build your way up - same premise at the C25K program. Good luck! I :love: running!

    @Nicole~You'll figure out the Fitbit, MFP does work with the Fitbit site - just remember to log all your food/exercise here instead of on the Fitbit site. I sent you a friend request.

    @Charlotte~Great NSV with the smaller scubs!

    @Robin~Hooray on the volunteer position!

    @Susan~You made such healthy choices on your trip, and a 2# loss for the win. Great week!

    Need to get the day started and have session with my trainer late morning.

    Have a great day!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - was it you who said you were looking into buying NROLW - I bought it and thought it a waste of money! Check it out from a library first ! I don't think it was that helpful at all. I am following plans I found on youtube and here on MFP. NROLW did not add one iota of information to me that I found helpful in my case.
  • Thank you! The thread was great and I will try a short run after a walk... I'll let you know how it goes!
  • Thank you - that is very helpful. Having a 5 k as a goal is a good idea even if I have to walk some of it. I walk quite a bit, but never to to point of a good sweat. I'll try the 30 second run from time to time.
  • Thank you, Kah - I will try it!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    actually managed to get outside yesterday and get lots of work done.......more of the same today before the rain starts
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @karenleona--great job getting some of that yardwork done!!

    @robin--congrats on the volunteer position!! :flowerforyou: Also, thanks for the advice about NROLFW--I already know quite a bit about lifting weights, so maybe it's not what I need. I'm looking for something with actual routines (which exercises to do with how many reps and sets), not the basics of lifting or form. I will check it out of my library to see if it's worth buying for my needs.

    @charlotte--Congrats on that looser top--that's a great NSV! Oh, and I think being a nurse has got to be the most selfless job on earth. People sometimes say being a teacher is a calling not a choice, but I think that's even more true about being a nurse. :flowerforyou:

    @susan--welcome home and congrats on your success while traveling!

    @laurie--I have also missed being at the gym this week--all of the meetings at school and then the social events this weekend put exercise on the back burner. However, I agree with you--it will be okay b/c it was an odd week for both of us. We will get back to our normal routines this week. :wink:

    @kaye--sounds like a fun shopping trip!

    @nicole--sounds like you did a great job at the birthday party. :drinker:

    @elena--I agree with what others have said about building up gradually, but I think you were asking more about whether people can start running when they are still really heavy or above a certain weight/BMI. I was about 235 lbs when I started running and I'm 5'7", so I was well into the obese range for BMI. I also know of several women (my height or shorter) who've started running at higher weights--some close to 300 lbs. I guess my answer is there's probably no magic number that determines if you're "ready" to start running--as others have said, if you build up gradually, you'll run less risk of injury regardless of your weight.

    @alice--whether you can lose 40 lbs by Feb. depends on a lot of factors--how much you weight no is a big one. You say you have 80 lbs to lose, but we don't know if that's 80 lbs from the lower or higher end of your healthy weight range. If an 80 lb loss will put you at the high end of your healthy weight range, then that first 40 lbs will likely be easier to lose than if you are only 80 lbs from the lowest healthy weight for your height. Also, as others have said, it also depends upon your accuracy and discipline calculating and tracking your calories in and calories out. If you use tools like a food scale and a heart rate monitor, your numbers will be more precise and you're likely to have more success. Those big events are great motivators, but ultimately won't you be happier to be healthier regardless of the actual # on the scale? I mean if you are 38 lbs lighter in Feb. rather than 40 won't that still be a success? And even if you're only 20 lbs lighter, as long as you are achieving that weight loss through good nutrition and exercise, you'll still be healthier than you are today. :smile:

    @mel--I remember when the scale scared me and I obsessed--often weighing myself several times a day. I also know from that experience that nothing I say will free you from that fear--only you can do that for yourself. I will tell you that I overcame my scale fears and obsession by weighing myself EVERY morning (but NOT any other time of day). I then would ignore the number unless it was lower than my previous lowest recorded weight--and would only check in on MFP when that happened. After doing that for awhile, I could see that the scale would bounce up and down from day to day, but as long as I was eating right and exercising, the general trend was downward. I honestly don't remember how long it took to overcome the fear, but it was more than a week or two--probably something like 2 months of daily weighing. Now, I try to weigh myself daily b/c I've read countless studies that say it's better for losing or maintaining a healthy weight. However, I don't really think about the scale much (I often forget to weigh in the morning) and I'm no longer "afraid" of the number--I sometimes get frustrated with it :grumble: , but I don't fear it.

    @kaye--as you get closer to goal weight it's important to start increasing your calorie intake to get closer to what you will be eating to maintain. Thus, eating back your exercise calories may not be a bad idea. Yes, your weight loss will slow down, but once you reach your goal weight, it will be a smoother transition to what you will be eating for the rest of your life to maintain.

    @tracy--Go Bears!!! :devil: :tongue:

    Saturday Success:
    Had a fabulous weekend in Chicago! Lunch at Frontera Grill yesterday was SOOOO yummy!! I'm sure it wasn't low calorie, but the portions were appropriate (not the ridiculously monstrous portions you get at typical restaurants). I also opted for a "champagne margarita" which was much lighter (and based on the ingredients) lower calorie than your traditional 600+ calorie margarita.

    At the reception, the hors devours never even made it to the section of the room where I was socializing. In fact, I had no idea they were even serving them, until a tray came near us and a friend tried to snag the last chicken satay but missed out to a faster guest. I am glad they never got to us b/c I didn't starve without them, but if I had the opportunity I'm sure I would have eaten them. Dinner was delicious--I had salmon with garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus. There was also a yummy salad and some pasta with vodka sauce served family style before we got our entrees. I cleaned my plate, ate my piece of wedding cake, and then ate the frosting off of my husband's cake :blushing: . It was a satisfying meal, but I wasn't uncomfortably stuffed. We then danced for hours to help burn off some of the damage. I didn't even try to log it--although I'm a strong proponent of logging every bite (even if you have to estimate), I would have no way of even guesstimating the ingredients or calorie count of my lunch. Also, I lost track of how many drinks I had at the wedding. I didn't get drunk by any means, but every time we got up to dance the cater-waiters would take our half full drinks away. It was very annoying and made it impossible to track how many Captain and diets I actually drank. :grumble:

    After the reception, we went back to the hotel, changed, and headed up to the grooms' Presidential Suite for the after-party. The room was 2200 square feet!! That's twice the size of my home. It had a grand piano in the foyer, a full wet bar, and a pool table. It was almost 3 am when we said good-bye and walked back to our hotel room to get some sleep. :noway: This morning we dined at the hotel restaurant's Sunday Brunch which was pricey for breakfast, but really yummy. They had some very yummy chicken sausage and I got to finally try steel-cut oatmeal.

    This afternoon I watched my Bears beat tracy's Vikings :wink: , and now I'm trying to muster the energy to go to the grocery store.

    I will check back later to add my exercise schedule for the week.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    My name is Tracy and I am 40 years old. Married for 18 years and have two kids -- 12 year old son and 7 year old daughter. I've spent my life overeating and still trying to figure out how to avoid temptation. I love attending my family's activities, reading and travelling. Right now, I'm starting to plan my vacation to Vegas this November. I'm hoping to be down 10-15 pounds by then. It's almost exactly two months, so if I put my butt in gear, it should be do-able based on the amount I have to lose.

    Dang Vikings!!! The problem with them is that they don't get beat, they beat themselves. That was their game to hold onto!!! Oh well, all in the day of being a good fan -- love them through thick and thin.

    Yesterday, I got through all my fruits and veggies and did my grocery shopping. I saved $27.58 with coupons. That is a savings of 19%!! I'm not a big couponer, but man we got some good deals on things we needed. The only thing I bought we didn't need was a bag of Doritos. Got my menu planned for the week. I bought a bushel of corn on the cob and today, I am freezing it on the cob. This is my first crack at it so I hope I do it right (I have the directions from my mom :bigsmile: )

    I'm heading out to skating lessons and then dropping my son off at youth group. I'll check back in later to do some personals.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am looking forward to a more settled week without to many meetings. Today, I biked the entire Baltimore and Annapolis trail which is 26 miles. This trail follows the old railroad tracks that would take people to Baltimore and back. It starts outside of Annapolis and goes to the airport. This was a great accomplishment for me and it took about 2.5 hours. This is the most I have ridden in one day. I am tried from the ride but it felt good to exercise today and the weather was perfect today. Then, I helped my brother unload and dump about 10 bags of top soil into his garden beds for next year. That was an upper body workout. I should sleep well tonight.

    Workout plans for the week
    Sunday- bike 26 miles done:bigsmile:
    Monday- Trainer workout ( might be running)
    Tuesday- rest or swim Most likely rest since I have plans after work and kids staying after school.
    Wednesday- Swim or rest
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- climbing
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Okay- LOVE my new Fitbit so far. It has me wanting to do extra walking, just to see the little flower on the screen grow. Silly, I know, but hey, it works ;) I walked 3 miles with a gal pal today... I really wanted to push myself to get to 10,000 steps in a day.... we'll see. My feet have blisters haha. Also, the sleep tracker thing is pretty cool. I woke up 10 times last night... which is believable. I knew I was waking a lot- just not how much.

    Kelley- Thanks for your help thus far with the Fitbit questions! Seeing your numbers on there inspires me to push push push myself even more! :drinker:

    Football! Seahawks play the 49ers tonight- big time rivalry between us and San Francisco- so send all of your good football vibes toward the Pacific NorthWest? :happy:

    Skinnyjeanz- Sounds like a marvelous time! I am sure it was worth being a little off count on captian and cokes... :wink: You are always so active, and it sounds like you did great with portions. :drinker:

    Laurie- 26 miles??!! WOW! That is terrific! Way to go!

    Tracy- Great job with the coupons! I have never been good at using coupons.. in fact, when they hand them out at the store sometimes, I will buy the product, have the coupon in my hand.... and completely forget to use them. There have been a few times that I went back in the store with my receipt :ohwell:

    Karenleona- Yay on getting outside and getting stuff done! I am the queen of procrastination, especially with yard work... good on ya! :drinker:

    Charlotte- Your success is AWESOME! I love when I can fit into something that was previously snug! Way to go! :drinker:

    Susan- Yay for working out when travelling! I am always so overwhelmed on business trips- GREAT job! :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nicole--yes, other than eating the frosting off of my husband's cake, I managed to control myself wit the delicious food. :laugh: I'm glad you are enjoying your fitbit! I've thought of getting one for the sleep info alone.

    @laurie--glad the weather cooperated for your bike ride--26 miles is awesome!! :drinker:

    @tracy--the Vegas trip sounds like a great motivator! I really enjoyed Vegas both times I visited. My favorite place is a restaurant/bar in Mandelay Bay called Red Square. It's Russian food and drink with a "Soviet" theme. They have an ice bar and the bartenders like to put on a show as they mix your martinis. There's also a separate "Zero Degree" room--you don an old Soviet military overcoat and Cossack hat and go inside to do shots.

    Oops, DH is telling me dinner is ready, so I'll come back for Sunday share after I eat.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Okay, I'm back. :smile:

    Sunday Share:
    For the newlings--I'm Karen and have been a part of robin's thread for over 2 years. I started on MFP because I was pushing 250 lbs and none of my clothes fit anymore. After losing the first 10 or 15 lbs, I started running using the c25k program. It was really hard at first, but I just kept going and now I run 5ks and obstacle 5ks regularly. I even recently put up some cork boards to display all of my race bibs and finisher "medals." I'm still really slow, and I rarely run farther than 5k--but I really love it and it's helped me get down to my smallest size in my adult life.

    Next Saturday I am running an obstacle 5k called "Run For Your Lives"--a zombie-themed race I've been talking about doing for 2 years. Last summer the closest location for this race was about 5 hours away; I couldn't find anyone to participate with me and really didn't feel like driving all that way by myself. This year it is only about an hour away, and I've got a few friends running it with me. I'm very excited, but a bit nervous about the zombies who will chase us and steal our "life flags." The rational part of my brain knows they are just regular people in costume, but I'm the kind of person who screams in haunted houses. :blushing: Yeah--maybe this wasn't the *best* idea. :laugh:

    Anyway, I still have a ways to go before I reach my goal of a size 8--I'm currently a size 12. It has been slow going over this past year with a bit of backsliding as I try to adjust calories and incorporate more lifting into my routine, but I get so much support from the people in this thread. I know without my friends here, I would have gotten discouraged and given up long ago.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner + gym
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--Run For Your Lives!!!
    Sun--we'll see :wink:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/73 AP essays
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I wrote my Sunday share but I guess its out in cyberspace somewhere. It didn't post. At age 69, I think that I am the oldest one on Robin's thread. I had my one year anniversary on MFP last week. My formula for success is very simple. Log everything and eat 1200 calories a day. Nothing is off limits. Because I cook for a family, portion control is my best strategy. My exercise of choice is walking. I have spent no money on Fitbit, HRM, or gym memberships. I think that I have successfully debunked the theory that you can't lose weight when you get old. I've had my struggles and plateaus and go through all of the emotions of discouragement and frustration that everyone does, but you just have to plow through. I say this, not to brag, but to encourage others who may be wondering if it is ever going to work. Forty pounds by February? I did it last year, but I don't expect to do it again as weight loss slows down when you get closer to your normal weight. Being fit and healthy is the most important, and any loss is a good loss.
    Karen--Thanks for the reminder about changing strategies as I get closer to goal. I have adopted your strategy with the scales. Weighing daily is much like keeping a close eye on my bank account. If I don't, things can get out of hand quickly.
    Robin--The volunteer job sounds great. You will probably get to meet a lot of really nice people.
    To the rest of you--Thank you for your constant encouragement and inspiration to me. It really helps.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, The weekend is wrapping up and thankfully I'm on my last night of 3 for the w/e. Feeling pretty tired, not in small part because of the weather I'm sure. Its been dull, overcast and rainy up here in Ontario. Not a nice fall w/e but a typical one. You'd think it would be a good w/e for sleeping but I've been having trouble this w/e. My daughter is not well and I've spent quite a bit of time worrying about her. She's been having terrible abdominal pain. We think it might me appendicitis but her blood work is normal which would be unusual. She lives in Northern Ontario and the little hospital where she works does not have access to an ultrasound machine except during the week so she's booked for one tomorrow. In the meantime, the doc has put her off work and she's taking Morphine for the pain. I personally don't like the idea of her taking something as strong as Morphine when they don't know what is wrong with her. I think they should have sent her south to their mother hospital to have her examined more thoroughly instead of making her suffer all w/e. Thats probably more the mother in me than the nurse in me venting although the nurse in me isn't happy either. And the worst part is that the Morphine isn't touching her pain, so she's not getting any relief, can't take care of her kids and I'm not able to be there to help her.Her hubby is there but he's pretty useless when it comes to taking care of the kids and taking care of her too.
    I guess no matter how old they are (and she's 35), they are still our babies and we worry.

    Other than that, I'm just following my plan, drinking my water and hoping to get through the w/e at work. Hopeing everyone had a better w/e than me. Keep drinking your water. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Charlotte
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Well this weekend was full of failure... My busy Saturday started with a stationary bike ride followed by some elliptical nursing my sore ankle... Couple football practices all was going well. Then it was time for my Dad's 60th B-day party... we chartered a fishing boat for the afternoon... it was a good day and a good time but my no carbs went out the window with sandwiches... then after the boat it was pizza... then ice cream cake.

    Sunday started promising with some a deadlift workout.. coaching two football games where one team won a hard fought game and where the other team came back from 20 down to tie the game. I passed up on all the field goodies... even deep fried oreos! Got home started to watch my Giants... drinking Oktoberfest beers, some bratwurst... then the damn pretzels!

    So back to no carb today... planning a cardio session tonight since it is the one night a week I do not have football! I am thinking stairmaster.

    skinnyjeanzbo - Good luck with the Zombie obstacle race! That sounds awesome!

    naceto - Sounds like your fitbit will do the trick to help add in motivation! Keep pushing it!

    Lauriek70 - What a bike ride!!! I bet with this nice weather you will log some serious miles on that bike!

    ElenaM4 - My tip for starting to run... is to find the pace at which you can go without losing your breath. It might be slow... it might feel really slow but you should be able to keep that pace for quite a while! Before you know it that pace will quicken...
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Charlotte~I’m sorry your daughter is in so much pain; I really hope they figure out what is going on and soon.

    @Gorilla~That stairmill is all kinds of evil, I think it’s because I get bored on it – good cardio workout though. I hope it’s easy on your ankle.

    @Karen~Sounds like you and DH had a great time in Chicago. Have fun at the zombie race, there was one here last year that I wanted to do but ended up being too chicken to sign up! :wink:

    @Laurie~Awesome bike ride, I’m glad the weather cooperated.

    @Tracy~Great job with the coupons. I’ve never been a couponer, but get some occasionally through the grocery store and Target that are for items I buy regularly – they come in handy. My grocery store offers digital coupons too and I do look to see if there is anything I can use, sometimes I get some pretty good deals.

    AFM~Realized yesterday that my Panama Canal cruise is in 6 months :noway: , sure would like to reach my goal weight by then – it’s a shorts/swimsuit type vacation. It’s a doable goal if I stick to my guns. I also have a physical at the end of October and would like to shed 10 more pounds by then, also doable.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, Arc Trainer
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Session with Trainer
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym, running drills (will run outside if weather is cooler)
    Sunday~Session with Trainer

    Have a great day!