Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Helenavee42
    Monday check-in: I am officially under 300 lbs!:happy: I weighed in at 299.6 this morning. I almost cried. :laugh: This is my lowest weight in at least 5-6 years. :love: This weekend was nice. I hit up the gym with my sister on Saturday and forgot how good I felt after a gym workout. I will be scheduling that into my workout days too. I am going to try to save up to get a personal trainer for a few sessions to learn proper form so I can start lifting weights.

    February challenge: I am going to (from today) Try to at least get a small walk in with deputy and if not I'll do the exercise bike. I am also going to try to hit the protein goal MFP has for me. I can generally get at least 90-95 but that last 30-35 is the tricky part.

    I will hopefully have a chance to catch up here shortly.

    Have a great day and don't forget your water!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everybody.

    Helenavee42- Welcome to Twoderville!

    I ate too many cals for the super bowl:sad:

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
    ― Albert Einstein

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Happy Monday to you all. My weekend was not great food wise but I am not to worried about it. How often through the year do I have something like my sons b-bay and super bowl land on the same weekend. I did get my walks in both days so that helped alleviate a little of it. I think I am going to change my weekly weigh in days to Friday. That way I dont have bloat or anything from bad weekends messing with the scales on Monday mornings. Had a nice long walk with the dogs this morning after I got home from getting the oil changed. Today is my favorite kind of weather. Sunny with scattered clouds, sitting right about 40 degrees, and a nice stiff breeze. I love being outside on days like today so will probably do some clean up in the backyard before the temps start to plummet. We are supposed to have a little cold snap the next couple days but nothing like a lot of you have been dealing with.
    Kaye I say dont worry about the creepy part and just enjoy the fact that all kinds of people are noticing how great you are doing. I grew up in a very small town so I understand how everybody knows everyhting.
    Helena woohoo I am so happy for you. I got there once but let it slide but I hope to join you again soon:happy:
    Well if I am going to accomplish anything else today I better get busy. Have a great one guys.:heart::drinker:

    Todays workout per HRM:
    69 min
    1173 calories-claimed 650
    3.45 miles
    8354 steps

    I am now staying with the five laps and trying to get the time down. When I can get this done in about 50 min then I will add another lap.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tammy--two reasons to celebrate in one weekend can be very tough, but at least you exercised.

    @helena--congrats on reaching twoderville!!! :drinker:

    @ushkii--I hope you get the scale issue worked out. Wouldn't it be fabulous if that new scale were correct?!?!

    @L2T--I have done the calorie cycling, and it did help get the scale moving. I actually prefer it to the same daily allowance, but it's just too hard for me to track. I hate math which is why I love just letting MFP add up my calories. I wish this website had a function that allowed you to program different allowances for different days throughout the week. :ohwell:

    @nettie--how many days have you guys been out? We've missed 4 and we only have 5 emergency days in our calendar, so if we miss more than one additional day, we will lose state funding.

    @stephanie--I really like zucchini in my veggie soup.

    @kelley--hope your knee feels better soon. :flowerforyou:

    @alupinsk--glad you had a fun weekend with your friend. I love that you learned proper squat form in the bar--that must have been a sight! I had a similar experience as you in Milwaukee last weekend. My friends and I were dancing, and some young guys came onto the dance floor to join us. One of the guys started dancing with me, and I really thought he was interested in my younger, single friend. I was talking her up, and then he started overtly hitting on me. It took me a few minutes to figure out what was happening--partially b/c I still view myself as much heavier, but also b/c I was wearing my wedding ring. Silly boy! :laugh:

    Monday Check-in:
    Well, my weight was at 188.8 this morning--it's the first time I've seen a number below 189 since before the holidays, so that leads me to believe this focus on protein is already working. :happy: I'm currently just under today's goal and have been playing with my food diary to see what kind of evening snack will put me over the protein goal while keeping me under calories. I really want a pomegranate, but it only has 1 g of protein--not enough. :grumble: I figured out if I want the pom and something else to reach my goal, I will need to do some exercise. I already logged some core work, so I should bite the bullet and do it. I haven't done core work at home in months and have been wanting to get back into the routine, so this is a good excuse to start tonight.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    2/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. x/52 poetry annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--rest day CORE WORK INSTEAD
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + (circuit training + HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Hello guys and gals! :smile:

    @Robin - I'm sorry I'm late on your good news! When I read your post, all I could hear was Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop saying, "It's not a TOO-MA"! :laugh: I can also relate to the downside of the Prednisone. I battled Hodgkin's Disease twice when I was in my twenties. Prednisone was a small part of the treatment and I HATED it!! It made me mean and nasty. If that wasn't bad enough, I ate, and ate, and ATE!! I give you tons of credit for holding on to eating right while on the medicine. :drinker: :flowerforyou: I'm with the others (unless we're reading it wrong), your friend seemed a little harsh and insensitive.

    @jtconst - that's exactly why I decided to make Fridays my weigh in day, gives me 4 good days to counteract a bad weekend. At the same time tho, you have to NOT allow yourself to make a habit of abandoning your efforts over the weekend knowing you won't weigh in until Friday! BTW, SO jealous of your weather!!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Hello guys and gals! :smile:

    @Robin - I'm sorry I'm late on your good news! When I read your post, all I could hear was Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop saying, "It's not a TOO-MA"! :laugh: I can also relate to the downside of the Prednisone. I battled Hodgkin's Disease twice when I was in my twenties. Prednisone was a small part of the treatment and I HATED it!! It made me mean and nasty. If that wasn't bad enough, I ate, and ate, and ATE!! I give you tons of credit for holding on to eating right while on the medicine. :drinker: :flowerforyou: I'm with the others (unless we're reading it wrong), your friend seemed a little harsh and insensitive.

    @jtconst - that's exactly why I decided to make Fridays my weigh in day, gives me 4 good days to counteract a bad weekend. At the same time tho, you have to NOT allow yourself to make a habit of abandoning your efforts over the weekend knowing you won't weigh in until Friday! BTW, SO jealous of your weather!!

    My tablet went wonkers before I was done. :grumble:

    @alupinsk - so jealous of your weekend in Pittsburgh! :drinker: That's my hometown, but haven't been back since 2009. Are you from the area?

    @Helena - congrats on your accomplishment! :flowerforyou:

    @morgori - they said yesterday that the Superbowl is the second biggest "eating" day after Thanksgiving. Don't beat yourself up, just brush off and get back on the horse! :smile:

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss!! :heart:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nettie- I feel your frustration over our weather right now. I was expecting that same phone call at 5:30 this morning but it did not happen. We had rain with the temps in the upper 30's. School started and ended on time today but they canceled all after school activities- I think they were afraid of freezing tonight. We did have snow today as the rained turned into the white stuff but it was not to bad. At least, the drive home was easy tonight and the roads were not slippery. Some areas had more snow than my county.

    Kaye- Yeah for signing up for your first 5K. I also have had people who I don't know notice the changes

    Karen- Hurray-for hitting 188.8 lbs. May it keep going down for you.

    Tom- Great quote today.

    Today, was a good core workout with my trainer. Wednesday will be a cardio day. Weight was still up today but it held steady so that is a positive sign at this point.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--glad the snow didn't affect your commute home, We are due for more snow tomorrow, but as of right now it is trending south of the city. It's also not supposed to get heavy until later in the evening, so even if it's heavier than expected, I should beat it home.

    AFM--made my protein goal again, though I ended up going back for a second serving of doritos. :blushing: I will make it up at the gym tomorrow (or shoveling).

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    3/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. x/52 poetry annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--rest day CORE WORK INSTEAD
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + (circuit training + HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I made my water goal today. I was a bit under on my calories. I hope it was enough to counter some of the extra stuff I ate over the weekend. I must not make this a habit.
    Thanks for the encouraging words about the 5k. Who would have thought I would be doing that when I'm nearly 70 years old?
    Our weather was beautiful today, but the only walking I did was taking gs to and from school. DH was working on a project at DD's house so I had to stay here with baby.
    Helena, congratulations on making it to twoderville.
    See you tomorrow. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Tuesday goals: Keep moving along and giving it my all.

    I decided my February protein goal is going to be to reach at least 80 every day. Yesterday I managed to reach 104. My MFP goal set me to 119 so according to them I had more to go. But from my perspective reaching 100 was a huge accomplishment for me. :happy: I did have a lot of beans yesterday. I cannot eat like that every day because the beans would take their tole on me after a few days. :sick: That is why I picked 80 as my goal. Of course I am going to shoot for higher numbers whenever I can but I would be extremely pleased for just reaching 80 for a month straight.

    Yesterday was a busy day for me. A Fitbit notification popped up when I synced and told me I was an overachiever. :laugh: I spent a lot of the day in the kitchen cooking, I got my Gilad routine in and went out to clear the driveway and street. We ended up getting 8 inches of snow yesterday and it really does look beautiful. Last time I checked they were predicting more storms coming our way. One is supposed to hit tonight into tomorrow and another one is scheduled for this weekend. I am not sure of the exact totals they are expecting but yesterday's storm is supposed to be the small one. They say the storm for this weekend can give us 3-30 inches depending on which way it turns. So as of right now my weekend plans are up in the air. We did have plans to head upstate this weekend to spend with my friend and her family for my birthday. However if we are getting 30 inches there is no way we can make the 4 hour trip. I guess time will tell. Last year for my 40th a blizzard hit as well. We were stranded for 3 days. I am used to having blizzards on or around my birthday. That is what happens when you are born in February and live in the north east. Good think I like the snow! :wink:

    Susan - I know. They will have to take away our Spring vacation at this rate. School into July interferes with my plans of teaching summer school so I really hope it doesn't come down to that. We have February break coming up. I was just saying to my husband over the weekend that I hope we don't get enough snow to close school from now until vacation. It would have been ideal if it snowed away during vacation then I wouldn't mind as much. I get paid hourly for both jobs rather than salary. If the schools are closed I don't work. If I don't work I don't get paid. I hate losing a days pay due to the weather. :grumble:

    Helena - Congrats for being under 300. That is fantastic!

    Skinny - I am not sure how many days school has been officially closed all day. I want to say only twice so far. However we did have quite a few early dismissals and after school programming cancellations that cancelled my class and cases. Since the children were in school for part of the day I do not think that counts towards our emergency days. But I could be wrong.
    Congrats to the new low!!!

    Laurie - The snow stopped by 7 last night which gave us plenty of time to clear everything out for today. I was so surprised when I heard a lot of schools were running on a 2 hour delay this morning. I think the supers were also afraid of icy roads. Do you have any storms coming your way this week? Or are they hitting too far north to reach you?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~Those pesky Doritos’s, how dare they taunt you like that! :wink: Congrats on the new low, I hope it sticks.

    @Tammy~LOL at 40s being your ideal weather – for me its 70s! :laugh:

    @Helena~Hooray for twoderville!!!

    @Nettie~I was an overachiever with my Fitbit yesterday too, logged over 13,000 steps and walked over 6 miles. :bigsmile:

    @L2T~I’m having the same problem with my scale, I was down on Friday then up big time yesterday and today it was the same as yesterday. No rhyme or reason. :mad:

    It was raining on my way to work this morning – they say more rain and possibly freezing rain on Friday but so far no white stuff, although the freezing rain can shut down the city.

    AFM~Made it to the gym last night but workout was really rough, not sure why. My whole body hurt, maybe I was just tired - I didn't sleep well Sunday night. I'm also trying to decide if it may be time for new runners. I ended up using both the elliptical and treadmill, but didn’t burn the number of calories I wanted to. Oh well, today is a new day and hopefully it will go better tonight – unless I hear from my trainer today I’m just planning on the arc trainer tonight. No new goals for me although I missed my Groundhog Day goals for the 2nd day, I may need to reassess my strategy. :grumble:

    Monday~Gym, elliptical or running on TM DONE! (Combo of the two)
    Tuesday~Gym, arc trainer or training session
    Wednesday~Gym, training session or arc trainer
    Thursday~Gym, treadmill/stairmill or racquetball
    Friday~Gym, elliptical
    Saturday~None, shopping
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I am doing badly with snacks; I must put an end to that!

    JNettie- I was born in February in the north east.:laugh:

    Groundhog Day challenge 2.69 miles 1/27

    “The best revenge is massive success.” –Frank Sinatra

  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Skinny, I love my GD goal... I really need to break the habit. Being a cook, a lot of time at home I just don't feel like it. I think my goal is totally attainable and based on me getting my act together. I need to stop eating back so many exercise calories though... its been creeping. Great job on hitting your protein goals! How did you like the Jimmydean breakfast bowl? BTW that glow run sounds very cool! :glasses: Awesome drop!!! Yay!
    Naomi, I really would like to shock my in laws. They're nice, but definitely judgemental. It'll be nice to surprise my SIL too, she's a sweetie and will be so happy for me. :smile:
    Nettie, I've lost 44lb and only 1 person even noticed at work. It's a good thing that I can tell a big difference. If I maintain my current rate of loss I'll of lost about 70lb by then. That's with a lot of little cheats and slides. If I can clean it up, I should be pretty close to my estimate. Plus with spring coming, my exercise level will increase exponentially. 2 lb a week is considered completely safe and reasonable. This is a good motivational tool with a time limit. I'm not crazy... I also know that I'm far from perfect. :D
    Susan, great job on the protein! Thanks for the encouragement! I have about the same distance to 225... I haven't been that low in over 15 years!~ lol!
    Kaye, thanks! The 5k sounds great. I'm going to try one too, this spring. It's a 'run or walk' funrun, and I'll be probably walking. lol! Proceeds go to build a playground at our school. Next month I'm thinking or starting the C25k. We'll see. :) It's great that your daughters are doing it with you. It must be great to have such a large and supportive family! I wouldn't be worried about other people noticing your weight loss. There are lots of people that are in the peripheral of our lives and sometimes they'll notice things that those closest to you don't. Take it as a compliment. :)
    Alupinsk, great pics.... you've come so far! It must be weird. When we're heavy we're used to being overlooked generally. What a nice surprise. Sounds like a fun trip!
    Sra, Your GD goal is a great one! What a nice idea! You got most veggies covered. I suppose you could add mushrooms or zucchini to change it up. Oh! Leeks can add a really nice flavour! Good job of being so conscious of what you're eating ( for good or bad, lol!) . It's an important thing to not mindlessly eat. :happy:
    Helena! That's wonderful, great job!
    AFM: As for me, I need to be more careful about eating back so many exercise calories. I been routinely under my limit but mainly due to my activity level. However my food consumption is increasing. I need to nip that in the bud. My scale is bouncing up and down 5lb this week... :noway: I have avoided going out so far and it is really hard for me. lol! I'm so inclined to just pull in somewhere. :ohwell: My littlest is still sick w. a nasty cough but her fever has broke and her energy level has increased.:smile:

    I am a "LEGEND". :laugh: I completed the Wii Zumba 50 minute routine with 5 stars. Woot woot! Yes, I am tooting my own horn. lol! It almost killed me! What really impressed me, between the Shred and Zumba my physicality has increased. I'm doing the jumping moves in the routines. For Valentine's Day my husband has signed us up for a couples salsa class. I'm so excited! My hubby knows me so well. :blushing:

    Anyway I probably should get something done this morning... have a great week everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Tues. Goal:
    1. get over this darn cold, now I've completely lost my voice
    2. get right back on track eating...last night was a bit of a disaster....however, I stopped myself. I've been eating right for almost a month and I was feeling so lousy last night I ate a lot of carbs!
    3. drive to my son's house tomorrow and make it there safely (last 2 invites I didn't go due to snow and ice).We're supposed to have another storm tomorrow, but I want to go anyway. I hate disappointing my sweet, little grandson.
    4. get to the gym more often...I'm using illness as an excuse, but I want to lose 10 lbs. this month and won't if I don't make it to the gym.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goals: Just keep doing what I’m doing. It’s been a good week and I’m so glad to be back in the swing of things. My FitBit results were good this week so I’m going to keep pushing forward.

    Total Steps 81,447
    Daily Average 11,635
    Total Distance 38.42 mile
    Daily Average 5.49 miles
    Total Floors 5 floors
    Total Calories Burned 20,361
    Daily Calories Burned 2,909
    Average Sleep 6.2 hours (definitely need to increase this number)

    @ Alupinsk – I’ve never heard of that one before, but it sounds painful especially around the elbow. Hope you get some answers soon.

    @ Helena – Woo Hoo!!!! I know that feeling when I went under 300. It has been a very, very long time for me like 10 years at least. I get it. Keep doing what you’re doing and it will continue to go down. You’re doing AWESOME!

    @ Tom – Super Bowl is over!!!! Quit snacking and get back on track now!!!! You know you can do it.

    @ Jtconst – I don’t think you were the only one over calories this weekend. It’s inevitable with all the extra food, but you got in some walks so good for you! Plus, your son’s birthday only comes once a year. You celebrate and moved on. Good for you!

    @ Karen – I had to chuckle at your dance floor story. Too funny!! I’ve been single for so long I have no idea when someone is flirting. My friends tell me all the time when it’s happening and I’m totally oblivious to the whole situation. I’m sure it had to make you smile a little though. I’m the same way with protein and looking at my day, but I love my fruit too and that creeps up my carbs. I know fruit is a good thing, but still adds up the sugars and carbs.

    @ Jtconst & RobinB – I struggled with the best day to weigh in as well. For me, I almost like Monday weigh-ins because the weekends were and still my biggest struggle staying on target. This way I have to stay pretty accountable on the weekends too. Actually, I’ve been staying off the scale. I was becoming too obsessed and getting worked up when I would go up. I’ve only weighed once in the past 2 weeks. It’s been soooo hard, but one of my challenges is to stay away from that evil contraption.

    @ Kaye – Congrats on meeting your water goal yesterday. Now do it again today!!!

    @ Nettie – Are you on a contract as a teacher? I was surprised when you said you were hourly not salary. No work no pay really stinks. I can see why you don’t want any more weather days. I know it’s better to be safe, but I also know everyone needs a paycheck too. Great job on the protein yesterday. 104 is great especially as a vegetarian. Very impressed.

    @ Kelly – My workout was a killer last night too. I felt pretty good though, but I thought my quads were just going to explode. A lot of glutes and quad work last night. So far I feel OK today, but normally it hits me 48 hours later so tomorrow will be the true sign. March is just around the corner. Are you getting exciting? I just booked our flights so we’re almost ready. I still need to enter Cyrus’ passport information in the cruise personalizer, but other than that we’re ready to set sail!!!

    @ p1xyn1xy – I was trying to remember the last time I was down in the low 200’s and I want to say the early 1990’s. It’s been a solid 10+ years I’ve been battling. I’m in a much better place mentally, but it does take its toll at times. When you eat right, exercise like a fool (great job BTW on the Wii and being a LEGEND – you rock!!), and the scale doesn’t budge or you roller coaster with those couple of pounds. I know if we keep sticking with it all of it will click at some point, but boy it kicks my mental butt sometimes. I never eat my exercise calories. I’ve got them if I need them, but I try not to. I know some do and some don’t. For me, its better that I don’t.

    @ Mel – Hope you feel better. This crud has been hitting so many folks and it just lingers. Take care of yourself. Also, be careful on the roads. I know you want to see your grandson, but your safety is important too.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys! Just a quick check-in to post goals--I will do personals later tonight.

    Tuesday Goals:
    My main goal is to get to the gym and burn some calories b/c I need them if I want to make my protein goal. I also just miss the gym as I haven't been there in several days. I have ZERO grading--and this time I'm not lying :wink: --so no excuse not to go work out. I dropped to 188 this morning, so I was able to log a loss on my ticker--yay! I don't post partial pounds, so the .2 yesterday was just a tease.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Skinnyjeans, congratulations on logging your loss...your hard work is paying off and it's really adding up
    Susan, I decided not to go to see grandkids as today the doctor told me I was 'highly contageous', so can't make the babies sick

    Great News: I'm so happy, I just got back from seeing my doctor and as of today, she officially has taken me off of high blood-pressure medication!! I think I've been taking the medication for at least 1.5 years. I have been tracking my BP 3 X's a day for the last 10 days and took her the results. My normal BP scores are all due to diet and exercise. I've basically cut out most carbs and sugars. Anyway, this news just makes me feel more determined to lose the weight. It can only get better!
  • bg192905
    bg192905 Posts: 68 Member
    Tuesday Goals:

    Eat within my range and add resitance training to my workouts! :-)
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Mel - Woo Hoo!!! Happy dance for you!! I'm so proud of you and going off any medication is a HUGE congrats to the commitment you've made to get healthy. Good for you!! Sorry you couldn't make the visit, but better keep the crud away from that grandson of yours.

    @ Karen - No grading? This is a first. Yes, get to the gym and have an awesome workout!!

    @ Bg - Great goals to strive for and push forward.

    So I've had an amazing week and back in a good place. Well, today will definitely be over my calories. I should not have made today a rest day because this is a day I need those exercise calories. Oh well. Unexpected lunch out and one of those hard lessons learned. I shared a Chopped Chicken Salad and Veggie Pizza with a co-worker. The darn veggie pizza had a gluten free crust and was still 880 calories for 3 slices. Seriously. The pieces were NOT big. I couldn't believe it. Sigh. Plus, I've got dinner out with a good friend tonight who was a supplier at Arby's while I was there. I can't wait to see here. We're going to one of my favorite places called Bachi Burger. Fancy burgers with an Asian spin. One of my favorites is the Ronin Burger - Angus Beef, Carmelized Onions, Japanese Cole Slaw, Miso Goma Dressing, Fried Egg, Katsu BBQ and Yuzu Citrus Aioli. So good!!!! I will be over, but that's OK. I'll be hitting the gym in the AM and back under tomorrow. We can do this!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mel, sorry you are not able visit your grandson, but congratulations on getting off of those meds.
    Karen, way to go on the loss. Enjoy the gym with no papers to grade.
    Susan, its good to have you back in an upbeat mode. You are right. We can do this.
    Today is the second day of sunshine and I haven't been able to get outside either day. ???? I couldn't get my schedule and dh's schedule work so that the kids were covered long enough for me to leave. I have a haircut appointment in the morning. I'm going to walk to and from. DH already knows the plan. Tonight the pedaler will have to do. I will make my water goal again today.
    Have great evening. Onward and downward. Kaye