Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm kind of late tonight. It was really cold this morning but I walked to my hair appointment anyway. The weather forecast is for snow off and on for the next week so I don't know how much I will be able to get out. I think that will be well acquainted with Leslie Sansone in the next few days. It was harder today but I did meet my water goal.
    Too late do personals, but I'm wishing all of you success. We can do this. I also wish that I could sleep better tonight.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • thecaravanqueen
    thecaravanqueen Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm a newbie. There seems like there is a lot of support here from wonderful people. Please feel free to add me, goodness knows I need the support and accountability and hope I can be the same for others.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Wow, I can’t believe how much snow y’all are getting! Be safe! We were cold yesterday and woke up today with temps in the teens, only a high today of 30 is expected – its actually snowing here right now but we’re not supposed to get much. Mother Nature sure is throwing us a curve ball this winter.

    @Karen~Excellent job turning down Panda Express, I love that place too. I think Chinese food in general is just plain dangerous – just in sodium content alone!

    @Helena~I hope things become easier for your mom with her treatment.

    I can’t remember who asked about low-impact exercises but cardio machines like the arc trainer, elliptical, or treadmill are low impact. The arc trainer can bother hip/knees in some people, so use a lower resistance. Try different elliptical machines, too – they all have different strides which can affect posture while using it. While walking on a treadmill, walk at a zero percent incline. Also, like Laurie suggested the exercise with the lowest impact on joints is swimming or water aerobics.

    Welcome to the newlings that have stopped by in the last couple of days!

    AFM~I was feeling so dejected yesterday because of the stubborn scale, but someone that works a couple of floors up in my building said to me yesterday how great I looked and that I inspired her to become more active and eat healthier. That really made my day. :bigsmile: Had a great session with my trainer last night, a lot of kettle bell work which I always love. We also had a heart-to-heart about some things; he knows how frustrated I’ve been lately so is going to take a more active role in helping me to lose the rest of this weight. He wants me to start weighing solely with him using the fancy scale at the gym – no more scale hopping at home, so guess I need to hide the scale. :huh: He also said my metabolic rate has possibly changed and even the slightest difference can affect weight loss and performance. So I’m going to repeat both the resting and active metabolic assessments – the metabolic coach is supposed to call me today to schedule, I may do it tomorrow before work. If I do it tomorrow I’ll have to alter my workout schedule since I can’t work out the day before it’s done. I felt so much better after talking to him yesterday.

    Monday~Gym, elliptical or running on TM DONE! (Combo of the two)
    Tuesday~Gym, arc trainer or training session None, stuck at work late. REST DAY
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, treadmill/stairmill or Rest Day
    Friday~Gym, elliptical or Metabolic Assessments
    Saturday~None, shopping
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thursday Truth - I am glad my husband didn't ask me to drive him to the train station. He mentioned it last night when he told me he had to go into the city today for work. Tonight is one of my late work nights and his train would have gotten in a few hours before I could pick him up. I asked him how he planned on getting home from the train station if I drove him and he said "I guess I will walk". The train station is about 10 minutes by car from us so walking home would be a bit long but doable. However he would have to walk across a busy highway then down a well traveled road to get to our development. There really isn't a shoulder on the road right now for him to walk in making it even more dangerous. I gave him one of my disapproving Nettie looks and said "I don't know if that is a safe and wise idea with the snow." Then offered to ask my mother to pick him up. He said no. This morning he decided to drive himself to the train station which I was happy about. His concern is that he is catching a later train, it's a small train station and finding parking could be challenging. I am just happy that he has a way to get home and part of me is that I didn't have to interrupt my morning routine to drive him... I am a horrible wifey for thinking that. :embarassed:

    Laurie - Our schools opened on time today. The roads weren't terribly bad this morning from what I read in a community forum that I belong to. I don't understand people though. Several people on the forum were talking about calling the superintendent of our district to "b*tch* him out for closing schools and demand for his plan to get the children up to speed for the missed days. I would hate to be him having to deal with irate and irrational parents all the time. All the local schools around the district I live in closed because the roads were not passable and it would be too dangerous for the children. IMO the decision for closure was a good one. It was completely out of his hands as he cannot control the weather. Now people are complaining that the kids missed school because he put their safety first? :noway: Some people are just ridiculous and have nothing better to do than complain. Our superintendent is actually a really good one. He is very involved with the children. He has been known to randomly show up at bus stops in the morning and wish the kids a good day, shows up at school events such as pep rallies and sporting events to cheer the kids on, pops into the schools on a regular basis. He also is first superintendent on LI to publically speak out about common core and held rallies speaking about it. His letter to state representatives went viral. Shortly after many other districts followed suit. It irritates me knowing that people are now complaining about his decision to close schools because the roads were not safe and passable. If he had made the decision to open the schools I am sure the same people would be the first to complain that he put their children in danger. :grumble:

    Helena - How is your mother doing? Did she begin the new treatment yet?

    Kaye - Good for you for walking to your appointment despite the cold!

    thecaravanqueen - Welcome!

    Off to Gilad. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Hello! I am Camille and I just found this board and think it will be en encouragememt to me! So many of you have accomplished so much on this journey and others seem to be right in there with me! Hope to get to know you soon! I would love it if you would add me as your friend!:flowerforyou:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Nettie- My family moved to CT from Maine right before I was born on the 10th of February.

    Susan- I did not make it to Bachi Burger, Amy already had started dinner when I got home. I am going to make it back there soon though.

    Welcome Humbleheart!

    I did a little better on my snacking but tonight I will do better!
    Groundhog Day Challenge 2.72 miles 4 days in a row above 2 miles.

    “Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.” –Grandma Moses

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Helena - I hope you get your Weds wish for your mom - HUGS!

    Kaye - walking to your hairdressers appt. just inspires me. If I did that I would be drenched with sweat and ruin my hairstyle before I got home. I think its great that the people in your town look up to you now - I realize its also a burden on you but you do have the strength to carry it. You're doing this to be an example for your family and its half the town anyway! :laugh:

    thecaravan - welcome and definitely you'll make plenty of friends and you'll get lots of support here. All you have to do is continue to post here with your thoughts!

    Kah - I've been noticing in your postings about your frustration with your weight. I do hope that one of the things the metabolic advisor does is have you reduce your calories - I don't think upping them at this point in time will help. But I do wish you the best when you meet with that person I'm sure you are going to get wonderful advice and your going to want to follow it to a "T".
    It sounds like a wonderful relationship you have with your trainer that he is getting more involved with your weight and is going to follow it there. Best of luck in creating change!

    JNettie - Oh what a scheming wife you are! :glasses: No, not really. I think we are all like that. A person wants to consider ALL the angles in situations like that. Its better he has a car at his disposal rather than waiting that long.
    And I praise that school superintendent too! What whiners some people can be!

    Humbleheart - welcome! Keep coming back and we'll all help you along on your journey. Congrats on your 14 lb loss already!

    Tom - I'm so glad to see you posting more regularly.
    Watch that evening snacking. Don't snack out of the package, OK?
    Congrats on your Groundhog Challenge - your doing so well!

    AFM - I had a hard time with deciding what my Groundhog Day Challenge for February would be. Finally I decided it would be to eat breakfast every morning. So far I am 6 for 6 on that, so I am good with it.
    Had a friend call and say they'll be here by noon to pick me up and go to the grocery store and I have to shower and all that. Better get it in gear.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thursday Truth, have been pretty sick and the last two days of eating were BAD....I lose control when I'm sick. I don't cook and just eat fast food.
    Still can't talk and getting a bit frustrated.
    . We had a foot of snow yesterday...hubby was out snowblowing pretty much all day...he helps out our older neighbours who can't do it Just a normal winter here. Kind of pretty.
    Back on track today...planning my meals...terrified of gaining, so I'm giving it a few days before I stand on the scale.
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! I'm pretty excited to find you!
    I just did the 1 mile wasl with Leslie Sansone. Anyone here walk with Leslie?

    Mel- Glad to know you are feeling a little better and back to your plan! Remember
    to drink your water! :drinker:
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    1 mile Walk!
  • RachelBec
    RachelBec Posts: 52 Member
    Truth Thursday: I fear that I will never succeed in my fitness journey
  • amandafauxpas
    Truth Thursday - I really enjoyed working out the past two nights, despite the calf pain yesterday and the post-exercise jitters so late at night. I don't know if it's because of having a workout buddy, or because I really like this gym, or if I'm finally just at the right place in my life to really make a fitness commitment. I don't actually care what it is because it makes me really happy that I actually *want* to go to the gym. :)

    Thanks for all the low-impact suggestions!
  • Hi all! :flowerforyou:

    I saw your thread, and I wanted to jump on the support train. I suck at introducing myself; I'm the definition of an introvert. I warm up as time goes on and I get to know people. Hope you won't mind me tagging along!

    Thursday Truth: I'm a chronic quitter. I don't quit because I can't do something; I quit because I know that I can, and I end up losing interest. I've battled this trait my whole life, and I don't want it to define me.
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Stick with us Alice! We can do This! Feel free to add me.:flowerforyou:
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Welcome to the new people! That is great that we keep getting new people, it shows what a wonderful group you guys are. I have been logging and keeping under my goal. Today before lunch I have already logged all my meals. I have my lunch I brought to work so that is easy. Going to eat with my kid tonight so sticking to the plan is going to be the deal tonight.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: So my last post on Tuesday I was so happy praising my week, which I should because it was good. Tuesday ended up being WAY over my calories than planned, but I took it in stride and just enjoyed great food with great friends. I went to one of my favorite burger places called Bachi Burger. High end burgers with an Asian flair – so yummy!!! Plus, my friend was in town from OKC and it was so nice to catch up. It was my rest day too after working out 5 days straight so no exercise calories to pull from, but that’s OK too. I’ve been up the past two mornings and worked out so I feel good.

    Yesterday’s protein exceeded my goal – 142 grams – Woo Hoo!!!

    @ Kaye – Thank you my friend. It does feel good to be back in the right mindset and trying to stay my positive self; hoping it spills over to others.

    @ Stephanie – Congrats on the BL competition! I did one a few years ago at work and WON! It was awesome. Most folks were vying for the money, but for me it was just a nice kick start to keep me motivated. Yes, I won $375 and don’t get me wrong it was nice, but I still had 100+ pounds to lose while this skinny as a rail chick only had 5 lbs to lose. WHATEVER!!! LOL!!!

    @ Robin’s Thread – I’m super excited!!! Laurie is coming to Vegas in late March for a conference so we’re going to get together. I can’t wait and thanks Laurie for reaching out. It’s going to be great to spend time face-to-face versus through the Internet. Are you guys jealous??!!

    @ Jtconst – I think so many of us can relate. I try so hard to eat healthy so my son will too. He’s going to be a big guy anyway projected to be around 6’5”, but I still don’t want him to battle like I have for so long. He still has some junk food, but if he has a couple Oreo’s I try to give him a huge bowl of strawberries and blueberries too.

    @ Karen – Nice work out. I always love to watch our exercise progress. While I’m not even close to that speed, it helps me to watch how others accomplish their goals. I know we’re each different, but it gives me ideas and goals to strive for. Also, BIG kudos for by passing the Panda Express. Always a trigger food for me, but with all the sodium, calories, etc. . . it’s a rare treat now. So proud of you!

    @ Manda – Congrats joining the gym! Mine is 24-hours too. While I normally don’t go late, I’m normally there around 4:30 a.m. I love having that flexibility. With your busy schedule though and some of the pain you’re feeling, you definitely want to find low impact exercises. Does the gym have a pool? Do you like to swim? It’s an awesome workout and great for less knee impact. What about yoga? I’m not the most flexible, but normally the instructors are really good at giving beginners different poses.

    @ Hayley – I wish I had a workout partner. Some folks on here prefer to be by themselves, but I like someone to chat with. I do have a MFP friend who we found out we’re only 3 miles from each other. We’ve started meeting up for a walk once a week, which I’m really enjoying. If you guys are on the same page, it will be great having someone to help push you along and you help to motivate too.

    @ L2T – Hugs!!!! You know my funk a few weeks ago. It was not pretty. Do not let it derail you. Pull up those big girl panties and take control. Weather is out of your control so you’ll have to put up with the crappy stuff. As far as Cabo, I know business trips and there is often not a lot of down time. Could you afford to tag on one extra day? While it’s at your own expense, couldn’t you and the hubby just do stuff together away from his co-workers? When he’s in his meetings, wouldn’t you be able to just relax on your own? I know how much you wanted to get away.

    @ Tom – You have my mouth watering now. The flavors are so good at Bachi. Thanks for the recommendation of Monta Chaya. I love going into Chinatown and going to Pho Kim Long – love that place!! I try not to go often, but when I want a noodle bowl or some Pho you can’t beat Spring Mountain. It’s good to find a place closer to home. I’m straight down Windmill a few mores miles. Once you cross Pecos, my subdivision is on the left. We’re not too far then if you’re near Bachi. Small world! Of course, I would love to meet you and your beautiful Amy one day. Perhaps a date to Bachi?? I was there Tuesday around 5:30 and no wait whatsoever. It was great!

    @ Alupinsk – I don’t think OH’s been hit with that much white stuff in awhile. I’ve got a friend whose about to pull her hair out with so many days off of school. She’s in the Dayton area and my best friend lives in Columbus. Her kids are loving it, but she’s ready for them to go back!! Regarding the lifting, there’s many on here who have a lot more experience than me. I know in working with my trainer we do 90 seconds with 5 different exercises and will go through the rep like 4 times. It’s very slow and precise movements, but she works my whole body. She may have me doing a row, but on a stability ball. I’ll do a glute exercise, but holding a weight at the same time. She’s really good about utilizing more than one muscle at a time. Not sure the best advice, but I know that’s how I’m doing it.

    @ Kelly – I haven’t booked excursions yet, but I want to sit down with Cyrus and see what he would like to do too. No drink packages yet either. I don’t drink coffee, but my other vice is soda. I’m sure I’ll get the soda because Cyrus and I will both take advantage I’m sure. So worth it. Also, remind me your dates again? When do you get back into town? I hate to be in your town and miss you. Sorry on the same 5#’s up and down. I can totally relate. Also, loved your post about someone getting healthier because of you. There’s not a better compliment – NICE!!! I’m only weighing once a week. It’s been tough, but I cannot let those little ups and downs get me down anymore. One friend on MFP has lost 173 lbs with more to go. She hasn’t been on a scale in over 4 months. She just knows she’s logging, exercising and feels better. She figured she lost it before it will keep coming off. Inspiring.

    @ Ushkii – Good for you!! The truth is hard to grasp at times, but what a great starting point. You’ve got this!!

    @ Nettie – Congrats on the protein #’s! You’re doing great! Cute story about your parents too. They love us and worry no matter how old we get. My parents will be in Vegas next month for a week. We’re super excited!

    @ Robin – Congrats on the breakfast challenge. A very good one and so important to start your day off right. Proud of you!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: my food log today is going to be ugly. I ate my usual breakfast, but sometime during the morning things kind of started falling apart. I have been munching all day, a taste of this and a bit of that. I'm sure you get the picture. I've made honey oatmeal bread and I'm making a good low-calorie soup to go with it for dinner, so I'm hoping that I can yet salvage the day. It has been snowing lightly all day so Leslie Sansone will be my walking partner today.
    Helena, hugs to you. I hope things go well for your mother.
    Welcome to the newbies. The secret of this group is that we all care about the success of others. If you post often and share your concerns you will get lots of help and support.
    Kah, good luck with your trainer shaking things up. I have been fooling around with same 3-5# since November so I understand your frustration. It will be interesting to see what he has you do.
    JNettie, naysayers make me crazy. Some people just can't be pleased. I often say, "They would argue with dial-a-prayer."
    Tom, good luck with that snack bug. I've sure been struggling with it today.
    Robin, you made me laugh. I didn't get home with a very pretty hairdo because it was too cold to go without my hat. I do have a lot of community support, including family. This morning I had to go to the doctor's office to have blood drawn and the receptionists commented on how much I had lost. One of them said that she had lost 95# and then gained it back. She said that she felt she had worked too hard at it and made it too complicated. Then when she had some family problems and health problems she just gave up because it was too hard. Good luck with your breakfast goal.
    Manda, I'm glad that you are enjoying the gym. Good luck with finding low impact exercise that you enjoy.
    Susan, yes, I am jealous! What fun to spend face time with online friends.
    Here's to a successful rest of the day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! I'm pretty excited to find you!
    I just did the 1 mile wasl with Leslie Sansone. Anyone here walk with Leslie?

    Mel- Glad to know you are feeling a little better and back to your plan! Remember
    to drink your water! :drinker:

    I used to do Leslie Sansone with a friend who lives down in was wonderful and I loved it..My friend arranged classes and led them, everyone did it at a different level.... I think it's a great workout to get your metabolism going and your body moving.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Biggest Loser - too thin? Boy, the conversation boards are blowing up with comments about the Biggest Loser winner. I use to watch it faithfully from day one, but realized how unrealistic the show really was hence reality TV. I haven't watched it the past couple of seasons. In my opinion, I thought she was too thin, but to win $250,000 I guess it was worth it to her. I'm sure there's going to be more discussions positive and negative in the weeks to come.

    BTW, protein goal met today - 142 grams. Woo Hoo!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Thursday and almost Friday, I will be so happy when this week will be over, it has felt extremely long. Tonight I am exhausted and not feeling 100%, so it will be early to bed.

    Like Susan said, I get to head to Las Vegas at the end of the March for a work conference. This was an unexpected surprise that happened yesterday since we were told no one from the county will be attending. Today, my counterpart at the High School will also going. I usually enjoy this conference so that will be good. The bonus is having the opportunity to meet and get together with Susan. Now, I just need to book flights.

    Nettie- Parents complaining about kids home from school or going to school despite the weather. It is a no-win situation, all it takes is one accident where someone gets hurt and they will stop the complaining. I am guessing they are tired of having the kids at home and want them back in school. I would not want the superintendent's job during the winter and having to call school.

    Welcome to all the new people, hope you will come back often and get to know us.

    Exercise plan
    Sunday- gym walk DONE
    Monday- Trainer- core and strength (Done)
    Tuesday- Rest
    Wednesday-Trainer- Cardio and weight plus rock climbing DONE
    Thursday- REST DONE- very sore tonight
    Friday- Rock Climbing
    Saturday- gym or rest (no pool)